American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 698 Deterrence

Facing Andrew's threat, the general took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice: "People on Earth, do you really want to fight to the death with our Bee Star Empire?"

"There is no more chance."

Andrew knew that the general was timid and said: "You Bee Star people are not welcome in the solar system. I am a very kind person. Don't force me to be cruel, because you can't bear it."

The general wants to complain, this is called kindness, all the Bee Stars on the planet were killed by you, okay?

Although it was a military planet and there were no civilians, there were at least hundreds of thousands of soldiers and support personnel combined.

Andrew didn't say anything more. With a wave of his hand, the portal and communication were closed at the same time.

The general breathed a sigh of relief. Thinking of what happened before, he secretly resented it. Then, he immediately rushed to the palace to report the incident to the emperor.

In the end, the Bee Star Empire made a decision: "Let the affiliated planets investigate the Earth's intelligence. Before they are fully understood, the Bee Stars will no longer have any conflicts with the Earth."

The Bee Stars are powerful, but they are also afraid.

After Andrew closed the communication, he asked Moore: "How many souls of the Bee Stars have you collected?"

"About 50%, some are too far away to be collected."

Moore said: "BOSS, what are you going to do with these souls?"

"I plan to give all these souls to the God of Death."

Andrew said that his Death clone will wake up in more than a year. By then, if the Bee Stars still dare to offend the earth, he will let the Bee Stars know what the curse of Death is.

Of course, this kind of dark thing is not in line with Andrew's image of Wei Guangzheng, so I won't say more.

Personality is still very important.

The golden ring portal suddenly disappeared, and the demons were very dissatisfied. They were not stupid, and they all knew that they were being used as pawns.

It didn't matter at first, after all, there were souls to swallow, but now that the battle was over, they couldn't wait to start looking for the mastermind behind it.

They don't want much, they just want to devour more souls.

Andrew was making hundreds of billions per second, so he naturally had no time to pay much attention to these demons. He took the initiative to show up and shouted to the army of hundreds of thousands of demons:

"You are rubbish. I am not saying that any one of you is rubbish. I am saying that everyone here is rubbish."


The demons were collectively stunned. They had never seen such an arrogant person in their long lives.

Raven, Zatanna and Moore were also speechless. Mr. Wang, if you are so arrogant, you will be beaten to death sooner or later. Do you know?

"Not convinced?"

Andrew smiled and said, "It's okay if you don't accept it, because you are all my property."

After speaking, Andrew raised his left hand with the wishing ring on it, and all the demons simultaneously felt that their souls had become the property of others. What's worse, the other party could take away their souls at any time.

"You tricked us?"

The leader of the Demonic Dragon Clan roared angrily. This time the portal was closer to their Demonic Dragon Clan’s territory, so they had a lot of dragons coming.

I thought it was a pie falling from the sky, but I didn't expect it to be poisonous.

"I'm going to trick you. Do you still have to pick a date?"

Andrew said coldly: "From now on, you are all my subordinates. From now on, you must obey the orders of my raven. Do you understand?"

There was no answer from the demons, and all the demons stared at Andrew, wishing to cut him into pieces.

The reason why no demons took action was because they were all waiting for other demons to take action.

This is a very smart approach, but the problem is, these demons are all smart people.

Andrew smiled slightly when he saw this, and randomly collected the souls of a thousand demons on the spot. In an instant, a thousand demons fell down at the same time and lost all movement.

Looking at the demon soul in Andrew's palm, all the demons were horrified. Isn't this guy too cruel? Just because he didn't answer his question, he killed a thousand demons?

Andrew shouted: "I'll ask again, do you understand?"


Whether it was a powerful dragon or a weak lemure, they all answered loudly, and no one dared to remain silent.

If you didn’t die last time, who can guarantee that you won’t die next time?

No matter how angry or depressed you are, your life is the most important.

"very good."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction and said: "Now, return to hell and live how you want. Once the raven blows the whistle, you must gather immediately. If you don't gather, you will die immediately. Do you hear me clearly?"

The demons shouted again: "It's clear!"

Seeing Andrew train hundreds of thousands of demons into obedience, Raven and Zatanna secretly smacked their lips, Mr. Wang's power was truly incredible.

