"It's time to start, earn reputation and fear every day."

Andrew nodded and started the live broadcast. As soon as the audience received the prompt, they immediately entered the live broadcast room. When they saw the scene on the screen, they couldn't help but be stunned. Is this Chernobyl?

"Things started thousands of years ago..."

Andrew began to introduce the disaster. At the end, he said: "Currently, all three mother boxes have been snatched away by Steppenwolf. Steppenwolf is preparing to open the sonic blast channel to lead the universe overlord Darkseid and billions of enemies into the earth."

"The overlord of the universe, Darkseid, and billions of enemies?"

Andrew's words caused an uproar in the audience. Isn't this too scary?

In other words, what is so good about our earth? Can’t we change it? Why do you always want to invade us?

“It wasn’t enough to invade once thousands of years ago, why are you invading now?”

Many people cursed, and then they looked at the screen nervously, expecting the superheroes to perform miracles and defeat the alien invaders again.

Leaving aside the live broadcast, in Chernobyl, Mary and Hancock are still besieging Steppenwolf, but they have not been able to open up the situation, and both sides have been in a state of anxiety.

Black Adam has killed dozens of powerful men, and his eyes are full of violence. These guys are trying their best to stop him, that is, him. If it were those soft-hearted guys like Superman, they would probably be dragged away forever.

Superman was still in the illusion. At this time, he suddenly stopped and stopped walking in the maze. He seemed to be thinking about something.

"It's useless. Our maze is specially prepared for you. You will definitely not be able to escape from this maze."

The dark magicians sneered secretly, they had 100% confidence in their maze.

At this moment, Superman's figure suddenly disappeared from the maze. The next second, he returned to normal, his eyes emitted heat rays, shot through the body of a black magician, and hit the tower hard.

The tower collapsed from the middle and fell downwards, and the defensive cover quickly disappeared.

The Flash just ran to the bottom of the tower and prepared to attack. Unexpectedly, the tower suddenly collapsed and he hurriedly ran away.

The Flash secretly complained: "Superman, couldn't you have done it earlier or later? I feel so bad when you're like this."

The remaining black magicians were shocked and wanted to hide. At this time, a cold air hit them, freezing them all into ice blocks and falling downwards.

The black magicians will never understand until their death why Superman suddenly returned to normal? It's not magic.

Why did Superman suddenly return to normal? The reason is simple. Andrew once taught him how to fight against illusions, including internal and external methods.

The other option was to manipulate the communicator and release electric current to shock Superman's brain. Superman couldn't accept this. He always felt that the enemy would take advantage of him, so he gave up this method.

What's wrong is that Superman speeded up his thinking and forcibly broke away from the illusion. Superman didn't practice very well, so it took him several minutes.

"I still need to practice more in the future. This weakness is too obvious and everyone uses this method to deal with me."

Superman secretly sighed, this is why Andrew specially taught him the method.

Seeing the tower collapse, Steppenwolf's expression changed, he forced Hancock and Mary away with an axe, and jumped in front of the base with a big jump.

At the same time, the superheroes gathered around. Steppenwolf snorted and was about to speak. At this moment, an eight-clawed ball robot teleported to Steppenwolf.

"So ugly."

Tony complained, the superheroes all nodded, and even Steppenwolf agreed. No matter how many times he saw it, this thing was still ugly.

The audience also nodded. Fortunately, this guy is not a superhero, otherwise no one would buy his peripherals.

Superboy scolded: "What's so ugly about it? Iron Man, your suit is ugly."

"Tens of millions of models and figures of various types of Super Suit have been sold so far, which shows that the public likes my Iron Suit very much."

Tony sneered, and Neptune said, "That's right, so in order to sell more models, Iron Man released many types of suits."

Iron Man looked at Neptune speechlessly, where are you from?

"That's because my robot hasn't been sold yet. Otherwise, the sales will definitely be higher than the steel suit."

Superboy snorted coldly, and then he raised the mother box in his tentacle and said, "Haha, I got the mother box. Andrew Wang is nothing more than that. I am the number one scientist on earth."

"Get the mother box back."

Superman and Black Adam rushed towards Superboy at the same time. Superboy once again divided into six clones and asked them to stop the superheroes.

Steppenwolf shouted in surprise: "Not only did you get the mother box, but you also got the third child's genes?"

"That's right, Mr. Incredible's wife and three children happen to be in Peace City. I used a little trick to get their genes."

Superboy said proudly: "Speaking of which, it's a good thing I met them. Otherwise, it would be almost impossible to get the mother box. Andrew Wang has laid many traps next to the mother box. I definitely can't handle them. Fortunately, I There are seven me.”

Steppenwolf said excitedly: "It seems luck is on our side."

"Superboy, what have you done to my family?"

Mr. Incredible shouted angrily as he lifted a large rock and threw it at Kid Incredible.

"I told you, my name is Mr. Chaojin, Mr. Incredible. I have not been your fan for a long time."

