American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 704 Transaction


Constantine hurriedly helped the old mage to the seat. There are seven seats in the Rock of Eternity, representing the seven mages of the Wizards' Council.

Unfortunately, thousands of years ago, the previous generation of Shazam, also known as Black Adam, clashed with the Wizards Council, causing the Seven Deadly Sins to break through the seal. In order to re-seal the Seven Deadly Sins, all other wizards died, leaving only the old wizard alive.

It is because of this incident that the old mage has extremely high requirements for the inheritors, who must have a pure and flawless heart.

The problem is, in modern society, except for children, where can there be pure hearts? Moreover, no one can guarantee that a child will remain pure when he grows up.

The old mage was obviously over the top, which is why he still couldn't find an heir after hundreds of years.

Constantine placed the old mage on one of the seats, and then asked: "What was that ball of light just now?"

"It's the seven deadly sins."

The old mage explained the matter briefly, and then he said firmly: "The seven deadly sins must be recovered as soon as possible, otherwise, the world will be destroyed by them."

Constantine was a little disapproving. With Mr. Wang and the Justice League here, it would not be easy for the Seven Deadly Sins to destroy the world.

However, Constantine did not express his thoughts. He pretended to be anxious and asked: "What, the world will be destroyed by the seven deadly sins? This is not possible, we must get the seven deadly sins back as soon as possible.

The problem is, I am not strong enough and you are injured, we have no ability to recover the Seven Deadly Sins. "

The old mage looked at Constantine expressionlessly and asked, "Has anyone ever said that your play is terrible?"

The old mage has lived for thousands of years, how could he be deceived by Constantine? He is just physically weak, not mentally ill.

Although the old mage saw through his thoughts, Constantine was not embarrassed at all. He shrugged and said, "No, I lie to women, and every time I lie, I'm sure."

There is no way, the handsome guy can do whatever he wants.

The old mage was speechless. This guy was really thick-skinned. He said, "Although you are indeed a bit beyond my expectations, I will never pass the inheritance on to you. Just give up."

"Hello and goodbye."

Seeing the old mage's determination, Constantine rolled his eyes unhappily, stood up and prepared to open the door and leave.

Constantine is going to go to Mr. Wang and tell him the matter to see if he can get some benefits. You know, Mr. Wang has always been generous with his actions, and he is about to become the richest man in the galaxy.

Of course, before leaving, you have to scavenge this place. There must be a lot of good things in the Magical Holy Land.

However, that's all. Constantine will not threaten the old mage. He is indeed not a good person, but he is not bad at all.

The old mage is speechless, can you be more realistic? He hurriedly said: "The inheritance cannot be given to you, but I can give you a treasure."

"Old Master, you are too ignorant. Am I, Constantine, the kind of person who covets treasures?"

Constantine came back immediately and said, "By the way, what kind of treasure is it? Well, I'm not greedy, just purely curious."

"If you weren't someone who covets treasures, I would be the most handsome guy in the world."

The old mage complained, and he said: "Don't worry, I will definitely satisfy you. Now help me activate the searching magic. I want to find the inheritor before I die."

Constantine asked reluctantly: "You really don't want to consider me? I think I'm pretty good."

The old mage looked at Constantine without saying anything. Constantine rolled his eyes. He thought for a moment and said, "It's just one chance, and you may not be able to find a suitable partner. So, I'll inform Mr. Wang and let him rescue you." .”

"I don't know who Mr. Wang you are talking about, but I'm at the end of my rope. No matter how powerful the magic is, it can't save me."

The old mage shook his head. He had run out of energy and no magic could save him.

In addition, the old mage didn't know about Andrew or the Justice League. In the past few hundred years, he had either been sleeping to reduce consumption or used magic to find an heir, and had basically no contact with the outside world.

As for those world-destroying crises, sorry, they cannot affect the Rock of Eternity.

"Magic doesn't work, we still have technology."

Constantine said: "Let Mr. Wang take out your brain and put it in a robot body, so that you can survive."

The old mage was confused. Is this okay?

