American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 817 Speculation

Although the missile is ineffective against the little bees, fortunately, the energy beam of the armed robot has an effect on the little bees, and the hit little bees explode on the spot.

When the other little bees saw this, they immediately targeted the armed robots. As for the exoskeleton armor, they would take care of it later. There was no threat anyway.

In a short period of time, there were already thousands of attacking bees. They avoided the attack while firing beams at the armed robots. The two sides went back and forth, fighting, and the light of energy kept flashing in the air.

As soon as the armed robot is hit by the beam, it immediately turns into crystal, no matter where it is hit.

The audience was stunned. This was simply a science fiction version of war.

As time goes by, more and more bees attack, and the armed robots gradually begin to be unable to withstand them. As for the exoskeleton armor and fighter jets, they cannot hurt the bees at all, and the situation is getting worse and worse for the military.

General Calvin looked a little ugly and shouted: "Start the plasma cannon to bombard the little bees."

A few years ago, a Zerg with plasma bugs invaded the earth and was defeated by the Justice League. The military obtained a certain amount of loot and copied the plasma cannon technology. However, there were many problems and it was not a finished product.

Two surrounding buildings opened, and two thick cannon barrels were activated, aiming at the little bees in the sky.

Then, the plasma cannon was activated, and two dazzling balls of plasma shot into the sky, sweeping away a large area of ​​bees.

The military representatives and the audience cheered. The American military is still quite capable. This time, the military may not lose.

Unfortunately, the military representatives and the audience were happy too early. The previous attacks were just ordinary bees. After the military dispatched the plasma cannon, the bee leader immediately launched an attack with a group of bee generals.

Both the little bee leader and the little bee general were incredibly fast. They flew over the plasma cannon, and a large number of beams of light fell like raindrops, instantly turning the plasma cannon and surrounding buildings into glowing squares.


The military representatives and the audience screamed, but unfortunately, no matter how much they shouted, it was useless. As the leader and generals of the little bees joined the attack, the armed robots were defeated and turned into cubes one after another.

In just a few minutes, all the armed robots were eliminated. Then, the bees began to deal with the exoskeleton armor, defense measures, armed helicopters, and the nearby military building.

"The military lost."

Tony sighed, and Andrew warned: "No one takes action, we still have two chances, don't rush."

Hancock said: "Don't worry, we are not Wade, we are not that crazy."

"Who is calling me? Are you about to start an attack?"

Wade asked blankly, everyone was stunned, why is this guy here again? Immediately, everyone looked at each other and punched Wade together, knocking him unconscious.

This is not any personal grudge against Wade, it is purely to prevent him from randomly destroying the world.

That's right, that's it. How can a superhero avenge a private revenge? Hey, Green Lantern, put the hammer down, it's too much.

Just like what Tony said, the military was defeated, and all the targets targeted by the little bees were turned into pixel squares by them.

After more than ten minutes, the military was completely defeated. There was a dead silence in the command room, and no one was speechless.

This time, he was not defeated by the opponent's conspiracy, but defeated head-on.

A general said unwillingly: "Damn it, I didn't know in advance that they could only be destroyed with energy beams. Otherwise, we might not lose."

"If we lose, we lose. There is no need to defend ourselves. Fortunately, we still have two chances."

General Calvin said: "Moreover, these aliens don't seem to have any intention of killing people. They only destroy equipment and do not kill people."

This is the truth. This time, not a single American soldier died, but the losses were huge.

Thousands of armed robots cost the military tens of billions of dollars. As a result, they were wiped out before they were even warmed up, and several generals almost fainted.

Before General Calvin finished speaking, suddenly, a ray of light enveloped a soldier below. Then, the soldier turned into a square and disappeared with the light.

After doing this, all the little bees flew into the sky, turned into light and disappeared.

Andrew looked at the little bees and found that they were completely integrated into the light and could not be tracked.

"what happened?"

Everyone was a little confused. They didn't kill anyone before. When the battle was over, they suddenly captured a soldier?

Andrew said: "Is it a trophy? You don't have to worry too much, the soldier is probably not dead yet."

"not dead?"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and General Calvin asked: "Mr. Wang, what kind of technology are these aliens using, and why are they so weird?

Everything is turned into pixelated squares. "

"You have to go back and study it to understand their methods."

Andrew said: "Iron Man and I will pack up some of the cubes and go back to study them, and your military will handle the rest and don't let it go outside.

