American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 813 Beheading

While speaking, Andrew took out several half-meter-long nanoguns and handed them to the Flash and the others. The function of these guns was simple: to capture dead ghosts and trap them in crystals.

The dead ghosts next to the altar were all devoured by the Dark Lord's clones, but many dead ghosts were still fighting household robots on the road.

"You developed a special weapon to deal with dead ghosts so quickly?"

Everyone was very surprised, but when they thought it was King Andrew, they felt it was normal. After all, it was King Andrew.

"Payment? It's a small matter less than 100 million US dollars. Don't bother me. Go to Stark Group's finance."

Tony Stark waved his hands very richly, and everyone booed. Then, they officially entered Boston with Andrew's ghost gun.

Both Iron Man and Batman stayed, and Tony said straight to the point: "Two things. The first one is how strong the suit is. Do you mind letting us study it?"

For persecutory paranoiacs like Iron Man and Batman, they can't sleep until they understand the armor's data.

Andrew said: "I don't mind. The problem is, I'm worried that after you study it, you won't be able to sleep even more."

Tony said arrogantly: "Don't worry, no matter how powerful the armor is, I, Tony Stark, can break it."

"As long as we know the detailed data, we can deal with it."

Batman also said that these two people, one really likes to build anti-XX armor, and the other likes to prepare in advance. They are a match made in heaven. If they are not together, they will be sorry to the audience.

"Who is resisting and who is resisting the armor?"

Andrew looked disgusted. Compared to the funny character Tony, Batman's success rate is much higher. However, this guy's hands are a bit dark. For example, the first time he shook hands, he gave Cyborg a virus or something.

"That was me before, and now I succeed every time."

Tony immediately changed the subject: "Second thing, the battle isn't really over yet, is it?"

"If I guess correctly, there is still fighting at the Underworld Police Station."

Batman asked: "Will their battle affect our side? Also, what is the truth about the Underworld Police Department?"

"It is true that there is still fighting over there, but it will end soon and will not affect our side."

Andrew smiled and said: "As for the truth about the Underworld Police Department, let me tell you slowly."

Iron Man and Batman opened their eyes wide at the same time: "Editor?"

"Uh, sorry, I accidentally told the truth."

Andrew smiled and said: "It's just a joke, don't be so serious, the thing is like this..."

At the same time as the introduction, Andrew dialed Lucifer's phone number and told him everything simultaneously to avoid having to tell him a second time.

After hearing this, Lucifer said with a moved face: "There is such a righteous Demon King in hell? Where is the Demon King of the Underworld Tree? I fully support his experiment, and I look forward to him replacing me and becoming the Lord of Hell."

The Maizi who is still in the bar is covered in black streaks. Someone is trying to take your position as the Lord of Hell, but you still say that He is righteous?

Gabriel can understand Lucifer. Lucifer becoming the Lord of Hell is a punishment. It is normal for him to want to get rid of this identity.

"Anyway, that's it."

Andrew said: "Lucifer, the enthusiastic citizen, the matter you reported will be solved soon. However, I would like to remind you that after this battle, the strength of the Three Palace Demons will be greatly enhanced."

"This is a good thing. As long as he can defeat me, the position of the Lord of Hell will be his."

Lucifer smiled and said, by then, He will be truly liberated.

Andrew closed the communication in a boring manner. What did he want from the position of the Lord of Hell? It was just to tease Lucifer, but he didn't care at all.

Andrew smiled and said: "Since you don't care, after I restore my identity as God, I will let you...continue to be the Lord of Hell, and I will also provide you with a check-in system. You must check in in hell every day."

"Lucifer, this is no joke. During this period, the strength and power of the Three Palace Demons have grown rapidly."

Maizi said to Lucifer: "That guy named Andrew Wang, for some reason, has been helping the Three Palace Demons grow. I suspect there is some shady agreement between them."

"I still think He is too slow. I am waiting for Him to challenge me again."

Lucifer said: "Okay, Maizi, you can go back. The matter at the Underworld Police Station has been successfully resolved."

"It may be a satisfactory solution for the earth, but it may not be a satisfactory solution for you."

Maizi sighed, drank the whiskey in the glass, and returned to hell worriedly. The matter of the Nether Tree Demon King must be solved thoroughly.

Gabriel said: "You have loyal subordinates, but unfortunately, you are a terrible boss."

"Mai Zi thought I wanted to be the Lord of Hell, but he didn't know that I didn't want to stay in Hell at all."

Lucifer sighed and said: "I am the morning star, there is no sun in hell, and the first day I entered hell, I wanted to leave.

Don't talk about this, the trouble is over, Gabriel, let's work hard and make the bar prosperous. "

Gabriel complained: "This is harder than not being the Lord of Hell."

Leaving aside the situation on the earth for the moment, in the small world, the Dark Demon King sensed that his clone was destroyed, and his expression changed. Then, the golden altar was destroyed, and the small world returned to normal.

"Very good."

