"Of course you have to thank me. I let you know how high the sky is, how thick the earth is, and how awe-inspiring you are."

Andrew said to Black Adam: "Go and be your guardian. If anyone wants to seal you or capture you, report my name.

But, Adam, if you do evil, I will deal with you with my own hands, and then you will know how gentle other people's methods are. "

Black Adam was a little unhappy, but did not refute. He hesitated for a moment and asked, "Why are you helping me?"

Black Adam is not stupid and knows that Andrew is helping him.

"Because you're not a bad person."

Andrew said: "The old mage and the Sky Eye Society are too afraid of your divine power, so they do things very extreme.

But I know that you are not a completely bad person. A person like that cannot raise a heroic son. "

After saying that, Andrew patted Black Adam on the shoulder and took Alice to see Tony selling robots. He had already thought of the title: 'Shocked, Iron Man actually did such a thing before the disaster broke out'.

Black Adam looked at Andrew's back and said two words silently: "Thank you."

Black Adam not only thanked Andrew for helping him, but also thanked Andrew for trusting him.

"I will protect Kandak. This is not only my son's goal, but also my goal because this is my hometown."

Black Adam exhaled, flew into the sky, broke through the sound barrier and flew quickly in the direction where everyone left before.

"The ancients from five thousand years ago were easy to fool."

Andrew smiled. Of course, this was not enough. Next, he would send someone to assist Black Adam and teach him common sense to prevent him from being led astray.

"That woman named Adrianna is a good choice. What's even better is that she also has a son, who can just make up for Black Adam's damaged soul. Black Adam, you are the man who wants to be the successor."

Andrew murmured to himself that although Adriana was a little too naive, it was not a bad thing for Black Adam.

Gotham General Mental Hospital, the woman who threw her own son downstairs was temporarily detained here, and Raven cast spells on her to find the devil's breath.

After a moment, Raven shook his head and said: "It was not done by demons, it should be done by human magicians."

"Human magician? Do you have a way to find him?"

Batman frowned slightly. Magicians were obviously easier to deal with than demons.

"It's a bit difficult. I have to enter her memory and find the person who attacked her."

Raven said: "This process is very dangerous. Once it is interfered with by others, whether it is me or this woman, there will be problems."

"Forget it, let's find other ways. She is already pitiful enough."

Batman shook his head. At this moment, Raven sensed something and suddenly turned his head to look out the window and shouted: "Someone, the Flash, go out and catch him."

"give it to me."

The Flash immediately turned into lightning and disappeared. A moment later, the Flash's voice sounded outside: "Friend, please stop, I don't want to attack you."

"I'm not the enemy, Flash."

A mellow middle-aged voice sounded, and he said: "I am also here to investigate this matter."

At this time, Raven and Batman chased out. As soon as Raven saw the strong middle-aged man, he immediately shouted: "Be careful, the devil's aura on him is very strong, he may even be a devil."

Batman and The Flash immediately became vigilant after hearing this, and the middle-aged man smiled bitterly and said, "I am not a devil, but there is a devil sealed in my body.

Hello superheroes, my name is Jason, a knight under King Arthur. "

"A knight under King Arthur?"

Everyone was stunned, how long ago was King Arthur? real or fake? They didn't let down their guard. How could a decent person seal a demon within his body?

Batman asked: "Does your coming here have something to do with the people inside?"

"It may be related."

Jason said: "During King Arthur's time, a magician named Destiny appeared in England. He possessed a magical dream stone that could control illusions and absorb negative emotions.

Through the Dream Stone, he controls people's five senses, making them see other people as demons. Wherever he goes, everyone kills each other and becomes his nourishment.

King Arthur sent me to lead the knights to destroy Tianming. As a result, all the knights killed each other. Only I successfully approached Tianming, but I was no match for him and was pierced by his sword.

At the critical moment, Merlin arrived. He summoned the great demon Etrigen from hell to fight with Destiny. In the end, Destiny was defeated by Merlin.

But Destiny did not die, his soul attached to the Dream Stone and escaped, and Merlin concluded that he would appear again in the future.

In order to stop the destiny, he fused me with Etrigan, resurrecting me with eternal life.

Over the years, I have been waiting for destiny to appear. I heard that some people regarded other people as demons and caused tragedies. I immediately rushed over to investigate, but I didn't expect you to be there. "

"I see."

The Flash suddenly realized, he said: "Wow, you are so cool, you are actually from the time of King Arthur. By the way, is King Arthur a man or a woman?"

