American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 784 Prepare for war

"This house is really miserable. I hope you bought insurance."

Iron Man said sarcastic words while quickly scanning the room. Unfortunately, the two invisible men had been vaporized, and some armor fragments remained, but the high temperature eliminated all traces.

"Are we going to return without success again?"

Tony frowned. If he really couldn't find any clues, he could only monitor all the superpowers to see if there was any chance.

Mr. Super said: "Don't worry, I have already bought it. I sell insurance myself."

Tony was surprised. He had never seen such a rich and powerful insurance practitioner.

At this time, Raven walked in and said: "The person has just died. I can use magic to get some information. The premise is that the other party is not prepared in advance and they also have magicians."

“Whether there is or not, always give it a try.”

Tony's eyes lit up and he said, "Steppenwolf and Superboy are obviously preparing some plan. We must stop them."


Raven nodded and began to arrange the magic circle on the ground. Mr. Incredible looked at everything curiously. He knew that magic existed, but he had never seen it before.

Tony was also curious and asked, "Are you trying to summon souls?"


Raven nodded: "After the death of an intelligent being, the soul will automatically enter the kingdom of God or hell. The soul that enters hell will go to the River Styx and be reincarnated into a demon.

There is a long period of time between death and entering the River Styx. If the other party is not prepared in advance, I can summon the souls of those two people.

However, if they enter the Kingdom of Heaven, there is nothing they can do. The God of Heaven may not give me face. "

Tony shook his head: "The difficulty is really high, Mr. Incredible, let's guard this place to prevent the raven from being disturbed."

Soon, Raven's magic circle was set up. She sat in the middle of the magic circle and injected her magic power into the magic circle, which lit up with black light.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but Mr. Incredible felt that his surroundings suddenly became colder.

Raven quickly cast magic, summoning the souls of the two invisible men using the armor they wore when they were alive, plus the resentment of death.

It went smoothly at first, and the raven successfully locked onto the two people who had just died. Then, she controlled her magic power and turned into a black raven, heading to the Styx Channel to bring the two people over.

At this moment, a group of transparent ghosts suddenly appeared in the Styx channel and attacked the crow transformed by the raven's magic power. It was obvious that the magician on the Steppenwolf side noticed the raven's movements.

"As expected, I was prepared. Fortunately, it was just an interception. The invisible man's soul is still there."

The raven was not surprised but delighted. The black crow's eyes lit up with dazzling white light, and a group of ghosts were instantly purified and turned into nothingness.

"The lighting technique taught by my father is really useful."

Then, the black crow grabbed the souls of the two invisible men and shuttled back to the earth.

In the base, the black magician suffered a backlash and spit out a mouthful of blood. He cursed in his heart, why does a demon know the light purification technique? It's not magic.

Then, the Black Magician rushed to find Steppenwolf, something happened.

After listening to the black magician's report, Steppenwolf cursed angrily: "Trash, you can't even handle this."

At this time, it should be transferred as soon as possible, but Steppenwolf is reluctant to leave this base. These days, he has spent a lot of time renovating the base, not only supporting the defensive cover, but also a large number of turrets.

In addition, Darkseid sent some demonoids over. If they were evacuated, many demonoids would not be able to be taken away in time.

Superboy smiled and said: "This is not entirely a bad thing. Let all the superheroes come here to find you, and I will go to Battlestar to grab the third mother box."

Steppenwolf said: "My armor has not been fully upgraded. I only have the genes of Hancock and a few other superpowers."

"That's enough, there are still so many strong men and demons in the base."

Super Boy said: "In addition, I have prepared a trump card in the mother box. If you really can't stop it, you can use that trump card to deal with the superheroes.

As soon as I get the Mother Box, I will come back to meet you, activate the Trinity, and destroy everything. "

Steppenwolf asked: "Have you finished integrating the genes over there?"

Superboy nodded: "The fusion is complete. As long as there aren't too many superheroes in Battlestar, I'm sure to get the mother box."

Steppenwolf reminded: "Don't be careless. Battlestar has a space blockade that can immobilize everyone."

Super Boy said: "Whether they can find me is a question. Even if they can, I still have a way to leave. There are two space power genes in my fused power genes."

"That's good. Get ready and leave. I'll wait for the superheroes here and have a good fight with them."

Steppenwolf felt the surging power of the armor and said with some excitement that he was originally a militant. He used to play blitz because he couldn't beat him. Now that he can beat him, he will naturally have to fight a tough battle.


Superboy nodded, and then he got into the robot. The robot quickly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already in space.

This is one of the two space abilities, teleportation.

