American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 907 All-out war

"Alice, can the teleporter prevent the coming of the Ice Queen?"

Diana hurriedly asked Alice, and Alice replied: "They have been plotting for a long time, and the teleporter cannot stop them. The only thing the teleporter can do is to create a small space between the worlds.

The devil cannot enter the earth until he breaks through the small space, just like last time. "

"Immediately create small spaces and we intercept them in small spaces."

Diana shouted, others nodded, and Alice said, "It's already gathering energy."

At this time, the vibration gradually subsided. This was not because the Ice Queen failed to arrive, but because the teleporter absorbed all the leaked space fluctuations.

In fact, the world of Narnia is completely connected to the earth.

In the desert outside the American Casino, a huge space light beam fell from the sky, and then, a mirror space quickly took shape.

This is a new function of the teleporter that has been recently upgraded, mirror space. The principle is based on Kama Taj's mirror magic.

The Ice Queen sensed this scene and sneered: "Humans are struggling to their death."

"Queen, we will help them."

The green-headed ice wizard on the left of the Ice Queen said, there is no doubt that he is the incarnation of the evil god.

Although they lost before, the evil god incarnation didn't care, because in a head-on battle, they would definitely win. The Earth couldn't stop the Ice Queen alone, not to mention that now there was an extra Aslan.

The black lion Aslan stood on the right side of the Ice Queen and said: "No matter how hard they struggle, they are destined to perish. This is their fate."

"I like these two sentences from you."

The Ice Queen laughed, and a large number of Narnia warriors and ice demons passed through the space channel and descended into the mirror space.

The strange phenomena in the earth and sky made people run towards shelters and buildings immediately. As for panic, there was definitely a little bit of panic, but it was not too serious.

Are you kidding me? What kind of disaster have we, the Earthlings, never seen? The kind of guy who makes such a fuss has been scared to death in the past, and those who survived are even less courageous.

While escaping, the people skillfully turned on Kuaishou, and sure enough, Mr. Wang started live streaming again.

"Unfortunately, disaster has come again. What's even more unfortunate is that this disaster is related to hell. Let me criticize Lucifer, the Lord of Hell, by name. This guy doesn't know where he went to be happy. Demon kings come to the earth every day to cause trouble. "

Andrew said: "Let's not talk about this for now. Players of the Dream Game, gather immediately. There will be a large-scale war between world and world.

As for other people, hide. We in the Justice League cannot guarantee that we will be able to defeat the enemy, but if they want to touch you, they will definitely step on our bodies. "

After speaking, Andrew moved the screen to a small space. Looking at more and more Narnia warriors and ice demons, the people couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

From Mr. Wang's tone, we can tell that this disaster is more terrifying than before.

In the Light Bar, a group of drinkers yelled curses, cursing both the devil and Lucifer. In fact, they didn't know Lucifer well, but since Mr. Wang scolded him, they also scolded him.

Lucifer smiled awkwardly, facing Gabriel's sneer eyes, and prepared to go to war. Who said I ran away to be happy? I am also working hard to save the world, okay?

At the Houston base, as several white lights flashed, Diana and others were all teleported to the mirror space.

"Just a few of us?"

Constantine looked at the dark crowd opposite, then looked at the two or three big cats and kittens on his side, and couldn't help but said: "Well, I think I am more suitable for commanding in the battle fortress. I am a commanding talent."

"You are a scumbag talent."

The raven complained, and Diana asked Andrew: "Andrew, has the space crisis not been resolved yet?"

"Not yet."

A ray of light fell from space and turned into Andrew with Pikachu standing on his shoulders. He said: "The chase is still going on, now it depends on the choice of King Misstar.

If he chooses to come to the Battle Fortress, there will be some trouble, but it will only be a little trouble. I have ways to deal with those forces.

Let’s not talk about this for now, let’s deal with the Ice Queen first. This one is not an easy one. "

Diana looked at Andrew with disgust. This expression on your face is so exaggerated. No matter how simple it is, how can it be even more simple than you?

While Andrew was speaking, a huge white light fell around him. When the white light disappeared, Superman, Hancock, Iron Man and other superheroes all appeared.

