American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 881 Demonic Pokémon

"Then let's see, what conspiracy does Howard have? Live broadcast the situation over there to me."

Andrew didn't do much. Before the decisive battle started, it wouldn't be a bad thing to gain more reputation and fear. More importantly, he could watch the show.

As the saying goes, it’s fun to watch a movie for a while, and it’s fun to watch a movie all the time.

"Sister Alice, your prompt came too timely."

Wade was overjoyed when he heard Alice's voice. Just as he was about to speak, several ninja darts penetrated his body and flew out from behind with blood.

"Second dad."

Tim and Charmander were shocked. In fact, not only them, but also Howard and Cyborg were in a daze. Why didn't this man hide? We didn't want to kill you.

"If you hurt me, you will suffer."

Wade chuckled, his hands turned into two long tentacles, and they swept towards the group of Koga Ninja Frogs from the left and right sides.

Although the Koga Ninja Frogs were a little surprised, this did not prevent them from jumping up and continuing to fire ninja darts at Wade.

Wade didn't even try to hide, allowing the ninja darts to penetrate his body. At the same time, his tentacles wrapped around two Koka ninja frogs and used them as weapons to hit the other Koka ninja frogs.

Bang bang bang... After a while, all the Koga Ninja Frogs were knocked out by Wade and fainted to the ground.

Why not kill?

Of course, it’s because Andrew said you can’t kill Pokémon—Pokémon are so cute, and it’s so evil that you want to kill them.

Wade was covered in blood and looked very miserable. However, all his wounds had healed on their own and he just needed to drink some water to replenish his blood.

Tim, Charmander, and Howard were all confused. What the hell is this guy? Not only can he turn his hands into tentacles, but he also has the ability to heal himself?

"You must have thought that my infiltration failed. You are wrong. You are totally wrong. My infiltration was very successful. My brother Wolverine said that as long as I kill all the people inside, no one will know that I have been here. This is our The way of the assassin.”

Wade shouted arrogantly and rushed towards the laboratory with two tentacles.

Tim and Charmander looked at each other, both a little confused, and rushed in to kill everyone. Is this also called an assassin?

I read few books, don’t lie to me?

Although they were a little confused about Wade's situation, Tim and Charmander gritted their teeth and followed for Harry.

"Stop them."

Howard pressed the red button, and a large number of Koga ninja frogs and fully armed human guards rushed out to intercept the three Wades.

"This movie is really well-funded. Unlike me, when I was filming "Deadpool 1", the funding was very low. In the final battle, I really didn't have the money to shoot the gunfight scene, so I had to find an excuse to leave the gun in the taxi. Just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes.”

While Wade was speaking words that no one could understand, he waved his tentacles to attack the guards frantically, breaking through deep into the laboratory.

"Who is this guy?"

Howard looked a little ugly. The situation was completely out of his control. What the hell, why did a guy with a completely different style suddenly appear?

"Tentacles, immortality?"

The cyborg man quickly searched for information in the database. After a moment, his expression changed and he said, "He is the deadpool Wade of MIB."

Howard was also surprised: "People from MIB? Wait, Deadpool, I have the impression, doesn't he have a disfigured face?"

The reason why these two people were so surprised was that Deadpool had a very good relationship with Mr. Wang. Therefore, although he made many mistakes, he still remained in the MIB.

"Deadpool does have a disfigured face, but he often uses holographic projections to disguise himself, has an immortal body, tentacles, and is mentally ill. He must be Deadpool Wade."

The Cyborg Cyborg said: "Mr. Howard, all cooperation between the Sky Eye Association and you has been suspended. The research on Pokémon is your own thing and has nothing to do with our Sky Eye Association.

We will erase all traces of the Heavenly Eye Meeting, so don’t make any mistakes. "

The fact that Wade is here means that Battlestar knows about this and the Cyborg must retreat. In today's world, no one can offend Mr. Wang.

Whether the Heavenly Eye Club is good or not, the officials behind the Heavenly Eye Club are also not good enough.

"You are like this, and you still want to surpass the Justice League? As soon as you hear Mr. Wang's name, you immediately run away with your tail between your legs."

Howard snorted coldly and motioned for the Variety Monster to quietly approach the Cyborg Cyborg.

