American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 722 Aftermath

"Evil beings have been staring at the earth?"

Everyone was stunned, and then Hancock cursed: "This guy is lying again, it's better not to say anything."

Many people nodded in agreement, and Mary scolded: "You know nothing. All the masters are like this. This is called the demeanor of a master. Alas, it's a pity that I didn't have time to ask him for his phone number."

"Are you sure he has a phone?"

Green Lantern complained, and said: "Mary, you should put your thoughts aside. Even the Ghost Rider can't bear your ex-wife."

Everyone laughed, Mary grabbed Hancock next to her and threw it at Green Lantern. Hancock said he was innocent and it was none of my business?

"No kidding, the city is in chaos now, you go rescue people first."

Andrew said: "Iron Man, Batman, after we finish saving people, we will have a meeting to discuss how to rebuild Gotham. I will be responsible for part of the funding."


Everyone looked at the ruins around them and couldn't help but sigh. Many people died this time, and a large number of buildings collapsed. Gotham's losses were not ordinary.

"Why Gotham again?"

The citizens of Gotham who survived the disaster looked sad. Gotham people were really miserable.

Then, everyone rushed to save people. The building collapsed and the earth dragon turned over. Many people were trapped in the ruins and needed help from superheroes. There was no other way. Apart from posing, the American Rescue Team had never been reliable in other aspects.

Shazam also went to save people, and the old mage shouted: "Leave these matters to the superheroes, let's go back to the Rock of Eternity and continue to practice magic.

Your performance this time was very poor. It could even be said that you had almost no performance. You need more training. "

"First save people and then go back to practice magic. I am a reserve of superheroes."

Shazam objected, and the old mage wanted to say something else, but Andrew stopped him: "Let him go, Shazam, don't save people alone, follow Batman, do whatever he asks you to do, for a while Please eat barbecue."

"Thank you Mr. Wang, I'm starving to death."

Shazam was overjoyed and hurriedly followed Batman. Batman did not refuse because he wanted to know more about Shazam.

Looking at Shazam's leaving back, the old mage said to Andrew: "He is not a superhero."

Andrew said: "He is. The earth is full of disasters. As the leader of the earth's wizards, Eternal Rock cannot always turn a blind eye."

"That's true. To be honest, the disasters on the earth are very strange. I have lived for thousands of years and have never seen disasters so frequent. What's even more incredible is that every time it is a world-destroying disaster."

The old mage said: "What the Ghost Rider just said may be true. The earth is being targeted by a super evil existence."

Andrew shook his head: "Take your time, one day we will find him."

The old mage thought of something and asked hurriedly: "By the way, where are the seven deadly sins? The Ghost Rider didn't seem to mention the seven deadly sins just now."

"The Ghost Rider must have taken care of it. The Ghost Rider always does things reliably. Congratulations, the Rock of Eternity has lost a big burden."

Andrew smiled and the old mage breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I hope so. Today is not the time when the Seven Deadly Sins are at their strongest. If they continue to absorb the breath of sin, they can even grow to the level of the Three Palace Demons in the end."

"That's great news for me."

Andrew smiled, then he walked up to Angela, took back the live electronic eye, and said: "The live broadcast is over, see you next time."

The audience said one after another: "Who are you, and why do you announce the end of the live broadcast?"

Andrew didn't waste any time and turned off the live broadcast directly. Then, he asked Angela: "How do you feel? If you are interested, I will let you host next time."

"Forget it. I'm not suitable for this job at all. Let's not talk about it. Mr. Wang, I'm going to save people too."

Angela shook her head and turned to help the military rescue people. Although the Seven Deadly Sins were brought back to hell, those who were controlled have not fully returned to normal. Many are still in a state of confusion and need Angela. Illumination helps.

The people from the Exoskeleton Legion and the Sky Eye Society have been controlling the civilians, and Sonic and the others are also helping to prevent the previous big explosion from happening again.

Even Batman doesn't know how many dangerous things are hidden in this hellish place called Gotham.

In addition, Dr. Sivana is not dead. What awaits him will be life imprisonment, and the Sky Eye Society will be responsible.

Dr. Sivana did not resist this. He was a bit desperate and thought he was smart. In the end, he was just a puppet of the Seven Deadly Sins.

