American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 838 Cooperation

"Actually, I have always wanted to ask these questions. Now that I have a good opportunity, I decided to ask them."

The gang boss looked at the black shadow and said: "I think we can have a deeper cooperation, not just a relationship between dealers and suppliers."

"Deeper cooperation?"

Heiying laughed when he heard this, and said, "Okay, if you develop 50,000 more new customers, I will tell you the truth and cooperate with you on a deeper level."

"Fifty thousand new customers?"

The gang leader smiled bitterly: "This is difficult. In two months, most of my customers have already taken Fantasy. It is a new market and it is difficult to develop."

"It's just difficult, not impossible."

Heiying said: "If you want to truly cooperate with us, you need to show your ability. Believe me, in the end, you will never regret it.

Join us and you will not only get countless benefits but also eternity. "

The gang boss was stunned: "What is eternity?"

The shadow did not answer, he said: "You will know then. Okay, the goods have been delivered. We will see you next time."

The arrival of the shadow is irregular. In addition, he is the only one who can contact the gang boss, and the gang boss cannot contact him.

Seeing the black shadow about to leave, the gang leader hurriedly said: "Wait, I have something else to ask."

The black shadow ignored it and was about to leave. At this moment, a magic circle appeared under his feet, stopping him in place and unable to move.

Then, Constantine Shiran came out and said, "Now that you are here, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"


The shadow was furious. He looked at the gang leader and roared: "You betrayed me?"

The gang leader helplessly spread his hands: "Forced."

"He was indeed forced. He was forced to help me make excuses. He was forced to help me delay time. If you can escape this disaster, don't make trouble for him. If you have anything, come to me."

Constantine Yi Boyun Tiandi said, the gang boss almost died of anger, this guy was obviously trying to trick him.

"Those who betray me will never end well. Magician, do you think you can trap me?"

The black shadow shouted angrily, his body swelled crazily. Constantine narrowed his eyes and transformed. After transforming, he will know which race you are from. When the time comes, follow the clues and find the mastermind behind the scenes.

At this moment, the black shadow suddenly burst like a balloon, and then the dream began to shatter.

The gang boss looked confused. What the hell was this? He shouted so powerfully, but he actually exploded?


Constantine cursed, the mastermind behind the scenes actually killed the shadow. Isn't this too cruel? Kill as you say, and train your subordinates for free?

Soon, Constantine returned to his body. He shook his head and said, "There is nothing to gain from the dream. Where are you?"

"These drugs appear out of thin air. I have tested them and there are no spatial fluctuations."

A magician shook his head, and Constantine cursed, "It's really troublesome. Why is it so difficult to be a salary thief?"

Constantine said: "Pack these goods and leave with this guy."

The magician asked: "What should we do next? Our opponent this time is not easy."

"Not being simple is a good thing. You can leave it to others."

Constantine said: "Bring all the evidence back, then report this matter and let the Justice Society handle it."

Magic, who clearly didn't like the Justice Society, asked, "Can they?"

"Whether it's okay or not, what does it have to do with me?"

Constantine said nonchalantly that soon, he received a transfer order and the Justice Society asked him to help.

"Shet, does it really have anything to do with me? I'm a crow's mouth."

Constantine rolled his eyes and accepted his fate to go to the Justice Society to help. At the same time, the Sky Eyes and other magicians arrested those who sold dreams one after another.

The actions of the Sky Eye Society were indeed effective in the first few days, but soon, a large number of dealers appeared and continued to sell dreams.

Fantasy sales not only did not decline, but gradually increased.

There is no way, there are too many people who are in need of fantasy. Driven by huge profits, many dealers take desperate risks. Especially, it is so considerate for suppliers to deliver the goods directly to them.

Battlestar, Andrew was looking at the holographic projection in front of him. In the holographic projection, a super fortress descended on a planet, preparing to launch an attack.

Inside the fortress, there are a large number of photon life forms, such as the recently researched dinosaur army and so on.

Yes, this planet is the home planet of aliens. As promised, Andrew began to attack this planet.

Seeing an enemy coming, the planet immediately activated various devices to fight back. At this moment, the internal facilities of the planet exploded one after another, and huge holes appeared in the defense system.

The aliens had told Andrew the details of the planet in advance, and Andrew sent Team Amanda to sneak into it to destroy it, and also planted a super bomb. This is called reciprocity.

There was an internal problem, and the Super Fortress invaded the planet with overwhelming force. Then, a large number of small spaceships and Gundam robots emerged from the fortress and launched an attack on the aliens.

Five minutes later, Alice reported: "BOSS, the battle went much smoother than expected.

