American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 847 Sleeping

"Mr. Wang?"

Hearing Mr. Wang's name, the Dark Tree Demon King couldn't help but shake his head: "Even I can't see through that person. The feeling he gives me is a bit similar to Lucifer."

Raven was stunned: "Somewhat similar to Lucifer? Are you saying that Mr. Wang is Lucifer?"

"Of course not, the two have completely different temperaments."

The Demon King of the Nether Tree said: "I'm talking about the feeling. The two of them seem to be on the same level, an unattainable level."

"Mr. Wang is on the same level as Lucifer? Well, why am I not surprised at all?"

Raven complained, and she said: "Demon King of the Underworld Tree, let's get back to the topic. One month is too long, it really can't be done."

"Don't be impatient."

The Dark Tree Demon King said: "Although it is impossible to develop an antidote in a short time, I have a way to stop the Dream Demon King's plan."

Zatanna asked hurriedly: "What can we do?"

"Connect the Underworld Police Station to the dream of the Dream Demon King."

The Underworld Tree Demon King said: "In this way, unless the Dream Demon King breaks through the Underworld Police Station, he will not be able to take away any soul.

As long as the soul is not taken away by the Dream Demon King, everyone will return to normal when the matter is over.

As for the addiction to fantasy, it’s simple and I could research a replacement in a few hours. "

"In other words, use the Underworld Police Station to block the Dream Demon King's dream?"

Zatanna understood a little bit, and she asked: "Demon King of the Underworld, is this dangerous for you? By then, the Demon King of Dreams will definitely attack your underworld police station."

"He does, and I am indeed in danger."

The Demon King of the Nether Tree said: "So, the Demon of Three Palaces needs to use a contract to force me to do this, otherwise, I will not take the risk."

Raven and Zatanna understood that the Dark Tree Demon King wanted to complete the contract as soon as possible, and the feeling of being in debt was not good.

Raven asked: "Demon King of the Underworld Tree, are you not afraid that the Underworld Police Station will be breached?"

"With the presence of the Three Palace Demons, it can't be broken."

The Dark Tree Demon King smiled, and the raven said, "Well, didn't I tell you just now? The Three Palace Demons signed a contract with the Dream Demon King to help him resist Lucifer. In other words, they are on the same side."

"..., you should pack your things and leave as soon as possible, and pretend you have never seen me."

The Dark Tree Demon King said, and immediately, the three of them laughed. They were naturally joking before. With the raven here, how could the Three Palace Demons help the Dream Demon King?

"My father said he agreed to use it once."

The raven sensed something and said, "In addition, He told you not to worry. The Dream Demon King will definitely be defeated. There is no doubt about it."

"I'm not worried at all, because there's no point worrying."

The Nether Tree Demon King shrugged and said, "Okay, I'll start decorating. Raven, Zatanna, you follow me and decorate together."

"Okay." The two women nodded at the same time.

At the same time, a large number of followers of the Dream Demon King activated microwave devices in the city, and countless tap water turned into mist, quickly covering the city.

"Is it so foggy today?"

A depressed citizen who was driving home asked in surprise. At this moment, he suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep directly on the steering wheel.

As for his car, it was natural for him to rear-end him when no one was in control.

The driver in front was furious and came down to have a "good chat" with the citizens. Unexpectedly, as soon as he shouted a few words toward the open window, he fell to the ground uncontrollably and fell asleep.

This citizen has taken Dream, and after he falls asleep, his breath carries the breath of Dream, and people who are too close to him will fall asleep with him.

Such things happened one after another all over the world, and a large number of people fell asleep, including high-level human beings and the Sky Eye Society.

"Shet, the Dream Demon King has activated."

Dr. Destiny hurriedly used magic to protect the people of the Justice Society and the senior officials of the Sky Eye Society, and at the same time, he screamed.

"Report, how many people are in deep sleep?"

The top management of the Sky Eye Club hurriedly asked through the communicator. Unfortunately, no one answered him because all the employees of the Sky Eye Club were asleep.

"Oh no."

Eagle Man looked ugly. He thought for a moment and said, "Dr. Destiny, you don't need to protect me. I'll go into the dream to see what's going on?

You sense my dreams outside and figure out how to solve them. "

"Okay, be careful."

Dr. Fate did not refuse. With so many people around the world trapped in dreams, they could not ignore it.

Hawkman nodded, and then Doctor Fate unlocked the magic. Hawkman was soon enveloped in sleep and fell asleep - the mist.

Because it was activated in advance, not everyone fell into a deep sleep. Generally speaking, urban people basically fell into a dream state, while in rural areas, as long as they had not taken Mew, they were basically fine.

Most of the Justice League are at the England headquarters, which is hidden in the mountains, so they are all fine.