After Angela left, Dr. Destiny came over and said to Andrew: "Mr. Wang, thank you again for your help. Speaking of which, it's really embarrassing. Our Justice Association did little to help this time."

"It's normal to have problems when fighting against evil. There once was a superhero who was kidnapped by villains every day and was known as the kidnapper."

Andrew smiled and said, "As long as you sincerely want to protect civilians and the world."

"This is what our Justice Society exists for."

Dr. Destiny assured him sternly, and then said: "Mr. Wang, our Justice Society is prepared to cooperate in depth with the Sky Eye Society. I hope you and the Justice League don't mind."

"What's the big deal?"

Andrew waved his hand and said: "However, Sky Eye is an official organization, and they will take the official interests as their first consideration.

Dr. Destiny, your Justice Society can cooperate with them, but you must not harm the interests of civilians for the sake of official interests. "

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang, we are superheroes and we don't do dirty work."

Dr. Destiny smiled and Andrew shook his head without saying anything more. Once he was involved too deeply, he would more or less have to do some dirty work.

However, this was a matter for the Justice Society, and Andrew was not interested in paying any attention to it. He nodded towards Doctor Fate, and his consciousness left Constantine's body.

Constantine returned to normal. He trembled and said, "It's so uncomfortable. It's like someone has done something to him. He's still a man."

After speaking, Constantine took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth. When he saw Dr. Destiny looking at him, he handed the cigarette over and asked, "Want one?"

Dr. Destiny shook his head and said, "I quit because my lungs can't stand it."

Constantine said: "It's okay, just replace it with a mechanical lung. It doesn't matter how many packs a day you have. You can have the freedom of cigarettes."

"Can this kind of thing be exchanged at will?"

Dr. Destiny complained, he hesitated and asked: "Do you think Mr. Wang is a little strange?"

"Weird? He is so strange. How can anyone be like him? He is handsome, rich and has a beautiful wife. The most important thing is that he is also super smart and can invent everything."

Constantine complained: "Such a perfect creature should not live in this world at all. They say Superman is a god on earth, but in fact Mr. Wang is."

Dr. Fate was speechless, is this what I asked? He said: "I'm talking about fate. I don't dare to sense his fate at all. It's not that I can't sense it, but I don't dare. Once I think about it, I immediately feel a sense of doom.

This situation is really strange. My helmet comes from the god Naboo, a real god, but it seems that even the gods are afraid of Mr. Wang. "

Constantine glanced at Dr. Destiny and said, "Isn't this a good thing? Only with the protection of such a big man can we and the earth be safe.

If the earth is gone, where can I go to pick up girls, where can I go to pay for my rent? "

After saying that, Constantine waved his hand and turned to leave. He wanted to run away before his enemies came looking for him.

Andrew had used Constantine's body to install a super big dick, and his enemies would definitely want to beat him.

"Is it a good thing?"

Dr. Destiny is a little confused. He has been studying destiny all his life and wants to control everything. He is frightened and afraid of unknown creatures like Andrew.

Immediately, Dr. Destiny shook his head and went to save people first. As for Mr. Wang, we will talk about it later.

However, there is good news. Mr. Wang is not hostile to the Justice Society. In this case, the Justice Society does not need to tie its hands.

Although the Justice Society was founded earlier than the Justice League, there is no doubt that the Justice League is the leader of superheroes.

"Next time you go on a mission, you mustn't mess it up again."

Dr. Destiny secretly thought that since the Justice Society has stepped forward, it must perform well - the higher its reputation, the easier it is to do things, and the better it can protect the world.

Half a day later, the disaster in Gotham gradually subsided and the civilians basically returned to normal. At the same time, the survivors were rescued and sent to the hospital.

Such high efficiency is mainly due to the superheroes. However, the superheroes of the Justice League did not take the credit. Except for the pushy Hancock, everyone else left one after another, some to rest, and some to... work overtime.

That's right, working overtime, for example, Superman, he hasn't finished today's manuscript. If he doesn't work overtime, a certain capitalist will definitely deduct his salary.

The four superheroes of the Justice Society all stayed, and they were interviewed by reporters under the organization of the Eye of the Sky.

