American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 858 Game Design

"give it to me?"

Shazam was dumbfounded. How could he know where Lucifer was? Even if he knew, he wouldn't be able to send Lucifer back to hell.

"We will have a meeting to discuss Lucifer's matter in detail later. If we can bring him back to hell, that would be great. The premise is to find where he is first."

Iron Man said: "Let's not talk about Lucifer now, Andrew, I don't object to letting the people vent their pressure. After all, the pressure from the people is really great."

The superheroes remembered the disaster they had seen in the dream before and nodded. Only Wade disagreed. It was just a background board. Why bother with them?

Comics don’t always have disasters and no big problems happen, right? If it doesn't work, the worst possible outcome is that The Flash will sacrifice itself to the gods and restart.

"The question is, is it dangerous to play games with dreams?"

Iron Man continued: "With your technology, you can develop a holographic projection helmet and build an online game world. It will be much safer."

"In fact, it's less safe that way."

Andrew said: “The holographic projection helmet is connected to the brain, and as long as a little voltage is applied, the human brain will be cooked.

In comparison, dreams are safer. As long as there are no problems with the controller, almost nothing will happen to the dream. Even if there is an accident, it can be solved through the protection mechanism. After all, it is just a dream.

In addition, popularizing holographic projection helmets is too troublesome and will take at least one or two years. "

Two years later, Andrew has become a god. What’s the point of popularizing helmets?

"Is that so?"

Iron Man and Batman were deep in thought at the same time, while the other superheroes walked aside and watched the show silently.

With the three old silver coins using their brains, they don't have to join in the fun. If there is a problem, the three old silver coins can definitely solve it.

"Diana, the air in hell is not good and may have an impact on your skin. Shall we go to an alien spa center?"

Mary said to Diana: "Your boyfriend has a 50% discount card. We used to get a lot cheaper."

Diana gritted her teeth and said, "Go back tomorrow. I have a few questions that I want to ask Andrew."

Mary gloated: "Wow, someone seems to be in trouble."

On the other side, Andrew continued: "In addition, dreams also play a big role."

Batman looked up and asked, "What does it do?"

"The resting place of the soul."

Andrew said: "If people are willing, they can place their souls in the dream world after death."

"The soul is placed in the dream world? You don't want to resurrect the dead, do you?"

Batman and Iron Man frown and resurrect at the same time, which sounds wonderful, but if it actually works, there will be a lot of trouble.

"No, there will be no resurrection."

Andrew shook his head and said: "They are NPCs who have become the dream world. They will forget most of their memories and start a new life in the dream world.

Of course, anyone who is willing and has faith can still go to the Kingdom of God. Those who have no faith and are unwilling to go to hell can stay in the dream world.

In this way, not only can they themselves be continued, but the dream world will also become stronger because of their contributions.

The reason why people fear death is because of the unknown. Once they know what they will look like after death, I believe their fear will be greatly reduced. "

"It sounds beautiful, but the more beautiful something is, the more dangerous it is."

Batman looked at Andrew and asked: "Mr. Wang, can you control dreams 100%? I'm talking about you, not the Three Palace Demon and the Nether Tree Demon."

"Of course, 100% mastery."

Andrew nodded and said: "There will be no problems in the dream world. Well, except for mental problems, no one can avoid this."

"Andrew, we need to discuss this matter in detail and we can't make a hasty decision."

Iron Man said, Andrew nodded, and he said: "Detailed discussion is definitely required, but a preliminary agreement must be formed first, which will determine whether I retain the people's memory of this dream disaster."

"Retain memory? In other words, you can delete the memory of this dream?"

Iron Man said: "Then it must be deleted. Death is not a good experience."

"If the memory is deleted, it will be difficult to introduce the dream game."

Andrew thought for a while and said: "Yes, I will make the dream memory blurred, so that their spirit will not be affected and they will know about it."

This is not only for the dream game, but also for the reputation. Everyone has amnesia. Where does the reputation of the superhero come from?

"That's okay, but we have to slowly discuss the specific regulations of the dream game."

Batman thought for a moment and nodded. Andrew smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm never in a hurry."

Everyone was overjoyed to see that the discussion was completed and they could finally call it a day and go home to rest.

Then, Andrew used the dream base point to clear the dream and everyone woke up.

In the underground base, Marty got up from the ground. He looked around, confused: "Where is this place? Why am I here? Aren't we fleeing?

Also, why does my back feel so painful, like I've been shot? "

Dinah complained: "Because you were really shot. By the way, did Mr. Wang get the bullet out of his body?"

