Chapter 753 Decision

"Kryptonite? N ways to deal with me?"

Clark was a little surprised. He glanced at Wade first, and then looked at Batman. Batman shrugged and said nothing. He did things and didn't need to explain to anyone.

"The kryptonite that Batman carries is too small and can only be used for escape. As for the kryptonite in his two warehouses, it was destroyed by Superman in advance because of Damian."

S1 Diana said, Shazam was shocked: "Batman really has two warehouses of kryptonite?"

Everyone looked at Batman, and Batman said, "That's Batman from other universes."

Clark smiled and said, "If you really have kryptonite, I don't mind if you take it with you."

Batman said, "I don't mind either."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then rolled their eyes at this old bat.

Diana asked S1 Diana: "Other me, why did you leave Superman?"

"I initially recognized Superman's path. After all, he wanted to make the world a better place."

S1 Diana said: "Until one day, I received a video in which Superman killed a room full of teenagers."

Clark couldn't help shouting: "How is this possible?"

"Those teenagers are believers in the clown, and they hold parties to commemorate the clown."

S1 Diana smiled bitterly: "Superman is very angry about this. He worked hard to protect the world, but as a result, some people worshiped the clown who killed his wife and children.

In a rage, he fired a heat ray, splitting all the Joker followers in the room in two. "

Aquaman said: "Although it is a bit excessive, it is normal for Superman to be angry."

"This shows that Superman has completely lost control."

Batman said: "The bottom line must not be breached, because if there is a first time, there must be a hundredth time."

Everyone was silent, and Andrew said: "The problem with Superman is that he is blinded by hatred. When he was in the most pain, no one enlightened him, which made him sink deeper and deeper until he fell into the abyss.

Don’t talk about this, Diana from the parallel universe, keep talking. "

"Superman is very ruthless towards supervillains, so many supervillains are forced to join forces with us."

S1 Diana nodded and said: "Including Lex Luthor..."

"Lex Luthor!"

Everyone shouted at the same time, and S1 Diana was stunned: "Why do you have such a big reaction?"

"Did Lex Luthor come with you?"

Green Lantern asked with a smile on his face: "If yes, please tell me where he is, and I will have a good chat with him. Don't worry, he is not the real owner, and I will not kill him."

Who has the most bad reputation on earth? That must be Lex Luthor. Not to mention him himself, even the people who are close to him stink.

Even many people named Lex were forced to change their names.

"He didn't come with him. I'm the only one who came to your universe."

S1 Diana sighed and said: "We are completely unable to fight Superman. Later, Luthor made a suggestion to find Superman from the parallel universe to deal with the unjust Superman.

This suggestion was actually quite unreliable, but at the time we had no other choice but to agree.

With everyone's help, Luther successfully built a parallel universe device, but Superman also developed a mechanical Superman. "

Diana asked: "Is that the robot from before?"


S1 Diana nodded: "I don't know the principle of mechanical supermen, but their abilities are very similar to superman, and they only obey superman's orders.

After they appeared, the whole world was restrained by Superman, and everyone could only live honestly without daring to go beyond the limits, because if you do anything bad, you will definitely be discovered by the mechanical Superman.

Superman successfully achieved his goal and restrained the whole world, but the world did not become a better place. Many people chose to resist and were forcibly suppressed by him. "

Andrew nodded and said: "Too much freedom is wrong, and too much order is also wrong. No matter which world, balance is the key."

"Superman got into trouble because of hatred."

S1 Diana said: "The emergence of the mechanical Superman greatly increased Superman's search power. The moment the parallel time and space device was completed, Superman discovered us.

To make matters worse, something is wrong with Luther's device. "

Neptune asked, "What's the problem?"

"According to Luthor's idea, this device can directly summon supermen from other universes to help us deal with unjust supermen."

S1 Diana said: "Unfortunately, this function has failed. Luther's device can only be used to travel to other parallel universes.

Therefore, Batman and the others desperately let me enter the device to bring back Superman from other universes and stop the unjust Superman.

Before I left, a lot of superheroes and superheroes were killed, like Harley Quinn, who was cut in half by Injustice Superman.

After I entered the shuttle gate, a mechanical superman chased me in. You all know what happened next. "

Andrew thought of something and hurriedly asked: "Wait, is the shuttle door still there?"