"Times have changed. Magic is powerful, but technology is not bad either. My lungs are broken, and Mr. Wang helped me replace them with steel lungs. I can smoke ten packs a day without any problem."

Constantine said with a 'sincere' look: "Old Master, I have no intention of making this suggestion, it is purely for your own good.

The way you are now, no matter who you find next, you will pass the inheritance on to him, right? "

"No, if the next candidate is like you, I will not pass the inheritance to him."

The old mage shook his head. In fact, Constantine was right. As long as the next candidate is not too bad, he will pass on the inheritance to the other candidate. The reason is simple: he has no time.

Constantine's old face darkened. Believe it or not, I will turn dark now? Well, if you don’t believe it, forget it, I don’t believe it either.

"The problem is, no one knows what the next candidate's abilities are like and whether he can recover the magic eye. Moreover, people change. How do you know that he will not have the same virtue as me in the future?"

Constantine said, the old mage was speechless, this guy became so ruthless that he was even embarrassed.

However, what Constantine said makes sense. Although Shazam's divine power is very powerful, a newcomer without his own assistance will not be able to defeat the Seven Deadly Sins, let alone master his abilities.

The old mage hesitated, and after a moment, he asked: "Can that Mr. Wang you mentioned really save me? Also, is he a good guy or a bad guy?"

Constantine smiled and said: "Ninety-nine percent of the billions of people in the world think Mr. Wang is a good person. Do you think he is a good person or a bad person?"

"So many people think he is a good person, which shows that he is a guy who deceives the world and steals his reputation. Only half of the people will like a truly good person."

The old mage shook his head and said: "However, the fact that so many people recognize him means that he is an amazing person. Please inform him that I will make a deal with him and use the treasure of the Rock of Eternity in exchange for him to save my life. "

"Okay, I'll notify him right away."

Constantine nodded and asked: "By the way, how to leave the Rock of Eternity? Well, we can't stay at the original place. That guy might ambush me."

"I give you permission. You can open a door to anywhere."

The old mage said that Constantine was very happy. In this way, he could use the Rock of Eternity to run around in the future. No matter how much debt he owed, he no longer had to worry about being hunted down.

"I am a man who wants to become the debtor king."

Constantine opened a magic door leading to the warehouse, and then he walked into the warehouse and contacted Andrew.

"Shazam's plot? Such a coincidence?"

Andrew was a little surprised after hearing what Constantine said. He thought for a while and asked: "Constantine, why did you ask me to save the old mage? What are your intentions?"

Constantine did not deny it. After all, King Andrew knew very well what kind of virtue he had.

Constantine took out a Yangtze brand cigarette and lit it, took a nice puff, and then said: "Mr. Wang, there are two reasons why I contacted you. One, I don't think the next Shazam can bring back the Magic Eye.

In order to prevent the destruction of the world, I have decided to inform you, the Justice League. "

Andrew nodded: "I understand. I made a mess because I was afraid that the next Shazam couldn't fix it, so I took the blame on our Justice League."

Constantine smiled awkwardly and continued: "The second reason is that I'm a little short of money recently."

"I understand, there are advantages to both ends."

Andrew smiled and said: "Although you cheated a bit, at least you informed me in time, and when this matter is over, I will give you a check for five million US dollars.

Don't be too little, you did this yourself, otherwise, I will give you 30 million. "

"Five million US dollars? OK, I accept it."

Constantine beamed with joy. For a big shot like Andrew Wang, five million might be money for a night of fun, but for most people, it was a large income that they would never earn in a lifetime.

"Alice, two things. The first one is to help me keep an eye on the ravens and the others, and notify me immediately if anything happens. The second thing is to look for Dr. Sivana's traces and get the Magic Eye back."

Andrew transferred the monitoring magic to Alice and said, "By the way, you can monitor the Sky Eye Society. This matter is related to them."

Alice nodded: "BOSS, you can go with peace of mind."

"Alice, you are naughty again."

Andrew knocked Alice on the head, used the golden ring portal to come to Constantine, and said, "Let's go, take me to see the old mage before he dies."


