American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 871 Take action

In order to avoid being discovered by other mechanical supermen, the mechanical three-house demon did not immediately let the controlled mechanical supermen join the battle, but let them continue to lie on the ground, waiting for activation.

It won't be long before all the mechanical supermen will become the members of the mechanical Trigongos.

"Since the mechanical Trigon is having fun, I'll go play with Darkseid."

Andrew secretly thought, well, the main reason is that he has itchy hands and wants to play on his own. Parallel universes and game characters can allow him to put aside restrictions.

Andrew wasted no time and teleported to Washington with Fiora and the supernatural armor.

At the same time, the battle in the other two towers became more and more fierce, and both the mechanical superman and the players suffered a lot of damage.

"There are so many mechanical supermen, it's really scary. We don't have them in our universe, right?"

The audience exclaimed that their screen was divided into three and they could see the specific conditions of the three battlefields. It must be said that this war was really tragic.

"There shouldn't be, otherwise Darkseid would have used it long ago. Even if there is, don't worry, there is Mr. Wang in our universe."

One audience member replied, and other audience members nodded in agreement. Having Mr. Wang here is the greatest luck in their universe.

"I must sign up for the next dungeon, so that I can protect the world with the superheroes."

Players look at the battle on the screen with envy and jealousy on their faces. Not only can they use their abilities in the real world, but they can also save the world with superheroes. Isn't this so happy?

Even if the character is cleared because of this, I am still happy.

It's clear that the players' passion is ignited, and next time, they will work together to save the world, and at the same time, save themselves.

Let’s not talk about this for the moment. At this time, the screen was divided into three and into four. The fourth screen showed Mr. Wang appearing in Washington with Fiora and the supernatural armor. Opposite them, there were dense crowds of people. The Apokolips battleship.

"Mr. Wang, are you going to take action personally? No way, he has never taken action before."

The audience was surprised, and many viewers even directly zoomed in on the fourth picture.

Whether Mr. Wang has superpowers or is just a simple scientist will be revealed today.

In Washington, Andrew put his hands behind his back and shouted to the battleship ahead: "Darkseid, I know you are back."

Darkseid jumped out of the battleship and landed in front of Andrew with a bang. Then, he stood up, looked down at Andrew, and said, "Mr. Wang from the parallel universe, how dare you come to see me in person?"

"Why don't you dare?"

Andrew spread his hands: "It's just Darkseid. I haven't dealt with it before? The Darkseid in our universe was bombed by me and his life or death is uncertain. And your Apokolips has been destroyed by me."

"Just because that idiot is incompetent doesn't mean I'm incompetent as well."

Darkseid snorted coldly and said: "If he is still alive and waits for me to attack your universe, I will kill him because he does not deserve the name Darkseid."

"Perhaps you will die first."

Andrew shrugged and said, "Darkseid, do you have any last words? If so, you can say them."


Darkseid stopped talking nonsense and punched Fiora next to Andrew.

That's right, Darkseid attacked Fiora, not Andrew. I don't know why, but the moment he punched, Darkseid changed his mind and changed the target of his attack.

"Such a good talent cannot be wasted. Take it back and help me research things."

Darkseid found a reason for himself in his heart. He knew a lot about Andrew's information. Putting aside everything else, the value of a single portal was immeasurable.

Fiora raised her hands to resist Darkseid's fist. With a bang, Fiora retreated and slid on the ground for tens of meters before stopping, leaving two deep scratches.

Fiora immediately counterattacked, blasting two heat rays at Darkseid. Darkseid snorted coldly, and emitted omega rays from his eyes, directly overpowering the heat rays and hitting Fiora.

Fiora was blown away on the spot, but she was not dead, but was a little weak and had a serious loss of energy.

Darkseid frowned, but he didn't take away the other person's life?

Omega rays are not high-temperature rays, but a strange energy that can deprive life and vitality.

The little sun in Fiora's body, coupled with various strange devices, is basically half a sun god. Therefore, Darkseid's omega rays were not able to deprive her of life.

At this moment, Andrew clapped his hands and said: "Fiora, supernatural armor, you go deal with those battleships, I will deal with Darkseid."

"Yes, BOSS."

Fiora and the supernatural armor nodded and flew towards the battleship at the same time. Upon seeing this, the battleship group immediately fired dense energy beams at the two.

The two teleported to the top of different battleships at the same time. Then, they quickly attacked the battleship's defensive cover, which cracked open at an alarming speed.

The battleship group was shocked, and immediately adjusted their guns and continued to attack the two men.

Darkseid ignored Fiora and the supernatural armor. There were so many battleships, which were enough to deal with. He looked at Andrew and asked: "You actually let two helpers leave? You don't really think you can deal with me, do you?" ?”

