American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 845 True Face

Then, the underground base activates the device and sends the monsters that are hooked up with the zombies up one after another.

The fat man frowned a little: "Professor, this is likely to cause Dinah to die prematurely. The order of the others does not matter, Dinah must die last."

"It's okay, I'll let my people watch Dinah."

The professor said: "Although we are not as powerful as the headquarters, it is not difficult for us to control one or two zombies. He will protect Dinah as much as possible."

"That's good."

The fat man breathed a sigh of relief, and then glanced at the professor with a hidden look. This old guy was really hiding his secrets.

Outside the cabin in the forest, Andrew's real communicator rang, it was the Flash.

"Mr. Wang, the island country also failed. I found two internal agents."

The Flash said: "They secretly did something to cause the evil spirit to be purified."

"Teleport them to the battlestar and have Alice ask for information."

Andrew said: "You go to England to help Iron Man and the others."


The Flash nodded and sent the two prisoners to the battle fortress. Then, he left the island base and ran towards England.

"Why do you have to run by yourself when there's teleportation?"

Andrew complained. He looked at the large number of zombies approaching the hut and couldn't help but roll his eyes. The script was changed to this. Can the ancient creatures really stand it?

"We have to find a way to kill one or two of Kurt and the others. Only in this way will the mysterious organization sacrifice the ancient creatures."

Andrew secretly thought, of course, he would not really let the five protagonists die, but it was still possible to fake death.

In the cabin, Marty didn't know whether it was a psychological factor or if he really felt something. He looked outside and asked nervously: "Do you feel anything is wrong? I think something will happen next."

"We have things happening right now."

Kurt held an ax and shouted: "If zombies rush in, I will use my ax to chop off all their heads."

Julie looked at her boyfriend with admiration. At this moment, there was a roaring sound outside, like a person weighing hundreds of tons running.

Then, with a bang, the wooden wall was violently knocked open, broken pieces of wood flew around, and at the same time, a huge figure appeared in front of everyone.

This figure is more than two meters tall, with muscles all over its body. What's even more frightening is that it is mixed with a lot of metal. It looks ferocious and cruel.

Everyone couldn't help but swallowed and quickly backed away. Marty shouted: "Kurt, it's time for you to show off. Cut off its head."

Kurt looked at the other person's neck, then looked at his axe, and shouted loudly: "Mr. Andrew, save us."

Everyone was speechless. They didn't expect such a big and rough guy to be so cowardly.

The big zombie would not stand there and listen to their chat. He roared angrily and rushed towards Kurt and others. Behind him, a large number of zombies were approaching.

The five Kurts were frightened and ran away behind Andrew. Andrew did not run away. He raised the Gatling machine gun that appeared at some point and fired wildly at the big zombie.

Gatling Bodhisattva has officially begun to show his power.

Da da da……

Countless bullets formed a metal storm and swept through the big zombies. Even the big zombies were shot back and forth. Their bodies were like sieves, and black blood was pouring out crazily.

At this time, other zombies also rushed in, and Andrew turned his gun and swept across. The other zombies were not as strong in defense as the big zombie, and were shot directly in the waist, wailing on the ground.

That's right, wailing, the zombies that were swept away are not dead, they are still alive.

Soon, all the zombies were shot out of the house by the Gatling gun, or turned into pieces.

The five Kurts, as well as the professor and others in the basement, were all confused. What the hell is this? Where did the Gatling gun come from?

Even gangs wouldn’t dare use such a powerful weapon in a gang fight. Why would a private detective have one? Moreover, when did he place Gatlin around him?

After a while, the bullets from the Gatling machine gun were fired, and the ground was covered with bullet casings. Andrew shook out a cigar, lit it at the muzzle of the gun, and took a nice puff.

Then, Andrew turned around and saw the confused looks of the five people and said, "As a private detective, I carry a Gatling gun with me. Isn't it normal?"

"Yes, it's normal... shit."

Everyone complained, which private detective would bring a Gatling gun to work?

Marty asked excitedly: "Mr. Andrew, are you a superpower? The kind of superpower who can change various weapons at any time?"

