Chapter 755 Superman vs. Superman

Injustice Superman was very excited to see Louise again, but soon he realized something was wrong. He asked in shock: "Why is there no heartbeat or breathing? Hey, Louise, why are you a metal robot?"

"He is not the Superman of our universe."

Louise was stunned when she heard this. She hesitated and did not immediately activate the alarm device given by Clark. Instead, she asked, "Aren't you the Superman I know?"

"I am indeed not the Superman of this universe, Louise, what happened to you? Why did you become like this? Also, are you really Lois Lane?"

Injustice Superman asked, and at the same time, he snapped his fingers, the air shook, and everyone around him fainted.

Seeing this scene, Louise vaguely guessed the identity of the other party, and she said: "I am indeed Louise Lane. As for why I am a robot, it is a long story, and I will talk about it later.

If I guess correctly, you should be the Injustice Superman that Diana mentioned, right? "

"That's what she said about me?"

The Injustice Superman was a little dissatisfied. He raised his hand and wanted to touch Louise's face, but Louise hurriedly avoided it.

The Injustice Superman put down his hand in embarrassment, and said sadly: "Louise, I just don't want tragedy to happen again.

Louise, I'm sorry. If I hadn't been too naive and useless, you and your child wouldn't have died. Everything is my fault. I'm sorry for you and our child. "

With that said, Injustice Superman knelt in front of Louise. He was repenting and confessing his sins.

"That's not your fault, that's the clown's fault. You shouldn't use other people's faults to punish yourself."

Louise said: "Louise is in heaven and would never want to see you become like this. She hopes that you will be as cheerful and optimistic as before, never give up and help others wholeheartedly."

"I haven't changed, I'm still helping others wholeheartedly."

The Injustice Superman raised his head and said with firm eyes: "I just use better ways to help others, instead of just making small fuss like before.

I stopped the war and saved countless people and families. As for those officials, they hide evil and do things that are more disgusting than the last. I should have dealt with them long ago.

If I had done this earlier, you wouldn't have died, our baby wouldn't have died, and I wouldn't have even seen him born. "

At the end, the Injustice Superman was in so much pain that he punched the ground, causing the entire ground to shatter, the villa to collapse, and dust to rise into the sky.

Injustice Superman reacted, quickly stood up, hugged Louise and flew upwards.

"Superman, and others, hurry up and save people."

Louise shouted hurriedly, but Injustice Superman ignored her and flew to a safe place while holding her in his arms.

Louise asked loudly: "Why don't you save people?"

"Those guys are not good people. If they die, they will die."

Injustice Superman said nonchalantly that although he didn't know who those people were, the villa was full of arms and no one believed them even if they said they were good people.

"Superman, you have changed."

Louise looked at Injustice Superman and felt a little cold in her heart. She originally thought that Injustice Superman just went astray, but now it seems that he has completely changed.

He is no longer kind. What he calls building a perfect world is not for the people, but to fulfill his own obsession.

Injustice Superman said: "I have become more mature. I was too stupid and naive before."

"But what I love is your innocence and kindness. You are obviously a god, but you are full of humanity."

Louise shouted, and then she broke free from the arms of the Injustice Superman, her feet spurted out flames, and flew towards the dusty villa. If the Injustice Superman didn't save her, she would save her herself.

The unjust Superman frowned, he stopped in front of Louise and said: "Louise, saving these people is equivalent to harming other people, and their weapons will kill countless people.

Kindness is not just about saving people, but also considering the subsequent development. Bad people should not be saved, as that would be irresponsible to good people.

I had many opportunities to kill the Joker but I didn't. If I had done it earlier, you and the baby would have been fine. "

"No wonder even Diana left you. Superman, you have really changed. What is the difference between you and those villains now? Get out of the way and I will save people."

Louise said disappointedly, and at the same time, she activated the alarm system in her body to notify Superman.

Louise has given up on persuading the unjust Superman because it is impossible. The other person's mind has completely changed and it is impossible to go back to the past.

