American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 842 Intelligence

The superheroes looked a little ugly when they heard this. If the Dream Demon succeeded, it would be troublesome.

The problem is that as superheroes, they certainly cannot sacrifice innocent people. This completely goes against their bottom line.

Everyone was silent for a while, then Iron Man asked: "Andrew, how strong are those ancient creatures?"

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

Andrew spread his hands: "I don't have much information at the moment. The information about the mysterious organization was all obtained by Alice from the other party's computer."

Batman said: "Whether it is a dream or an ancient creature, we must solve it. We will do it one by one."

Everyone nodded, although the dream thing might be just a cover, but if nothing is done, God knows whether the Dream Demon King will make the lie come true.

Flash asked, "Is there any way to stop Dream from continuing to sell?"

"Probably not."

Tony shook his head: "The strength of our Justice League is definitely higher than that of the Justice Association and Sky Eye, but they have far more manpower than us. If they can't handle it, we can't do it either. We can't kill all the sellers, right?

To put it ten thousand steps back, even if you kill them all, it will be useless. The dream effect is so strong, those who take it will desperately search for the dream.

At present, there are only two things we can do: try to slow down the spread of dreams, and develop an antidote to dreams. "

"Slowing down the spread of Mew can allow the Justice Society and the Eyes to help."

Batman said: "The first thing you can tell them, the second thing, let's not say it for now. With the style of the Sky Eye Society, we will definitely protect the mysterious organization and let them complete the sacrifice ceremony."

Everyone nodded, this was indeed the style of the Sky Eye Society. Although the Justice Society would not do this, they did not have much autonomy.

Batman turned to look at Zatanna and Raven: "As for researching the antidote..."

"I could give it a try, but I'm totally unsure."

The raven said helplessly: "I'm really not proficient in this aspect. Hell Demon, why should I learn how to refine medicine? Don't talk about me, not even the Three Palace Demon."

"You can go to the Demon King of the Underworld Tree and let him try it."

Andrew said: "The old guy is very accomplished in this area, and he has a group of magicians under him who can let them study together."

Everyone's eyes lit up, and Batman asked: "He is a suitable candidate. The question is, will he help?"

Andrew smiled and said: "Yes, if the raven goes, he will definitely do it, because he does not dare to offend the Three Palace Demon."

"No problem, without further ado, Zatanna and I will be there right away."

Raven said, and then the two women left their original positions and headed to Boston to find the Demon King of the Nether Tree.

After the two left, Batman said: "Now let's talk about the second thing. This thing is very troublesome. If we want to prevent the ancient creatures from coming out, we must let the mysterious organization complete the ritual, but as superheroes, we cannot sacrifice innocent people. "

"Yes, it cannot be sacrificed."

Everyone nodded at the same time, superheroes cared more about morality than the big picture.

Iron Man asked: "Andrew, what do you think we should do?"

"I think we should capture one or two bases first and find out the details of the mysterious organization and ancient creatures."

Andrew said: "Try to find those sacrificial sites that have failed. On the one hand, they are easier to succeed.

On the other hand, we can better cover up the news, lest the Dream Demon King know that we have discovered this matter, and take precautions in advance. "

If the sacrifice fails, the attention of the Dream Demon King will definitely be greatly reduced. Relatively speaking, it is easier to cover up the news, as long as the hidden content is found out.

"Know yourself and your enemy, and you will be victorious in every battle."

No one objected. At this time, Iron Man said: "Andrew, as long as you keep an eye on the sacrifice site in America, no one will die, but what about other places?

It’s okay if we don’t know about this. Now that we know, we can’t just watch them sacrifice. "

Everyone looked at Andrew, and Andrew said: "Although the Dream Demon King will prevent the sacrifice, someone will definitely die in the process, and we really can't ignore it.

But we can't alert the snake, Flash, Sonic, Tails, I will give you each a nano gun. If you see who is dying, give them a shot.