Kurt added: "Not only that, he should also be a physical superpower. It is impossible for a normal person to withstand the recoil of a Gatling gun."

"Maybe so."

Andrew shrugged, threw the cigar and the Gatling gun aside, and said, "The zombies are getting up. Let's retreat to the car."

"Go quickly."

Everyone turned around and saw the riddled zombies getting up from the ground. They were frightened and hurriedly turned around and ran away.

Soon, a group of people escaped from the wooden house. Then, Andrew squatted down and a rocket launcher appeared on his shoulder.

As Andrew pulled the trigger, the rocket whizzed out with a white tail, hitting the wooden house and exploding with a bang. The wooden house instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and even the zombies screamed in it.

Zombies are not afraid of bullets, but they are afraid of fire.


The five Kurt people were stunned again. Andrew threw the rocket launcher on the ground and said, "As a private detective..."

"It makes perfect sense to have a bazooka."

Marty said first, and everyone couldn't help laughing. Mr. Andrew really has everything.

"You even learned how to answer quickly."

Andrew rolled his eyes, stood up and said, "Let's get in the car and leave here."


Everyone nodded and rushed towards the car. Soon, everyone got into the car and drove quickly down the mountain.

"Who is that guy, and why does he even have a rocket launcher?"

In the underground base, the professor almost went crazy. The fat man said: "That guy is obviously a superpower, maybe a member of the Sky Eye Society. We have held so many sacrifices. It is normal for the Sky Eye Society to find clues."

"Damn it, we must not let them leave alive."

The professor cursed that there were still many zombies who were fine. Lured by the breath of the living, they slowly chased the car.

Of course it's slow. Zombie, how fast do you expect him to be?

"They can't escape, the tunnel has collapsed."

Fatty said, this is the basic setting, a plot that often appears in horror movies.

"Look to see if there are any other zombie-related monsters and put them all up."

The professor said fiercely, but the fat man did not stop him because they had to complete the sacrifice.

Andrew and his team quickly drove to the tunnel. Unfortunately, the tunnel had collapsed and they could not move forward.

"This is different from the movie. It should be the reason why Marty didn't destroy the communicator."

Andrew's eyes flashed slightly, and at this moment, Julie shouted in horror: "The tunnel has collapsed, what should we do? Those zombies are about to catch up."

"It's not a big problem. Just ask Mr. Andrew to bring a tank out and kill them."

Marty said, and everyone turned to look at Andrew. Andrew said seriously: "How can a serious person like me have an illegal item like a tank?"

"It's the same as saying Gatling guns and rocket launchers are legal."

Dinah complained, Kurt looked across and said: "Everyone, this is not the time to joke, this is not too far from the other side of the canyon, I can jump over on a motorcycle.

Then call the police, and the celestial eye who specializes in holding you back will come to rescue you. "

Kurt and the others also brought a motorcycle, so flying more than ten meters would not be a big problem.

Unfortunately, Kurt and the others didn't know that there was an invisible defensive shield in the seemingly empty void. Once he did that, there would only be one result: he would hit the defensive shield and die miserably.

In the movie, this is how Kurt dies.

"Poor Brother Hammer, just him."

Andrew patted Kurt on the shoulder and said, "Everything depends on you."

While flapping, Andrew sends a large number of nanoparticles into Kurt's body. These nanoparticles will protect Kurt's safety and allow him to breathe for the last time.

When everything is over, Andrew will save him and help him strengthen a little as compensation.

Don't worry about the underground base discovering this. The mysterious organization didn't check the corpse at all. In fact, they made many mistakes. For example, Dinah was not pure at all.

A mysterious organization, you can tell at a glance that it is a grass-roots team.

"Leave it to me, don't worry, I will definitely come back with the others."

Kurt shouted, and Andrew smiled: "Of course I'm relieved, if you don't come back for us, you will come back for Julie."

Everyone laughed, and then everyone got off the car. Kurt got on his motorcycle, nodded to everyone, and prepared to drive towards the opposite side.

At this moment, Andrew said: "Wear a helmet. You must wear a helmet when riding a bicycle and fishing."