The unjust Superman has completely gone dark.

"Why am I a villain?"

Injustice Superman shouted: "I am saving the world, Louise, I thought you could understand me. Everything I do is to make the world a better place, so that tragedies like you and me will never happen again."

"That's what those villains said too?"

Louise said: "Superman, everything you do is for yourself, not for the world."

Injustice Superman is very angry. No one can understand him, but not Louise, because the reason why he changed was because of Louise's death.

"Louise, I'm going to take you back to my universe, and I'll show you what a perfect world looks like."

Injustice Superman made a decision. At first, he simply wanted to see Louise, but now, he wants to take Louise back.

On the one hand, he wanted Louise to know that he was doing the right thing, and on the other hand, he needed Louise and her company.

The current Injustice Superman is somewhat similar to Kingpin in "Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse". Their hearts are empty and they want to find a substitute to make up for it.

They were too lonely, too sad, too miserable.

"If you want to take me away, you have to ask my husband first."

Louise smiled: "I just got married today."


Just as the unjust Superman was about to say something, a figure fell from the sky at an astonishing speed. Wherever it passed, sonic boom clouds appeared one after another, and the surrounding air waves rolled like a hurricane.

This figure, wearing a dark blue Kryptonian uniform, is none other than Superman Clark Kent.

Clark stopped in front of Lois and said to Injustice Superman: "Man, I sympathize with your situation, but I'm sorry, this is my wife."

Clark and Injustice Superman look alike, but others can't tell them apart.

This is not because of the different colors of the clothes, but because of his temperament. Clark has the kind of superhero temperament that makes you feel at ease at first glance, while Injustice Superman is cold and evil.

Injustice Superman's face turned cold, and he said: "It seems that Diana has told you everything. Another me, are you planning to stop me?"

"Yes, what you are doing is wrong, and I must stop you."

Clark nodded with certainty, and Injustice Superman said: "In that case, let's have a decisive battle, and the winner will take Louise away."

"That's not okay. Louise is not a trophy. She is my wife, the wife I want to protect for the rest of my life."

Clark shook his head, and Louise looked at Clark happily. This guy didn't know how to talk about love, but invisible love words were the most deadly.

"Then let me see if you are strong enough to protect her?"

Louise's happy eyes made Injustice Superman a little annoyed. He shouted and punched Clark hard with a sonic boom.

Clark sent Louise out with his right hand, raised his left hand to block Injustice Superman's fist, and with a bang, Clark flew backwards.

Injustice Superman didn't waste any time and rushed forward immediately, punching Clark with both fists one after another. Clark quickly stabilized his body, and then he struck steadily, gradually regaining his previous passivity.

Neither Clark nor Injustice Superman meant to call for help. After all, this was a duel between men.

Louise thought for a while and went to save people below. Fortunately, the Lord of War's villa was outside, and the nearby city would not be destroyed by the battle between the two supermen.

"I didn't expect Clark to be so passionate?"

While eating late-night snacks, Andrew said, Clark was making so much noise on the earth, how could he not notice it?

"BOSS, do you want to send someone to the battlefield to besiege Injustice Superman?"

Alice asked: "This is a good opportunity. There is no mechanical Superman around Injustice Superman. As long as we catch him, this matter will be over."

"Disasters don't end easily."

Andrew shook his head. He turned on the Justice League network and brought all the superheroes into the live broadcast: "Injustice Superman will face our Superboy. Get ready. I will teleport you over at the right time."

"A battle between two supermen?"

The superheroes' eyes lit up, and they all put down what they were doing and watched the live broadcast.

S1 Diana was still exchanging information with Iron Man and Batman, so she also saw the live broadcast. She said excitedly: "Injustice Superman is here alone. This is a good opportunity."


Batman and Iron Man nodded at the same time, and then they said to Andrew: "Andrew, teleport us nearby, let's make some preparations in advance."

S1 Diana said: “I’ll go too.”


Andrew did not refuse and teleported two old silver coins and S1 Diana nearby at the same time.

"This speed is too exaggerated."

