"From now on, I officially become an honorable undercover agent. I never thought that a nerd like me would also have the opportunity to be an undercover agent."

After the negotiations with the military and the Sky Eye Society were completed, Dr. Langning laughed, and his undercover career officially began.

Dr. Ronning is not nervous because he is the easiest undercover. On the one hand, unless it endangers the safety of the earth, he does not need to do anything.

On the other hand, even if he is discovered, nothing will happen to him, after all, there is someone behind him.

In any case, this disaster has finally come to an end. Unlike the Underworld Police Department, here on Earth, except for the loss of many robots, the other damage was not too great.

In addition, USR's stock price plummeted due to this incident, while Stark Group's stock price rose again.

Putting all this aside, Andrew left the aftermath to others, returned to the command module, and began to count the harvest this time.

In terms of reputation and fear, there are naturally quite a lot. This wave of reputation is mainly concentrated on the armor. The controller of the armor is Alice. Although she is an intelligent life, she has a self and a soul, so she can also accommodate the favor of the world. .

There is no doubt about the power of the armor. It is even more powerful than Super Boy's robot. There is no way. Andrew is too famous and it is easy to collect superpower genes. Now the number of superpowers in the armor is as high as three digits.

What's even better is that this time, the Warframe has successfully copied the time ability. No matter which world, the time ability is the best, there is no doubt about it.

In addition to these, Andrew also gained an ally, an undercover agent, three resurrection leaves, and the body of the Dark Lord.

Needless to say, allies, the Underworld Tree Demon King has signed a contract, and he will definitely lead the Underworld Police Department to fight for mankind in the future.

Being undercover can prevent the military and the Sky Eye Society from causing any more disasters. Dr. Langning is an intelligent being and can easily obtain information from the Sky Eye Society and the military.

Three resurrection leaves are equal to three lives. In this way, you don’t need to use precious time to resurrect superheroes and others in the future. In addition, if you don’t have enough in the future, you can have a ‘friendly discussion’ with the Nether Tree Demon King and get a few more leaves.

Needless to say, the body of the Dark Demon King is absolutely a good thing and represents several artifacts, which are also several trump cards.

Andrew looked in the direction of the earth and murmured to himself: "In two years, everything should be over."

"I want to die when I think about my term of office for more than three years. In fact, I had no intention of being re-elected last year. I just followed the trend and made no effort at all."

In a very ordinary room, the current president said to his friend: "As a result, others not only did not contribute, but also helped push me, so I became the president again."

The president's friend was a tall, muscular man named Brenner who weighed at least ninety kilograms. He sighed and said, "It's really unfortunate. I pay so much tax every year, but on the stage, there is actually a person who doesn't have the slightest bit of money." A fat guy with no energy."

"Just be lucky to have a fat guy. If it had been someone else, it would have been worse than me."

The president rolled his eyes. He didn't care what his bad friend said. He said: "At the very least, I fully support the Justice League and will never stand in their way."

"That's because Mr. Wang and Iron Man's company are providing you with a lot of money behind the scenes. To be honest, this is really not what positive people would do."

Brenner scoffed that he and the president had known each other since they were both avid arcade fans when they were kids.

Decades later, the fat boy became the president, and the runner-up in the national arcade competition became a repairman who helped install electrical appliances.

By the way, the champion of that year is now in prison.

"This is the great thing about Mr. Wang. Many superheroes reject gray areas, but Mr. Wang does not. He has been using his methods to make the earth develop in a better direction."

The president said: "Stop talking about this, I suddenly remembered something. During the arcade competition, did the organizers send the scenes of us playing arcade games to outer space?"

"Yes, the game footage was put on a videotape and sent into space with the help of NASA."

Brenner nodded and said, "At the time, we all thought it was super awesome and super glorious, but now that we think about it, it's super stupid."

"It's okay to be silly."

The president sighed and said: "Don't cause any trouble. In the past, everyone thought that we were the only ones in the universe, but now we know that there are countless aliens in the universe.