The nanoparticles inside will keep them alive and prevent them from dying, and then save them when it's over.

We have Ashiu's hammer. As long as the head is not chopped off, most of the damage will not be a problem. If not, we can also resurrect the opponent.

Flash, Sonic, Tails, remember, you have to attack quickly and don't let anyone notice you. "

At present, excluding the American Sacrifice Field, there are only three Sacrifice Fields left, which are enough for the three Flashes.

"No problem, leave it to us."

The Flash and the others nodded at the same time. With their speed, it would be easy to avoid being discovered. After all, they were only dealing with internal agents, not the Dream Demon.

"Good, let's get started."

Andrew clapped his hands and said: "Batman, Iron Man, you each lead a team to capture a base. This is the instrument I just made, which can isolate all communications.

This includes communication with the Demon King, but there is a scope limit, so please pay attention.

Also, don't be careless, you must take down all the enemies in a short time to prevent them from turning on the device and releasing those monsters. "

While Andrew was speaking, two instruments were sent to Batman and Iron Man. He added: "Also, don't open it for research, it will explode."

Everyone laughed. It was harder to stop these two old silver coins from taking them apart and study them than to stop them from talking.

Iron Man and Batman snorted at the same time. They definitely wouldn't take it apart now, but it would be strange not to take it apart afterwards.

"Cyborg, you go and Tianyan will explain the dream, but don't say too much, just let them do their best to prevent the dream from spreading."

Andrew continued, Cyborg and Sky Eye have a good relationship, so let him go.

Cyborg nodded: "Okay, leave it to me."

After the discussion, everyone started to take action. For example, Batman and Iron Man selected team members and went to the failed sacrifice site.

Iron Man chose the Stockholm Sacrifice Field. He didn't care. He first let Atom Man go in to investigate and at the same time, control the internal system.

Soon, Atom came back with good news: "The investigation is completed. In addition, the controller you gave me has been placed in the server."

"Well done, continue to lurk first, and when we activate, you can adapt accordingly to avoid any accidents."

Iron Man said, and then he asked Jarvis to crack the base system. After a while, Jarvis successfully controlled the base.

"Such a mysterious organization actually uses such a backward system?"

Tony looked at the data on the screen and complained: "What's even more outrageous is that the device that opens all the monster doors has no password. Anyone can open it by pressing the button.

This is simply a joke on life. Who is the designer of this system? Come out and I promise not to beat him to death. "

"If you don't shut up, I think I will beat you to death."

Mary said angrily: "When will we start taking action?"

"Start now. I will pass on the specific plan to you, and you can just follow it."

Iron Man said, everyone nodded indifferently and started to take action.

This is not a difficult task. After all, the people in the mysterious organization are just ordinary people. At most, they have some alien technology. With the internal system controlled, they were quickly defeated by the superheroes and were all locked up in the lobby.

As for the monsters, they still stayed in their cells and did not come out.

"Iron Man? Justice League?"

The leader of the Stockholm branch of the mysterious organization was a middle-aged man. He shouted: "Why are you attacking us? We are protecting the world just like you?"

Others also shouted: "Yes, we are protecting the world."

Iron Man sneered: "We will not protect the world by killing people, especially when those people are innocent people."

"This is a necessary sacrifice. Billions of people around the world can protect the world by sacrificing dozens of them every year. What's the problem with this?"

The middle-aged man shouted: "Without us, the world would have been destroyed by ancient creatures long ago."

"First of all, your branch fails every year, with or without you."

Iron Man said, everyone's faces darkened, and the superheroes laughed secretly. What does it mean to kill people and kill people's hearts? This is called shrimps and pigs' hearts.

"Secondly, don't think of yourself as so great. When those innocent people were sacrificed, you were not sad. Instead, you were cheering and jumping for joy."

Iron Man continued: "I can't see any humanity in you. Maybe you really saved the world, but you are definitely not good people."

