American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 915 Fierce Fighting

This punch of the ultimate fusion was a super-light punch, and it was faster than before. Even the Ice Queen had only time to block her hands in front of her body, and was not as able as before.

Then, the super-light fist hit the Ice Queen's arm, and the Ice Queen was knocked out from the front for the first time. It wasn't over yet, the Ice Queen's soul shook and wanted to fly away from her body.

This is Mewtwo's ability.

The Ice Queen's expression changed. Before he could do anything, the ultimate fusion attacked again. His fists were densely packed around him. This was Diana's phantom clone.

The Ice Queen couldn't tell the truth from the false, so she could only teleport. Unexpectedly, the ultimate fusion's fist traveled through space and hit him hard on the face, causing cracks to appear on his delicate face.

The Ice Queen is injured.

"You can actually follow me through space?"

The Ice Queen was horrified, barely parrying the increasingly fierce attacks of the ultimate fusion body. At the same time, she controlled the surrounding heavy snow to gather into a huge snowman, and punched it down like an overwhelming force.

Black energy emitted from the ultimate fusion body and turned into a clone, penetrating the snowman's fist like a rocket and flying to the front of its head.

Then, the clone roared loudly, shining brightly like the sun, and the snowman melted rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The existence of this sun caused the surrounding temperature to begin to recover, and the American army suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. I like the sun. What I like most in my life is the sun.

A clone was created, which had no effect on the ultimate fusion body. It still suppressed the Ice Queen, and the Ice Queen's situation became worse and worse.


Because every punch of the ultimate fusion carried soul-shaking power, the Ice Queen's soul was almost punched out.

Once the soul leaves the body, the Ice Queen will lose. He will never allow such a thing to happen. With a movement in his heart, his body shatters like ice and shoots out in all directions.

Upon seeing this, the Ultimate Fusion ran back in time at super-light speed and continued to beat the Ice Queen inhumanely.

In the eyes of others, as the ultimate fusion ran, time began to flow back around the Ice Queen, and then, the fist of the ultimate fusion hit the Ice Queen hard on the chest.

Suffering heavy blows one after another, the Ice Queen's body was covered with cracks like a porcelain bottle. He was horrified to the extreme. The other party could actually reverse time?

Isn't this too exaggerated? After the fusion of several powerful people below the Demon King, they actually became the top Demon King?

Is that guy named Andrew Wang really a human? Has this kind of technology been invented? Where is the rationality? do you died?

"Long live the superheroes, long live Mr. Wang."

The audience didn't know so much. When they saw the ultimate fusion beating the Ice Queen, they all let out excited shouts. Now, the world was saved.

"Wow, isn't this a bit too powerful?"

Neptune exclaimed: "Mr. Wang's technology can always surprise us."

Iron Man said unhappily: "I finally understand why Andrew didn't let me join the first sequence. I am a mortal, and it is useless to fuse.

That's right, with my level of strength, if it weren't for this reason, there would be no reason to hang out in the second rank. "

Neptune was dissatisfied: "Is it possible that you actually belong to the second sequence? Besides, it feels like you look down on us?"

Iron Man asked: "Am I the kind of arrogant guy who looks down on his comrades?"


All the superheroes nodded at the same time. Iron Man showed his middle finger and concentrated on dealing with the ice demon. As for the Ice Queen, Andrew had already eaten hot pot, so what was there to worry about?

"I will not lose."

The Ice Queen was shocked when she saw the ultimate fusion disappeared again, and an ice scepter appeared out of thin air in her hand.

Then, the ice scepter lit up, and an icy blue circle erupted from the scepter, quickly spreading to the surroundings. Everything in the circle stopped, including the falling snowflakes.

It's time that stops.

In addition, outside the circle, there is a ring of icebergs to prevent others from approaching.

The figure of the ultimate fusion also stopped in front of the Ice Queen. The Ice Queen breathed a sigh of relief and finally had this guy under control.

If he didn't have the Ice Scepter, he would probably be beaten to death by this guy. The super-light speed state is really terrifying, not to mention that the ultimate fusion body has various other abilities.

"It doesn't matter how strong you are, because I am the most powerful."

The Ice Queen said with a ferocious face. Just as he was about to take action, there was a sound of blowing in the distance. He was startled and turned his head hurriedly to find that Andrew was still eating hot pot there.

Pikachu was frozen in time, and Andrew grabbed the contents of its bowl and ate it happily.

The Ice Queen was speechless. Could you please be a human being and even rob pets of their food?

Suddenly, the Ice Queen reacted and asked incredulously: "Why weren't you stopped by time?"

"Because time dare not stop me."

Andrew said: "Ice Queen, now is the time to hire people, so there are two choices.