The Sky Eye Society has officially decided to support the Justice Association. On the one hand, their strength is not bad, and on the other hand, their philosophy is more consistent with the Sky Eye Society.

With the help of the Sky Eye, the reputation of the Justice Association will soon grow. Of course, neither the Justice Society nor the Sky Eye Society dare to speak ill of the Justice League, let alone take the credit from the Justice League.

People from the Justice Society don't even bother to do this kind of thing. They can earn the credit themselves.

Raven looked at the remains of Hydra, frowning, and Zatanna asked, "Sad for the death of your brother and sister?"

"No, death is a relief for them. Moreover, my relationship with them is not good. They always want to bully me, but together they are no match for me."

Raven shook her head and said: "I was thinking about the Three Palace Demon. He is not dead. I am very sure of this. My bloodline comes from him. If he dies, I will feel it."

"Not dead? That may have been sealed by the Ghost Rider. Since the Ghost Rider said that the Three Palace Demon will not appear again in the future, it will definitely not appear again."

Zatanna said, and Raven said, "It's not that I don't believe in Ghost Rider, but I still feel unsure without seeing it with my own eyes."

Zatanna thought for a while and asked, "In that case, how about we go to hell and see it?"

"Look at hell?"

Raven was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, let's go to the Three Palaces Castle to have a look. That's the lair of the Three Palace Demons. Maybe we can find out something."

The plan was decided, and the two women quietly left Gotham and opened the door to hell in a deserted place.

Moore didn't notice the actions of the two little sisters. She was wearing a cloak and commanding a group of robots to move the remains of Hydra together on the ground.

"What's the use of these wrecks?"

A deep voice suddenly sounded behind Moore. Moore was not frightened. She asked without looking back: "I don't understand, why did you climb up the stairs, climb down again, and just turn around and walk behind me?" "

Batman is a little embarrassed, isn't it for the sake of mystery? He didn't expect Moore to know what happened behind him.

"Are you the witch?"

Batman asked. Although he didn't say it clearly, he believed that the other party knew what he meant.

"Yes, but now I'm hanging out with the BOSS."

Moore said: "These wrecks have both magic circles and magic power on them. They are very good magic materials. The BOSS asked me to transport them back and put in place defensive measures.

BOSS said, if you are interested, you can pick up a few pieces, but not too many, as it will affect the completeness. "

Batman was silent for a while and then asked: "Do you still want to rule the world?"

Moore smiled and said: "No, there are two reasons. One is that the Justice League is too strong and too troublesome to deal with. The other is that BOSS can give me a greater future."

"Better future?"

Batman narrowed his eyes. Without saying anything, he silently climbed the wall and left with the help of the previous device.

Moore wanted to roll his eyes. Are you sure you are not crazy?

Hell, Castle of Three Palaces.

Well, this statement may not be correct, because the castle has become a spirit and left, and now there is only a big pit and a ring of walls.

"I'm so poor."

The mechanical three-house demon complained and said with a greedy smile: "At least, there is a wall."

"It's better not to have any. Go and tear down the wall. My city doesn't need a wall."

The Mechanical Three-Gong Demon said: "I want to build a city of steel. You go and look for any mineral veins nearby. Although there are few minerals in hell, there are still some metal mines.

Also, catch me demons, the more the better. "


The seven deadly sins spread out, some went to demolish the wall, some went to explore the minerals, and some went to catch the devil.

The mechanical three-house demon built the Steel City not to dominate hell. That would be meaningless. The entire universe belongs to him, so why should he conquer hell?

The City of Steel was built to storm the troops. If a large-scale war breaks out in the future, troops can be sent to Earth to support it.

Or, drag the enemy to hell.

"What kind of new city should we build? Well, a new city with a tractor track? I'm not bragging. There is absolutely no one who can drive a tractor better than me, a hellish car god."

The mechanical three-house demon fell into deep thought. After a while, he said without looking back: "My dear daughter, I have told you a long time ago that you must get rid of the bad habit of breathing. You are my daughter and you do not need to breathe at all. .”

The raven lurking nearby was startled. He signaled Zatanna not to move and walked out silently.

Zatanna quietly gathered the Hell Gate magic and prepared to escape. She felt a little regretful in her heart. She knew she would never come to Hell, so now she fell into a trap.

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