Therefore, no matter how hard those big forces search, they can't find any clues about the invisible man.

In anger, those powerful forces dug out the black marketeers' brains and looked for clues through their memories to see if the black marketeers were lying to them.

The black marketeer who thought he could make a fortune was like this, with only his brain floating in the nutrient solution.

There was no way around it. The benefits of transforming beasts and pearls were too great. From the moment he decided to sell the news, he was destined to die.

Even if the brain is dug out, there are still no clues about the invisible man, so all major forces can only focus on the false star man.

Although the Muxing people took a lot of precautions, their technology was too poor, and they were quickly discovered by the big forces, and then, of course, they were hunted down.

Fortunately, the Mysterians have pearls and can fly at super-light speeds continuously, so they have not been caught up yet, but the situation is not good.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or something else, but the escape direction of the Missing Star spacecraft is exactly the solar system.

"These people are really hateful. We just want to live peacefully. Why are they chasing us so hard?"

King Muxing cursed bitterly, and so did the others, full of grief and anger. They had always been indifferent to the world, and as a result, tragedies kept finding them.

"The benefits of transforming beasts and pearls are too great."

Prince Miuxing sighed and said: "Father, given the current situation, even if we hand over the transformation beast and the pearl, they will not let us go."

"This is the last transformed beast. It must not be handed over, and the same cannot be said for the pearl."

King Miuxing shook his head and said: "Keep running, maybe a miracle will happen."

The people did not object. The Muxing people were kind-hearted and at the same time, they were also very persistent.

Prince Miusing remembered the statue that Andrew had given him before, hesitated for a moment, and told the king about it.

King Miuxing thought for a moment and said, "We'll wait until we are at the end of the road. We won't use it for now. That statue doesn't give me a good feeling."

Prince Miaoxing did not object because he also felt that the statue had a negative aura.

After taking two steps back and forth, King Miuxing gritted his teeth and said: "Follow the drawings and create star-destroying weapons. We will not actively harm others, but we will never wait to die."

The people nodded one after another. There was a blueprint for a star-destroying weapon on the spaceship, but the peace-loving Starlanders had never planned to realize it, but now, they must get it out.

As for the energy to activate the star-killing weapon, they have it, those pearls.

"What a keen intuition, but you still have to pray to me after all. This is your only way to survive."

The Death clone had a consciousness attached to the statue. He heard the conversation between the prince and the king and secretly shook his head.

"Wait slowly, don't be in a hurry, don't be afraid of being late if you have a good meal. These souls are very valuable. When they die, they can even travel through time and space."

The God of Death clone secretly thought that during this period, he had not done anything and had been quietly studying the souls of the Misstars.

How should I put it, these souls are more surprising than expected. If they can conquer the Star Misfits, his strength will be much stronger.

Earth, Los Angeles.

A dozen drinkers had just finished their drinks and walked out of the Light Bar. They were both men and women, and most of them were wearing suits. They were obviously office workers who came to the bar after get off work to party.

"That three-second man Lucifer is as handsome as the legend says, and he's also very humorous."

One man said: "That bartender was so annoying that he secretly mocked us. He will never come to this bar again."

"Not secretly, but mocking us in front of our faces."

Another person said: "I thought the service attitude of such an Internet celebrity store would be good, but I didn't expect it to be so bad. It deserves its poor business."

"If you don't talk about this, just take a taxi back, wash up and go to bed, and download the dungeon together at night."

A man with glasses couldn't wait to say: "I must swipe out the staff of sorrow tonight and get it. Next time there is a disaster, I might be able to save the world with the superheroes."

Everyone was a little excited when they heard this. At this moment, a female white-collar worker suddenly said: "Counting the time, it seems that disaster is coming soon?"

Everyone who was originally excited suddenly fell silent, and then they all sighed, why can't this damn disaster be calmed down?

Everyone was about to separate when the man with glasses noticed that a door in the alley was glowing and asked in surprise: "Am I drunk? That door seems to be glowing?"

"You must be drunk. How can there be a light-up door? It's not a game. Uh, I seem to be drunk too."

"Me too."

"I didn't drink, why am I drunk?"

A group of people looked at the glowing door in the alley and were stunned. The man with glasses said: "Things are a bit weird. Let's call the police."

"Okay, call the police."

Everyone nodded. If this happened before the disaster, everyone might go in to check. There is a reason why there are so many foreigners.

But today, after experiencing so many disasters, everyone’s first thought when seeing something strange like this is always to call the police.