The first one signed a contract with me and became my magical girl, uh, wrong, he joined my army, and the other one died. "

Because time stopped, the live camera also stopped, and the audience could not hear Andrew's words.

"Surrender? Are you worthy?"

The Ice Queen sneered and said: "I don't know why you are not affected, but I will definitely win this battle. Your ultimate fusion will die in my hands."

"I gave you the opportunity. It's your choice."

Andrew said lightly: "It's a pity to say that you don't have the chance to know what a big opportunity you missed.

If, uh, I mean if, if, in the future, I pulled you over when you were dying and explained to you in detail what you missed, wouldn't it be a bit cruel? "

"Pull people from the past, do you think you are God? I will not regret my choice, because I don't need to regret it."

The Ice Queen snorted coldly, waved her scepter, and hit the ultimate fusion body hard. The ultimate fusion body disappeared on the spot like water ripples.

"How can it be?"

The Ice Queen's expression changed drastically. At this moment, a figure appeared behind him, and the Vulcan Sword 'slowly' pierced his back.

This slowness is not really slow, it is almost the same as Superman's usual speed. The reason why it is described as slow is to compare with the super light punch.

The Ice Queen sensed the danger and immediately teleported far away. Then, she turned around and saw the ultimate fusion with a disappointed look on her face. She shouted in disbelief: "Why can you move too?"

It doesn't matter if Andrew Wang can move, that guy can tell at a glance that he is not a normal person, and anything abnormal about him is completely normal.

But why can the ultimate fusion body move? This unscientific.

"Because I knew from the beginning that you would stop time."

The ultimate fusion didn't mind delaying time, he said: "Therefore, as soon as I saw your scepter, I ran over to it, and then gradually adapted to your time stopping."

Although the Ultimate Fusion has adapted a lot, the time stop was too powerful, and the Ultimate Fusion's current speed is about the same as Superman's.

"The trump card that was known is no longer the trump card."

"So I have hundreds of cards and I don't use them lightly," Andrew said.

Whether it's the Ultimate Fusion or the Ice Queen, they all look speechless. There are hundreds of cards. Do you open a card shop?

"Even you can't completely escape the time stop."

The Ice Queen quickly approached the ultimate fusion body, and the scepter slammed down like an iceberg. She could still deal with a superman.

The ultimate fusion smiled slightly and entered the virtual state. The scepter passed over his body and fell heavily to the ground.

Then, the ultimate fusion looked at the Ice Queen, her eyes bloomed with purple light, and the Ice Queen's consciousness blurred. Who am I, where am I, and what am I doing?

Even the Ice Queen is affected by Mewtwo's amnesia, which of course only lasts for one or two breaths.

The ultimate fusion took the opportunity to hide aside, its eyes lit up red, and two bowl-sized heat rays blasted towards the ice scepter.

The Ice Queen woke up and immediately prepared to take back the scepter. At this moment, a figure suddenly grew in size and released its power towards the Ice Queen. The Ice Queen's time slowed down and all movements became slow motion.

Why is this happening?

Of course, it was because of the ability of the supernatural armor. Before the ultimate fusion took action, it quietly broke the freezing aura on the supernatural armor, and then used Pym particles to shrink the supernatural armor and send it into the quantum world.

In the quantum world, unaffected by the stoppage of time, the supernatural armor has been waiting for an opportunity, and now is the opportunity.

The supernatural armor cannot resist the stop of time, but it can release its ability at the moment it becomes larger. As soon as it is released, its time is stopped.

The Ice Queen can break the magic of slowing down time in an instant. The problem is that the ultimate fusion requires this instant.

Two heat rays hit the ice scepter at the same time. The ice scepter was damaged. Although there was no damage, time stopped suddenly and everything returned to normal.


The Ice Queen looked extremely sad. She didn't expect that even stopping time would not be able to deal with the ultimate fusion.

"Ice Queen, I'm sorry, you are going to lose."

The ultimate fusion wasted no time and attacked the Ice Queen again.

"I will not lose, Narnia, give me strength."

The Ice Queen shouted, and a force poured into his body from Narnia. His injuries quickly recovered. At the same time, his aura increased crazily, even blocking the ultra-light speed punch of the ultimate fusion body.

"I don't believe it. You can fight a demon king and an entire world?"

The Ice Queen roared, and the terrifying cold air affected time and space. Even the ultimate fusion could no longer easily attack her.

What's worse is that the Ice Queen's momentum is still rising. She doesn't care what happens to Narnia and is frantically draining Narnia's power. Anyway, as long as she can win.

In Narnia, the whole world was shaking. Constantine was holding a cigarette and said: "Oops, the Ice Queen has begun to extract the power of the world."

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