American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 77 Harvest, follow-up

When General Ross heard these questions, his expression changed drastically. Why do they know so much and in detail?

General Ross knew that he was finished. He threw up his head and spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell straight down.

The reporters were startled at first, and then frantically took pictures of the fallen General Ross, with no intention of rescuing him. Hate was big news, and so was General Ross.

Because there were too many reporters, Betty didn't notice what was going on over there. She ran to Dr. Banner and asked worriedly: "Bruce, how are you doing now?"

Dr. Banner opened his mouth and said bitterly: "Betty, I don't seem to be able to change back."

Betty was dumbfounded, could she still get married like this?

After being reborn in hell, Demon King Andrew was in a good mood. He also earned tens of thousands of souls, and his work was not in vain. In addition, as before, a new world merged into this world. Obviously, his previous speculation was correct, the world merged This matter is really related to a big event.

"Is it some kind of force of fate, deflection of fate or something like that?"

Andrew touched his chin, stood up and walked outside the hall. A big-headed man was standing at the door looking at everything in hell with surprise and longing in his eyes.

Andrew looked at Dr. Stern, the big boss, and asked, "You don't seem sad?"

"Why are you sad? I feel super good right now."

The big boss turned around and said: "I was too stupid before to pursue those dirty fame and fortunes. There is only one thing worth pursuing in this world, and that is knowledge."

The big boss said gratefully to Andrew: "Master Demon King, thank you for bringing me to hell. This place is filled with countless wonderful new knowledge. I want to study them carefully."


Andrew was a little surprised. Not only did the big boss's head become bigger, but his personality also changed. He asked, "Have you gained any special abilities after the mutation?"

"I have the psychic ability to control others, but the other person's will must be weak."

The big boss said: "In addition, my intelligence has increased several times compared to before. This is my biggest gain. Lord Demon King, I can study everything you want to study for you."

Andrew said: "Very good, you go and study how to cure diseases, especially those that are incurable."

The big boss said excitedly: "No problem, I will not only cure all human diseases, but also make human beings immortal and evolve into another kind of life."

"Human immortality? Are you trying to bankrupt me?"

Andrew complained, and he said angrily: "This is not allowed to be studied."

The big boss was a little disappointed, and then said: "It doesn't matter. There are a lot of things worth studying here anyway. This is not hell, this is my paradise."

"You study slowly, and I will build a laboratory for you. The more things you study, the more rewards I will give you."

Andrew nodded. With the big boss's ability, he would definitely be able to bring him a lot of souls.

Andrew can never have too much of the soul.

The fighting on Broadway quickly spread across the country and even the world. People were very angry and continued to condemn the military. Some people even went to march outside the White House.

President Ellis first stated that he was not aware of the military's research on hate. At the same time, he assured the public that the matter would be investigated thoroughly.

There is no doubt that General Ross will be sent to a military court by the military. However, he will not have any major problems, let alone go to jail. He will only be left idle for a period of time.

The reason is simple. The military needs a hardliner. In the future, they will even support General Ross to become Secretary of State to fight against increasingly powerful superheroes.

Putting this aside, after negotiations, Blonsky finally fell into the hands of SHIELD, but the other four abominable corpses were taken away by the military.

As for the Hulk's blood in the laboratory, a small part was taken away by the men in black, and the rest was completely destroyed. SHIELD and the military directly removed the floor without wasting a drop.

In addition, Natasha failed to catch up with the man in black and escaped. Nick Fury was very concerned about this matter and sent a large number of agents to hunt down the man in black, the man with the metal arm, Obadiah, and Ivan.

Of course, we all know there's no way Nick Fury can catch these people.

After several days of trying, Dr. Banner confirmed that he could not change back to his original appearance, which made him very frustrated. Finally, under the persuasion of S.H.I.E.L.D., he joined the Avengers team and became the new Avengers - S.H.I.E.L.D. He will help Dr. Banner deal with the military, and at the same time set up a laboratory to help Dr. Banner recover as much as possible.

Betty did not leave Dr. Banner, but their marriage was put on hold indefinitely.

Norman Osborn barely became famous after this war, and the public knew that there was another superhero. Jameson, the editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle, even gave him the title Green Goblin (Goblin).

However, Norman's reputation is not good. On the one hand, he is too ugly and too old. On the other hand, his unscrupulous attacks make the people very dissatisfied.

Coupled with the fact that the human enhancement potion basically failed, Osborne Group's stock price not only did not rise, but also fell again. Norman was so anxious that he put out fires in the boardroom every day.

The board of directors has the right to remove Norman. Capital is always in charge in the United States.

In this disaster, apart from the people and General Ross, there is another person who is unlucky, that is Justin Hammer. He was arrested for harboring wanted criminals, illegally manufacturing weapons, endangering national security and other serious crimes. What awaits him will be a long prison life. .

Justin Hammer feels innocent about this. The military took the lead in this matter, okay? Also, it was those two bastards who caused the trouble, and I didn’t know anything.

No matter what Hammer shouted, he could not change the fate of being taken advantage of. Andrew took advantage of the plummeting share price of Hammer Industries and announced the acquisition of Hammer Industries.

Andrew didn't want to change his job to be an arms dealer, he just wanted the production line of Hammer Industries, which would be useful for rebirth in hell.

After the acquisition is successful, Andrew will split up Hammer Industries, auction it off, and secretly transfer the production lines. According to estimates, Andrew will not only not lose money on this business, but will also make a profit. After all, Hammer Industries is valuable. Quite a few.

On this day, Pepper returned to the Malibu villa. She saw Tony who was operating in front of the holographic projection and said angrily: "Young Master, I have already bought the space station toy you want to buy. Susan is very powerful. For the money, It’s a bit higher than expected.”

"It doesn't matter. The Rebirth Group's space station includes artificial gravity technology and space shuttle technology. No matter how much money you spend, it is worth it."

Tony opened the holographic projection and said, "Moreover, Dr. Reed's experiment is very meaningful. If successful, it can cure hundreds of human diseases."

Pepper asked: "I don't understand. It's just an experiment. Why should I buy the space station? Isn't it more cost-effective to rent it once?"

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