American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 887 Devastated

Facing the thunder that seemed to destroy the world, Howard hurriedly dematerialized, but was disturbed by the strong magnetic field around him. He gritted his teeth and controlled the power of space to form a circular defensive shield to protect himself.

The defensive shield formed by the power of space does not resist the thunder directly, but transfers the thunder to other spaces. Therefore, even the thunder in the sky cannot attack Howard.

While Howard was frantically condensing the ball of light in front of him, he shouted loudly: "Mr. Wang, you can't stop me, because I am the right one."

"Actually, these thunders are just to distract you. This battle has gone on for too long. It's time to end."

Andrew's majestic voice sounded from the sky. Howard raised his head and saw that all the dark clouds had dissipated. Andrew was floating in the air, thunder flashed around him, and a magnetic field that distorted the space emerged around him.

The magnetic field is invisible, but it distorts space so that others can see circles of magnetic field surrounding Andrew.

"Thor's Hammer, Railgun."

Andrew didn't waste any time and activated the electromagnetic gun. Under the crazy acceleration of the magnetic field, the thunder hammer directly penetrated the space, appeared above Howard's head, and crashed down with infinite thunder.

Howard couldn't even scream. He was directly hit by Mjolnir and hit the ground, sinking downwards.

Because the impact of Thor's hammer was so strong, the ground shook wildly, and bottomless cracks appeared one after another. At the same time, the surrounding high-rise buildings collapsed like building blocks.

There were still many people (in Pokémon form) remaining in the surrounding buildings, and they couldn't help but scream in despair.

Not only were the people in this area, but also several superheroes. Diana's expression changed drastically. How many people were going to die? How could Andrew be so unscrupulous?

At this moment, along with a ray of light in space, all the superheroes and people in the area were teleported to a safe place outside the city.

This is a new function of the teleporter. It is created based on a certain magic of Kama Taj. It can transfer all humans in the area, including those in the building.

Although Andrew is not a good person, he is not willing to sacrifice a large number of innocent people in order to win.

Seeing that everyone was fine, Diana breathed a sigh of relief, and she thought to herself: "Although Andrew is God, he is still full of humanity."

"Mr. Wang is really scary. Howard's biggest mistake was that he shouldn't have merged him with Pikachu."

The superheroes were amazed. Although they didn't know the truth, they vaguely guessed what restrictions Mr. Wang had on his actions. This time, it was Howard who gave Mr. Wang a chance.

Batman silently raised Andrew's danger level in his mind. This guy's true identity was definitely an exaggeration.

The kind that would make everyone stunned as soon as it was announced.

The city center of Lyme has been reduced to ruins, with a huge crater with a diameter of hundreds of meters in the middle. Howard was seriously injured and lay weakly in the crater, with a Thor's hammer on his chest.

Andrew flew down from the sky and said to Howard: "The victory has been decided, and everything should be over."

"I didn't lose, and I can't lose. I want to lead mankind and become a perfect race."

Howard struggled wildly, trying to get up, but he was pressed by Mjolnir and couldn't get up at all.

Howard tried to use virtualization. At this moment, an electric light appeared on Thor's hammer. Howard was convulsed by the electricity and could not use virtualization at all.

"Why don't you understand that no one wants to become a Pokémon? And Pokémon doesn't want to be replaced."

Andrew was too lazy to talk nonsense, stretched out his claws, and grabbed the mysterious fossil on Howard's chest.

Howard was unwilling to fail, gritted his teeth, activated Mewtwo's ability, and forcibly fused with Pikachu. He wanted to suppress Andrew's soul and reverse the situation of the battle.

And then, uh, then nothing happened. As soon as Howard's soul saw Andrew's soul, it was immediately wiped out, leaving no trace behind.

"This is the first time I've seen someone so eager to die. Isn't it good to be alive?"

Andrew complained that not even the consciousness of the universe could suppress his soul, let alone a mere Howard.

Although Howard died, Mewtwo still merged with Pikachu. Of course, both Mewtwo's soul and Pikachu's soul were suppressed by Andrew's soul.

"That's easy."

Andrew smiled and controlled Mewtwo's body to fly into the sky. Then, he clapped his hands, and a white light swept across the entire Lyme City, and all the humans and Pokémon merged together returned to normal.

"Finally recovered."

Shazam looked at his hands and breathed a sigh of relief. The same was true for other superheroes. Being trapped in a Pokémon body and losing all power felt terrible.

Black Adam asked in confusion: "What's the situation? Why did Mewtwo help us release the fusion state?"

"Howard is dead. You guys deal with the affairs in the city, and I'll deal with the situation in the small space."

Andrew said, and the superheroes were delighted when they heard this and nodded: "No problem, leave it to us."

