American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 800 Underworld Police Station

After listening to the old cowboy's introduction, Nick asked: "Why are there dead ghosts escaping?"

"Because too many people died and the immigration department was undermanned, many souls who were unwilling to accept the trial escaped from hell and became dead ghosts."

The old cowboy said: "This is why we, RIPD, exist. Our duty is to capture all those dead ghosts. Well, this is the door."

After saying that, the old cowboy knocked on the door, and the door opened. Inside was a very normal man, who asked them very politely: "Hello, what can I do for you?"

Nick glanced at the old cowboy. Did this old guy find the wrong person?

At this moment, the old cowboy used a packet of curry powder to make the dead ghost appear - a dead ghost with a super big mouth.

"People who are greedy and gluttonous in life will become like this after death."

The old cowboy said to Nick. Nick blinked and complained: "I don't want to know why he became like this. I just want to know why curry powder can make him appear. This is unscientific."

"I don't know why, this is the ancestral method of RIPD."

The old cowboy shrugged, then he showed his handcuffs, walked into the house, and said to the dead man: "Surrender, I will take you back to the police station for trial."

The dead ghost stretched out his hands helplessly, and just when the old cowboy was about to handcuff him, he suddenly grabbed the old cowboy's hand and pushed him towards Nick.

Nick hurriedly hugged the old cowboy, and they both fell to the ground at the same time.

Then, the dead ghost forcefully removed the refrigerator door and smashed it against Nick and the two. Then, he took out the gold nugget from the cowboy jar and swallowed it into his mouth.

After doing this, the dead ghost rushed out of the door and was about to run away. Unexpectedly, there was someone outside the door. He knocked the other person back repeatedly and backed up himself.

"Fake, have you ever been so unlucky?"

The person outside the door was Constantine. When he saw the dead ghost, he complained: "Brother, you are so ugly."

"Go away."

The dead ghost had no time to pay attention to Constantine and was about to escape. At this moment, a silver-white tentacle emerged from Constantine's right hand, grabbed his neck, and lifted him in the air.

Constantine sneered: "You don't apologize when you bump into someone, and you ask me to get away. Do you know that this is very rude?"

"you wanna die."

The dead ghost was frightened and angry, struggling desperately, but could not get rid of the tentacles. At this time, the old cowboy and Nick chased out. They were a little surprised when they saw the situation outside.

The old cowboy motioned to Nick to let him come. Then, he shook his hair and said to Constantine: "Handsome boy, this is our prisoner."

In the eyes of ordinary people, the old cowboy is a beautiful woman with a super good figure. The old cowboy obviously intends to take advantage of this. It is always easier for beautiful women to do things.

The problem is, Constantine knew his true identity, and he said with a disgusted look on his face: "Isn't it disgusting for a hundred-year-old man to do such a thing?"

"Do you know my true identity?"

The old cowboy was stunned, and then he said, "Are you a magician? Haven't all the magicians in Boston disappeared?"

"Magician? Can you let others see my true appearance?"

Nick asked excitedly, if he could, his wife would know who he really was.

"This is what I wanted to ask you. Who are you? And why did the magicians in Boston disappear?"

Constantine asked, and the old cowboy said: "I don't know why the magician disappeared. Maybe he was tired of living for too long. As for us, we are policemen from the Underworld Police Department, responsible for catching dead ghosts, the ones you caught." .

Please return the dead ghost to you and don't delay our normal work. "

"Underworld Police Department?"

Constantine looked confused. There is a police station in hell. Why didn't I know?

"I have lived in hell for decades, and I have never heard of the underworld police department."

At this time, Raven and Zatanna rushed over. Raven said: "There is something wrong with this underworld police station. It should be the reason why all the souls in Boston disappeared."

"You're the one with the problem, who wears a cloak in broad daylight?"

The old cowboy yelled dissatisfiedly. He had served the Underworld Police Department for hundreds of years and naturally did not allow others to question the police department, although he often scolded the higher-ups of the police department.

Raven glanced at the old cowboy, raised his arm, and the watch on his wrist lit up, projecting a badge on the wall with two large DC characters on it.

