American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 739 Special Attack

Fiora was a little shocked after hearing what Andrew said. Then, she nodded and took Andrew's nano gun.

Fiora didn't act in a hurry. She first used a nano defense shield to isolate her breathing, then rushed into the sky with a gun, and pulled the trigger at Superman, Hancock, and Mary who were fighting in the melee.

The nanogun fired not bullets, but a cloud of yellow gas, which quickly enveloped the area of ​​the three supermen. As soon as the three supermen smelled it, their eyes widened and they fell downwards.

Three supermen were killed instantly.

Fiora glanced at the three supermen with pity, and immediately went to find the other controlled people.

Bang bang bang, the three supermen fell to the ground one after another, making three big pits on the ground. Then, they all got up and bent over to vomit. Before that, they smelled the worst smell in their lives, which made people want to die. kind of.

In fact, if it wasn't for their tenacity, they might have fainted, it was so disgusting.

When they were almost done vomiting, Andrew asked: "Three of you, are you back to normal?"

"King Andrew, do you want to stink us to death?"

Mary cursed angrily while vomiting, and Andrew smiled and said: "It doesn't stink, how can I make you return to normal? This is called fighting fire with fire."

"Let's get back to normal?"

The three supermen were stunned at the same time, then remembered what happened before, and asked in shock: "We were killing each other before, weren't we dealing with demons?"

"You are controlled by the dream stone of destiny."

Andrew said: "The Dream Stone can control your five senses and emotions, allowing you to destroy the demons you see at all costs.

This control method is very powerful and cannot be removed even by magic. Therefore, I asked Fiora to go to the Battle Fortress to find those alien races that are famous for their stinks, and make a special, uh, concentrated form of Thirteen Stinks just for you.

You are supermen, your sense of smell is far beyond that of ordinary people, and stink is even more lethal to you.

Use the stink to directly reset your brain to zero, so that you can break the magic of the Dream Stone. Now it seems that my method is very useful. "

"Thirteen stink?"

Superman complained: "Mr. Wang, your method is indeed very useful, and I am very grateful to you for getting us back to normal, but can we use a less outrageous method next time?

I just wanted to die, Shet. My clothes and cloak were stained with the stench just now, so I can't have them anymore. "

For the always polite Superman to curse, you can imagine how terrifying the stench just now was.

If you throw one in New York, the whole city will fall.

"I don't even want any more hair."

Mary cursed, and Sonic, who had just returned to normal, said: "I don't even want my body anymore. Mr. Wang, are you actually taking the opportunity to play tricks on us?"

Not only did Sonic recover, but the Flash and Aquaman also recovered one after another under the attack of Fiora's stink gun.

The effect of the stink gun was so great that everyone backed away or blocked their sense of smell.

Diana couldn't help complaining: "I really want to open Andrew's head and see what is in his head? This method can be used to figure it out."

Tian Ming was confused, could his own magic be broken like this? This isn't magic!

Andrew said calmly: "Sonic, it seems you haven't recovered yet. Fiora, go give our little hedgehog another shot."

Sonic was so frightened that he waved his hands repeatedly: "No, never, if you do it again, you will really die."

"Never come again."

Others also shouted that the stench was so horrible. Not only did they feel that their bodies stinked, but their souls also stank.

To be honest, they still want to puke now.

Seeing the miserable condition of the superheroes, the audience was stunned. They did not expect that Mr. Wang would use this method to restore the superheroes to normal.

However, this is not a bad thing. When the superheroes recover, there will be hope for the world. Mr. Wang is indeed worthy of trust.

The audience shouted: "Superheroes, it's up to you."

"Okay, no more nonsense."

Seeing that the superheroes returned to normal, Andrew said: "Six cities were attacked by demons, you should return to your cities immediately to deal with them.

Don't be careless, in addition to ordinary demons, there are also projections of the devil. This time, it will not be easy to solve. "

"Our city is attacked by demons? Teleport us back quickly."

The superheroes' expressions changed drastically and they shouted hurriedly. Then, with the help of the teleporter, they teleported to the city where demons were raging.

For example, Superman and Cyborg teleport back to Metropolis, Batman and Marie teleport back to Gotham, Hancock, Aquaman teleport back to Los Angeles, etc.

At the same time, Andrew used the teleportation device to continuously teleport the exoskeleton legion and the available MIB agents to the battlefield, allowing them to assist the superheroes in fighting the demon army.

Soon, most of the superheroes were teleported away, and the only ones left at the International Gang's base were Shazam, Black Adam, Diana, Fiora, Raven, Zatanna, Constantine, and the Justice Society.

