American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 760 Reconciliation

"It will be easier if we have the detailed location."

Andrew nodded, then he took out a few nano masks and handed them to everyone, and said, "Put them on so that the mechanical superman can't hear us."

Everyone took the nano-masks and put them on, and then, a layer of invisible nano-particles enveloped everyone.

This nano mask can not only isolate sounds, but also make their movements quieter. In addition, it also has some very practical small functions.

When everyone was ready, Andrew popped out a golden ring, which quickly turned into a portal. Opposite the door was an underground parking lot near the underground manufacturing base.

"What kind of magic is this?"

S1 Diana was very surprised, and Andrew smiled: "This is not magic, this is technology."

After speaking, Andrew walked in first, and everyone hurriedly followed. The female warriors looked at the portal, very curious, but unfortunately, the portal closed quickly.

In the underground parking lot, everyone was preparing to go to the manufacturing base. At this moment, the communicator on S1 Diana suddenly vibrated slightly.

S1 Diana was stunned and hurriedly picked up the communicator and found that it was Batman calling. She was immediately happy - Batman's device was specially designed and no one else could use it except him.

"It seems that Batman was rescued by Damian."

S1 Diana immediately answered the phone. Andrew glanced at her and said nothing. After all, he was not a familiar teammate.

"Diana, why are you back?"

Batman asked as he typed. The sound would attract the mechanical superman, so he did not speak directly.

S1 Diana also understood this. She typed quickly and told the story. Batman immediately typed: "Wait where you are, I will go find you right away."

Diana replied: "Okay."

"Batman is ready to come. With him here, this trip will definitely go smoother."

S1 Diana said excitedly: "Although I don't like his gloominess, as a teammate, he is definitely qualified."

"It's okay, he didn't install too many viruses in your communicator."

Andrew nodded and said: "You can monitor your location at any time, listen to the sounds around the communicator, and turn on the camera to take pictures of your privacy when necessary.

That's good, at least there's no bomb installed in the communicator. "


S1 Diana was confused and then furious, that old bat actually did so many tricks in the communicator?

Immediately, S1 Diana complained: "He didn't install a bomb, should I thank him?"

"Fortunately, our equipment is all provided by Mr. Wang."

The Flash said that Mr. Wang is obviously much more reliable than Batman, and the Atom feels the same way.

Fiora glanced at the two of them with pity. Is it possible that it's not that Andrew didn't pretend, but that he pretended, and you can't recognize it?

"Batman is naturally suspicious. This is normal. I will teach you a way to kill Batman."

Andrew said: "Find a stranger, arrange a perfect game, and kill him when you meet him for the first time. If you can't kill him the first time, it will be difficult to kill him again in the future."

The Flash asked doubtfully: "Mr. Wang, the method is good, but I have a question, why should we kill Batman?"

"I didn't say I had to kill him. It's not a bad thing to accumulate more knowledge. Maybe it will come in handy one day."

Andrew smiled and said: "Knowledge is power. Young people, you should absorb more knowledge."

"Why does it feel weird?"

The Flash complained. At this time, Fiora sensed something and turned to look at the ceiling behind her. She said, "Although your name is Batman, you don't have to be so sneaky, right?"

Batman jumps from the ceiling, which is a bit embarrassing. He is used to being elusive, which can create a sense of mystery and bring fear to others.

The problem is, he is just an ordinary person. He cannot become invisible or teleport. If he wants to be invisible, he can only do some funny-looking things, such as quietly climbing up the ceiling and then jumping down behind the opponent. .

Fortunately, Batman is thick-skinned, so he was just a little embarrassed instead of dying on the spot. He took out the sound isolation device and said, "Is it okay if you talk like this?

Also, sir, thank you for teaching me how to kill me. "

Andrew said: "You don't have to be so polite. If you can learn something useful, it would be my honor."

Batman was speechless, I was mocking you, didn't you hear it?

Batman's first impression of Andrew is that he is extremely thick-skinned and extremely difficult to deal with.

"Okay, no time wasted."

Andrew said: "Batman, the purpose of our coming here is to investigate the specific situation of Robot Superman and see if there is anyone behind it.

In addition, if I have the chance, I will try to control the mechanical Superman. Once the control is successful, Injustice Superman will have no chance to sing. "

"This is also my purpose."

Batman said: "However, the situation is a bit bad. The underground base is completely enclosed, and the door is guarded by two mechanical supermen.

In addition, there are at least ten mechanical supermen inside. After studying for a long time, I still can't get in.