S1 Diana shook her head and said, "No, in order to prevent more mechanical supermen from chasing after me, Luther destroyed the parallel time and space device after I entered the shuttle door."

Tony asked: "Then how do you return to your own universe?"


S1 Diana took out a silver circular device from her waist and said: "This was given to me by Luther. It contains detailed information about the parallel time and space device. As long as there are enough materials, the device can be rebuilt.

Luther asked me to ask the Luther of this universe for help. Well, the Luther of your universe is not dead, right? "

The superheroes sneered: "He's not dead, but many people want him to die, including us."

"I see."

Andrew said: "The device is not a problem. I can get the detailed information out at any time. The question now is, Superman, do you want to help?"

Everyone turned to look at Clark, today was his wedding day.

Clark and Louise looked at each other and smiled: "I'm happy to help, but I don't think I can defeat so many mechanical supermen by myself?"

"We'll help you."

Hancock said and everyone nodded, the Justice League would not let their partners fight alone.

S1 Diana looked at these powerful superheroes and beamed with joy. With the help of so many people, she could definitely defeat Superman and return the world to normal.

"Go and leave half of it. Our universe also needs someone to protect it."

Andrew said that there was no objection. It had been several months since the last disaster and no one knew whether the disaster would happen again.

Andrew said to S1 Diana: "Diana, give me the information, and I will help you build the device right away."

"Okay, but Luther said that this device is difficult and only he can build it."

S1 Diana nodded and handed the circular device to Andrew. Andrew sensed it for a moment and said: "The difficulty is average. It can be completed tomorrow. Clark, you get married today and stay with Louise. We will set off tomorrow."

"so so?"

S1 Diana was stunned, wondering if Andrew was bragging, this was cross-universe technology.


Clark kissed Louise's hair and nodded. Louise blinked and said, "I want to go too."


Everyone looked at Louise in shock, are you too desperate? Going to a parallel universe with a big belly to fight for your life?

Clark immediately said: "Louise, this is absolutely not okay. I can't bear the price of losing you."

Batman also said: "You can't go. I don't want an unjust superman to appear in our world. After all, I don't have two warehouses of kryptonite."

"I'm not going, the second clone is going."

Louise said: "I don't think we have to fight. Superman is not a bad guy, he just went astray. Maybe I can convince him."

"First of all, although my technology is very advanced, it is not advanced enough to be used across universes. Sister, do you think it is realistic to control clones across universes?"

Andrew complained, saying: "Secondly, the Injustice Superman may not listen to the advice, and moreover, he is very likely to force you to stay in that universe to make up for his regrets.

Speaking of which, what would happen if your child took a DNA test with Injustice Superman? "

Everyone rolled their eyes, someone's bad taste reappeared.

Clark said hurriedly: "That's not okay, Louise is mine."

Louise was a little disappointed. She thought about it and said, "How about I record a video to persuade him?"

"This is acceptable."

Andrew nodded, stood up and said, "Okay, you can continue with your wedding.

Another Diana, although I suggest you take a night's rest, I guess you won't have time because there are two old silver coins who will keep asking you for various information. "

Batman and Iron Man rolled their eyes at the same time, but they did not deny that it was impossible for them to rush into the parallel universe for such a major matter, and they must ask clearly.

As for Andrew, well, this is his territory. He will know everything Iron Man and Batman ask, so there is no need to personally participate.

"Where can I rest now?"

S1 Diana smiled bitterly and said, "If you want to ask anything, feel free to ask. In addition, I also want to know more about you. Next, we will fight side by side."

"no problem."

Iron Man and Batman nodded at the same time, and Shazam said happily: "I know, you are the two old silver coins."

Iron Man and Batman looked at Shazam expressionlessly at the same time. Shazam felt that the figures of the two people were getting bigger and bigger, which was very oppressive.

The thin Shazam suddenly shivered.

"What are you talking about?"

Wade pulled Shazam aside and said, "Let's go back to the wedding venue. We haven't eaten enough just now."

"I didn't eat enough either."

Shazam quickly escapes, and Clark and Lois return to Earth to re-wedding.

Other superheroes went to say goodbye to their families and prepare for a business trip, but it was a bit far away.

"Cyborg Superman?"

Andrew went to the frozen area. He looked at the mechanical superman inside, his eyes flashing slightly: "This is not Kryptonian technology, nor is it Earth technology. This is a strange alien technology."

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