
Seeing that Shazam was in danger, Tornado cursed and raised his hands, trying to create a tornado next to Shazam to protect him.

At this moment, a golden light hit the tornado, sending her flying out and falling heavily into the ruins.

"Destiny is king, and everyone's destiny is controlled by me."

Dr. Destiny said condescendingly. It was obvious that he was also controlled by the aura of arrogance. However, unlike Hawkman, there was struggle in his eyes from time to time, and it was obvious that his mind was not completely destroyed.

Doctor Fate is a powerful magician after all. He will be lost for a while, but he will not sink forever.

On the other side, Batman was entangled in silver tentacles, and it was Constantine who took action.

"Why can't I be Shazam? How am I worse than that funny guy?"

Constantine shouted with jealousy and greed: "I want to replace Shazam and become the strongest magician. I, Constantine, am the most powerful.

When I become the most powerful magician, I will be worshiped by everyone, and I won’t have to pay for it wherever I go to drink or sleep. "

"Can't you have a higher pursuit? For example, marry a good wife like me."

Angela complained as she fired energy balls at Constantine in an attempt to wake him up.

"Damn it."

Looking at Shazam who kept shouting in the air, the old mage hurriedly started the flight system and flew towards him. Unfortunately, the speed was too slow and there was no time.

Andrew watched all this silently, not anxious at all, and even had time to drink tea because Batman was there.

Although Batman is just an ordinary person, he is by no means easy to defeat. If he dares to carry out this ambush plan, he must have made enough preparations.

In Marvel, it is Tony who rivals the gods in a mortal body, while in DC, this role belongs to Batman, and is more successful than Iron Man.

"It was expected that Constantine would be controlled, but I didn't expect that the Justice Society would be so bad."

Batman shook his head, and pressed the thumb of his right hand on the index finger of his left hand. A strange wave flashed, and the nano tentacles wrapped around his body suddenly loosened and fell to the ground.

This is a device developed by Batman himself, specifically used to deal with nano-devices, uh, well, used to prevent Iron Man from harming the world.

Then, Batman clicked on his wrist as quickly as possible, and Shazam's body suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was lying next to Batman.

That's right, Shazam is lying on the ground, his mouth wide open, screaming, and at the same time, his limbs are moving around, looking quite funny.

As soon as Shazam disappeared, two monsters flew past his original location. When they saw Shazam escaping, they couldn't help but curse.

Then, Pride and Gluttony, as well as two other monsters, flew back to Dr. Sivana. The magic eye on the doctor's body was the top priority.

At the same time, Dr. Destiny and Hawkman also flew above Dr. Sivana, looking at everyone with eager eyes, while other superheroes and the Seven Deadly Sins were still engaged in a fierce battle.

Angela gathered a magic palm and slapped Constantine hard, while shouting: "Constantine, wake up."

Constantine smiled disdainfully, and controlled the tentacles to hit the magic palm. He shouted: "Everything you know was taught by me. Do you think you can beat me?"

"Don't forget, I am a genius."

Angela shouted, split her palm into three parts, bypassed Constantine's tentacles, and knocked him away.

Angela, a natural spellcaster.

Seeing that Shazam escaped death, Harcourt breathed a sigh of relief. She also didn't expect that the Justice Society and Constantine would make such a big mistake. Uh, it seems that they all found it themselves?

"It seems that I have inherited the glorious tradition of seeking death with the Sky Eye."

Harcourt complained secretly, and then she turned to look at Batman, who was obviously well prepared.

Seeing that Shazam was fine, the old mage flew back to the ground. He saw that Shazam was still shouting and said angrily: "Idiot, you're fine, get up quickly."

"I'm all right?"

Shazam was stunned, looked down, and was overjoyed. Then he quickly got up and said excitedly: "Batman, thank you for saving me."

Batman said: "It's okay. You should learn to fly as soon as possible. I believe it is not difficult for you."

Shazam smiled awkwardly, and the old mage said it was not difficult, but he had learned it for several hours, but it had no effect except breaking various things.

Compared with the simple Shazam, the old mage saw something wrong. He asked: "Batman, did you do anything to Shazam?"

"A disposable teleportation device is installed on his waist. He is a key figure and still a child, so he should be protected."

Batman said, although the old mage was a little dissatisfied, he didn't say anything more. After all, he had good intentions.

The one-time teleportation device was developed by Andrew, which is a derivative of the teleporter. In the future, he will develop more good things. The best ones will be kept as weapons, and the rest will be distributed to the Justice League.

Shazam said: "Thank you, uh, is that expensive?"

Damian came over and said, "In order to prevent you from being unable to sleep, I think it's better not to mention the price."

"Then don't talk about it."