The information provided by the alien before was correct. The photon energy they had produced over the years was all captured by us on that spacecraft. "

"Very well, capture that planet as soon as possible. I want them to provide me with a large amount of photon energy, and at the same time, hand over all photon technology."

Andrew said, and Alice smiled: "It's not a big problem, our Photon Life Legion is very strong, and the armor is in the Super Fortress and can be deployed at any time."

"This is what will happen if they dare to provoke the earth."

Andrew thought about something and complained: "Speaking of which, how big is the hole in their heads? They actually regarded the video tape as a provocation and spent decades creating photon energy?"

Alice couldn't help but laugh. To be honest, it was quite funny.

Andrew asked: "How are the other video tapes launched by NASA being processed? I don't want aliens to come to my door again one day."

"Most of those tapes were destroyed and the rest are being recycled."

Alice said, and Andrew nodded. He was relieved that Alice was doing the work and didn't ask any more questions.

At the same time, Super Fortress invaded the interior of the planet, and Andrew laughed. The overall situation was decided. The planet had only two options, one was to surrender, and the other was to fight to the end.

Based on the alien's performance before, these big-brained guys would most likely choose to surrender.

At this time, Alice said: "BOSS, during this period, the Sky Eye has been dealing with the illegal drug dream. Not only the Magic Department has joined in, but also the Justice Association."

Alice has been monitoring the Sky Eye Society. Although it is impossible to monitor internally, it is not difficult to find out what they are doing through various indirect means.

Andrew was a little surprised: "What's wrong with that medicine? It's such a big fight?"

"That medicine is said to be related to hell."

Alice explained the matter in detail, and then she said: "The Justice Society and the Magic Department have been investigating for a while, but no useful clues were found.

In addition, the number of dreams on the market has not decreased, but is increasing. Some people even keep posting on the Internet to promote this thing. "

"This devil is quite trendy, and he wants to bribe the trolls? Delete all those posts and don't let anyone see them."

Andrew sneered and said, "I'll ask the Three Palace Demons to check and see which Hell Demon King is causing trouble?

Lucifer does nothing, which is quite troublesome. Those hell demons are ready to take action. This unfilial son is really hateful. "

"Deleting posts is something I'm best at."

Alice smiled, and then Andrew contacted the mechanical three-house demon to explain the matter.

The mechanical Three Palace Demon said: "You may not believe it, but the man behind the scenes is contacting me and wants to cooperate with me."


Andrew was speechless. He complained: "How can there be such a kind-hearted villain these days? I would be sorry for myself if I didn't cheat him."

The Mechanical Three-Gong Demon smiled and said: "That's right, we must be tricked. We cannot live up to the teachings given to us by the Hell Backstab Academy."

Hell, the City of Steel, a group of villains are running, glistening sweat falling from their strong muscles, they are quite energetic.

In a short period of time, these villains have all turned into muscular men. They show off to each other every day and compete to see who has more muscles. The scene is very harmonious and friendly.

"Three Palace Demon, you have changed a lot."

The Dream Demon King, whose body was somewhat illusory, looked at the mechanical Three Palace Demon with a body of steel and said: "Not only did the body become mechanized, but it also built a city of steel. What's even more exaggerated is that it trained a group of human villains into muscular men."

"It's none of your business if I don't change."

The Mechanical Three-Gong Demon said impatiently: "If you have something to say, get out of here. I hate shady guys like you the most."

The Dream Demon King is not his true body, but a dream clone. In fact, no one knows where the Dream Demon King's true form is. He is the most mysterious demon king in hell. Unlike other demon kings, he basically has his own territory.

"At least, my temper hasn't changed."

The Dream Demon King laughed and said: "Three Palace Demons, I won't talk nonsense to you. I want to know, what is your relationship with the Justice League?

According to the information I received, you have helped mankind deal with several enemies. Now, whenever mankind encounters an enemy that cannot be dealt with, it will be immediately sent to hell for you to deal with. "

The mechanical Three Palace Demon sneered: "I have to explain to you what I do?"

"Of course the Three Palace Demons don't need to explain to anyone when they do things."

The Dream Demon King said: "If you are not from the Justice League, I have a plan to join forces with you. If you are, just pretend that I have never been here."

"I made a deal with Ghost Rider."

The mechanical three-house demon said: "I will not be able to enter the earth within five hundred years. I will abide by this agreement. As for cooperation with the Justice League, it is a matter of mutual benefit.

The Justice League has defeated its enemies, and my strength continues to grow. "

Uh, did you say five hundred years last time? If not, let's take this time as the main one. Anyway, the last time was also made up by the mechanical three-house demon.

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