In addition, nothing happened at the American Sacrifice. Only some people who had taken Dream fell asleep, such as Marty.

"Marty, Marty?"

Seeing that Marty suddenly fainted, everyone was shocked. Julie and Dinah hurriedly tried to wake him up, but unfortunately, it was completely useless.

"No need to resolve, he just fell asleep."

Andrew said as he hit the zombies with his car, and Julie complained: "Are you sure you really don't need to worry? There is something wrong with sleeping at this time, right? We are being chased by zombies now, brother."

"Maybe he has a special talent."

Andrew shrugged nonchalantly, and at the same time, his body received a call from Tony: "Andrew, I've got the camera, but the Dream Demon has activated it in advance."

"I know, send the camera to me, and I'll take care of the matter about the ancient creatures."

Andrew said: "You all enter the dreamland, and then go to the Underworld Police Station and protect it. As long as nothing happens to the Underworld Police Station, no one will die.

In addition, if you let Cyborg lead your army of suits to save people around the world, if you suddenly fall asleep, many disasters will definitely happen.

Well, the Flash shouldn't enter the dreamland and come along to save people. "

"Well, how do we enter the dream state? Take Mew?"

Tony didn't refuse, nor did he say it was too dangerous. As a superhero, isn't it a dangerous job?

"Of course not. I have studied an instrument for entering dreams, and I will send it to you later. You can use that instrument to enter other people's dreams."

Andrew said: "That instrument has the function of automatically leaving the dream state. Don't have too much emotional fluctuations, otherwise you will be kicked out."

"By the way? Let me ask you, is there something wrong with your character? It feels like you are stealing a lot of my scenes?"

Tony complained that his status as an inventor was obviously inferior in front of Andrew.

"Aren't I always stealing your show? What's the problem?"

Andrew asked, Tony rolled his eyes, this guy is still as shameless as ever.

Then, Andrew teleported the dream device, and Tony put the camera he had finally grabbed into the teleportation channel.

The superheroes wasted no time and immediately passed through the dream device and entered the dream specially arranged by the Dream Demon King.

As for Cyborg and The Flash, they wear unmanned suits and rescue people around the world.

Dreamland, a bar.

"Today is another sunny day. Hello everyone, I am the host Geshan."

On TV, a beauty in a bikini was showing the weather news. For some reason, these presenters were wearing less and less clothes, and they all hated having to wear clothes to perform on camera.

"Actually, it's better not to wear it."

A drinker with a sloppy beard said, and the others laughed. At this time, another drinker asked: "I heard that the end of the world is coming soon. Is it true?"

“I wouldn’t be surprised if a disaster happens every few months and the world really ends one day.”

The sloppy drinker said: "In short, we are just living blindly. We don't need to think too long-term, because no one knows how long we can live."

"That's right, living blindly."

Everyone nodded. At this moment, the ground suddenly shook violently. The drinkers were frightened and hurriedly hid under the table.

Unfortunately, this earthquake was far more terrifying than they imagined. The ground collapsed and sunk, and everyone fell down, screaming and dying.

Not only the bar was like this, but the entire city was shaking violently. The ground was torn apart like paper. Countless buildings, houses, and streets sank, as if the end of the world was coming.

"Such a terrifying earthquake? I've never seen it before."

Tony was flying in the sky, looking very ugly, as were the other superheroes. They were smuggled in through special methods, so they gathered together, and they all knew that this was a dream.

"This dream is a disaster type."

Superman said: "I heard that disasters are happening all over the world, earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, meteor showers, disasters and deaths everywhere."

"What should we do next? Go rescue people?"

Shazam asked helplessly. For a child like him, such a large-scale disaster was a bit too exciting.

"With so many disasters, we can't save anyone."

Tony shook his head and said: "Let's go to the Boston Underworld Police Station. As long as the police station is not broken, the Dream Demon King will never get his soul."


Everyone nodded and followed Tony to fly in the direction of Boston. There was no teleporter in this world, so they could only fly by themselves.

Disasters are happening everywhere in the world. Looking at the skyscrapers that collapsed like building blocks, Superman sighed and said, "Fortunately, it's just a dream, not reality, otherwise it would be tragic."

"If we lose, the dream will become reality, and all human souls will be taken away by the Dream Demon King."

Tony shook his head and said, "Speaking of which, why is the Dream Demon King able to cause so many disasters? Isn't this a bit unscientific?"

Black Adam said: "It's very scientific. The reason why there are so many disasters is because of the human heart."

"People's hearts?"

Everyone looked at Black Adam in confusion, and Black Adam explained: "After so many years of disasters, people are full of despair about the future. This despair, in the dream, turns into various world-destroying disasters."

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