"I'd like to reiterate again that our Sky Eye Society has no intention of surpassing the Justice League. Our goal is to help the Justice League share its responsibilities."

The cyborg cyborg snorted coldly and turned around to leave. At this moment, Variety's arm suddenly lengthened and installed a round Pokémon on the cyborg cyborg.

The cyborg's system immediately became extremely chaotic, and he shouted in shock and anger: "Howard, do you dare?"

While shouting, the cyborg called to his teammates, wanting them to come in and save people. Unfortunately, all messages failed to be sent.

"Why don't you dare? Do you think everyone is as timid as your Celestial Eye Society?"

Howard sneered: "This is a mechanical Pokémon I researched, specifically designed to deal with machinery. Your whole body, except for your brain and some internal organs, are all mechanical products and cannot resist the erosion of mechanical Pokémon.

By the way, the main purpose of studying this thing is to deal with Iron Man and his legion of suits. You were just affected. "

The cyborg was furious, but unfortunately, he couldn't even speak now.

"Tell all the reformers to intercept the Deadpool."

Howard said: "In addition, communications are blocked and they are not allowed to contact the outside world."

In addition to the cyborgs, the Sky Eye Society also has a team of cyborgs in the laboratory. On the one hand, it protects the laboratory, and on the other hand, it also monitors the laboratory.

"Yes, Chairman."

The female secretary nodded and used the tablet to control the mechanical Pokémon to give orders, while blocking surrounding communications.

In fact, their blockade measures are of no use. After all, Wade uses quantum communication. In this regard, the Howard Group does not even have a superficial understanding of it.

After receiving the order from above, the Cyborg team immediately rushed towards Wade in an orderly manner without saying a word.

Howard thought for a while and continued his instructions: "Send the demon Pokémon to join the attack and find a way to injure Tim and the Charmander. Mewtwo's induction range is very wide, so it is possible that it will appear."

It's definitely possible, but Howard has no other choice now but to fight once. In this case, it is definitely impossible to let Wade and the others leave.

Once Wade contacts Battlestar, Superman might just fall from the sky in the next second.

The female secretary didn't talk nonsense and immediately complied. She was completely bound to Howard and there was no possibility of defecting. In fact, she didn't want to defect. She was very interested in the new world that Howard talked about.

At the front of the laboratory, Wade showed off his might and beat the ninja frogs and guards back into unconsciousness. At this moment, the Cyborgs arrived. Without any nonsense, they all raised their mechanical arms and directed beams of energy towards Wei. De whizzed away.

"You are not from this movie, you are just a part of it."

Wade screamed strangely, and his body completely transformed into the form of a bee star. Then, he waved his tentacles to block all the energy beams.


The Cyborgs came from the Sky Eye Society and knew a lot of internal information. When they saw Wade in this form, they couldn't help but be stunned. Why would the superiors let them attack the people in the Battle Fortress? Do you think life is too long?

Wade would not give them any time to be in a daze. He rushed into the middle of them and waved his tentacles quickly, sending the modified people flying one after another.

Wade is not the kind of superhero who shows mercy. The steel parts of the Cyborg were flying around, and many people were injured.

"Wait, there may be a misunderstanding, we are..."

A cyborg was talking, and a message from the cyborg flashed in the system: "Don't reveal the identity of the Sky Eye Society, and capture Deadpool Wade at all costs.

After finishing dealing with Deadpool, I will explain the reason. This is what I said above. You just need to obey the order. "

"Yes, sir."

The Cyborgs were all soldiers. After hearing this, they stopped talking nonsense and popped out mini-missiles from their backs, whizzing towards Wade.

Wade was naturally not afraid. His tentacles lit up and swept across the missiles. The missiles exploded one after another, filling the surrounding area with flames and thick smoke.

Then, the firefighting equipment was activated, and a large amount of water fell from the shower head, like rain.

Tim and Charmander were both confused. They didn't understand what was going on. Why did Wade turn into a tentacle monster? Why do so many mechanical transformation people suddenly appear?

Are they just here to find their father?

At this moment, a group of Pokémon that were quite different from other Pokémon appeared in the laboratory. They had red eyes, ferocious faces, weird shapes, and a very uncomfortable aura about them.

To put it simply, it is a fusion of a demon and a Pokémon.