Foreigners' tendency to seek death was cured by disasters.

At this moment, the light from the door became intense. Everyone looked at the glowing door, their eyes gradually blurred, and then they walked towards the door in a daze.

When they reached the door, the man with glasses opened the door and was the first to walk in, followed by others. The corridor behind the door was extremely long. After walking for two minutes, they suddenly entered a winter forest, and the cold air made them shiver.

Because of the cold, everyone woke up and were shocked. Why did they get in?

Also, where is this place? It's March. Where does the snow come from in Los Angeles?

Everyone turned around hurriedly, only to find that the road they came from had disappeared. Several people quickly took out their mobile phones, but unfortunately, there was no signal.

"It's terrible now, what should I do?"

Several women shouted in horror, and the man with glasses hurriedly said: "Don't panic, the most important thing is to stay calm when encountering something like this. Let's search the area first to see if there are any clues.

Well, don't act alone. In horror movies, people who act alone die. "

Everyone wanted to laugh, but couldn't because they were in a horror movie now.

At this moment, a figure walked out of the woods. Everyone was shocked when they saw it, and so was the figure. Both sides looked at each other warily.

The upper part of this figure is human, but it has a lot of hair. The lower part looks like a sheep. He is a half-goat in this world.

"Isn't this the earth?"

A female white-collar worker swallowed her saliva. Everyone looked ugly. The man with glasses took a deep breath and asked cautiously: "Hey, we are not bad people. Can we have a chat?"

"Are you human? Sons of Adam and daughters of Eve?"

What did the Goat think of and asked in shock. Everyone was stunned. According to Western legends, Adam and Eve are the ancestors of mankind. In this case, they are indeed the sons of Adam and the daughters of Eve.

Then, the two sides began to contact each other. From the half-goat population, this group of people learned a lot of information. For example, this was the world of Narnia, and everyone was ruled by the White Witch.

"You are the prophesied savior."

The satyr shouted excitedly: "You will defeat the White Witch, save our world, and bring us spring."


Everyone was a little confused, are we the savior? We are just a group of ordinary office workers. Shouldn't this kind of thing happen to high school students?

We people are obviously overage, okay?

The man with glasses asked: "Wait a minute, what's the point of bringing spring? And what's the prophecy?"

"The world of Narnia originally had four seasons, but since the White Witch ruled the world, the world has become only winter, not even sunny days."

The Goat said: "As for the prophecy, it came from Aslan. It tells us that when the Son of Adam and the Daughter of Eve arrive, the White Witch will be defeated and the world will revive."

"Isn't this a bit too fairy tale? Besides, we may not be the people in the prophecy."

The female white-collar worker shook her head: "Well, can we go to a warmer place to talk? It's too cold."

Everyone nodded. It was March in the United States and the weather was very warm. Several female white-collar workers even wore short skirts, and the cold wind kept blowing from below.

At this moment, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed, the sun shone on the snow, and everyone who had been shivering suddenly felt a strong warmth.

Everyone was a little shocked. Didn't it mean that there was no sunny day? Why did the sun suddenly come out?

"You are indeed the savior."

The satyr was so excited that he even knelt down to everyone. Everyone looked at each other. What is going on?

There was no way to go back now, so everyone could only follow the satyr to his house. Unexpectedly, a group of snow wolves suddenly rushed towards them halfway.

"Run away, these are the White Witch's snow wolves, they must have discovered you."

The satyr shouted, and everyone hurriedly turned around and ran away. No matter whether the savior was true or not, it was a fact that wolves can eat people, so they must run away.

In the end, a group of people were blocked by wolves above the waterfall, and the waterfall and river were all frozen.

Everyone's hearts were sinking. They were just office workers, how could they fight against the wolves?

"You are the saviors. There will definitely be a way to survive. There will be a way."

The satyr shouted, and at this moment, the leading snow wolf said: "Don't listen to that satyr's nonsense, the white witch is the savior of our world, the son of Adam, the daughter of Eve, the white witch invites you to go to her Gathering at the castle."

"Can wolves talk?"

Everyone was very surprised. At this time, there was movement from the direction of the waterfall. Everyone turned their heads and saw that the waterfall and the river were thawing rapidly, which was completely unscientific.

Looking at this miraculous scene, the satyr said excitedly: "I knew there was a way to survive. Everyone, jump down quickly."

Everyone looked at each other in shock. Seeing that they were about to jump into the river, the snow wolves rushed towards them.

"Jump quickly."

The satyr shouted as he jumped down.

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