American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 811 War begins

"It is indeed not that easy to kill a demon king, but this is a special situation."

The Mechanical Three-Gong Demon smiled and said: "Demon King of the Dark Tree, give me control of the small world. Don't be so coy. If I want to kill you, I must tell you straight away and I won't play any tricks with you.

I, the Demon of the Third Palace, am a straight man of steel, and I never bother to play tricks. "

Raven and Zatanna secretly rolled their eyes, Mr. Wang, do you still have a lot of tricks to play?

The Dark Tree Demon King hesitated and gave control of the small world to the Mechanical Three Palace Demon.

The Mechanical Three-Gong Demon was not polite and directly controlled the small world to open a door and let his body in.

Because the control of the small world is in the hands of the mechanical Three Palace Demon, the Dark Demon King did not notice this.

The dark shadows of the Dark Demon King are frantically attacking the Dark Tree Demon King. Because the Dark Tree Demon King has reached an agreement with the Mechanical Three Palace Demon, he no longer desperately resists.

The ‘give up’ of the Nether Tree Demon King completely reversed the soul passage, and a large number of souls fell into Boston from the soul passage.

The magicians in the human city were shocked and tried their best to protect the people, but some people still kept falling.

"I won."

The shadows laughed loudly, rushed into the soul channel one after another, and merged with Bobby outside. Then, the ghost of the Dark Lord devoured Bobby's soul, occupied the magpie's nest, and officially entered the earth.

This did not end. At the same time, the Dark Demon King's body began to forcefully squeeze into the small world.

Due to the large number of shadows produced, the Dark Demon King's strength has declined, but he has nothing to worry about.

On the one hand, there are a large number of souls that can be devoured and they can be restored quickly. On the other hand, the Nether Tree Demon King suffered heavy losses and his strength was greatly reduced.

In fact, even if it is not reduced, the Dark Demon King does not take the Dark Tree Demon King seriously. Without the increase of the small world, the combat effectiveness of the Dark Tree Demon King is simply a shame for the Demon King.

Soon, the Dark Demon King forced his way into the small world. He laughed loudly and prepared to completely kill the Dark Tree Demon King and lead the small world to invade the earth.

As for his clone, he will swallow all the souls of Boston during this period. Then, the main body and the clone will join forces to destroy the earth, swallow the soul, challenge Lucifer, and become the Lord of Hell.

When he thought of countless demon kings kneeling at his feet and calling himself the Lord of Hell, the Dark Demon couldn't help laughing, as if he had become the Lord of Hell.

The next second, the excited Dark Demon King saw the Three Palace Demon, who was picking his nose.

The Dark Demon King's smile instantly froze, perfectly explaining what it means to be confused. Why is the Three Palace Demon here? This unscientific.

The mechanical Three Palace Demon asked: "Have you laughed enough? You have laughed enough. I will send you on your way. By the way, your smile is really ugly."

"Three Palace Demon, why are you here?"

The Dark Demon King asked in a mixture of shock and anger. The Mechanical Three-Gong Demon smiled slightly and slapped the layers of space like a giant wave towards the Dark Demon King: "Where is I? Do I still want to report to you?"

The ghost of the Dark Demon King appeared in great numbers, and he hurriedly put his hand to the right. With a bang, he was knocked away and hit the barrier hard, and his right arm was severely twisted and deformed.

"This Three Palace Demon is so domineering and powerful."

Constantine sighed, if he had this strength, who would dare to stop him from staying in the Overlord Hotel and eating Overlord meals in the future? More importantly, he no longer has to ask women to help him pay for his house and becomes a truly good man.

"Three Palace Demons."

The Dark Demon King's arm quickly recovered. He hesitated and did not run away. He had planned for hundreds of years and ran away as soon as he saw the Three Palace Demon. Wouldn't he have become a joke?

The Dark Demon King didn't know that he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

Then, the Dark Demon King got up and shouted loudly. A powerful wave of energy swept across the entire place, and everyone slowed down, as if in slow motion.

This is the method used by Poppy and his gang at the Underworld Police Station before. This is the Dark Demon's special skill.

"Three Palace Demon, don't think that I'm really afraid of you. No matter how powerful you are, you can't stop my time ability."

After saying that, the Dark Demon King turned into a black vortex and swept towards the Three Palace Demons. There were dark space cracks everywhere around the vortex. It was because this small world could not bear his power.

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked. Can the Three Palace Demons block the power of time?

The answer is, yes. The mechanical Three Palace Demon suddenly became faster and struck the Dark Demon King's vortex with a punch that shattered the earth. The vortex exploded on the spot, turning into countless black energy and scattered out.

Then, the black energy reorganized into the Dark Demon King in the air, and he shouted in disbelief: "You can actually get rid of the power of time?"

"How dare you show off such a shallow power of time in front of me? I don't know."

The Mechanical Three-Gong Demon smiled disdainfully. Based on his understanding of time, this time trick was nothing. Then, he clapped his hands, and a huge space crack struck at the Dark Demon King like an angry dragon.