The super boy waved his tentacles and smashed the big rock into pieces, and he snorted coldly: "As for your family, don't worry, they are fine now, of course, just now.

Hahaha, Steppenwolf, let's quickly go in and assemble the mother box to summon Lord Darkseid to come and destroy the earth. "


Steppenwolf immediately took Superboy into the base, and Iron Man shouted: "Others restrain these six clones and demonoids, and let Diana, Superman, and The Flash enter the base.

The mother boxes must be snatched back, and they must not be allowed to open the sonic blast channel, otherwise, the earth will be over. "

The audience's hearts were in their throats: "Superheroes, come on."


Everyone nodded and tried their best to fight against the six robot clones, a large number of defense measures, demonoids and those strong ones. Diana and the three took the opportunity to enter the base.

Inside the base, Steppenwolf stood on a high platform with three mother boxes floating in front of him. He was extremely excited. He could finally atone for his sins and return to Darkseid.

"Don't even think about it."

Diana waved the truth chain and tied it towards the Mother Boxes. At the same time, Superman flew towards Superboy and the Flash rushed towards the three Mother Boxes at nearly the speed of light.

"That's not okay, superheroes."

Superboy sneered, and suddenly there was a consciousness in the Flash's brain, controlling him to hit Superman.

Superman hurriedly blocked the Flash, and Superboy took the opportunity to control the tentacles and grab Diana's mantra lasso.

"What would happen if I asked him if he was an undercover agent at this time?"

Diana secretly thought, of course, she would not do this. She controlled the golden thunder and spread it quickly along the lasso towards Superboy's tentacles.

"it's useless."

Superboy let go of the lasso, and then used his ability to grow to giant size, his tentacles expanded violently, and smashed into Diana like an overwhelming force.

Diana hurriedly avoided, and at the same time, another Diana appeared above the tentacle, slashing at the tentacle with a sword like a sword.

Superboy saw this and controlled the air to form a cannonball, knocking the other Diana away.

The two Dianas snorted coldly and rushed forward to fight the super boy. Of course, Diana did not use her full strength. After all, she was one of her own.

Seeing Diana entangled with Superboy, Superman and the Flash, who had returned to normal, rushed towards Steppenwolf.

At this moment, under Steppenwolf's control, the three Mother Boxes merged into one, blooming with dazzling light.

The mother box is a trinity. There is no need to control it anymore. After two minutes, the sonic blast channel will open.

Steppenwolf laughed loudly, swung his ax, turned around and slashed at Superman so hard that it felt like the entire space was split in half by him.

Superman hurriedly dodged, and then, with his eyes glowing red, he shot at Steppenwolf's arm.

Steppenwolf activated his genetic power and rushed in front of Superman, knocking him away.

Superman stopped in the air, snorted coldly, rushed forward and punched Steppenwolf away. Steppenwolf hit the wall with a bang, and a lot of dust fell.

"The Kryptonians are much stronger than Hancock and Mary. No wonder DeSaad told me to be careful about him."

Steppenwolf's body shook, and he fell from the wall to the ground. Then, he shouted loudly, yellow lightning flashed from the axe, and he blasted towards Superman.

Superman dodged and swooped down to attack Steppenwolf. Because of the help of the suit, Steppenwolf was not ravaged by Superman one-sidedly like in the movie, and fought back and forth with him.

The Flash took the opportunity to rush to the mother box. He shouted: "I'm next to the mother box. What should I do? Pull them apart with my hands?"

"Don't do it. The energy of the Mother Box is extremely violent. If you touch it, you will either die or be seriously injured."

A steel figure flew in and shouted, but it was Cyborg. The Flash was stunned: "Cyborg, how did you regain your strength?"

In order to prevent Cyborg from being controlled by Darkseid, he has been keeping his abilities sealed during this period.

"I can't worry about so much now. I have made some preparations. Darkseid will not be able to control me in a short period of time."

Cyborg flew to the high platform and whispered on his personal channel: "Flash, next, I want to dismantle the mother box. You use the most powerful electricity to help me."

"No problem, I'll go out right away to condense the electricity."

Flash nodded and rushed out, running wildly around.

Cyborg took a deep breath and prepared to grab the Mother Box. When Superboy saw this, he sneered: "The Mother Boxes are conscious. If you can't pull them away, you will only become a puppet of the Mother Box."

Superboy is afraid that Cyborg will touch the mother box and die. It doesn't matter if he dies. The problem is that if he dies, Mr. Wang may blame himself.

"Someone has to take a risk, and I'm the perfect person to do it."

Cyborg ignored Superboy's words and grabbed the Mother Box with both hands. The next second, his consciousness entered a ruin-like place. His father, mother, and himself were standing opposite, waiting for him.

These three people are the consciousnesses of the three Mother Boxes. They are preparing to use their affection to assimilate Cyborg and turn him into a puppet.

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