This is the badge of the Justice League. All the superheroes have asked Andrew, what does the word DC mean?

Andrew said that this is the origin of this world. Although everyone was very dissatisfied with this answer, they did not reject the badge. Anyway, it is a symbol.

"I'm Raven, Magical Advisor to the Justice League."

Raven said: "There is a problem with the Underworld Police Station. I hope you can tell me the details of the police station."

"Justice League?"

The old cowboy, Nick, and the dead ghost were all shocked. The old cowboy curled his lips in displeasure and said, "So what about the Justice League? The Justice League must be right?"

"of course."

The person who said this was none other than Nick. He said: "I'll tell you everything you want to know. I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to play for the Justice League."

The old cowboy glared at Nick, who looked indifferent. He had only joined RIPD for a day. You can't expect him to have a sense of belonging to RIPD, right?

Moreover, this is the Justice League. The Justice League has saved the earth countless times. Who would not believe in them?

Raven put away the holographic projection and asked, "What on earth is going on with the Underworld Police Department?"

"The Underworld Police Department has branches all over the United States, and we are the Boston branch."

Nick immediately replied: "After a Bostonian dies, his soul will enter the heavenly passage and be judged by the immigration office. Those who are not guilty will go to heaven, and those who are guilty will go to hell.

Because there are so many souls, souls often escape. Such souls are called dead ghosts, and the underworld police station was established to capture them.

Well, the above is what my superiors told me when I joined the company. By the way, did I really join the company? I didn't even sign my name, and they didn't tell me anything about my salary or social security. "

The old cowboy rolled his eyes and said: "I have never seen what social security looks like in the hundreds of years of work. Justice League, you are good people, and we are good people too. Don't look at us like prisoners, okay?"

The three ravens looked at each other, and Constantine said: "The problem is, you are the criminals. The Underworld Police Station is an illegal organization, and it may affect the security of the earth."


The old cowboy and Nick were stunned for a moment, and then they both spoke at the same time.

The old cowboy said: "This is impossible. We have been helping to protect the earth. Without us RIPD, the earth would have been destroyed by dead ghosts long ago."

Nick said: "I'm not familiar with the Underworld Police Department. It's just my first day on the job. I immediately abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side and turned into a tainted witness."

The old cowboy glared at Nick, and Nick glared back. Shet, I had long felt that something was wrong with that damn place. It was indeed not a good place.

"Old cowboy, let me tell you two things first."

Raven said: "First, the Underworld Police Department only has your Boston bureau and no other branches. Otherwise, it would have been discovered long ago.

Second, the reason why dead ghosts exist is because of your underworld police department. Under normal circumstances, after the death of a living being, the soul will automatically enter the soul channel and go to the River Styx.

People who have faith will be sent by the corresponding gods to take them back to the Kingdom of God. People who have no faith will enter the River Styx, be washed clean, or be reincarnated, or become demons, and will not harm the human world at all.

If it weren't for this, the world wouldn't be so peaceful. "

"You call this time peace?"

Zatanna and Constantine secretly complained that there was a disaster every few months, what a ghost.

"This is impossible." The old cowboy roared like an enraged bull.

Raven said: "If you don't believe it, I can take you to other cities to watch normal deaths. After watching it, I hope you can cooperate with us to completely solve this matter.

You have served the Underworld Police Department for hundreds of years, which means that the Underworld Police Department has existed for at least hundreds of years.

Over the past hundred years, all the souls of Boston's dead have been taken away by them. This is very dangerous. Once it breaks out, the world may be destroyed. "

"This has to be stopped, and I'm willing to help you."

Nick immediately stated that he did not regard himself as a member of the Underworld Police Department at all. The old cowboy shouted: "I want to see the evidence first. If it is true, I will call those high-level officials..."

Everyone was amazed that this person's level of swearing was definitely at the master level.

"No problem, I'll show you the evidence right away, and I can even take you on a tour of hell."

Raven said, at this time, Constantine said: "How to deal with this dead ghost? You can't keep catching him, and it's not good to take him back. He knows too much."

"Kill him directly."