By the way, what kind of existence is Mr. Wang, and why does he feel more majestic than the Demon King?

Demons are evil in nature, and there is only one way to tame them, which is to be stronger and more evil than them, that's all.

"With the help of so many demons, I will definitely be able to completely defeat the Three Palace Demons."

Raven thought to herself, and Zatanna was also confident. Their plan originally only had a 20% success rate, but now it has at least a 50% success rate.

Fifty percent is already very good, but that is the Three Palaces Demon, the Great Demon King of Hell, not just a cat or a dog.

Then, the demons began to return to hell. They were so excited before, but now they were so depressed. Not only did they serve as thugs for nothing, but they even gave their souls to each other for free.

What's even more depressing is that I can't resist at all. The people in the main world are too insidious. I want to go back to hell.

Some demons who had just arrived saw the army returning and asked in confusion: "Why are you back? Is there a problem over there?"

"What's the problem? We're full and come back to sleep."

The leader of the demon dragon said, and the other demons nodded: "Yes, I'm full. Come back to digest it. This time I ate so much that I feel a little tired of my soul."

"Me too, I don't want to go to the main world anymore in a short time."

What is this called? This is called pretending to be fat. You can't let others know that you have suffered a big loss, right? How embarrassing is this?


The devils are confused, can the soul be fed up with the taste? Are you in Versailles, or are you playing tricks on us?

"Make way, why are you asking so many questions?"

A demonic dragon was unhappy and used its tail to sweep away the demons. I was in a depressed mood, so I dared to block the way?

The demons hurriedly retreated and let the demon army return to hell. Soon, all the demons returned. They looked at each other, sighed together, and went back to their hometowns.

Seeing the demon army leaving, the demons breathed a sigh of relief. They were about to go to the main world through the Gate of Hell, when the Gate of Hell suddenly shrank and disappeared.

"Why not? I still want to try eating souls until I get tired of them. What does it feel like?"

The demons shouted, but unfortunately, no one paid attention to them.

On the planet, Andrew put away the door to hell that turned into a palm-sized door, and said: "Keep it, I will continue to trick the devil next time."

"Mr. Wang, please be a human being."

Zatanna complained, and Andrew casually hit her on the head and said, "Okay, you continue to prepare to deal with the Three Palace Demons. By the way, these souls are given to you."

After speaking, Andrew gave Moore the thousands of demon souls he had collected before, and Moore hurriedly took out a skull to collect these souls.

"This time we have gained so much that we need at least three months to digest it."

Moore thought for a moment and said, "Only after the digestion is completed can we start to deal with the Three Palace Demons."

Zatanna also said: "It will take several more months for the magic circle to be completely completed."

Raven said: "We can't be in a hurry when dealing with the Three Palace Demons. We must take our time. We only have one chance."

"Then take your time."

Andrew waved his hand and said: "Let's go back. There is nothing left to stay on this planet. Bee Star people, come and collect the corpses."

The three women were speechless. Mr. Wang, are you sure you are really a positive person?

Then, Andrew opened the golden ring portal and returned to the battle fortress with the three girls. After that, he started busy work.

It is indeed very busy. We have to accept applications from aliens to settle in, we have to plan the Peace City, and we have to deal with the large amount of supplies that we have snatched back. We are very busy. In addition, the earth also has to deal with it.

The people on earth are hungry for alien technology. The problem is that they have no money to buy it. Therefore, they want to borrow money from Andrew to do business in Peace City and slowly accumulate capital.

Now, Andrew is the richest man on earth.

Andrew plans to take this opportunity to unify the power of the earth a little, so he has a lot to do.

"It's so miserable. I have to work for an hour every day. In this case, the time I spend with my wife, drinking tea, watching movies, enjoying myself, and being in a daze will be reduced accordingly."

Andrew sighed, everyone only saw his beauty, who knew his hard work? It was so miserable, it took a full hour of work.

Alice, who works twenty-four hours a day, year-round, felt a little tempted to hit someone when she heard this sentence.

Except for New York, there was basically no damage to other places during this alien invasion, so the aftermath was relatively simple.

In order to show his favor to Andrew, the President of the United States decided to transform the former New York battlefield into a superhero theme park.

