Chapter 706 Shazam

The old mage looked Billy up and down, sighed, and said, "It's barely okay."

Billy's character is pretty good and he is a good prospect, but to say he is pure and flawless is definitely a lie.

The problem is that now the old mage has no choice but to choose him. This is why Constantine said that Billy is lucky, just like the chosen one.

The old mage stood up, walked to Billy, and said: "This is the Rock of Eternity, the holy land of magic. You are the chosen one. You will inherit my magic and become a new generation of wizards."

Billy looked at the dirty old man in front of him, blinked, and asked, "Is this some new scam? I've agreed in advance that I have no money."

The old mage's face darkened, and both Andrew and Constantine laughed. It was a big joke that the last wizard in the Magic Holy Land was actually regarded as a liar.

Magic has finally declined.

"Shut up, I'm not a liar."

The old mage was too lazy to talk nonsense. He raised his staff and shouted: "Hold it, and then call me, Shazam."


Billy laughed again. It didn't mean anything, he just thought the name was funny.

The old mage's face grew darker, and he shouted: "Hold it and call me, Shazam."

Billy was frightened by the old mage. He subconsciously held the staff and shouted: "Shazam."

As soon as Billy finished speaking, a bolt of lightning struck him, and then a large amount of black mist emerged and enveloped him.

The old mage raised his staff high and shouted loudly: "Recite my name and get all my power.

The wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the perseverance of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury. "

Every time the old mage recited a sentence, a bolt of lightning lit up on the staff and fell on Billy. When the old mage finished reciting all the words, the black mist dissipated and a big man fell to his knees on the ground.

This big man wears a red battle suit with a yellow lightning-shaped mark on his chest and a white cape on his back. He has strong muscles all over his body and looks a bit silly. He is the grown-up Billy.

"Wow, becoming Shazam also has the ability to grow in size?"

Constantine said, and Andrew glanced at him and complained: "You are getting bigger, is it serious?"

"I'm a serious guy."

Constantine held a cigarette in his mouth and said in a ruthless tone. Andrew sneered and said, "If this kid knows that he will look like this in the future, will he just give up on himself?"

"It's very possible that appearance is very important. Although I am a scumbag every time I pick up girls, as long as I go back to them, they will still date me."

Constantine said: "This is the importance of appearance."

"It turns out that you still know that you are a scumbag."

Andrew complained. The weak old mage leaned on his staff and glared at Andrew and Constantine. What nonsense are these two guys talking about? Why don't you come over and help the old man?

The old mage didn't want to be rude in front of his apprentice, but unfortunately, both Andrew and Constantine just pretended not to see it.

At this time, Billy got up. He looked at his hands and shouted: "Why have my hands become so big? Hey, what's going on with my voice? Whose voice is this? Old liar, are you talking to me?" What have you done?"

"I'm not a liar."

The old mage said angrily. Just as he was about to speak, Andrew came over and said with a smile: "Billy, calm down first. By the way, let me introduce myself. I am the very low-key boyfriend of Wonder Woman."

"Are you Mr. Wang?"

Billy's eyes widened suddenly, and he shouted excitedly: "It's great to meet you, you have always been my idol, by the way, can you give me your autograph?

I stole my brother's bullets and wanted to sell them for money. If it has your signature, he will definitely forgive me. "

That bullet is worth five hundred dollars, because it hit Superman once, and it has a certificate.

Constantine looked at the old mage with contempt on his face. Is this the person with a pure soul you are talking about?

The old mage was a little embarrassed, but at the same time he was extremely grateful for his previous choice. He must live and teach this brat well to prevent him from becoming another Black Adam.

In fact, Billy stole the bullet not because of greed, but because he wanted to sell it to make money and continue looking for his mother.

"I'll get you a signed poster of Superman."

Andrew smiled and said, "Billy, have you ever thought about being a superhero?"

"Me, a superhero?"

Billy pointed at himself, it was a bit funny, a guy like him could also be a superhero?

"You couldn't before, but you can now, because you have inherited Shazam's power, and you will even be able to compete with Superman in the future."

Andrew said: "By the way, if you want to change back, just call Shazam."


Billy shouted hurriedly, and then, a bolt of thunder struck down, and Billy returned to normal.

Billy looked at his hands and breathed a sigh of relief. It was better this way. He hesitated and said, "Well, Mr. Wang, I'm just a middle school student."

"But you become an adult after you transform."

Andrew smiled: "Some things are destined, for example, you become a superhero, of course, we will not force you, everything is decided by yourself.