Leaving aside Steppenwolf's preparations, in Mr. Incredible's room, two transparent souls appeared in the magic circle. Raven said happily: "Good luck, I brought them back."

Tony asked impatiently: "Tell us quickly, where is Steppenwolf?"

The two souls looked at each other and both chose silence. Tony asked: "Why don't you say it? Steppenwolf treats you like this, and you still want to defend him?"

"What we protect is not Steppenwolf, but our people."

One of the souls said: "If we tell, Steppenwolf will kill all our people. Super heroes, I know you are good people, please let us go."

Both Iron Man and Mr. Incredible looked a little ugly. At this time, Raven blew a black breath at the two souls, and the eyes of the two souls became dull at the same time.

"It's just a soul, you still want to keep it a secret?"

Raven snorted coldly and asked, "Tell me, where is Steppenwolf?"

The two souls replied dully: "We don't know exactly where it is, but there was strong radiation there at the beginning, and it was in ruins."

"Radiated, ruins? Chernobyl!"

The three of them shouted at the same time, and Tony cursed: "My robot has flown over Chernobyl many times, but it didn't find anything unusual. Plus, subconsciously, I always thought it was a ruin, so I never went in."

"I do not have either."

Superman, Mary and others smiled bitterly, and Neptune said: "I have been looking for it in the sea for several days, but it turned out to be in Chernobyl."

Iron Man said: "Andrew, teleport us there quickly to prevent Steppenwolf from running away again."

Green Lantern hurriedly said: "Wait, is there radiation in Chernobyl? Can we fight there? I heard that after being exposed to radiation, two heads will grow."

"The device I gave you can survive in space, not to mention isolate it from radiation. Okay, I'll teleport you all there right away."

Andrew said angrily, and then he activated the teleporter to teleport Superman, Mary, Black Adam, Aquaman, The Flash and other superheroes to Chernobyl.

Mr. Incredible is related to this incident, so Andrew passes him on.

This was not over yet. Andrew thought for a while and contacted the Justice Society. Doctor Destiny immediately said: "This is what we should do, pass it on to us."

Because Steppenwolf could not be found before, the Justice League notified the officials of this matter, and they have been looking for Steppenwolf.

Andrew nodded and teleported the four members of the Justice Society there together. As for Diana, Shazam and others in the Battle Fortress, they did not move and continued to guard the Mother Box.

In Chernobyl, superheroes appeared one after another. Mr. Incredible looked at the familiar superheroes around him and couldn't help but be a little excited. This time, he would fight with the Justice League to save the world.

This is what Mr. Incredible has been waiting for.

Superman looked at the ruins in the distance and said, "I still don't notice any difference, and I can't hear any sounds."

"You'll know if you get tough."

Black Adam flew into the sky, and huge thunder blasted towards Chernobyl. The illusion of Chernobyl disappeared directly, and was replaced by a blood-red defensive shield, which illuminated the surrounding area in blood-red.

Black Adam's lightning was easily blocked by the defensive shield, which vibrated like a living thing.

"Wow, you are really reckless."

Tony was speechless. Fortunately, Steppenwolf didn't place dark bombs around, otherwise everyone might have been killed.

However, Black Adam's recklessness is not without its benefits. At the very least, it can now be confirmed that Steppenwolf is indeed hiding here.

"If you have time to talk, it's better to just start the fight."

Black Adam said that Khandak was under construction and he didn't want to waste more time. He could do a lot of work alone.

The Justice Society is no longer looking at Black Adam, a man who can work with the people and is not that bad.

"Don't worry, I'll scan this place first to find out the situation of this defensive shield."

Tony said: "Andrew, use the teleporter to seal the space here and don't let Steppenwolf escape."

"He can't escape this time, as long as he's still inside."

Andrew said that since Steppenwolf was approached by superheroes, he would not let go. Everything depends on Steppenwolf's own abilities.

"Should be there?"

Hearing Andrew's words, everyone was stunned. Don't bother for a long time, Steppenwolf has already escaped in advance.

Tony shook his head and sent the steel suit to conduct a reconnaissance and scan over the defensive shield. Then, a holographic projection appeared in front of him. What was in the projection was the detailed information of the defensive shield, with a large amount of data beside it.

"This defensive cover is a bit special, powered by the pillar in the middle."

Tony's eyes lit up and he said, "As long as we rush into the defensive barrier and break the pillars, we can completely destroy the defensive barrier."

"Uh, is there something wrong with you?"

Neptune said: "If you want to break the pillars, you must first break the defensive shield. The problem is, the defensive shield has been broken, why do you need to break the pillar? Is it unnecessary?"

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