Andrew transferred all the superheroes of the Battle Fortress here. Now the Battle Fortress is staffed by Alice and MIB agents, and even the super-powered armors are teleported to the battlefield.

In addition, Mewtwo also came, but it was the only one, and other Pokémon did not come to join the battle.

The audience cheered when they saw the superheroes appear, but their faces were solemn. The superheroes came together so much. This time, it was not easy.

Then, other people from the Justice Society, as well as some magicians and agents from the Sky Eye Society, also teleported over one after another.

In addition to these people, there were also the military's exoskeleton corps, armed robot corps, and some secret weapons. General Calvin even came to the scene to command.

This time it's world against world, a big war.

In addition, there is no doubt that the military has also brought in nuclear bombs. The American military is determined to release nuclear bombs when trouble arises. One nuclear bomb is not enough for two.

At the same time, in the dream game, a large number of combat players were selected and teleported to a small space to form a player square.

At the front of the players' square are the white-robed Anoke and the three-second man Lucifer - Lucifer spends gold coins to adjust his position. To put it simply, taking advantage of the camera is similar to those who take advantage of the red carpet.

"I don't believe that I will have problems this time. I will definitely become a superstar."

Lucifer secretly thought, it is obvious that this lord of hell is extremely dishonest.

James looked at Lucifer and reminded him very kindly: "Have you checked the durability of the equipment? The last time you had a problem, it should be that the equipment was not durable enough."

"Don't worry, nothing will go wrong this time."

Lucifer vowed: "I will lead you to win this war."

There was a burst of booing from the side. James is recognized as the leader of the players. As for Lucifer, he is just a comedian. Well, a very handsome comedian, but no matter how handsome a comedian is, he is still a comedian.

Soon, people from the Earth camp were almost here. At this moment, three rays of light fell from the opposite camp. They were the Ice Queen, Aslan, and the incarnation of the evil god.

"I am the Ice Queen from Hell."

The Ice Queen looked at the Earth army opposite and said: "I will now kindly give you a chance to surrender to me, and I will let you go and let you be reincarnated into demons.

If you don't surrender, you will die like the rest of humanity. "

While the Ice Queen was speaking, heavy snow fell in the mirror space, and at the same time, the temperature plummeted. You know, this is the mirror space of the desert.

From this alone, we know how terrifying the Ice Queen is. People look at the superheroes and keep praying that they can win.

"Ice Queen, I also kindly give you a chance to leave the earth now and return those missing people."

Andrew said coldly: "Otherwise, you will perish here, and Lucifer will not be able to save you, I said so."

Lucifer rolled his eyes, it's none of my business?

"What an arrogant human being."

The Ice Queen raised her head high and said: "Since you don't know whether to live or die, then I will help you. Aslan, Mask of the Evil God, charge."

"Yes, Queen."

Aslan roared and led the major races in Narnia, such as centaurs, tauren, dwarves, etc. to charge, and a dense army of griffons appeared in the sky.

At the same time, some elephants carrying big drums beat the war drums vigorously, forming a unique charge BGM.

"Let's play a big prank."

The evil god's incarnation chuckled and led countless ice demons to charge, causing the entire earth to shake.

"You have a really bad temper."

Andrew snorted coldly and commanded: "Diana, Superman, Mary, Hancock, The Flash, Fiora, Black Adam, Shazam, Mewtwo, Super Armor, you go and deal with the Ice Queen, at least , to hold Him back.

Iron Man, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Cyborg, Sonic Team, Justice Society, go deal with that black lion, don't be careless, it is a god, and its strength is not bad at all.

Batman, you lead the remaining superheroes, as well as Constantine, Zatanna, Raven, Barbara, and Poison Ivy to deal with the evil incarnation and solve it as soon as possible.

General Calvin, you are dealing with an army from another world. Although they are magical creatures, they have no magic power in their bodies. They can be solved with the torrent of steel.

White-robed Arnock, you lead an army of players to deal with the Ice Demon Legion. They are very powerful, so don't be careless. "

"No problem, it's just the Demon King. It's not like I haven't beaten him before."

