"I'm more dangerous. Do you want to seal me too?"

Hearing the old mage's words, Andrew sneered: "Don't worry, Black Adam is not dangerous. If you search online for Black Adam's previous battle videos, you will find that he has grown up.

Old mage, you are a bit too extreme when it comes to dealing with Black Adam, and the same goes for looking for a successor. How can there be any perfect people in this world?

Great heroes like Tony Stark leave backdoors in their products every day. "

"Am I too extreme?"

Andrew's words stunned the old mage. He activated the robot's Internet function, searched for Black Adam's battle videos, and soon saw the scene of Black Adam playing Shabac.

The old mage was a little silent. He thought carefully, was what he did back then wrong?

Andrew ignored the old mage and started to deal with various things, such as cleaning up the International Gang's base, collecting all the demon corpses, and cleaning up the city's evil spirit, etc.

Time turned and soon came two hours later. All the demons were wiped out. However, there were still many survivors who had not been rescued. The superheroes were busy.

In modern society, the population is too dense. Every time a disaster occurs, there will be a lot of losses. This time it is even worse, six cities suffered from disasters at the same time.

Mr. President is very busy. Next, he will fly around, give condolences and deal with various things.

To be honest, the president has wanted to give up his responsibilities several times, but no one is willing to take over from him. If nothing goes wrong, he will win again in this year's election and continue to be the unlucky president for four years.

The American people are also suffering. Except for Khandak, the birthplace of the six demonic disaster cities, the other five are all in their own country. Who can they ask to reason?

Putting these aside, within two hours, the space of the Rock of Eternity was finally stable.

Andrew reopened the Rock of Eternity, and then said in a low voice to the anxious superheroes: "Sorry..."

The hearts of the superheroes sank, and Superman asked hurriedly: "We won't lose, will we? Is everything okay in Metropolis? Where is Louise?"

Others were also nervous. They were trapped in the Rock of Eternity, which was obviously a conspiracy of the demon kings. Now Andrew sighed, something bad must have happened.

"Excuse me."

Andrew spread his hands and said: "The battle is over, you have no chance to play."


Everyone was stunned at first, and then they all became furious. Why are you sighing for such a good thing?

"Only Diana can tolerate your bad character."

Mary cursed: "If it were me, I would have beaten you away long ago."

"Don't think I don't know, you've been lusting after my body."

Andrew had a look of contempt on his face and said: "Okay, you can see the specific process for yourselves. Now, I will teleport you to six cities to save people. Many buildings have collapsed before and I need your help."


The superheroes did their part, and soon, everyone was teleported away. Only Adrianna, her son Amon, and her nameless brother were left in the Rock of Eternity.

Adriana asked hurriedly: "Mr. Wang, is Khandak okay? Where is the International Gang?"

"Although Kandak suffered a lot of losses, the problem is not serious. As for the International Gang, it has become a thing of the past."

Andrew said: "Adrienne, Black Adam is in a period of confusion now. I want to hire you to take care of him for a while to let him settle down and truly become the guardian of Khandak.

In addition, you are also responsible for helping him integrate into modern society. The span of five thousand years is not that easy to span. "

"Black Adam?"

Adriana was hesitating, and her son Amon said excitedly: "No problem, leave it to us, I will teach him to be a superhero, for example, wear a cape, and, by the way, also say famous lines."

Having said this, Amon pretended to be serious and said: "The man in black asked me to come."

Amon is an avid fan of superheroes, and all his pocket money is used to buy superhero, uh, copycat peripherals.

There is no way, Amon is very poor, he really can't afford it.

Adriana was speechless, I didn’t even agree, so you agreed first? This boy, you can tell from a glance that he is a ‘filial son’.

"He's a good boy."

Andrew took out a red cape from behind and said, "This is the latest Superman cape, given to you. In the future, you may become a support member of the superhero."

"Great, thank you Mr. Wang."

Amon said excitedly that this was his first real Superman cape.

"There is a car there. You go back to Kandak. I will find someone to talk to you about the specific details."

Andrew said. Upon seeing this, Adriana no longer objected, nodded to Andrew, and drove the family back to Kandak.

In fact, Adrianna didn't intend to refuse. After all, Khandak finally had his own superhero.

"Kandak will become a free country under the protection of superheroes."

Adrianna thought excitedly, she had worked hard for so many years just for today.

Andrew shook his head. Adriana was a bit naive, but she was very suitable for Black Adam, especially since she had a son.

After Adriana and the others left, the old mage couldn't wait to enter the Rock of Eternity to inspect the damage. At the same time, he closed the door to prevent Andrew from entering.