Without a helmet, his head was smashed, and even nanoparticles couldn't save Kurt. There was no way, nanoparticles also had to respect the laws of physics.

"Fishing? Okay."

Although Kurt didn't think it was necessary to wear a helmet, since Andrew said he wanted to wear it, he put it on, and then, without wasting time, he drove towards the opposite direction at full speed.

"Kurt, you're the best."

Looking at Kurt soaring into the sky, Julie shouted excitedly. The next second, with a bang, Kurt and the car hit the defensive cover, and then they fell down together.

The nanoparticles were activated immediately to protect Kurt's head and heart. At the same time, some of the nanoparticles rushed out of Kurt's body to form a deceleration device to ensure that Kurt would not fall to his death.


Julie, who had been cheering just now, collapsed to the ground, and Marty hurriedly stepped forward to help her. Kurt died, and he had to take care of Julie on his behalf.

"This is a conspiracy. Someone tricked us into coming here and wanted to kill us."

Holden shouted in horror, everyone could tell there was something wrong with the zombies, the tunnel collapse, and the mysterious defense shield.

Compared with the sad people, the people in the underground base cheered and cheered. Finally, one person died. Do you know how I spent the past half hour?

"Hurry up and sacrifice."

The professor shouted, and the fat man nodded. He walked to the wall, triggered the switch, and shouted at the same time: "First one, athlete."

As the mechanism was triggered, a ball of blood fell from behind the wall and fell into the athlete statue below along the specially dug gap.

This blood is not Kurt's, but ordinary human blood. Whenever a target dies, they will cover the statue with blood. This is a ritual process.

Andrew closed his eyes and carefully sensed the altar under the statue. When the blood filled the athlete statue, a slight fluctuation came from under the altar.

This slight fluctuation was exciting at first, but soon turned into anger. The underground base shook violently, and a large amount of dust fell down.

"what happened?"

The professor and others were a little surprised, and the fat man said: "It seems that the ancient creatures are very dissatisfied with our progress."

"We have to speed it up."

The professor nodded: "There is a time limit for the sacrifice. Once the sun rises, the sacrifice will fail."

After the wave from the underground vented its anger, it retreated underground. Although it appeared for a relatively short time, Andrew still obtained some of the information he wanted from it.

"This ancient creature is the representative of the earth's fear. In addition, there is only one ancient creature."

Andrew squinted his eyes. Although there were several sacrificial sites, there was only one ancient creature. All the ancient creatures under the sacrificial sites were Him.

As for why He did this, it is not yet clear.

"It's really...good."

Andrew is a little excited. He has been collecting the power of fear. If he can deal with this guy, he will gain unprecedented fear.

Of course, this is not easy. On the one hand, the incarnation of fear has existed for countless years. He is very powerful, at least at the level of the Demon King.

Andrew can't do it himself, and the Three Palace Demon can't enter the earth. It's not that simple to deal with him.

Secondly, this incarnation of fear plays such a game with humans and claims to be sealed. There is obviously something wrong with it and he cannot act rashly.

In addition, there is a dream demon king. What is his relationship with the incarnation of fear? What agreement has he reached? It's all unknown for now.

"Take your time, don't rush."

Andrew's eyes flashed slightly. This time, he not only wanted to destroy the dream devil's plan, but also got the incarnation of fear.

Andrew asked through the communicator: "Tony, have you knocked down the England headquarters?"

"Soon, as long as you stop calling."

Tony yelled, "Shet, I hate fish, and I hate fish in England even more."

"Don't tell me that there is a fish monster called Stargazing over there?"

Andrew smiled: "Get the camera as soon as possible, I need it to chat with the ancient creatures."

Tony said: "We are doing it, but they said the contact can only be one-way."

"That's someone else, not me. As long as I get the camera, they won't be able to contact me even if they don't want to."

Andrew said that communication is a good method that allows him to clarify the truth of many things.

"Okay, we will send the camera to you as soon as possible."

Tony said, and Andrew nodded with satisfaction. The advantage of having many friends is that you don't have to do everything yourself.

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