Everyone looked at the Flash speechlessly. Batman shook his head. The Flash was as easy to trust as ever. He believed whatever others said.

Jason said: "Of course he is a man, and he often takes a shower with us."

The Flash was a little disappointed, and Batman asked: "Jason, what evidence do you have to prove that what you said is true?"

"What he said must be true."

At this time, Zatanna teleported here. She held a book and said, "The content above is the same as what he said. In addition, the magic book records the fusion of Jason Knight and Etrigan."

Batman looked at Jason and said, "You have a demon in your body, which is very dangerous. Once you lose control, it will kill many people."

"I understand your concerns, but I have lived for thousands of years and have never lost control."

Jason said: "My mission is to stop the destiny. Once the stop is completed, I will die quietly and let Etrigan return to hell."

"hope so."

Batman said: "Now we are initially targeting Destiny. Zatanna, does the book say how to find Destiny?"

Zatanna shook her head: "No, the book only records this incident, and tells us to be wary of destiny. If we absorb enough negative aura from him, he can even become a god."


Batman frowned greatly. He had just finished fighting the devil. Is it now God's turn? Could there be some easier enemies, like bank robbers on the streets?

"If it is really destiny, I have a way to track it down. This is my mission."

Jason said, everyone was overjoyed and hurriedly asked Jason to contact the female prisoner.

Soon, Jason confirmed that the murderer was Destiny through the breath of the female prisoner. Then, he used the magic left by Merlin to locate Destiny, near the Sinai Peninsula in Africa.

"Near the Sinai Peninsula?"

Batman thought of something and hurriedly called up the map. Then his eyes darkened: "Could it be in Kandak? If so, that would be troublesome."

Kandak is located in the northern part of the Sinai Peninsula.

Batman hurriedly contacted Andrew to explain the matter. Andrew said: "The Justice Society is fighting the magicians of the International Gang, and Destiny may be among them. I will send you there immediately and summon the Justice League."

"Okay, by the way, we have a new friend here who uses the Rock of Eternity to divert us."

Batman said, and Andrew nodded: "No problem, but Batman, don't mess with the Rock of Eternity like Iron Man, let alone throw things around, bugs, signal transmitters and the like are not welcome.

By the way, Batman, is your setting a little too similar to Iron Man? "

Batman just pretended not to hear, he was thick-skinned anyway, then, the door to the Rock of Eternity appeared, and Batman led everyone in.

Before being transferred out, several mechanical spiders quietly crawled out from under Batman's feet, preparing to stay here to investigate the situation of the Rock of Eternity.

Are you kidding me? How could Batman listen to others?

Kandak, Andrew said to Tony: "These robots of yours might really come in handy."

"Actually, I prefer them to be of no use."

Tony shook his head and said, "You rush over to watch the show. I'll stay in the city and make more arrangements. If nothing happens, the war will probably spread to the city."

"Tony, you have grown up and I am proud of you."

Andrew said with a look of relief, and Tony gave Andrew a middle finger. "A certain devil, don't think I don't know, your actual age is younger than me."

The atmosphere on the Justice Society's N-Metal Fighter is not good. The Justice Society is sulking because of the deception of the Sky Eye Society. Doctor Destiny is worried and doesn't know how to save Hawkman. Adriana is worried about her son.

Of course, no one is unhappy. Wade, Shazam, and Constantine are in a good mood.

While Wade was scraping the bulkhead with a knife, he whispered: "Someone told me that this is N metal. Nothing can destroy it. It is more valuable than the vibranium in the universe next door. Let's scrape some off and sell them."

"Wade, you disappoint me so much."

Constantine sighed, and Shazam also said: "Wade, we can't do such a thing."

Wade blinked and looked 'ashamed'. At this moment, Constantine said: "Let's not talk about whether it can be shaved off. Even if it can be done, how much can it be earned?

I heard that your MIB has a crack system. After a while, you secretly used the crack system to crack the fighter's authority. Then, we waited for the Justice Society to leave and the entire fighter plane was stolen by him.

This is more profitable than scraping some metal. Such a fighter plane costs at least several hundred million. "

"You are still awesome, my eyelids are too shallow."

Wade said with admiration that Shazam was in bad shape. Who are these people? It was a shame that he had changed his mind about Constantine before.

"The International Gang station has arrived, and there is a monitoring system on the plane."

Eagle Man said coldly, obviously hearing the conversation between Constantine and Wade.

Constantine and Wade looked at each other and shouted to Shazam: "Shazam, I didn't expect you to be such a person and actually want to pursue the N-Metal Fighter. We misjudged you."

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