"Mr. Wang won? Long live Mr. Wang."

The audience cheered. Sure enough, Mr. Wang was as trustworthy as ever.

This disaster is almost over. That damn Howard deserves to suffer the consequences.

After Andrew finished explaining, he turned around and flew into the small space. The battle here was extremely fierce, and many players died in the battle. There was no way, there were more and more Pokémon, and the players gradually couldn't resist it.

The situation of the superheroes was relatively better, but only slightly, and they failed to suppress the Pokémon.

"That's the end of it."

Andrew released a large amount of white mist, and those Pokémon absorbed the white mist, and their eyes quickly returned to normal.

This white mist is the antidote to R gas. Howard has been placing it on Mewtwo. Andrew spent a few seconds analyzing and copying it. Now it is released in a large area to help the Pokémon return to normal.

The Pokémon is not very aggressive. After returning to normal, it was confused at first and then backed away.

When the players saw this, they also stopped. James looked at the half-finished potion in his hand and sighed helplessly. It was not that he was not capable, but that Mr. Wang was too fast.

"With Mr. Wang here, I can't be the protagonist."

James shook his head and didn't care too much. For him, the process was more important than the result.

The three holy birds flew in the direction of Andrew. Upon seeing this, Superman and the others flew behind Andrew to be wary of the three holy birds.

Frozen Bird shouted to Andrew dissatisfied: "Let Mewtwo go, it has a distinguished status and cannot be enslaved."

"It's not me who enslaves Mewtwo."

Andrew shook his head and released the fusion state. With a flash of white light, he, Mewtwo, and Pikachu appeared at the same time.


Pikachu jumped onto Andrew's shoulders skillfully. As a cute creature, it didn't care much about what happened before. It just wanted to eat and play.

Compared to Pikachu, Mewtwo looked at Andrew with a more complicated look. He was grateful to the other person for saving him, but also dissatisfied with the other person's use of Pikachu to defeat him.

He was Mewtwo, but it was so embarrassing to be defeated by Pikachu.

When the three holy birds saw Andrew releasing Mewtwo, their eyes softened. Frozen Bird said: "It seems that you are not an enemy. Can you help us get home? I sense that you have the key on you."

"no problem."

Andrew said: "Any Pokémon who dreams of going home can go back. If you are willing to stay on Earth, I welcome you on behalf of mankind."

"Who would want to stay? This matter was caused by you humans."

The Flame Bird snorted: "You humans are very evil."

"It's part of humanity, thank you. Most humans like Pokémon and will treat Pokémon well."

Without saying anything more, Andrew took out the mysterious fossil and activated it. The vortex in the sky changed its direction of rotation, and a large number of Pokémon eagerly flew into the vortex.

These Pokémon have been fighting humans, so naturally they don't want to stay.

The three holy birds did not leave. They looked at the mysterious fossil with burning eyes, obviously having thoughts.

Chaomeng also had an idea. It said: "Mr. Wang, the mysterious fossil belongs to our Pokémon. I hope you can return it to us."

"Sorry, this is my trophy, it doesn't belong to any Pokémon."

Andrew said: "In addition, for the earth, it is the safest for it to be in my hands."

The Flash and other superheroes nodded: "Yes, it is safest to have it in Mr. Wang's hands."

Chaomeng and the Three Holy Birds frowned. With the strength of humans, it was almost impossible for them to snatch the mysterious fossils, but leaving the fossils in human hands was too dangerous.

God knows if something like this will ever happen again.

Andrew asked: "Mewtwo, are you staying on Earth or returning to the Pokémon world?

If you stay on Earth, I would like to invite you to become a reserve member of the Justice League and protect the world with us. "

The superheroes were a little surprised, but they didn't say anything. Andrew must have his reasons for doing things, so we can ask after the matter is over.

"You invited me to join the Justice League?"

Chaomeng was surprised. It knew what the Justice League was, but because of Howard's relationship, it didn't have a good impression of humans.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with it, after all, there are good people like Harry among humans.

"Yes, there are still a lot of Pokémon left on the earth, and their interests need someone to help protect them."

Andrew said: "The identity of the Justice League allows you to better protect them. At the same time, you can also monitor me to prevent me from doing bad things with the mysterious fossils."


Chaomeng hesitated a little. He looked up at the space vortex in the sky, feeling the breath of the Pokémon world, and couldn't help but shake his head.

Although Mewtwo is also a Pokémon, it was born on Earth. It prefers to stay on Earth than in the Pokémon world. Moreover, there are so many Pokémon on Earth that it cannot be ignored.

Mewtwo is the natural king of Pokémon and can command other Pokémon. At the same time, he is also obliged to protect those Pokémon.

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