This manufacturing base is very strange. There are no ventilation ducts and no sewers. "

No matter how mysterious Batman is, he is just an ordinary person. There is nothing he can do in such a completely sealed building.

S1 Diana said: "In other words, there are no humans in it?"

"Batman, how do you know there are at least ten mechanical supermen in there?"

Andrew said: "Everyone cooperates and needs to be sincere. For example, I will sincerely tell you how to kill you."

"Are you sure you are sincere? Do I still want to thank you?"

Batman complained, he hesitated and said, "Cyborg is in the manufacturing factory."

S1 Diana asked in confusion: "Cyborg is inside, what does it have to do with you knowing the internal situation?"

"there is only one truth."

Andrew pushed up his non-existent glasses and said, "Batman has done some tricks on Cyborg, so he can see what Cyborg sees. Therefore, he knows that Cyborg is in the manufacturing base, and he also knows that there are at least ten people in the base. Mechanical Superman.”

S1 Diana looked at Batman in shock, and Batman said: "The first time I shook hands with Cyborg, I implanted a virus in him.

In order to avoid being discovered by Cyborg, I had been reluctant to activate the virus in the past, but this time I had no choice but to use it. "

S1 Diana quietly stayed away from Batman, and so did the Flash and the Atom. This guy is too shady.

Atom thought secretly: "The Batman in our universe should be so sinister, but because of Mr. Wang's suppression, he can't use many of his methods."

Andrew asked: "With your personality, you must have recorded a video. Can you play it for us to see?"


Batman didn't refuse, and then he took out a micro-monitor to play the video.

The video content is from Cyborg's perspective. He is inspecting the factory. You can see that the factory is manufacturing an alloy.

The metal on Mechanical Superman's body is a very strange super alloy, which is only slightly less hard than Superman. This super alloy is difficult to make and requires many processes, and only a small amount can be made each time.

"The reason why there are not many mechanical supermen is closely related to the fact that alloy is very difficult to make."

Batman said: "I briefly analyzed the original materials of those alloys and found that the most important part is not metal from the earth."

S1 Diana asked: "Is it Kryptonian metal?"

"It seems not. The properties of Kryptonian metal are different from those metals."

Batman shook his head and continued: "In addition, Cyborg only stayed in the outer operation room. He never entered the inner layer. Obviously, the inner layer is the key."

Andrew looked at the video and said, "Batman, have you noticed that something is wrong with Cyborg?"

"I noticed it."

Batman nodded: "Cyborg's actions are very mechanical."

Flash asked, "Isn't he just a robot?"

"No, Victor is not a robot. He is a real human being with a mechanical body."

Atom retorted that he and Cyborg are both colleagues and friends, and they understand his situation very well: "For example, when walking, although Cyborg is a robot, his walking pace is different.

The distance of each step of the steel frame in the video is exactly the same, which is a distinctive feature of the robot. "

S1 Diana said: "In other words, Cyborg is controlled? This is impossible, right? He is a follower of Injustice Superman. Although Injustice Superman has turned dark, he is not bad enough to attack his own people."

"This is also where I'm confused."

Batman said: "I really can't do anything about this base. Mr. Wang, do you have anything you can do?"

Andrew said casually: "Of course, magic, technology, I'm thinking about which one to use?"

S1 Diana and Batman were surprised. Mr. Wang actually had a way, or was there two ways?

"How about magic? What about technology?"

Batman asked excitedly, it was great to have a breakthrough.

"It's magic. I have a magic item in my hand that can communicate with Cyborg's soul. Don't look like that weird expression. Of course Cyborg has a soul. He was not born a robot."

Andrew said: "As for technology, before I came here, Cyborg in our universe gave me something. As long as I put it on Cyborg, I can enter Cyborg's data core.

Coupled with the virus you planted for Cyborg, we can wake up or completely paralyze Cyborg.

Compared with the former, the latter is safer, and we don’t have to worry about the steel frame leaking our existence. "

Batman asked: "I don't know much about magic, but how do we put things on Cyborg?"

Andrew turned to look at Atom and Flash. Atom understood and used the shrinking ray gun to shrink Flash.

Then, the Flash's body shook rapidly, sank to the ground, and rose again a moment later.

After such a long period of hard work, The Flash finally mastered the ability to vibrate at high frequencies.

"That's enough. No matter how powerful Robot Superman's detection capabilities are, he can't detect the Flash underground."

Andrew said: "Although the Flash can directly sneak into the inner layer, I always feel that there is something wrong with the inner layer. It is more appropriate to get the information from Cyborg first."

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