As for the second game, wait until those aliens send news. "


Neither the President nor General Calvin objected, and the audience went crazy: "Let the superheroes come. The military is unreliable. If we lose another battle, our planet will be gone."

When the military saw such a statement, they immediately smiled bitterly, but they did not refute it. After all, they really lost the first game.

In fact, the military also hopes that the Justice League will take action. They don't want to lose the earth, although they have never agreed to the bet at all.

General Calvin said without any nonsense, "Mr. Wang, we cannot do it alone. We, the Justice League, must take action."

"We also want to take action, but the problem is, we can't take action. As soon as we take action, the aliens will blow up the earth."

Hancock said: "I doubted this before, but now, I don't doubt it. Their abilities are too weird and they can destroy the earth. It is normal."

The other superheroes nodded, and Andrew said: "What the aliens say is that you cannot use superpowers. If you suppress your strength and act as ordinary people, you can still take action."

Mary said: "The question is, if we become ordinary people, what is the point of us taking action?"

"Of course it makes sense. You have rich experience in saving the world. Moreover, you have excellent psychological quality and will not panic when encountering things."

Andrew said: "Even if you don't have super powers, you can still be superheroes. In the next wave of games, you will also join the battle."


The superheroes did not refuse. They still had confidence in themselves, and Mr. Wang also had confidence in them.

When the superheroes agreed, both the military and the audience breathed a sigh of relief.

Although superheroes cannot use superpowers, the audience still believes in them. After all, they have saved the world many times.

"Okay, let's analyze these pixel crystals first."

Andrew said, and everyone nodded. At this time, General Calvin used a private channel to say to Andrew: "Mr. Wang, the president has something to say to you."

Andrew said: "Your Excellency, let's be honest. I believe that what you are going to tell me will not be something shady."

The president smiled bitterly and said: "It's not shameful, but it's ridiculous. In 1982, the United States held its first arcade competition.

They not only filmed the challenge, but also asked NASA to put the videotape into space to search for aliens.

Don’t be surprised. At that time, NASA was desperately trying to find aliens, and many similar things were released. "

Andrew asked: "Arcade machine? Mr. President, what do you want to say?"

"Those little bees just now, both in arrangement and action pattern, are very similar to the arcade game bees."

The president said: "I'm wondering if that video tape was received by aliens. The aliens thought we were threatening them, so they came to retaliate against us?"


Both the superheroes and the audience were shocked. Mary complained: "Mr. President, are you a little too imaginative?

You mean, the aliens look like little bees, and the tape happens to be about killing the little bees, so they think we're a threat to them. "

The audience shook their heads. Isn't this ridiculous? How could such a coincidence happen?

"I'm not saying that aliens look like bees. What I mean is that there may be a connection between the two."

The president said helplessly that he also knew the absurdity, so he wanted to talk to Andrew alone.

However, it doesn't matter if he says it in front of the audience. Anyway, he doesn't have much prestige to begin with, so it won't be a big problem if he loses a little more.

"Maybe there is."

Andrew said: “Those aliens watched the video tape and used photon energy to create the monsters in the video tape to play games with us humans.

In this case, it can explain why the appearance and mode of Little Bee are so similar to the arcade game. "

Mary shook her head: "I still think it's too outrageous. Who would regard the video tape as a threat? Aliens are highly civilized and there is no reason for their IQs to be so low."

"It's just that even I wouldn't consider the tape to be dangerous."

Many people nodded in agreement, and Andrew smiled and said: "When we see the second wave of monsters, we will know whether our guess is wrong.

Your Excellency, President, please help summon experts who play arcade games. They must be arcade games from the 1980s. "

"My friend Brenner is a genius at this, and I immediately asked him to help."

After hearing what Andrew said, the president was overjoyed and immediately asked people to find Brenner. Some of Andrew and others were looking for the aliens, and some were studying pixel cubes and bee corpses in the laboratory.

These two items contain amazing technology that even Andrew does not dare to underestimate.

"No wonder you dare to come to Earth so arrogantly, you really have some skills."

Andrew narrowed his eyes slightly. He was very interested in new technologies. Maybe this time, he could catch all the aliens' new technologies.

In the White House, Brenner, who had just been picked up, listened to the president's introduction and said, "President, you won't really let me, a maintenance man, save the world, will you?"

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