The Dark Tree Demon King breathed a sigh of relief, and like the magicians, he appeased the people and dealt with various matters. As for the battle, he just left it to the Three Palace Demons.

"Three Palace Demon, what you did to me today, I will definitely repay you twice as much in the future."

The Dark Demon King glanced at the Mechanical Three-Gong Demon with resentment, turned around and ran away. He planned to break through the barriers of the small world and escape from the small world.

This is not difficult for the Dark Demon King. After all, the small world is now riddled with holes and is completely different from before.

The Dark Demon King hates the Three Palace Demons to the core. If this guy hadn't disrupted the situation, the Dark Tree Demon King would have definitely died in his hands, and he would become the new Lord of Hell.

Everything was ruined by the bastard San Gong Demon.

Seeing the Dark Demon King escaping, the Demon of the Three Palaces did not move. Soon, the Dark Demon King broke through the barrier of the small world and returned to the outside.

Before the Dark Demon King could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw seven Third Palace Demons surrounding him.

The Dark Demon King is confused. There is only one Three-Gong Demon inside, but there are actually seven outside. Am I escaping loneliness?

"Perplexed? The small world has long been manipulated by the main body. No matter which direction you escape from, you will enter our encirclement."

One of the Three Palace Demons smiled and said: "This encirclement is specially designed for you. You can escape from the small world, but you will never escape from our encirclement."

The Dark Demon King said bitterly: "The clone of the Three Palace Demon?"

"Yes, you can call us, Seven Deadly Sins."

The seven Three-Gong Demons grinned at the same time, and then, flames, lightning, raging flames, storms and other magics flew out of them one after another, and densely bombarded the Dark Demon King.

"I will never die here, I will become the Lord of Hell."

The Dark Demon King roared, and a brutal battle between the Demon King officially broke out.

"sucker Punch."

With a move of the mechanical Three Palace Demon Hand, a split soul appeared out of thin air in his hand. It was the split soul of the Dark Demon King.

After the armor blasted the clone of the Dark Demon King, it imprisoned the soul and sent it to the hands of the mechanical Three Palace Demon.

"Let me show you my special skills."

The mechanical Three Palace Demon smiled slightly and cursed the Dark Demon King with his split soul. The Dark Demon King, who was barely fighting against the Seven Deadly Sins, felt that his head was hit hard by a sledgehammer, and his consciousness was blurred.

For the Demon King, such a curse can only last for a few breaths, but this is enough for the Seven Deadly Sins.

The Seven Deadly Sins took advantage of the Dark Demon King's mental problem, and the seven people merged into one, turning into a colorful giant sword and slashing down fiercely. Whether it was time, space, or the Dark Demon King, they were all cut off by this sword.

Death brought the Dark Demon King's consciousness back to normal, and he roared unwillingly: "I hate it so much."

No matter how much the Dark Lord hates him, it cannot change the fact that he has fallen, his body split into two, and he fell to the ground at the same time.

This sword not only cuts the Dark Demon King's body, but also his soul, vitality, and existence mark.

The seven-colored giant sword turned back into the Seven Deadly Sins. They pressed their hands, and a small space appeared out of thin air, sealing the body of the Dark Demon King inside.

The body of a demon king is of infinite value and can even be used to refine several artifacts.

"Done, call it a day."

The Seven Deadly Sins nodded and their bodies quickly disappeared.

"The Dark Lord has fallen."

The Dark Tree Demon King sensed that the Dark Demon King's aura had completely disappeared, and looked at the Mechanical Three Palace Demon in shock. He actually killed the Dark Demon King, and so quickly?

This is really unbelievable, that is the Demon King!

"I told you, He's going to die today."

The Mechanical Three-Gong Demon smiled slightly and said: "Okay, the matter is settled, it's time for me to leave, Demon King of the Underworld Tree, you can do whatever you want next, but don't forget that you are already my ally.

When I call you, you have to show up, understand? "

"Understood, there are only obligations and no rights as allies. No matter what, Three Palace Demon, thank you this time."

The Mingshu Demon King smiled bitterly, not to mention that he had already signed the contract, even if he had not signed it, he would not dare to refuse the Mechanical Three Palace Demon.

"very good."

The mechanical three-house demon nodded with satisfaction, and said to the raven: "My dear daughter, I'm going back first. As for the matter between your Justice League and the Underworld Police Department, you can talk about it yourself."

"Okay, Father."

Raven replied obediently, to be honest, even she was a little shocked by the strength of the Three-Gong Demon. The previous Three-Gong Demon would never have been able to kill a demon king so easily without being injured at all.

Then, the Mechanical Three-Gong Demon tore open the small world and teleported away. After he left, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief. The presence of the Mechanical Three-Gong Demon was too stressful.

Seeing that the Three Palace Demons really left, the Mingshu Demon King was completely relieved. It seemed that the Three Palace Demons really had no interest in his own little world.

Raven said to the Nether Tree Demon King: "Nether Tree Demon King, let's deal with the aftermath first. When the aftermath is over, we can talk slowly."

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