American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 832 Outbreak

"Humans, your only way out now is to surrender. I am a merciful person..."

Inside the spaceship, a big-headed alien was looking at the screen and talking loudly. On the screen, there was a picture of the arcade world.

Behind the big-headed alien, there are two glowing super instruments.

One of them is the photon energy generator. All photon energy comes from this instrument. The other is the photon energy assembly machine and controller. Little Bee and Pac-Man are all assembled there.

"So what if we lose the game? With the super bomb here, humans have no other choice but to surrender."

The alien sneered. At this moment, the intelligent system prompted: "Please note, the bomb has disappeared."

"The bomb disappeared? How could this happen? Retrieve the surveillance footage."

The alien's expression changed drastically and he shouted hurriedly. Then, an empty underground room appeared on the screen, and the original super bomb completely disappeared.

Before the aliens could do anything, the spacecraft shook violently, and then the intelligent system prompted: "The spacecraft is under attack. The attack is very violent, and the defense shield is fully activated."

The aliens hurriedly adjusted the monitoring and saw that Superman and other superheroes were struggling to attack the defense shield of the spacecraft. They could throw hundreds of fists in one second that could destroy mountains. Even the defensive shield could not withstand it.

"Start the photon shuttle system and escape from the earth."

The alien shouted hurriedly, and the spacecraft immediately changed from real to virtual. Then, the spacecraft shuttled between the ground and the arcade, and flew over the city, preparing to escape into outer space.

At this moment, a defensive cover lit up, confining the spacecraft in this area.

Batman flew out of the sewer with a few superheroes and said in a cold voice: "Where do you think the earth is? You can come and leave whenever you want?"

"Humans, you are seeking death! Turn on the photon energy cannon and bombard the defensive shield."

The alien gritted his teeth and shouted loudly. At this moment, Superman and the others came out of the earth and continued to attack the alien's spaceship. Cracks gradually began to appear in the defense cover of the spacecraft.

"You guys forced me to do this."

Seeing this, the alien pressed the red button, and suddenly a white light appeared over New York. Then, a large number of game characters fell from the sky and attacked everything around them, including humans and buildings.

These game characters include ninjas wearing purple ninja suits, little bees, Pac-Man, Smurfs, flying birds, green giant toads, etc. that have appeared before.

Once humans and buildings are attacked by these game characters, they will immediately turn into pixel blocks.


The superheroes and the audience yelled at the same time. This damn alien had obviously planned it in advance, otherwise it would not have been possible to release so many game characters so quickly.

Thinking of the super bomb, the audience was immediately frightened. The earth would not just perish, right?

"I love these fears."

Andrew smiled slightly and said to the live broadcast camera: "Don't panic, the super bomb has been solved by us. As for these game characters, the problem is not big. Please trust us."

"Of course we do."

The audience shouted that they believe in the Justice League and Mr. Wang. This is not blind belief, but a belief accumulated from victory after victory.

"Very well, General Calvin. Send out legions equipped with laser weapons, superheroes, and MIB agents to play a game in New York."

Andrew said: "As for Batman, continue to attack the alien spacecraft for me and never let that damn guy escape."

"No problem, this guy will never escape from the earth today."

Superman and others shouted and increased their efforts to attack the alien spacecraft. Seeing this, the aliens released a large number of photon gorillas to attack Superman and the others.

These photon gorillas are not only strong, but they can also keep smashing all kinds of messy things. Superman and the others use energy attacks to clean up these gorillas while continuing to attack the defense spacecraft.

"Understood, the new army has been in New York and has been dispatched."

General Calvin responded. After the first competition, the military began to rapidly produce energy weapons and install them on exoskeleton armor.

Soon, the exoskeleton armor army began to take action, killing game characters and protecting the people.

"New York is my territory, it's not your turn to act arrogantly."

Tony joined the battle with the Iron Suit Legion, and lasers roared out, destroying the game characters and turning them into blocks and falling to the ground.

"It's better to have superpowers. In the game before, I obviously felt powerless."

The Flash moved his hands and feet, and took Sonic and the others to save people from being turned into cubes by the game characters.

Sonic and Tails had no problem with this. Only Knuckles secretly pouted. As a noble warrior, why do he save people every day now?

Then, MIB agents were also teleported over. They were well-equipped and quickly eliminated the game characters.

"What a waste. These game characters are extremely valuable. I want to catch them all and sell them."

Wade shouted excitedly that the reason he had been staying in New York was to wait for this moment.