Shazam said very decisively that he was a poor kid and had no money to compensate. He just pretended that he had never heard of this matter and believed that the superheroes would not blame him.

Batman and Damian couldn't help turning their heads to look at the old wizard, the perfect child?

The old mage looked up at the sky. The wind was really noisy today.

"Shazam, I will never let you go."

Dr. Sivana, who was completely charred, looked at Shazam with gritted teeth. He never expected that he would actually lose to a tease.

This is a shame, a huge shame.

"My general is defeated, are you afraid that you won't succeed?"

Shazam said arrogantly, and then he shouted to Doctor Destiny and Hawkman: "You two traitors are not qualified to be superheroes at all. I want to call on everyone to boycott you."

Eagle Man shouted enthusiastically: "I am the leader of superheroes, and I will lead all superheroes to protect the world."

Doctor Fate said: "Everything is an arrangement of fate."

"Why are you talking so much? There are more of us now. Kill them. Gluttony, you stay to protect the host. Others, follow me."

With an arrogant sneer, he led everyone to charge forward again. Batman shook his head and said, "A lot of people? Sorry, we have more people in the Justice League."

Along with Batman's voice, a space fluctuation appeared in the surroundings, and then the superheroes of the Justice League began to teleport over.

Dr. Destiny sensed the fluctuations in space, his expression changed, he clapped his hands forward, and used magic to interfere with the space transmission.

Upon seeing this, Andrew increased the power of the teleporter and forcibly teleported Superman and Hancock.

As for Neptune and the others, they have to wait for the space fluctuations on their bodies to dissipate, then teleport them to the vicinity of the battlefield and let them rush there on their own.

What, The Flash? Of course I ran directly there, it wasn't far.

"Batman, you should have let us come here sooner."

Hancock rolled his neck and said, "The air in Gotham is bad, there are few beauties, and the atmosphere is dark. Who would be interested in this rotten place?

Why are you looking at me like this, I...I was just kidding. "

Under Batman's cold gaze, Hancock chose to follow his heart. Although the other person was just an ordinary person, Hancock was a little afraid of him.

"Superman, the living Superman."

Shazam shouted excitedly, Damian rolled his eyes, can't you change the word? Every time it comes alive, just like buying fish.

"Do it."

Batman retracted his gaze and said, Superman and Hancock have no nonsense, and at the same time rushed to Dr. Sivana as fast as possible, he is the key.

Shazam and Batman followed closely. As for Damian, he turned to help Tornado. She was unable to handle jealousy alone.

Dr. Sivana's expression changed, and he hurriedly retreated, letting the monsters protect him. Fortunately for Hancock, he was really afraid of Superman.

That is Superman who is known as the God on Earth.

"I've always heard that your Justice League is very strong. I want to see how strong you are?"

Arrogance snorted coldly, and flew in front of Superman at the same time as Gluttony, and punched Superman hard.

Superman grabbed Gluttony's tentacle, swung it up and smashed it into Pride. The two monsters flew out like meteors, and then Superman rushed towards Dr. Sivana again.

At this moment, Doctor Destiny stopped in front of Superman, and then he clasped his hands, and the surrounding area changed rapidly, from the ruins to the Gotham City that Superman was familiar with.

"What's going on?"

Superman was stunned. At this moment, he discovered that Lois Lane was walking on the sidewalk with a bag on her back. Suddenly, a car lost control and hit her hard.

Superman ignored Louise, but rushed to a deserted place in front, and punched out with a violent sonic boom.

With a bang, Doctor Destiny was knocked away by Superman and hit the defensive cover hard. At the same time, the illusion quickly dissipated.

Doctor Fate looked at Superman in disbelief. How could he see through his illusion?

Doctor Fate's illusion is so real that even his voice is imitated. At the same time, the illusion will interfere with Superman's judgment and make him trapped in it.

Superman did not answer, but continued to rush towards Dr. Sivana. Why could he see through the illusion?

The reason is simple. The real Louise wears the second-generation nanometer watch developed by Andrew, but the Louise below does not.

In addition, with the ability of the nano watch, even if Louise is really hit by a car, there is no need to worry about her, but instead, you should worry about whether the car will disintegrate.

"No one can fight fate."

Dr. Fate gritted his teeth, and countless of him appeared next to Superman at the same time, using various magics to blast towards Superman.

Superman was a little afraid of magic and hurriedly avoided seeing it. Who knows, all magic is fake.

This pause allowed Doctor Fate to seize the opportunity and use the maze to trap Superman inside. Upon seeing this, Superman directly punched the maze and the walls of the maze quickly collapsed.

Superman said that he is best at solving mazes and just fights his way out.

Dr. Fate suffered a backlash and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, Pride and Gluttony quickly flew into the maze to intercept Superman, but they were no match for Superman and were beaten around by Superman.

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