While Wade was being entangled by the reformer, the demonic Pokémon rushed towards Tim and Charmander. Halfway through, several demonic Squirtles activated their abilities at the same time, shooting water arrows at Tim and Charmander one after another. go.

Tim and Charmander hurriedly evaded, and the water arrows left small holes one after another on the wall behind them. It was obvious that the demon Pokémon was far more powerful than the ordinary Pokémon.

Tim and Charmander were both shocked. If they were to be shot, wouldn't their bodies turn into sieves?

"Second dad, save me."

Tim didn't care about anything else and shouted hurriedly. Wade was about to go over to help, but the Cyborg attacked him frantically to stop him.

At the same time, some demon Pokémon also attacked Wade. For example, several demon Pokémon activated their abilities at the same time, and a gravity field enveloped Wade, limiting his movement speed.

"Wow, a hybrid?"

Wade screamed strangely, and a large number of nanoparticles emerged from his body. Then, the nanoparticles merged into his tentacles, and a terrifying shock wave erupted, and the surrounding Cyborgs and Demon Pokémon were blown away at the same time.

As an agent of MIB, Wade has a lot of good equipment, but he is crazy and doesn't use many of the equipment.

Wade then fired a huge beam at the demonic Pokémon, forcing them away. Then, he sent a ball to Charmander and shouted, "Use this."


Charmander was speechless. It wasn't enough to trick him once. He wanted to trick him twice?

Wade scolded: "Idiot, the flag inside is the Pokémon evolution device developed by Mr. Wang. You two are illiterate and can't even read the instructions."

"The evolutionary device developed by Mr. Wang?"

Tim and Charmander were both stunned, and then Tim complained speechlessly: "When did you give us the instructions?"

"What Mr. Wang has researched? Stop them."

Howard was shocked when he heard this and hurriedly shouted that it was something Mr. Wang had researched and it must be unusual.

Hearing this, a group of demon Pokémon quickly rushed towards Tim and Charmander. At this moment, a tentacle emerged from the ground and knocked them all away.

Charmander took the opportunity to pick up the ball, opened it, took off his hat, and placed the flag inside on his head.

"I must be so stupid looking like this."

Charmander complained, and Tim said: "It's good to evolve, but I don't know whether to evolve into a fire dinosaur or a fire-breathing dragon?

Well, I heard that these two dinosaurs have very bad tempers, so be sure not to lose your temper when the time comes. "

"I won't lose my chain, but this thing will. I haven't evolved at all."

Charmander said angrily: "Who is that? Are you playing tricks on me again?"

"How can I have time to play tricks on you at such a critical time? Logically speaking, I shouldn't. Everything from BOSS is always guaranteed."

Wade said solemnly while fighting the Cyborg, "If something goes wrong with the BOSS, it will be bad, both us and the villain will be in trouble."


Everyone was confused, including Howard.

"With BOSS's careful mind, he will definitely kill all of us who are insiders, so that no one will know that there is something wrong with his work."

Wade suddenly realized: "I understand, this is why BOSS's things have never had problems. If nothing else happens, a beam of light will fall from the sky soon and wipe out everything here."


The whole audience was stunned, and Howard almost fell off the wheelchair. Are you kidding me, is he going to die for such a funny reason?

Tim and Charmander were also confused. Isn't Mr. Wang the savior? How could he do such a thing?

Andrew was speechless: "No wonder my reputation is getting weirder and weirder. It's either a notebook or a mastermind behind the scenes. It turns out it's Wade who is spreading rumors and giving me ten times the interest."

"BOSS, is there a possibility that it's actually your own fault?"

Alice complained, whether it was the notebook or the person behind the scenes, it was all true, okay?

"How can I, as God, have a problem? If there is, it must be the world's fault."

Andrew tapped the keyboard with his fingers, and the flag on Charmander's head suddenly made a sound: "The soul does not match and cannot evolve."

The soul in Charmander's body is Harry's soul, which is why Tim can hear its words, and why Charmander makes an uncle sound.

Evolution is not only a matter of the body, but also a matter of the soul. If the soul does not match, no matter how magical the device Andrew creates, it will not be possible to complete evolution.

"Soul mismatch?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, Wade breathed a sigh of relief, he said: "It seems that we don't have to be silenced anymore, it's good to be alive.

Uh, the mastermind behind the scenes, are you still fighting? I think we should celebrate our escape from death. "

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