The middle-aged man shouted: "We are transferring the pressure. Do you know how stressful this job is?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know."

Iron Man said: "I just want to know the origin of your organization, and what happened to those ancient creatures?

We will completely deal with them, and we will deal with you completely, so that this disgusting sacrifice will disappear completely. "

"Iron Man, you are too arrogant and arrogant. You have no idea how powerful those ancient creatures are."

The middle-aged man shouted: "Sacrifice is the only way to save the world. If you attack us now and attack the ancient creatures, you will only plunge the world into destruction."

Iron Man said: "Since I don't know, then tell me in detail the specific situation of those ancient creatures. Do they really exist?"

Upon hearing this, Mary put the truth lasso around the middle-aged man to ensure that he was telling the truth.

This mantra lasso was lent to Mary by Diana, and she had two sets anyway.

"Of course they are real, otherwise what would we be doing all these years?"

The middle-aged man said angrily: "Since you have mastery of the internal system, you must have seen the monsters below. They are all props given to us by ancient creatures."

Iron Man asked: "Props given to you?"

"Yes, the reason why those monsters stay in the grid so honestly is because of the deterrence of ancient creatures."

The middle-aged man nodded: "Their existence is enough to prove that ancient creatures are real. Iron Man, you superheroes are indeed powerful, but you may not even be able to fight these monsters, let alone ancient creatures."

Mary sneered: "Are you sure I can't fight them?"

Neptune laughed and said, "This is a famous ex-wife. You should be more careful when you speak."

Mary glared at Neptune, and the middle-aged man said: "Of course I know the famous ex-wife, but she has the same problem as Superman, she is not good at dealing with mental attacks and magic attacks.

Many of those monsters are good at mental attacks. For example, there is a monster that can attack you in dreams. Even if you are supermen, so what?

Justice League, I don't know how you found us, but we're all trying to save the world, and we shouldn't be enemies. "

"Sorry, we are not on the same road as you."

Iron Man said: "Tell me about the origin of your organization, starting from the beginning."

"We originated in 1920."

The middle-aged man sighed and said: "At that time, the founder of our organization got a magical camera that could communicate with ancient creatures.

The ancient creatures told the Founder that a sacrifice similar to a horror movie must be arranged, otherwise, they will leave the seal and destroy the world.

Our founders created us as an organization, and we have scheduled an annual sacrifice ever since.

This world exists because we, Iron Man, and the Justice League, are your predecessors. "

Others also said: "Yes, we are your predecessors. Without us, you would have no chance of saving the world."


Iron Man snorted and asked, "Were there so many sacrifice sites from the beginning?"

"No, there was only one sacrificial site in Europe at the beginning. The ancient creatures awakened there, but not elsewhere."

The middle-aged man shook his head: "As time goes by, more and more ancient creatures awaken, which leads to more and more sacrifice sites.

According to the research of our organization, the awakening of ancient creatures seems to be related to horror movies. If horror movies in a certain area become popular and popular, the ancient creatures below this area will awaken. "

"You mean, there are ancient creatures all over the world, but some are awakened and some are not?"

Iron Man frowned: "And the key to awakening is horror movies?"

"Don't you think this research is a bit ridiculous?"

Neptune said it was a good thing there were no horror movies in Atlantis.

"It's a little ridiculous, but it's true."

The middle-aged man said: "The process of sacrifice is very similar to that of a horror movie. It is like filming a horror movie. In addition, the monsters given to us by ancient creatures are all related to horror movies.

Ancient creatures and horror movies are inseparable, so we have opened many film companies to shoot horror movies.

Then..., most of them closed down. "

Everyone couldn't help laughing. It was normal for horror movies to decline. The routines were all broken.

"You should make superhero movies. That is the big hit now. The box office of "Iron Man" exceeded one billion US dollars last week."

Iron Man said arrogantly, and Mary said: "That's right, it's only 200 million lower than Batman."

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