"In a place like this, you say you care for the environment?"

Moore complained that hell is a place of suffering, with extremely high temperatures, lack of materials, and ruins. Except for demons, other life forms are not suitable for survival in hell.

Thanks to Moore, Zatanna has magic. If she were an ordinary person entering hell, she would die within half an hour.

Zatanna smiled and said, "I don't have any dreams of being a demon. What's the difference between being a demon and a salted fish? Mr. Wang said that."

Raven and Moore rolled their eyes at the same time. Raven took out a whistle and handed it to Moore, saying: "Sister Moore, you blow the whistle first, and I will arrange the teleportation magic circle. In hell, my teleportation ability will be greatly enhanced."

The golden ring portal is a technological product and is not very useful in hell, so Raven has to arrange the portal himself.


Moore had no nonsense, took the whistle and blew it hard. This whistle is a magic product. Once blown, all the demons whose souls belong to Andrew can hear the sound of the whistle and understand the meaning of the whistle.

"Gather within an hour or die."

The demons cursed loudly, but did not dare to neglect, and rushed to the gathering place as fast as possible.

The fastest ones to come were the demon dragons. Under the leadership of their clan leader, they flapped their wings and fell from the sky, standing in front of the ravens and the others.

Seeing that the terrifying human being was no longer there, the leader of the Demonic Dragon heaved a sigh of relief. Then, he arrogantly said to the three raven girls condescendingly: "Human, what do you want us to do?

Let me state in advance that if you ask our Dragon Clan to do something, you need to pay for it. This is not an embarrassment. This is the rule of our Dragon Clan. "

"Yes, this is the rule of our dragon clan."

All the dragons shouted in unison. It was obvious that they were scaring the ravens and the others.

If Andrew was here, they would definitely not dare to do this. After all, the other party is a ruthless person who kills demons whenever he says.

Raven smiled. She was not surprised at all by this situation. Demons as a group have always bullied the weak and feared the strong.

"You want payment?"

The raven took off his cloak and looked directly at the Demonic Dragon Clan Leader with six blood-red eyes. A cold, cruel aura echoed around him, making people shudder.

The leader of the Demonic Dragon was stunned for a moment, and then he asked in shock: "Are you the daughter of the Demon of the Three Palaces, the rebellious woman who sealed Him away?"

The fact that the Three Palace Demons were sealed has long been spread in hell. After all, this is a major event that only happens once in a thousand, no, ten thousand years.

There are even demon kings who visit the Three Palaces Demon Castle. However, the castle is protected by a magic circle and no one else can enter except for their own people.

Raven sneered: "I am indeed that rebellious woman."

The leader of the Demonic Dragon swallowed his saliva and made his choice instantly. He said, "I was joking before. Miss Raven, if you need anything, please feel free to tell me."

Raven asked: "No reward? That's the rule of your dragon clan."

The leader of the Demonic Dragon Clan looked puzzled: "Why don't I know the rules of the Dragon Clan? Miss Raven, you must have been deceived by the rumors."

All the dragons shook their heads in unison: "We don't know either."

The three women were speechless. Although they knew that the devil was shameless, they did not expect that the entire Demon Dragon Clan would be shameless.

"Mr. Wang is right, you Demon Dragon Clan are all talented people."

Raven put on the cloak again and said: "Help me take care of the other demons and make them obedient. Chief of the Demon Dragon Clan, if this is done, I will give you benefits."

The Demonic Dragon Clan was overjoyed and said, "You don't need any benefits to do things for Miss Raven."

Raven said: "Since you are so sincere, I won't give it to you."


The leader of the Demonic Dragon Clan was confused, I just said it casually, why did you take it seriously?

"It's just a joke, don't take it so seriously, other demons are coming, take care of them."

Raven said, and the leader of the demon dragon breathed a sigh of relief and ran over to scold the other demons.

Zatanna glanced at Raven and asked, "Were you just imitating Mr. Wang?"

"Definitely, Raven, there are indeed many things about BOSS that we can learn from, but bad character is definitely not one of them."

Moore said: "It's a miracle that BOSS has survived until now without being beaten to death. You may not have such a miracle."

Zatanna added: "It's not impossible, it's definitely not going to happen."

"I just want to imitate Mr. Wang and scare them."

Raven smiled sheepishly, and then she said: "But, Sister Moore, you are a subordinate, is it really okay to say this to Mr. Wang?"

Moore smiled and said: "Don't worry, the boss will only trick me, it's not a big problem."

Andrew had just finished shopping with Diana and was staying in the command room looking at the scenery. He rolled his eyes. Who does this witch think he is? Is he so narrow-minded? By the way, Alice, take note, Moore just slandered me.

"Are you sure you're not so narrow-minded?"

Alice complained that she couldn't see the situation in hell, and asked Andrew: "BOSS, is everything going well over there?"

"It's going well so far, but I don't know if it will go well in the future."

Andrew shook his head. The stakes were very high this time, and he wanted to supervise the whole process - through Moore.