The Dark Demon King did not dare to take a direct hit and hurriedly avoided. The Mechanical Three-Gong Demon crossed the space in one step and smashed his fist down like a mountain.

Before the fist arrived, the space around the Dark Demon King had solidified. Before he could break through the space blockade, the fist hit him, blasting him again.

Although the Dark Lord's body recovered quickly, his magic power was greatly depleted and he could not last too many times.

"You are indeed a Three-Gong Demon. I am no match for you."

The Dark Demon King was extremely bitter, but he still had no idea of ​​​​escape, because he still had a chance, that is, a clone.

As long as the clone devours enough souls, his strength will become stronger than his own. At that time, the two of them will besiege the Three Palace Demons together. Even the Three Palace Demons will be defeated by them.

The mechanical Three Palace Demon knew what the Dark Demon King was thinking. He smiled disdainfully and continued to attack. The Dark Demon King either exploded or flew around.

"The Three Palace Demons are really powerful, and the Dark Demon King has no power to fight back."

The Dark Tree Demon King was secretly glad that he had not fallen out with the Three Palace Demons, otherwise he would have died without even knowing how.

Seeing that the Three Palace Demon did not need his own help, the Dark Tree Demon King began to save other souls to prevent them from being sucked into the soul channel.

"What kind of existence is Mr. Wang? He controls the body of the Three Palace Demons and is actually more powerful than the Three Palace Demons?"

The raven was stunned. He became more and more curious about Andrew's true identity. In fact, everyone else was as well.

Constantine threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stamped on it, and quietly left the battle scene to go to the city of humanity to reap benefits.

There is almost no one in the human city now. It is the time to make a fortune. With so many magicians, there must be a lot of good things.

Globe Boston.

The clone of the Dark Demon King was very proud. Suddenly, he sensed the condition of his main body and his expression changed. The Demon of the Three Palaces actually joined in?

"What about the Three Palace Demons? With so many souls, I will grow to a point that even surprises me."

The Dark Demon King snorted coldly and was about to start devouring the souls of Bostonians - the main body encountered the Three Palace Demon and could no longer transfer power to him. As for those souls, due to the interference of the Dark Tree Demon King, the falling speed was too slow.

The Dark Demon King glanced around, then punched a nearby building with billowing black energy.

Black gas quickly enveloped the entire building, and the pillars of the building broke one after another. Soon, the building began to collapse.

The white-collar workers in the building were so frightened that they kept screaming, and the faces of the audience also changed dramatically. Is today's Boston going to become a thing of the past?

Nick and the old cowboy were furious, and they all attacked the Dark Lord, but were easily knocked away by the opponent's black energy.

"You alone want to stop me?"

The Dark Lord smiled disdainfully. He was about to devour the souls in the building. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning flashed rapidly inside the building, and in just one second, everyone was rescued from the building.

Then, the building collapsed and dust rose into the sky, which was quite spectacular.

"Huh? So fast, could it be the Flash from the Justice League?"

The Dark Lord frowned. He turned to look at the group of survivors and found that the person standing at the front was not the Flash, but a suit of armor, a suit that looked somewhat similar to Andrew.

"Where did this armor come from?"

The audience was very surprised, as were the superheroes. Tony asked: "Andrew, is this the new armor you built?"

"To be precise, it's a modified new armor."

Andrew said: "This armor is actually the one worn by Steppenwolf. In the past few months, I have carefully modified it. Do you think the handsomeness has improved linearly?"

Tony complained: "I didn't see how handsome you are, I only saw how thick-skinned you are."

Everyone couldn't help laughing, and Batman, who had rushed over before, asked: "It turns out to be Steppenwolf's armor. Mr. Wang, have you upgraded this armor into an intelligent life?"

Batman frowned a little. This armor is very powerful and can use countless powers. If it betrays humanity, humanity will face a nightmare.

"No, Alice is controlling it."

Andrew said: "For the time being, I am not planning to create new intelligent life."

"That's good."

Batman breathed a sigh of relief and modified the data file in his mind: Alice's danger level has increased again.

Tony asked again: "Andrew, was this armor in Boston from the beginning?"

"No, it was sneaked in using a special method, you can't use it."

Andrew shook his head: "With it, the Demon King is not a big problem. He is not the Demon King's body, but the Demon King's consciousness is possessed by Bobby. Although it is very powerful, it does not reach the level of the Demon King.

At most, it's just one or two superpowers. "

"When did I become a unit of measurement?"

Superman complained: "Also, what do you mean, I only have one or two super powers at most. Am I weak?"

"If you are weak, there will be no strong people in this world."

The Flash complained, and he asked Andrew: "Mr. Wang, why does that armor have the same top speed as me? My top speed comes from the Speed ​​Force and has nothing to do with genes."

"It has nothing to do with you, it's Sonic the Hedgehog's top speed plus Superman's genes."

Andrew said: "The biggest feature of the genetic armor is that it can superimpose abilities. Watch its performance carefully. Maybe in the future... you will all be eliminated."

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