By the way, Orm and Wade are still there. In addition, Jason is still fighting Destiny, and his mission is to solve Destiny.

As for the enemies, they are the magicians Destiny, Faust, Sabak, a projection of the Demon King and a large number of demons.

That's right, the Demon King's projection is at the International Gang's base, not in Kandak. Although there are many demons in Kandak, they are enough to deal with the presence of Tony and his army of unmanned suits.

"Andrew, is it really okay to let them return to their own city? I think we should concentrate our manpower to get rid of Shabak and Dr. Destiny."

Diana flew to Andrew and whispered: "In this way, the disasters in other cities will also subside."

"No, unless the projections of the six demon kings, destiny, and Sabak are all resolved, the disaster will not subside."

Andrew said: "They must all be defeated, and as soon as possible. If they collect enough souls, then what happened last time will happen again."

In addition, Andrew is also worried that the superheroes will be controlled by destiny again. This time, except for a few of the remaining superheroes, all others are resistant to magic.

"What happened last time?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then their expressions changed drastically. What happened last time was naturally the arrival of the Three Palace Demons.

In other words, six demon kings will come to earth? Both the superheroes and the audience were shocked.

"Everyone goes all out to stop them."

Batman shouted loudly through the communicator. He listened to Gotham's screams and felt bitter in his heart. Why is it Gotham again? How many times has this happened?

Every disaster is a huge devastation for Gotham, more devastation than any other city.

The reason is simple. After a disaster occurs, a large number of Gotham villains will come out to take advantage of the situation. Everyone knows that Gotham has the most villains.

"Stop them."

The superheroes nodded and tried their best to fight against the devil's projection.

They really couldn't defeat the Demon King's true form, but they still had a chance with the Demon King's projection.

Leaving aside the situation in other places, at the International Gang base, after hearing what Andrew said, everyone immediately rushed towards the enemy.

Black Adam attacked Shabak and roared: "How dare you harm my city?"

"So what if I'm hurt? I'm the king of Khandak. I can deal with those slaves how I want to deal with them."

Sabak yelled, sideways avoiding Black Adam's attack, and kicked him into the base, causing an International Gang building to collapse on the spot.

Just as Shabak was about to pursue him, Hawkman and Shazam attacked from the left and right. This time, instead of two people joining forces, three people joined forces.

Shabak thought for a while, turned into a flame and flew towards Khandak City. He wanted to fight in the city to kill more people and sacrifice the devil.

Those commoners are all his slaves. He can sacrifice whatever he wants because he is the king.

"Don't even think about it."

Hawkman saw Shabak's plan, his expression changed, and he hurriedly chased after him, followed closely by Shazam and Black Adam who climbed up from the ruins.

Atom Smasher, Tornado, Orm, Wade and others faced off against the demon army in the square. The demon army was large in number, but the superheroes were powerful and did not fall behind.

As for Dr. Destiny, he and Raven dealt with Faust together. When he saw Hawkman leaving, he felt anxious. As expected, it was Sabak who stabbed Hawkman.

Unfortunately, he now has to deal with Faust and cannot leave. Moreover, he was severely injured by the eternal cannonball before, and his strength was greatly reduced.

Faust looked at his opponent and couldn't help but sneer: "A little kid and a seriously injured magician, you two want to deal with me? Don't you know that I am a great magician?"

After saying that, Faust ordered the three demons to attack the raven and Doctor Fate from different directions, while he himself flew in the sky and performed magic.

"I don't know what kind of great magician you are. I only know that you shouldn't attack us with demons."

Raven sneered, she took off her cloak, her six eyes lit up at the same time, and then, a powerful aura pressed on the three demons.

The three demons were startled at the same time and stopped abruptly. This was the aura of the devil!

At this time, one of the demons recognized the raven and asked in shock: "Raven? You are the raven. Didn't you betray the Three Palace Demons? Why did the Three Palace Demons still leave the devil's mark on you?"

The aura just now was not Raven's own, but the mark given to Raven by the Three Palace Demons. The meaning was very clear: "This is my man. Whoever dares to touch him will have his whole family killed."

Of course, the words of a dignified devil will not be as rude as gang members, but the meaning is similar.

In addition, this brand can also summon the devil to come.

"Can't we reconcile after betrayal?"

Raven sneered, and she shouted: "I am Raven, the female demon of the Three Palaces, you dare to go against me?"

The three demons looked at each other, gave up the contract, and prepared to return to hell. Although they didn't know why the raven and the three demons reconciled, the aura of the three demons was not fake. They didn't dare to mess with such a big boss.

As for what will happen to Faust? It's none of their business, and I'm not very familiar with him.

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