Putting aside Andrew's surveillance for the moment, hundreds of thousands of demons gathered soon. No demons made trouble. All the demons stood respectfully in front of the three women, waiting for their orders.

The reason why the demons are so honest is because the thorn heads have been swallowed by the demon dragons.

The demons looked at the demon dragons unhappily, saying, bah, they are a group of demon thieves.

The demonic dragons rolled their eyes. You must know who that little girl is. She is even more intimidated than us.

That was Miss Raven who sealed the Three Palace Demons. Even among the Demon Kings, the Three Palace Demons were considered top figures.

"This time, our target is the Three Palaces Demon Castle."

Raven drew the magic circle and said coldly: "Next, you follow my command, attack the castle, and kill all the demons inside."

The demons were stunned, and the leader of the demon dragon asked: "Um, Miss Raven, can't you enter the Three Palaces Demon Castle?

Also, the magic circle in the castle is very strong, and even the Demon King may not be able to break into it. "


The demons were stunned for a moment, and then looked at the raven in confusion. Could she be the raven in the legend?

"I can enter the castle, but others can't. It's not enough for me to enter alone."

Raven shook her head and said, "You don't have to worry too much. I know the castle's magic circle very well. With my help suppressing it, it can only exert one-tenth of its power."

"Only one-tenth? That's easy to handle."

The leader of the Demonic Dragon breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Miss Raven, since the Three Palaces Demon was sealed by you, the demons under him have basically left the Three Palaces Castle, and now only the descendants of the Three Palaces Demon are left in the castle.

With so many of us, it will definitely not be a problem to capture the Three Palaces Castle. "

"That's a really good thing."

Raven said happily, and she couldn't wait to say: "Let's go to the Three Palaces Castle."


The demons agreed loudly at the same time. Before, they were a little resistant to the raven's orders. After knowing the identity of the raven, all these resistances disappeared.

In hell, it is natural for the strong to dominate the weak.

Moreover, if they can capture the Three Palaces Magic Castle, they will have a lot of benefits. At the very least, they can brag about it in the future.

Then, Raven opened the portal and took the demons to the Three Palaces Castle. To Raven's surprise, the Three Palaces Castle was as silent as death. Except for the sealed Three Palaces Demon, there were no traces of other demons at all.

Raven thought for a while, raised her hands to cast magic, and a shadow energy swept across the Three Palaces Castle, but still no other demons were found. She couldn't help but frown.

Raven asked: "Chief of the Demonic Dragon, have the descendants of the Three Palace Demons also left the castle?"

"No, you also know that the descendants of the Demon King are good food. After swallowing them, they can greatly increase their strength. Therefore, other demons can leave, but those descendants cannot."

The leader of the Demonic Dragon clan shook his head: "They have always stayed in the Three Palaces Castle."

The raven hesitated: "You didn't leave? Did something unexpected happen?"

"Raven, don't think so much, just attack directly. We have many demons anyway."

Moore said that what she really meant was that we have more cannon fodder anyway.

"That's true."

The raven hesitated and ordered the demons to attack the castle. There was no other way but the arrow was on the string and had to be fired.

There was no demon presiding over the magic circle, and the raven was very familiar with the magic circle. The process of attacking the castle was very smooth, and the castle's protective magic was breached one after another.

It won't be long before Raven and the others can officially enter the Three Palaces Castle.

Deep in the castle, the Three Palace Demon looked at all this coldly, and snorted: "It's really unlucky that the unfilial daughter came back to deal with me at this time."

"Perhaps it is the entanglement of fate."

The mysterious existence said: "Their arrival is not a bad thing, you can use their power to leave the seal faster.

Your daughter brought hundreds of thousands of demons with her. "

"That's right, my good daughter, I really want to thank you this time."

The Three Palace Demon laughed, but then again, why can the raven gather so many demons? This daughter doesn't have much talent as a commander?

In the command room, Andrew narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw that there were no demons in the Three Palaces Castle. His intuition told him that something was wrong.

Andrew thought to himself: "Fortunately, I have already given that thing to Moore, so it's not a big problem."

When Raven and others attacked the Three Palaces Castle, Constantine and Dr. Sivana finally completed the opening spell.

Then, Dr. Sivana couldn't wait to write seven lines of mantras on the bathroom door.

After the spell was finished, Dr. Sivana threw away the pen in his hand and said excitedly: "My dream is finally coming true."

"It's not that I doubt you, but can you really enter the Rock of Eternity?"

The female secretary looked shocked and raised her hand to touch the door. Seeing this, Constantine hurriedly shouted: "Don't touch it."

The female secretary was stunned and wanted to take back her hand, but it was too late. Seven lines of spells lit up at the same time. Then, a mysterious force poured into the female secretary's body. The female secretary's body quickly disintegrated. In the blink of an eye, she became A pile of ashes.

Dr. Sivana was startled, took a step back and shouted, "What's going on?"

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