"why not?"

Andrew spread his hands and said: "Of course, if I personally deal with you and bully you a bit too much, I will use the game character to play with you."

Darkseid was a little confused: "Game character?"

Andrew didn't talk nonsense. He clapped his hands and flew into the sky. Then, an illusory monster appeared outside his body.

Then, the monster quickly solidified, and it turned out to be Mechagodzilla, also known as the Mechanical Deep Sea Fat Mansion.


The audience was amazed. Mr. Wang turned into Mechagodzilla. Isn’t this such a surprise?

"Mr. Wang, defeat Darkseid."

Countless spectators cheered, but they didn't know that ordinary Mechagodzilla was no match for Darkseid. Fortunately, Andrew's Mechagodzilla was anything but ordinary.


Andrew wasted no time and controlled Mechagodzilla to raise his big foot and stomp towards Darkseid.

Darkseid immediately flew into the sky, because the person in front of him was Mechagodzilla, not Andrew, so he had no scruples and punched Mechagodzilla on the head as if the earth was shattering.

Mechagodzilla took a step back to avoid Darkseid's fist, and then, Mechagodzilla's two short hands grabbed Darkseid one after another.

Darkseid fired Omega rays at Mechagodzilla's two short hands. Mechagodzilla retreated, and the Omega rays turned in the air and continued to shoot at Mechagodzilla's claws.

Andrew was determined to test the power of Omega rays, so instead of avoiding it this time, he asked Mechagodzilla to raise his right paw to resist the Omega rays.

As soon as Mechagodzilla's right claw hit the omega rays, it immediately malfunctioned and the entire claw became unresponsive.

"You didn't think that I would be mechanically restrained, did you? Sorry, I am invincible in the universe."

Darkseid sneered, and his body quickly grew in size. In the blink of an eye, he became as big as Mechagodzilla.

This is Darkseid's ability to grow to giant size.


Andrew's hand shook, and his right paw quickly returned to normal. Mechagodzilla was transformed by dream energy. As long as the dream energy is re-injected, the injury can be repaired.

This is why Andrew dared to touch omega rays with his right paw.

Andrew thought to himself: "Omega rays are very interesting, I want them."

"Recovered actually?"

Darkseid was stunned for a moment, and then he waved his fist again and hit Mechagodzilla hard on the cheek. Even the void shook in front of this punch.

Mechagodzilla raised his short hand to block Darkseid's fist. Then, Mechagodzilla swung his tail and hit Darkseid hard.

Darkseid staggered back a few steps, each step causing the ground to shake violently.

Darkseid snorted coldly, and continued to rush forward to fight Mechagodzilla. The two behemoths went back and forth, fighting fiercely, and Darkseid, who had a high self-esteem, gradually fell into a disadvantage.

This Mechagodzilla is not the original version, but an enhanced version of Andrew. It is strengthened with a large amount of dream energy. At the same time, it has been upgraded several levels using black technology. It is normal to suppress Darkseid.

"Mr. Wang, come on."

When the audience saw this, they cheered wildly. Sure enough, Mr. Wang never disappoints them.

At the same time, Fiora and the supernatural armor had already destroyed several Apokolips warships in succession. Their solid defensive covers and alloy armor looked as if they were made of paper in front of them.

The captains of Apokolips were very angry about this and jointly activated the super gravity device. Fiora and the armor fell to the ground with a bang at the same time, making a big pit in the ground.

Fiora snorted coldly, teleported out of the gravity area, and emitted heat rays from his eyes, which penetrated the defensive cover of a battleship. Then, the heat rays began to cut into the battleship, and the battleships exploded one after another.

"Gravity? I can do it too."

The supernatural armor chuckled and absorbed the surrounding gravity energy. Then, he raised his hands and fully activated the gravity control technique. More than ten battleships around him fell to the ground uncontrollably at the same time, making a loud roar and splashing countless dust.

The supernatural battle armor wasted no time and split into more than a dozen clones to attack the battleships at the same time. Soon, those battleships also turned into fireballs.

On the other side, the melee continued. S1 Batman and S1 Cyborg quickly arranged the power system on the tower.

"It's time to start. All the humans in the tower have escaped on their own."

S1 Cyborg said, S1 Batman nodded, and he said: "Okay, set it to explode in one minute, we are going to go outside and prepare to solve the super engine.

Atoms from the parallel universe, please retreat quickly. In one minute, the tower will explode. "

S1 Batman did not say this last sentence, but sent it to the other party's system in text to avoid being eavesdropped by the mechanical superman.

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