American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 89 Space Gem

Andrew opened the box, and a blue cube shone inside. It was the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. He grabbed it from the air, and the space gem flew out of the Rubik's Cube and landed on his left hand.

The Red Devil was a little surprised. There was actually a gem in the Rubik's Cube? I'm afraid even SHIELD doesn't know about this, right?

At this time, a large amount of space energy turned into blue lightning and poured into Andrew's body. The surrounding void was distorted. Andrew let out a low roar and called on the power of the devil to suppress the space gem.

Soon, the space energy disappeared, and the space gem merged into Andrew's palm, officially becoming his treasure.

"It seems that the compatibility between me and the space gem is very high, and the space gem does not reject me."

Andrew was a little excited. The space gem was the top treasure, enough to close the gap between him and the veteran lords. In other words, he was now on the same level as Mephisto.

Thinking of something, Andrew looked up into the void. Ancient One did not stop him and allowed him to get the space gem. It seemed that Ancient One did not have any ill intentions towards him.

What does it mean to get the space gem? Means two things.

First, even if the earth explodes, Rebirth Hell will not be affected, because the space gem is enough to protect Rebirth Hell.

Second, even if there is a problem in the little hell, Andrew can come and go freely on the earth, and Kama Taj's formation cannot stop the space gem.

"What did Ancient One see in the future to indulge me like this?"

Andrew shook his head. No matter what Gu Yi thought, it was definitely right to improve his strength. When he became the Lord of Hell, he no longer had to worry about anyone.

"Asazo, well done, you deserve a reward."

Andrew clicked his fingers, and a burst of space energy rushed into the red devil's body. The red devil let out a loud roar, and his eyes glowed blue.

Immediately afterwards, the Red Devil teleported crazily in the hall. Because the speed was too fast, many afterimages were even formed. His teleportation speed was several times faster than before.

"I can't bear this little energy."

Andrew shook his head, too lazy to pay attention to the red devil. His big hand shook, and a ball of space energy formed a glowing counterfeit space gem.

Then, Andrew sent the counterfeit gem back to the Cosmic Cube. With this counterfeit, the function of the Cosmic Cube will not be affected. Energy weapons can still be made, and interstellar portals can still be opened.

In other words, the drama of aliens invading New York will not be affected, but when the energy is used up, the Cosmic Cube will disappear.

"It's just a fish's eyes, hiding the truth from the truth."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. As for whether someone would be tricked by a copycat Universe Rubik's Cube, it was none of his business?

At this time, the Red Devil stopped in front of Andrew and said with great gratitude: "Thank you BOSS."

"You're welcome, work hard and you will become stronger in the future."

Andrew sent the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to the Red Devil and said, "Return to Earth and return the Rubik's Cube to SHIELD."

The Red Devil was stunned: "Give it back to SHIELD?"

"What's the problem? I borrowed and returned it, sir."

Andrew said, the Red Devil did not dare to ask any more questions, and took the Cosmic Cube out of Rebirth Hell and teleported to SHIELD headquarters.

After the Red Devil left, Andrew sat on the throne and carefully analyzed the space gem in his palm in order to completely master the rules of space.

Only by mastering the rules of space can the power of space gems be truly unleashed. It can not only be used for teleportation and teleportation. You must know that Captain Marvel was also created by space gems.

At the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, the Red Devil appeared out of thin air. Nick Fury was stunned for a moment, then roared at him: "Red Devil, where did you go just now?"

It took several minutes for the Red Devil to disappear and then reappear. During these minutes, Nick Fury almost went crazy because he thought the Red Devil had run away with the Cosmic Cube.

"Go and recharge, look at my eyes, aren't you cool?"

The Red Devil pointed at his glowing eyes and said excitedly. Nick Fury looked into his eyes and said in astonishment: "Don't tell me that you borrowed the Rubik's Cube just to give yourself a pair of eyes that will blind others?"

"I don't know what I'm doing, but I've evolved, do you understand?"

The red devil smiled disdainfully. He put the box on the table and said, "I'll give you back the Rubik's Cube. Don't always think the worst of people. Although I look like a devil, I'm not as shameless as you."

Nick Fury opened the box immediately and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the Cosmic Cube was still inside.

The red devil sneered and turned to Professor Charles: "Professor, I will take you to the space station. Now I can even go to the moon, let alone the space station."

"No wonder you want the Tesseract."

Professor Charles suddenly understood and said: "Take me to the space station. It's time for this farce to end."

"Wait, take Agent Patton with you."

Nick Fury hurriedly shouted that he would not feel at ease without his own people.

Barton came over with a bow and nodded to Professor Charles. Professor Charles did not object. Then, the Red Devil took the two of them and teleported to the space station at the same time.

At the space station, Dr. Reed couldn't wait to ask Mystique: "Mystique, can I start doing experiments?"

Mystique was a little speechless. She had never encountered such a persistent researcher. Even Susan couldn't help but look at Dr. Reed a few more times.

These glances made Dr. Reed more confident in his judgment. As long as this experiment was successful, Susan would come back to him.

Not only for the whole world, but also for my own woman.

"Okay, you go do the experiment."

Before Mystique finished speaking, three people appeared out of thin air along with the red mist. When Mystique saw the shining bald head, she immediately knew something was wrong and immediately wanted to activate the space-based weapon - the controller of the space-based weapon was in her On the body, it can be controlled by voice.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Following a mental wave, all the mutants present, including the assassin Sloan, all lost control of their bodies.

As soon as Barton saw Mystique, he immediately raised his longbow and prepared to shoot. Professor Charles shouted: "Agent Barton, she is no longer a threat."

"It better be so."

Barton glanced at Mystique, who was unable to move, and said, "Red Devil, take Mystique and the others back to SHIELD headquarters."

"Let's talk after a rest."

The Red Devil said, in fact, he doesn't really need to rest, he is just unhappy with Barton's attitude. I am an outstanding employee who has been praised by the Devil himself. Why are you, an agent, dragging me down?

Barton frowned, but there was nothing he could do about the Red Devil. He thought for a while, walked up to Mystique and snatched the controller away. Then, he reported the matter to Nick Fury,

Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief and said to the people at the World Security Council: "It's solved, SHIELD will not let you down."

"Thank God you're finally here."

Seeing Professor Charles and Agent Patton, Tony breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I want to ask, has my kidnapping been reported?"

"This is what you care about most?"

Barton complained, and he said: "Don't worry, it has been reported. The headline is that Tony Stark has been kidnapped again."

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