"Maybe not?"

Julie and Holden said that Holden was a little embarrassed. Although he didn't mean it, Marty was shot and he must be responsible.

Marty became more and more confused: "What? Was I really shot?"

"Get some sleep and the world will be peaceful, Marty, you're in luck."

Julie said: "Of course, we were lucky enough to meet Mr. Wang. Otherwise, we would have died long ago."

Dinah said: "More than that, even the world will be destroyed. I have decided to write a book called, An Evening Between Me and Mr. Wang. It will definitely be a bestseller."

"You're going to be beaten to death by Wonder Woman."

Julie complained, and Marty asked in confusion: "Which Mr. Wang are you talking about?"

"Is there any other Mr. Wang in the whole world who can make us so excited?"

Julie laughed: "I'm even more excited than Cote."

"Kurt is going to cry when he hears this."

Dinah complained. At this time, a large number of steel suits arrived here and began to deal with the tail, and at the same time, rescued Dinah and the others.

It was night before, but now it's early morning. Dinah and the others looked at the bright world of the rising sun and exhaled, feeling so good to be alive.

Other people also woke up, their faces full of confusion. What just happened? Why did I fall asleep in the car/on the street/in the park/in the office/asleep?

At this time, vague memories appeared in their minds, as if they had had a super real dream, in which disasters were everywhere and it was extremely terrifying.

Many people immediately took out their mobile phones and opened Kuaiduo live broadcast. If nothing else, Kuaiduo would tell them the truth.

It turns out that they guessed it right. In the blink of an eye, Alice was saying: "Viewers, congratulations on surviving another disaster, and this time you won by lying down and falling asleep, and the disaster passed."

"..., has another disaster happened before?"

The people complained, not too shocked, it was just a disaster, it happens every few months, there is nothing to be shocked about, just calm down.

Then, Alice began to introduce the details of the previous situation, but she only talked about the Dream Demon King and not about the ancient creatures, so as not to cause any problems if someone imitated her.

In addition, Alice also made a special statement: "Those who have taken Mew, please go to the designated locations in major cities for examination. We will help you solve the side effects of Mew, free of charge."

"It turns out that the Dream Demon King pulls us into dreams through tap water and dreams, and wants to kill us."

People suddenly realized: "Then, the superheroes defeated the Dream Demon and saved the world again."

The people shook their heads. This disaster was really special. Fortunately, they had superheroes. Otherwise, they would have died without knowing how.

"It's great to have superheroes here. Anyway, I can be stable for a few more months."

The people shrugged, those who should go to work went to work, those who should get out of class, those who should go shopping continued shopping, and those who should sleep, well, couldn't sleep.

What, a vacation? I want to take a vacation even if there is a mere disaster. I really don’t dare to think about what you will do in the future.

In short, the dream disaster and the ancient biological disaster have ended. This time, it is relatively ordinary, but the losses are also not small.

Most of the people in the world fell asleep at the same time, how could there be no loss?

Those who fell to their deaths while climbing mountains, those who were rear-ended while driving, those who fell while flying airplanes, those who drowned while surfing...the number of deaths and various losses are numerous.

Fortunately, the Unmanned Suit and The Flash have been rescuing people and recovering a lot of losses.

Leaving aside the aftermath, after the superheroes dispersed, only Andrew and Wonder Woman Diana were left.

Diana looked straight at Andrew without saying a word. Andrew spread his hands and said, "Diana, I know I'm handsome, but you don't have to keep looking at me like this. Although I won't be embarrassed, I'm a little embarrassed."

"The one in the second dream before, was it really you?"

Diana asked: "Do you really have multiple wives?"

Andrew said: "Yes, in another universe, I have several wives, but in this universe, you are the only one."

Diana was stunned. She thought Andrew would change the subject again this time, but she didn't expect that the other party actually admitted it.

Diana gritted her teeth: "How dare you admit it?"

"You're just like any other woman in that respect. If you deny it, you're angry. If you don't deny it, you're just as angry."

Andrew smiled and said: "Actually, I have never hidden it from you. I come from another universe and become the God of this universe. In two years, everything will be over.

At that time, I will tell you all the circumstances in detail. As for the past two years, uh, you slowly build up your psychology and accept this matter. "

Andrew's last words directly angered Diana. She said: "Andrew Wang, are you convinced of me? Do you think that I, Diana, will share you with other women?"

Andrew said: "Actually, you came later."

Diana gritted her teeth and said, "I will never share you with other women. I will keep you in this universe, so that you will always belong to me alone."

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