With the establishment of the Battle Fortress, the attitude of high-level humans towards superheroes gradually changed.

how to say? In the past, everyone's vision was limited to the earth. Naturally, the top human beings had to deal with superheroes to avoid affecting their own rule.

But now, the earth has passively entered the interstellar age, and only superheroes can protect the earth. It is normal for the top human beings to change their attitudes.

Not only for safety, but also for the huge interests of the interstellar era. Of course, there are still high-level human beings who are extremely hostile to superheroes.

The top level of mankind is not one person, but a whole.

In short, superheroes are becoming more and more popular, and at the same time, more and more people with superpowers are coming out to be superheroes, and some people have even formed organizations similar to the Justice League, such as the Justice Society.

Not much to say about this, that night, everyone gathered at Lucifer's bar for a celebration cocktail party. Because they were all from their own company, and Lucifer had made a lot of preparations, the atmosphere was very good.

Everyone didn't know Lucifer's identity, so they talked and laughed with him. Even Batman, who took the dark and ruthless route, had a few words with the knowledgeable Lucifer.

Andrew looked at this scene and secretly wondered whether he should tell Batman the truth. Once Batman knew that this guy was Lucifer, he probably wouldn't have to sleep anymore.

There's no way around it, this is what severe paranoia is all about.

"Forget it, the old bat is not young anymore, let's let him settle down."

Andrew shook his head and drank leisurely. He actually didn't like drinking, but it was free, so if you don't drink, it's free.

Lucifer didn't know that someone was drinking. He was busy taking photos and videos with the superheroes. It depends on this time whether the bar business can improve.

Gabriel, who was acting as a waiter, had a sad look on his face. This time the bar was not popular, so how could he stop those damn customers?

"Have another drink. The wine here is really good. I like it."

Neptune shouted, and Gabriel poured another glass of wine for Neptune with a dark face. Neptune didn't care about Gabriel's attitude. Having wine is the most important thing, especially free wine.

Andrew came over, adding something to Neptune's wine, and asked Gabriel: "Are you still adaptable here?"

Gabriel asked, "Who are you anyway?"

"You will find out later, my boy."

Andrew said kindly, and Gabriel showed his middle finger to express his refusal to serve Andrew.

Gabriel would never do this kind of action before, but after working as a bartender here for several years, she learned a lot of things, such as swearing and pointing her middle finger.

Andrew laughed. Maybe he could take a video of Gabriel swearing and send it to Ancient One. It would definitely be interesting.

The celebration party lasted until late at night. Everyone went back to their homes to find their mothers. Neptune was drunk and unconscious, so Andrew sent him to the hotel to sleep.

'The moon was dark and the wind was high, and the superhero Aquaman was sleeping soundly. Suddenly, a golden portal appeared on the ceiling out of thin air. Then, an evil steel hand stretched out and snatched Aquaman away.

Then, Neptune was placed on the altar related to the devil by the evil steel hand.

Neptune, who was still sleeping soundly, didn't know this at all, and he didn't even know that the person who had done something evil to him was his most trusted partner.

The Justice League, worshiped by billions of people, is not as righteous as it appears. Under its brilliance, there is hidden evil.

For example, Iron Man coveted Neptune's beauty and secretly took him home in the middle of the night to do evil...'

Next to the altar, Andrew spoke slowly in a low voice.

"Shut up, you asked me to do all this, okay?"

Tony cursed with a dark face: "Also, you narrators, are you really making us the same as the masterminds behind the scenes?"

Andrew pointed at Aquaman and Deadpool on the altar and smiled: "Are you sure we are not the mastermind behind this?"

Tony glanced at the two people on the altar, rolled his eyes and said, "I'm not sure."

Immediately, both of them laughed, and Tony asked: "Why is this guy Wade here? Is he blessed by the world?"

"Yes, quite a few. He is the most famous person in MIB. MIB's reputation basically rests on him."

Andrew said: "He came to me for surgery and wanted to return to his original appearance. I knocked him out and moved him over to sacrifice together."

Tony looked at Wade, who had returned to human form, and said, "It seems that your genetic technology has improved again, allowing Wade to return to normal so quickly."

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