These game characters are very valuable whether they are used for collection or research. Wade specially borrowed money to get several energy cages to capture these game characters.

"I'm going to make a fortune this time. I can finally pay off my debt. It's really not easy. That vampire BOSS actually wants to calculate interest with me? No wonder this guy can get rich."

Wade secretly complained. At this moment, a beautiful woman in red clothes walked towards Wade holding two swords.

Wade's eyes are straight, the definition is so high, much better than other game characters, and almost indistinguishable from real people.

This beautiful woman in red is called Goddess Lisa. She is the heroine of a game. She is a warrior who never stops charging. Without any nonsense, she just slashes at Wade with her knife.

Wade immediately drew his knife to fight back. He shouted excitedly: "Beauty, please let me auction you. You must be worth a lot of money. Haha, I'm really going to sell you this time."

Goddess Lisa glanced at Wade indifferently and accelerated her attack. The two of them went back and forth on the street, fighting, and the fight was extremely lively.

"Is that Goddess Lisa?"

Brenner was surprised when he saw this scene from a distance. He has a best friend who likes the goddess Lisa so much that he even drew comic strips for her. Unfortunately, he is not here now, otherwise, he would probably go crazy.

Immediately, Brenner shook his head and concentrated on dealing with the game characters, even the Smurfs, and was booed by the audience.

"I'm a professional video game player, and I won't stop playing just because the other person is cute."

Brenner shouted, and the president complained: "That's why you don't have a girlfriend yet."

Brenna showed his middle finger, this guy is a bad friend.

With the efforts of everyone, the situation in New York is gradually under control. The characters in the game are indeed not simple, but the superheroes are not vegetarians either.

Otherwise, the aliens would not have prohibited the superheroes from taking action before.

"Aliens, why don't you admit defeat? Don't worry, the Earth treats prisoners well."

In the arcade world, Andrew raised his head and said to the void: "I will not kill you, I will only turn you into a pet. After all, you are our trophy."

The alien gritted his teeth. This was what he said to the earthlings before, but he didn't expect the earthlings to return this sentence to him now.

The alien asked: "When did you discover me?"

"I found you before the decisive battle."

Andrew said: "If you fulfill your promise, we won't do anything to you, but if you are looking for death, don't blame us for being rude."

The alien said: "Do you think you will win?"

"Nonsense, if you don't win, do you still lose?"

Andrew said: "You can still have some dignity by surrendering now, otherwise, we can only help you show dignity."

The alien gritted his teeth and shouted: "I will never surrender. I will leave the earth, bring more people over, and turn all of you despicable humans into trophies."

"Kill him."

When the audience heard these words, they were very angry. It was obviously you who came to invade us and cheated and was so shameless. Now you still dare to call us despicable?

"The opportunity was given to you, but it's a pity that you didn't cherish it."

Andrew snorted coldly and stopped persuading him. He thought about it and called Qbert over. Then, he picked up the device on Qbert's head and fiddled with it a few times. A holographic projection appeared, which was the scene of the Battle of New York.

"Everyone comes here to watch the battle, just like watching a movie."

Andrew shouted, and the game characters gathered around. They looked at the prosperous New York with longing in their eyes. Unfortunately, they were just game characters and could not really enter reality.

Ralph asked in surprise: "Is the thing on little Q's head so powerful?"

"Of course my stuff is great."

Andrew smiled. In fact, the instrument on Qbert's head was his cheating method, and there was a trump card hidden in it.

However, the arcade world has changed so much that the aliens were defeated before they could use this trump card.

"It's not a problem outside, I just need to continue watching the show."

Andrew shook his head and asked Asiu: "Asiu, when will the repair be completed?"

"It's been patched up."

Ash put away his hammer, pointed at the finish line behind him, and said with a smile, "Perfect."

"very good."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction and said to Vanellope: "Vanellope, drive the racing car through the finish line. By then, you will become a princess again."

Vanellope was a little hesitant and said, "Actually, I don't really want to be a princess, and I'm not sure if I can be a good princess. Also, will my special abilities still be there after I turn back into a princess?"

Andrew smiled, and Vanellope was obviously timid about being close to home.

Andrew said: "You will know when you turn back into a princess, Ralph, and push our princess to the finish line."

"No problem, I'm very good at forcing people to make things difficult for them."

Ralph laughed, and then he pushed Vanellope's car into the finish line. The entire game world was swept by a bright ripple, and a large number of damaged items were automatically restored. This was a game restart.

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