If this attracts enemies, it will be troublesome. Shet, NASA seems to have done a lot of similar things. How could humans be so stupid? "

"That shouldn't happen, right? Why don't we just play the arcade? What could happen? The little bees in the arcade come out and attack us?"

Brenner shrugged and didn't take it seriously. The president said: "Maybe there are too many disasters and I'm a little sensitive. Okay, Brenner, my free time is full today. We will meet again next month, at a specific time." The Secret Service will notify you.”

"I feel like I'm out to sell, and I serve you once a month."

Brenner complained: "What's the most important thing? The most important thing is that you still don't pay me."


The president smiled and said: "It's okay. I will introduce you to everyone and say that you are very skilled and have won the runner-up once."

"I thought that was the starting point of my life. Unexpectedly, it was the highest point of my life."

Brenner shook his head. When he was a child, he always thought he would be very promising, and then he would become an electrical installer.

On the contrary, the fat man across from me was mediocre from a young age, and then he became the president and was re-elected.

Then, the president left under the protection of Secret Service agents. Brenner recalled the previous conversation and smiled: "It would be interesting if a little bee really ran out."

Shaking his head, Brenner got up and went to help people install electrical appliances. This is life, isn't it?

At night, in a mysterious unmanned arcade hall, a large number of arcade machines are still running without power outage. These arcade machines include the latest "Heroic Mission" and "Sweet Rush", as well as the ancient "Kuaishou Ash" and "Street Fighter". "etc.

In the game "Kuaishou Ashiu", a three-meter-tall man with extremely thick hands is sitting in a garbage pile made of bricks, looking up at the building opposite.

The residents in the building were gathering at Kuaishou Axiu's home, serving him various pies and cakes. Looking at the happy residents, a flash of envy flashed in the big man's eyes.

This big guy is the villain of "Kuaishou Ash", Wreck-It Ralph.

The game "Kuaishou Ashui", to put it simply, is that Ralph destroys the house, and the player controls Ashui to repair the house. Ashu has an ancestral hammer that can repair anything.

This is a game that has been around for nearly thirty years. In a few months, it will be the game's thirtieth anniversary. Ralph has been sleeping in the garbage for almost thirty years. To be honest, he is a little tired.

"I don't want to be a bad guy anymore."

This thought flashed through Ralph's mind, and he shook his head violently. He couldn't think like this. He was a program and couldn't deviate from the setting. He didn't want to be a crazy turbine.

This arcade is very special. All the characters in the arcade have their own consciousness. What they fear most is a permanent power outage, which means that their home is gone.

This group of game characters with different ideas didn't notice that someone discovered them. To be precise, aliens discovered them.

"I didn't expect that there would be such an existence on Earth. It's great. It can start our plan ahead of time."

The alien murmured to himself: "Human beings are so audacious, they actually dare to threaten our planet Fulula. We are going to play games with them, at the expense of the planet, and we will win two out of three games."

Humans, cherish these last few months, for by then, you will have lost your planet. "

After saying that, the entire arcade lit up with a dazzling white light. Three seconds later, the white light disappeared. All the arcade machines in the arcade underwent strange changes, but no one noticed this.

Time flies to December 2017. Due to frequent disasters, there has been no festive atmosphere in the past few years, and it is the same this year.

However, the market is very prosperous. Americans have no habit of saving in the first place, but now they are letting themselves go and spending in advance. The world is so dangerous anyway, and maybe one day they die and they don’t have to pay off their debts.

In Battlestar, Andrew stood in the laboratory, with three mother boxes flying around him. A large amount of electric light flashed on the surface of the mother boxes, making the mother boxes look amazing.

"The energy is still not restored, but don't worry, it can always be restored."

Andrew smiled and said, at this time, Diana walked into the laboratory and asked: "Have you not finished the research yet? Mr. Wang in three minutes?"

"Hey, you are slandering me. How long will it take for you to not know?"

Andrew rolled his eyes and said: "I'm thinking about using the mother box to make some gadgets. The mother box has various abilities, and I have just begun to develop it."

