American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 83 Weightlessness

Tony gritted his teeth angrily. He knew what Mystique meant and said, "Bring Mark's suit over here and I'll unlock it for you."


Mystique nodded with satisfaction, pushed Tony to Toad, and asked him to unlock the Mark suit.

With Mystique's push, Tony's fingers gently touched a certain location on his waist, sending out a distress signal.

This was a rescue method developed by Tony after he was captured last time, but even he himself did not expect that he would use it so soon, and it was because of the same group of people.

Tony looked sad and angry: "What kind of unlucky person would install a distress signal in his body, and what kind of unlucky person would really use a distress signal? Or within a year."

In fact, Mystique has blocked the signal here, but Tony's rescue method is relatively advanced, and ordinary shielding devices cannot block it.

Tony's signal quickly reached Pepper, who was shocked and immediately notified SHIELD of the incident and hired Psylocke to help again.

Psylocke complained: "Pepper, are you sure you don't want to find another man? How many times has this happened?"

"If I don't change, I will identify with this man for the rest of my life."

Pepper was also talking dirty words in her heart. She said she was fine last month, but she was immediately in danger this month. She said, "Anyway, if you rescue him for me, money is not an issue."

"Okay, you have the money, you have the final say. However, that base is a bit far away from me, so I may not be able to catch up." Lingdie nodded and set off again.

At the same time, S.H.I.E.L.D. quickly set off, and Black Widow complained: "Is there any mistake? Is this frequency too high?"

"When will Colson return to New York to take charge? I miss him so much now."

John Garrett sighed, he was here specifically to cover for Coulson, or rather, to suffer.

Natasha said: "Let's go quickly. If something happens to the rocket base, it will be terrible."

Garrett nodded, and soon, the group took a Quinjet and rushed to the rocket base outside New York.

At the rocket base, a truck drove in. In addition to ten tungsten rods, there were also some devices needed for space-based weapons.

The space-based plan was not actually thought up by Mystique herself. It was an idea that Magneto had long ago. However, it has not been implemented due to some factors.

Dr. Reed couldn't help but ask: "What on earth do you want to do? The space shuttle cannot transport such a heavy tungsten rod."

"Just because you can't do it doesn't mean we can't do it. It's weightless."

Mystique shouted to a small mutant, who nodded and walked to the tungsten rod. Then, he held the tungsten rod in his hand, and a layer of black light gradually spread from his palm to the entire tungsten rod.

After a moment, the pale, over-exhausted little mutant let go of the tungsten rod in his hand without weight, and the black-lit tungsten rod floated in the air as if weightless.

“Is this controlling gravity or reducing weight?”

Tony was a little surprised. The abilities of mutants are really diverse, but humans are not bad either. For example, the Rebirth Group has an artificial gravity system, and there is a doctor who is studying gravitonium.

Dr. Reed looked at the floating tungsten rod and exclaimed: "Wow, your ability is very useful for space research. Are you interested in being my assistant?"

Weightless heard the words and mocked: "Someone once made a similar request to me, and then, he almost drained my blood. We mutants are just experimental products to you humans."

"After today, nothing will be the same."

Mystique gave weightless encouragement, turned to Big Steel Teeth and said, "Bring the people out."

Big Steel Teeth nodded silently, and took out a group of tied prisoners from the truck - all of them were die-hard supporters of Senator Kelly, and they were all killed by Mystique with poison gas.

Mystique said coldly: "Make their lives weightless, weightless, make the tungsten rod and all of us weightless, thank you for your hard work."

"No hard work, for the mutants."

Weightless said firmly, and so did the other mutants. Then, the Life Link mutant came over, his hands lit up with purple light, and transferred the life of a prisoner to Weightless. The previously sluggish Weightless suddenly became full of life.

The remaining prisoners were frightened and whined, obviously begging for mercy. Unfortunately, the mutants had no intention of letting them go. After spending several months together, they knew very well the virtues of these people.

If it weren't for the plan, these die-hard anti-mutants would have been killed by them long ago, and they were extremely cruel.

Tony couldn't stand it anymore and asked angrily in a weak tone: "How can you kill innocent people like this?"

"First of all, they are not innocent. Each one of them wants to exterminate us mutants. Secondly, we are much more merciful than you humans. At the very least, we only kill people, do not torture people, let alone do experiments on people."

Mystique said through gritted teeth - after she killed Trask, she was captured by humans and used as an experimental subject for several years. She still shudders even when she thinks about those days when life was worse than death.

This is why Mystique hates humans so much, and she really doesn't mind wiping them all out if she can.

Tony was speechless. Even he was powerless against the conflict between mutants and humans.

Mystique ignored Tony and said, "Big Steel Teeth, tie the weightless materials to the space shuttle. Toad, modify the space shuttle and get us some simple seats."


The mutants nodded one after another and arranged everything as quickly as possible. They were full of expectations. If they succeeded this time, they would have their own country. By then, they would no longer be discriminated against and everyone would be happy. life.

"I hope it won't affect my experiment."

Dr. Reed sighed and was a little speechless. He pointed at Susan and whispered: "Reed, now is a good opportunity to gain favor."

Dr. Reed's eyes lit up and he was about to go over to comfort Susan. At this time, Frank stood between him and Susan and gave him a warning. Dr. Reed smiled coquettishly and turned around to continue talking to Ben.

Frank snorted and turned to Susan: "Miss Stone, you don't have anything to worry about. You are the BOSS's woman. No one on earth can hurt you."

"I didn't expect you, with your thick eyebrows and big eyes, to be able to flatter people."

Susan couldn't help laughing and said, "I hope Andrew can get here in time."

Mystique heard this and said, "He was too late, because he was having a passionate fight with a beautiful woman."

Let's push the time forward a little. On the streets of New York, Andrew, who was driving a convertible, stopped in front of a traffic light.

"When will Howard's artificial intelligence research be completed? With artificial intelligence, you don't have to wait for the traffic light anymore. Uh, isn't this a little overqualified?"

Andrew was thinking wildly. At this time, accompanied by a gust of fragrance, a hot beauty wearing only a vest and hot pants leaned against the passenger door and asked: "Handsome man, are you interested in taking me for a ride?"

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