In addition, we will not let you go to the battlefield right away. Your teacher will teach you magic and train you well.

You are still a student, a student of magic. "

Billy was a little excited. What boy hasn't thought about becoming a superhero? Billy was no exception. His hesitation was mainly due to fear and lack of confidence.

In addition, Billy had other things to do. He said, "Mr. Wang, I'm not free. I have to go find my mother."

Andrew said: "Magic can help find people. At the beginning, Batman also relied on magic to find his son, the new generation of Robin."

"Magic search?"

Billy's eyes lit up and he shouted: "Mr. Wang, I want to learn magic."

"I am your teacher."

The old mage shouted dissatisfied, and at this moment, he fell down due to weakness.

Billy looked confused and hurriedly approached Andrew. He didn't have such a weak teacher. Also, could this old guy be cheating?

Billy's gaze made the old mage very unhappy, and he said: "Hurry up and help me change my body."


Andrew smiled and threw a silver box to the ground. The box quickly changed and turned into an advanced nano-operating room.


Billy's eyes lit up. In his opinion, this was cooler than magic.

Then, Andrew clapped his hands, and three robots walked in from the door. They moved the old mage to the hospital bed and prepared to start the operation.

Of these three robots, two are medical robots responsible for helping Andrew, and the other is a smart home robot, the new body of the old mage.

The main task of the old mage is to teach Billy. There is no need for combat function. In the future, he can also cook a meal for Billy.

While the three robots were preparing, Andrew said to Billy: "Billy, from now on, follow your teacher to learn magic. As for whether you want to be a superhero or not, you decide for yourself.

Also, let me teach you a lesson, a very important lesson, about how important it is for superheroes to hide their identities. "

Billy asked: "Like Batman or Superman?"

"Yes, unless you are as rich as Iron Man and alone, you must hide your true identity to prevent the villain from catching your family and threatening you."

Andrew nodded and said: "Those villains do all kinds of evil. Once your family falls into their hands, even death is a luxury."

"I will never harm my mother."

Billy immediately said that he didn't regard the people in the host family as relatives yet, after all, the time they spent together was too short.

"Everyone can talk big. The key is to keep your word. Remember, under no circumstances can you tell others your true identity, not even your closest relatives."

Andrew confessed that Billy actually didn't quite understand why Andrew was so cautious, but Andrew was his idol, so he nodded subconsciously.

Andrew was very satisfied and said, "I'll go in and perform an operation on your teacher. Uh, Constantine, you can get out."

"Why should I leave?"

Constantine was very dissatisfied. He also wanted to trick the new Shazam and get some benefits.

"Because I'm afraid that you will corrupt the children. Don't you know your own virtues? If I breathe the same air with you for ten seconds, you will corrupt them."

Andrew said angrily, and then, with a wave of his hand, he sent Constantine out of the Rock of Eternity. This is now his territory, and he has the highest authority.


In the warehouse, Constantine yelled, am I that bad?

Well, it seems that there really is, Shete, that's not the point. The point is that the old mage didn't give him the treasure he promised.

Constantine was about to rewrite the opening spell when he suddenly thought of something and shook his head. It seemed that he could only wait until later. After all, the old mage was undergoing surgery.

"People laugh at me as a scumbag, but they don't know how happy I am."

Constantine held a cigarette in his mouth and headed to a nearby hotel. He is now a wealthy man. It’s not that he can’t stay in the presidential suite, it’s not that he didn’t drink Lafite in 1982, and it’s not that the beauty was born in 1982. Well, this is a bit old.

On the Rock of Eternity, the operation was quickly completed. The old mage felt his new body and felt a little weird, especially the dense data in front of him, which made his head feel a little dizzy.

The old mage secretly sighed: "I really survived. The technology is incredible. I stayed in the Rock of Eternity for too long and I am out of touch."

"The data can be turned off. There is an intelligent system in your body that will help you get familiar with your new body. After you become familiar with it, you can turn off the intelligent system."

Andrew said: "Okay, everything that needs to be done is almost done, Billy, you stay here and study magic with your teacher.

If you want to talk to me about anything, just use your watch, or enter the Rock of Eternity. "

"I understand, thank you, Mr. Wang."

Billy said reluctantly that although they had not been together for long, Mr. Wang had been helping him and teaching him carefully.

It's a pity that he is not his teacher, otherwise he would be perfect.

Andrew was mainly thinking about the Three Palace Demons, otherwise he wouldn't have left so quickly. Although Shazam was a little funny, there was no doubt that he was a potential stock.

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