Looking at the two supermen in the holographic projection, who seemed to be teleporting away because of their speed, Shazam asked curiously: "Which superman do you think can win?"

"The Superman of our universe, of course."

Many people said this at the same time. S1 Diana asked in surprise: "You have so much confidence in Clark?"

"We don't have faith in Superman, we have faith in disaster."

Green Lantern shrugged and said: "Our universe will experience a disaster every few months. We have fought against gods, demons, and the Day of Destruction.

Difficult battles have made us and Superman's strength rise sharply. The unjust Superman is by no means Superman's opponent.

Just like me, although I have only joined the Green Lantern Corps for a short time, my strength is already among the best. "

"That's right."

Everyone nodded. The disaster was indeed terrifying, but it was also an excellent training. Most of Clark's potential was developed.

This is somewhat similar to building a nation out of adversity. Of course, if we were given the choice, no one would be willing to use this method to become stronger.

S1 Diana said: "There are also many disasters in our universe."

Green Lantern asked again and again: "Is the disaster in your universe a world-destroying level, or a double or multiple world-destroying level?

Do disasters in your universe happen every few months? Are the disasters in your universe involving Archangel Gabriel, the Demon King of Hell? A disaster for your universe..."

S1 Diana was stunned, she said: "How is it possible that a world-destroying disaster can happen in just a few months? Does that still allow people to live?

Most disasters are only city-destroying. For example, some villain installed a big bomb in the city. "

All the superheroes sighed at the same time. Sorry, this disaster in our universe is not going to let everyone live.

While the superheroes were preparing, a parallel time and space portal quietly appeared, and then twenty mechanical supermen flew out neatly.

Behind the door, the ninja master yelled at Luthor: "Luthor, you idiot, you actually let Superman go to the parallel universe alone?"

The ninja master was horrified when he heard that Superman was traveling to the parallel universe alone. He immediately rushed over and asked Luthor to open the time and space portal.

Luther replied expressionlessly: "BOSS said he alone is enough."

The ninja master couldn't help but curse. It was obvious that Injustice Superman's control methods were flawed. Luthor was just a puppet and couldn't think for himself.

To put it simply, Luthor will do whatever Injustice Superman tells Luthor to do. In addition, he understands previous knowledge and can create previously created instruments, but he cannot innovate.

Fortunately, Injustice Superman had previously ordered that after he left, Luthor must listen to the Ninja Master, otherwise, Luthor would not help the Ninja Master open the portal at all.

"Have you found Superman?"

The ninja master was too lazy to scold Luther as a puppet and asked the mechanical supermen.

One of the mechanical supermen replied: "The BOSS has been found, and he is at war with the supermen of this universe."

"Sure enough, a fight has begun. The superheroes of this universe are probably on their way here."

The ninja master shook his head. It was impossible for people in this universe not to notice such a big movement of Superman fighting.

"Enter stealth mode and take me to the battlefield."

The ninja master ordered: "Luthor, keep the instrument on. Once the signal is received, open the portal immediately."

Doing so would consume a lot of energy, but Luther didn't waste any words and replied dully: "Okay."

"Maybe we can take the opportunity to deal with the Superman of this universe, so that everything will be safe."

The Ninja Master thought to himself, and then he jumped on the back of a mechanical superman. All the mechanical supermen turned invisible at the same time and flew quickly towards the location of the Injustice Superman.

Because of the special technology used, these mechanical supermen make no movement at all when they fly.

Unjust Superman has no idea that his men are worried about his safety. At this moment, he is very angry because he is gradually starting to fall into the disadvantage.

The fighting abilities of Injustice Superman and Clark are almost identical. Clark is faster than Injustice Superman, stronger than Injustice Superman, and has better fighting skills than Injustice Superman. It is normal for Injustice Superman to be at a disadvantage.

"This is impossible, I would actually lose to him?"

The Injustice Superman roared angrily and backed away with the help of Clara's strength. Then, his eyes lit up red and two heat rays struck Clark fiercely.

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