Diana didn't waste any time and led a group of top superheroes to rush towards the Ice Queen.

As Shazam charged, he swallowed in horror. Why was he in this top lineup? Is it okay to still be a child?

"You actually put me in the second sequence?"

Iron Man curled his lips in displeasure, turned on the speaker, played a war song, and led Aquaman and others to rush towards Aslan, followed closely by the Justice Society.

"This time, you don't have to worry about anything, just be a good superhero."

Doctor Fate said, Atom Smasher and Cyclone nodded at the same time, they prefer purity to those complicated relationships.

Eagle Man shook his head. There was no need to argue at this moment. The most important thing now was to defeat the enemy.

"This time, we'll deal with that green-headed guy once and for all."

Batman led everyone towards the incarnation of the evil god. Although Constantine was reluctant, he still followed.

As for the God of Lies, well, He didn’t show up at all. Andrew is here, how dare He show up?


White-robed James didn't waste any time. He raised his glowing staff and charged towards the demon army, followed by countless players.

It was right to charge with the mage, and Lucifer followed closely behind, preparing a set of gorgeous ultimate moves.

"We are soldiers, we have our pride and glory, and we must not be outcompeted by a group of players."

General Calvin shouted loudly to the soldiers, who roared in unison and controlled the exoskeleton armor to rush towards the alien army.

The agents of the Sky Eye Society followed closely behind, and as for the magicians, they used flight skills to fly into the sky to deal with the griffins.

Although Narnia's army is all magical creatures, because the White Witch has been weakening them, their strength is not strong. For example, few of them can cast magic.

However, this does not mean that they are easy to deal with. For example, creatures such as rat swordsmen are very restrained by the exoskeleton mechanical army because they are too small and too flexible.

In addition, the Narnia army also has a trump card, which is a group of projections of the Ice Queen, the White Witch.

Yes, it's a group. In order to act, the Ice Queen used magic power to create a large number of projections. Although these projections were average in strength, they were still considered strong against the human army.

Soon, all parties began to fight, and the small space was filled with shouts of death and screams. The audience watched with excitement and at the same time, full of tension.

Over the past few years, many disasters have occurred, but most of them were a few villains running out to cause trouble. There were very few world wars like this.

In a small space, the number of enemies and ourselves exceeds 100,000, which can be called a battle. Even the live broadcast of Kuai Dou had to create nine screens to let the audience choose which one to watch.

Among them, the superheroes besieging the Ice Queen and the player army fighting the ice demon are two popular ones. The former is the key to this war. As for the latter, the audience has a clearer sense of immersion in the player army. After all, they are ordinary people. .

"I only regret that I am not strong enough to join this war."

Many dream players thought in annoyance that Andrew did not materialize for players who were too weak in combat. After all, the colorful light was limited and could not be wasted casually.

"Illumination, artificial sun."

James, who was at the front, shouted loudly, and a ball of light flew into the sky, getting bigger and bigger, blasting towards the ice demons like a sun, and the surrounding temperature rose sharply.

The ice demons did not dare to neglect. A group of demon mages cast their magic together, and the surrounding heavy snow flew towards the artificial sun at the same time, trying to freeze it.

Unfortunately, all these heavy snows were melted by the terrifying temperature of the artificial sun. Then, the artificial sun suddenly accelerated, fell on the demon army and exploded. The entire small space was filled with white light, and countless people covered their eyes and screamed.

In the dazzling white light, countless ice demons were vaporized. When the light disappeared, half of the ice demons were missing, leaving a blank gap that was very conspicuous.

At the same time, a large number of ice demons were burned by the high temperature, their bodies were deformed, and they looked extremely miserable.

On the contrary, the colored glaze on the ground is very dazzling, as if to declare the power of the artificial sun.

Both the other players and the audience in front of the screen were stunned. Isn't this amazing? It's simply a strategic weapon. The original Gandalf wasn't that powerful, right?

The original Gandalf only knew magic, but James, who knew both magic and technology, was a super talent similar to Doom.

In fact, James is fully qualified to join the Justice League, but he prefers to develop games. After all, he is a social terrorist.

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