"I always feel that the Mother Box is dangerous. It is the highest-tech product of Apokolips. Maybe Darkseid can secretly control it."

"It's like controlling Cyborg," Diana said.

"Do you think that something controlled by God will be controlled by Darkseid?"

Andrew smiled and said, if this really happened, he, God, could just find a piece of tofu and kill him.

"Classmate God, hurry up and complete your task. Then, we will go to have a dinner."

Diana said angrily: "I haven't seen Clark's child yet. I don't know if it looks like Clark or Louise?"

Today is a superhero party day. To put it simply, superheroes and their families gather together for dinner and exchange feelings with each other.

Uh, you can think of it as a team building, Justice League team building.

Superheroes are human beings too, with worries and quarrels, so team building like this is essential.

Superman's child is called Jonathan Kent Jr. Not long after he was born, Clark now hugs his son so hard every day that he doesn't even go to class, so Andrew can't find a chance to deduct his salary.

"We'll know then."

Andrew smiled, put down the mother box, and teleported Diana to an island near New York.

This island was bought by Iron Man and used exclusively for parties. All the waiters are robots to prevent the identities of the superheroes from being leaked.

"Robots as waiters?"

Wade looked disgusted: "Tony Stark, you have changed. I remember when you were at Marvel, there were always bikini girls at every party.

Now, actually using robots, this is the worst party I've ever been to. "

"I'm sorry, who are you? Why don't I remember that I invited you?"

Tony rolled his eyes. He was already used to Wade's crazy talk. At first, he was still interested in studying it, but later he decisively stopped to avoid becoming a madman.

Wade waved his hand very generously and said: "No need to say sorry, even if you forget to invite me, I will still come to your party. After all, we have that kind of relationship."

Everyone nearby looked at Tony and Wade curiously. They had long heard that Tony Stark was gay, but they didn't expect it to be true. However, was his taste too strong?

Tony was very angry. He hesitated for a moment and turned around and left without arguing with Wade. If you argue with a madman, you will be embarrassed if you lose the argument, and you will be equally embarrassed if you win the argument. The best way is to pretend that you can't see him.

"Don't leave, I still have a lot of news that I haven't revealed yet. For example, Iron Man is just a second-tier hero, and no one wants the copyright, so he stayed in the hands of Marvel and finally made it into a movie..."

Wade shouted after Tony, everyone shook their heads, and Iron Man was a little tired of being entangled by Wade.

At this time, Andrew brought Diana over, and everyone greeted him: "Mr. Wang."

"You're welcome, eat well and drink well."

Andrew smiled and Tony rolled his eyes, saying that you were the owner of this place. Also, did your word come from a time travel a hundred years ago, so old-fashioned?

Next, Andrew and Diana go to see Superman's child, who is sleeping in Clark's arms.

Clark, who could easily destroy a mountain range, was using the smallest amount of strength to hold his child tenderly, as if he was the world.

Louise complained to Andrew and Diana who were walking over: "Can you imagine? I want to hold a child and I have to apply to him.

The same goes for Martha. If she wants to have a grandson, she has to ask him for permission first. "

Andrew smiled and said: "It's understandable. I want him to work and I have to apply."

Everyone laughed, and Clark was a little embarrassed. He said, "I'll take another month, no, three months of leave. I really don't trust him. He's so young. What if something happens to him?"

"Clark, we have the most advanced robots at home, and at your speed, if he cries, you can rush back within three seconds."

Louise said, and Clark said: "I'm just worried, uh, Mr. Wang, I'm not saying I'm worried about your robot, I'm just worried about the child."

"It's understandable, Clark. You will be a good father, but you can't do anything too hard. You can't hold the child for the rest of your life, right?"

"Not just now, but in the future, you have to let go," Andrew said.

"I was definitely a little too nervous."

Clark nodded. He hesitated and handed the child to Louise. But halfway through, he took it back and said, "Uh, Louise, I'll give it to you tomorrow. Let me hold it today."


Louise couldn't help but slap her forehead, and everyone laughed.

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