The old mage wanted to find out what Andrew had done to prevent something like this from happening again.

Andrew smiled, I'm sorry, the highest authority of the Rock of Eternity belongs to him, not to mention that the old mage couldn't find out what he did, even if he could, the old mage couldn't change it.

Because the Rock of Eternity is already in the shape of Andrew.

"Well, the disaster is over, it's time to count the harvest."

Andrew thought, this time, such a big thing as the Demon King annihilating the world, naturally brings a lot of fame and fear. Among them, the biggest wave of fear comes from Shabak turning into the Demon King.

The Demon King sounds scary, and it is normal for people to be afraid.

"A good employee, it's a pity that he died. Otherwise, we could have trained together and become the new magicians of the Four."

Andrew shook his head and continued to count. In addition to fear and reputation, this time he also harvested dream stones, eternal ores, super thug Black Adam, Sabak's corpse, etc.

By the way, there are also two guys, Tianming and Faust, who are going to become the new magicians of the Four.

Among them, the biggest gain is naturally the dream stone. Once used, this thing is no less than a wishing ring.

"The Eternal Ore is very good. You can cooperate with Black Adam and dig more. I'm sure he won't refuse. After all, Khandak needs money, and I happen to be the richest man in the galaxy."

Andrew secretly thought that the eternal ore can be used to set up magic circles, be used as bombs, and can also be used to summon alien creatures. It is a pretty good magic item.

It goes without saying that it is normal for a backward country like Kandak to sell its minerals if it wants to develop.

This incident has come to an end. This time, the death toll reached tens of thousands, and the injured were countless.

I won’t go into details about the specific aftermath. In short, those who opened construction companies in the United States have made a lot of money in the past few years, and there are buildings to be repaired every day.

This incident caused most people to hate the devil deeply. However, some people worshiped the devil and even took the initiative to make sacrifices to summon the devil.

This is not surprising. There are many chaotic sects in the United States, and some people are full of fear of demons. This fear makes them worship demons crazily.

The world becomes a bit chaotic as a result, and demons are often summoned to the earth.

The Eye of Heaven will immediately send out its magicians to clean up demons everywhere, and ask the police to destroy various illegal sects.

Constantine was very dissatisfied with the decision of the Sky Eye Society. He came to the Sky Eye Society for free prostitution wages. Why should he be allowed to fight against the devil?

Constantine immediately wanted to resign and leave. At this time, Tianyan Club took out a stack of bills. Constantine smiled awkwardly and said that I love Tianyan Club and I will dedicate everything to Tianyan Club.

Lucifer opened a bar in Los Angeles called Light Bar. That night, he looked at the negative numbers on the books and couldn't help but sigh, why did he lose money again this month? Isn't the business good?

Gabriel said faintly: "As a reminder, great Lord of Hell, we have already owed Mr. Wang two years of unpaid wine money."

"You haven't gotten married in two years?"

Lucifer was a little embarrassed. He thought for a while and said, "Gabriel, bring back more wine next time. Maybe one day Mr. Wang won't give us wine on credit."

Gabriel was speechless, and she complained: "You are really Lucifer, not some profiteer pretending to be a profiteer? By the way, how long are you going to play this boring bar game?"


Lucifer was very dissatisfied and said: "When did I stop playing? I am serious about opening a bar, okay? This is my lifelong career."

Gabriel said expressionlessly: "The bar is going bankrupt."

Lucifer was embarrassed for a while, and he said: "The difficulties are only temporary. I believe that we will have a bright future."

Just after Lucifer finished speaking, all the lights in the bar went out. He was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "Which bastard dares to come to my bar, Lucifer, to cause trouble?"

Even if he causes trouble, he goes out of his way to slap Him in the face. Does He, Lucifer, have no face?

Gabriel said: "Last month the electricity bill was not paid and the electricity was cut off."

Lucifer instantly wilted and said, "Well, let's go steal the electricity next door? Have you learned the electrician skills I asked you to learn last time?"

Gabriel became more and more speechless. She looked at Lucifer and felt that he was becoming more and more like a human being instead of the cold and ruthless demon king before.

"Is this the purpose of Lucifer? The question is, we are gods above, why should we become a human being?"

Gabriel was very puzzled. She was here because she was being punished, but Lucifer was obviously enjoying it.

At this time, a voice sounded: "The majestic Lord of Hell has no money to pay the electricity bill and steals other people's electricity. This will be reported back to Hell, Lucifer, and you will become a laughing stock."

Immediately afterwards, the power was restored, and Lucifer looked at the visitor and said, "Wheat, don't use your superpowers, that's too boring."

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