The old cowboy said impatiently. The dead ghost was shocked when he heard this. He opened his mouth and said, "Wait a minute, I have important information..."

The next second, the dead ghost exploded with a bang, and his soul was scattered. Several pieces of gold fell to the ground, making a clanking sound.

Nick was stunned when he saw the gold. How could this gold be so similar to the gold he was greedy for? It's like it was removed from the same instrument.

"It shouldn't be possible, right?"

Nick hesitated and didn't say anything about it.

"That's it again."

Raven frowned, and she said: "Zatanna and I used the recently deceased souls to explore the building behind the soul passage, but a group of dead ghosts appeared to stop us.

After the group of dead ghosts were defeated by us, they all exploded. The mastermind behind the scenes was probably worried about what we would find. After all, the underworld police station is not something that can be seen in the light. "

"This is impossible."

The old cowboy frowned and pinched his beard as he said: "You are exploring the underworld police station. Even if someone comes out to stop you, it should be a police officer like us. Why would it be a dead ghost?

Dead ghosts are the enemies of the underworld police station. "

Nick said: "This further shows that there is something wrong with the Underworld Police Department. Maybe they are working with the dead ghosts. This is how it is played in the movies."

"We'll know when we find out."

Raven said: "It's not suitable to stay here for too long. Let's move immediately and start the next step."


No one had any objections. Nick deliberately picked up all the gold before leaving. Everyone just thought he was greedy for money and didn't take it too seriously.

Then, Raven took the old cowboy to visit other cities and confirmed that only Boston had the Underworld Police Department. The old cowboy's faith collapsed, his eyes turned red, and he wanted to kill everyone in the Underworld Police Department.

"When will your Justice League take action? I will be the vanguard."

The old cowboy who had previously been extremely protective of the Underworld Police Department shouted, and the raven said: "There are still too many things we don't understand about the Underworld Police Department, so we can't attack rashly. Let's investigate clearly first.

Old Cowboy, I hope you and Nick will return to the Underworld Police Station to help us investigate the truth. "

The old cowboy was not completely brainless. He hesitated, put away the two guns, and said, "The problem is, I don't know how to investigate the truth.

The top brass of the Underworld Police Department, except for my ex-girlfriend, are all hiding in the dark. When something important happens, they will pass through a passage and put down a box with their instructions in it. "

"Is this okay?"

Everyone was a little speechless, and Nick complained: "This is an evil organization, how can the Justice Organization be so sneaky? Like the Justice League, the Hall of Justice is there and is often open to the public for visits.

My wife and I just went to see it last month. The Green Lantern suit was broken again and was put on display. To be honest, the Green Lantern uniform was super ugly. "

Raven and Zatanna felt a little guilty. The Hall of Justice was simply a tourist attraction. The real Justice League residence was underground in Metropolis and only the Justice League knew about it.

"Your mission is to bring us in. The three of us will investigate this matter, and you will assist us."

Raven said: "Well, this is a bit too dangerous for you. Let's do this. You go catch a dead ghost, and the three of us will hide in the dead ghost and sneak in."

"no problem."

Nick nodded. As expected of the Justice League, they are indeed kind and will not harm their companions at all.

"Can I not go?"

Constantine raised his hands and said, sneaking into the opponent's lair. He heard it was very dangerous and he didn't want to go at all.

Raven said: "You must go, don't worry, Mr. Wang said that if you die, he will take your soul back."

"That's why I'm worried."

Constantine complained, but he did not object anymore. After all, Andrew would help him at critical times.

"Well, I'm not making a request."

Nick said: "But can I ask you a favor? I was a policeman before my death, but I was not shot by a gang member. It was my colleague who attacked me in a sneak attack. He seemed to have some plans for my wife.

Can you guys help me arrest that guy? Well, if possible, I hope to see my wife again, not as she is now, but as she was before. "

"The latter request doesn't work. Nick, you are already dead. Unless you can be resurrected, I don't recommend you to make her sad again."

Raven said: "As for the former, it is not difficult for us, but Nick, we are the Justice League and we must talk about the evidence instead of listening to your side of the story."

Nick shouted a little excitedly: "I am the witness. I accuse that bastard of shooting me."

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