Constantine nodded, then he pushed open the magic door and took Andrew into the Rock of Eternity.

The weak old mage heard the footsteps and slowly opened his eyes. Soon, his eyes were locked on Andrew, and then he asked in shock: "Who are you?"

The old mage could tell at a glance that Andrew was not a human being, nor was he a devil, but a higher-level life, like a god or a devil.

"I'm a very low-key Wonder Woman boyfriend."

Andrew smiled and said, this old guy is good, he can actually see that he is different.

There's nothing I can do about it, I'm so outstanding, even though I'm so low-key, I'm still recognized by people.

The old mage looked confused and said he didn't understand at all.

"I won't talk nonsense. First of all, I have saved the world many times and I am absolutely on the side of justice. You can rest assured on this."

Andrew said: "Secondly, in your current situation, I have three ways to save you. You choose one yourself, but I have to collect a reward."

"Three kinds?"

The old mage's eyes lit up. This guy is really powerful. He actually has three ways to save himself?

"You are indeed not that kind of stupid good person."

The old mage said: "I can give you a reasonable reward, but there is one thing I want to make clear first. Who will be the next Shazam can only be decided by me personally, and you cannot interfere."

"It doesn't matter, whoever the next Shazam is, he will join the Justice League."

Andrew waved his hand and said: "Don't look at me like that. I never force people, and there is no need to force me. As long as I hook my fingers a little, Shazam will join the Justice League."

"I won't find such a spineless Shazam."

The old mage snorted, and then he couldn't wait to ask: "What three ways can save me?"

"The first one is the mechanical body that Zha Kang told you. However, this will greatly affect your magic. After all, in your current state, your whole body needs to be replaced. Basically, only your soul is your own, and even your brain is yours. It needs to be cut open.”

Andrew said: "But the benefits are not without it. From now on, you will live forever. If your body is broken, just replace it with another one."

"It's not a big problem if you don't have magic. When I find an heir, I will give him all my power."

The old mage shook his head and asked, "What about the other two methods?"

"This is the wishing ring. I took it from the God of Lies."

Andrew introduced the function of the wishing ring and said: "It can help you survive, but anyone who makes a wish will have something taken away by me.

If you make a wish, I will take away your loyalty, which means that from now on, you will work for me.

Don't think I'm taking advantage of you. You also know your own situation. If you want to survive, you will need a lot of divine power. "

The old mage did not deny it, he asked: "What about the last method?"

"I know the God of Death. I can introduce you to him as a servant. In this way, no one can kill you except the God of Death."

Andrew said: "The Egyptian god of death."

There are many gods of death in the universe. Basically, gods who have the realm of death can be called gods of death.

Constantine glanced at Andrew in surprise. If he remembered correctly, the God of Death seemed to be an enemy. He also invaded the earth once?

"I already have a god that I believe in, and I will not believe in other gods."

The old mage shook his head. The source of magic is the gods. He thought for a while and said, "The first option is, wait for me to find the inheritor, and you can help me turn into a robot."


Andrew didn’t try to persuade him. Anyway, he wasn’t the one who missed the big opportunity. He said, “In return, I want the right to use the Rock of Eternity for a hundred years.

During this hundred years, I have the final say over the Rock of Eternity, but you and the next Shazam can continue to use the Rock of Eternity, which is equivalent to renting a house. "

The old mage hesitated for a moment, nodded and said: "Yes, but you cannot destroy the core of the Rock of Eternity."

"no problem."

Andrew smiled and got the Rock of Eternity. Although he already had the Golden Ring Portal, the Rock of Eternity is an independent space and can be used as a base.

Moreover, Shazam is destined to be his, uh, member of the Justice League. Saving the old wizard is equivalent to buying one and getting one free - buying Shazam and getting a free teacher has only advantages and no disadvantages.

This is a pure profit business.

Then, Andrew took out a magic stone from his arms and said: "This is a magic stone extracted from the devil's corpse. It can help you restore part of your magic power, so that you can cast magic and find a successor."

"Thank you."

The old mage took the magic stone without any pretense and closed his eyes to absorb it.

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