Chapter 696 Robot Plan

Without further ado, Raven and Zatanna hurriedly turned into shadows, lurked over, and collected the dragon's body while it was still hot.

"Who said demons don't have good people? Not only did they serve as my thugs for free, but they also gave me a lot of magic materials and souls."

Andrew sighed: "With so many magic materials and souls, we can start the next sacrifice. Tony, uh, that guy squeezed it too many times and is a bit weak. Let's sacrifice it with someone else.

I decided to wait until tomorrow to knock Neptune unconscious and throw him on the altar. Uh, am I a little too evil? "

At this time, Alice said to Andrew: "BOSS, all the technology has been downloaded. In addition, Moore has completely opened the system to me. I already know the locations of all warehouses on this planet.

Now most of the Bee Stars are fighting against demons, and their defenses are very weak. "

"Very well, let's go and collect war compensation."

Andrew smiled, opened the golden ring portal and headed to one of the warehouses. This warehouse contained octopus mechas, arranged neatly there. A rough count, at least tens of thousands.

Andrew nodded with satisfaction and opened the portal to call Atom over. He said, "Make these mechas smaller and move them all back."

"Make all mechas smaller?"

Atom was stunned. He really didn't expect that Pym particles could be used for stealing.

Atom was very smart and immediately drew inferences: "Mr. Wang, I think we should just shrink the warehouse, it will be faster.

I can shrink the warehouse to the size of a Rubik's Cube, and the Pym particles can reduce the mass, and then we can put the warehouse in our pocket and take it away easily. "

Andrew smiled and said: "You are a talented person. Are you interested in playing a guest role as the thief? I will keep the name Xiangshuai in the future. No, it will be Cai Shuai's name."

"Cai Shuai? It sounds awful."

Atom complained, and he said: "No need, I am as low-key as you, Mr. Wang, and don't like to leave names."

"You have a bright future and you know how to learn well."

Andrew laughed, and Atom secretly complained: "I'm being sarcastic, right?"

Who doesn't know that someone who claims to be low-key is actually not low-key at all.

Andrew thought for a while and said, "Alice, create a holographic projection of the warehouse to achieve seamless transfer."

Seamless transfer, simply put, is when Atom shrinks the warehouse and releases holographic projection.

Alice said: "Holographic projection is not a problem, but those warehouse guards must be dealt with first, otherwise they will be discovered,"

"The problem is not big. Atom will solve it. Alice, you control all systems to prevent them from raising alarms."

Andrew said that the Commander was possessed by Moore and Alice now has the highest network authority on the planet.

"give it to me."

The three quickly made a plan, and then Atom eliminated the warehouse guards, and then he used the shrinking ray gun to shrink the entire warehouse.

Alice immediately released the holographic projection to cover, and everything went smoothly. As long as no one entered the warehouse, the holographic projection would not be seen through.

Tens of thousands of mechas and a large amount of mecha materials are easily available.

Atom was very excited and followed Andrew to other warehouses, the alloy warehouse, collect, the energy warehouse, collect, the weapons warehouse, collect, the ore warehouse, collect, the spacecraft warehouse, collect..., collect, collect, collect, in short, collect everything.

Two hours later, Andrew and Atom left the planet with a bag full of Rubik's Cubes. Most of the planet's resources were taken away by them silently.

The Bee Star fell down and Andrew was full. What does it mean to get rich overnight? This is called getting rich overnight.

Sure enough, robbery is the easiest way to make a fortune, and of course, it is also the easiest way to go to jail.

In the command room, Andrew looked at the row of small warehouses on the table and said with a smile: "The means of making money are indeed recorded in the criminal law."

"Mr. Wang, what are you going to do with these resources?"

Atom asked. His face was a little red and his expression was very excited. It was obvious that he was very satisfied with the theft just now.

Everyone has evil thoughts, even superheroes are no exception. The difference is that superheroes can suppress evil thoughts.

"What, you want to share?"

Andrew smiled and said, "Okay, I'll give you ten percent?"

"Give me a tenth?"

The Atom's breathing quickened. One hundred percent of a planet's resources, let alone one tenth, could easily make him the richest man on earth.

Atom Man is not a rich man. He has been working for Iron Man. It is definitely a lie that he would not be moved by such a huge fortune.

Soon, the Atom exhaled and said: "I really want to get rich, but I can't take this money. Let's invest it in the Justice League."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. Although Atom was a monk halfway, he was indeed a real superhero.

Andrew said: "I will grant you a small goal, which is 100 million US dollars for you to do research. You decide what to research."


Atom's eyes widened. This time, he did not refuse. The reason was simple. According to the contract he signed at the beginning, no matter what he researched, the patent rights belonged to the Stark Group.

To put it simply, the Atom is working for Andrew to make money.

Andrew said: "The materials harvested this time will be used to arm the space fortress and develop the robot program."

Atom was stunned: "Robot plan?"

"The plan proposed by Tony Stark happened to be the right time. Let's talk about it."

Andrew brought everyone in the Justice League, including Hancock, into the group chat, and then he recounted what he had just learned.

"Wow, an entire planet's resources?"

Everyone was amazed. Now, Andrew Wang officially became the richest man in the world. The money making abilities of Iron Man and Batman were compared to each other.

"It seems I won't have to make money selling hair tonics anymore."

‘Bald Savior’ Tony said excitedly: “Andrew, give me a copy of the technology, and also leave me a battleship for research.”

"Don't worry, we have them all."

Andrew smiled and said: "Tony, the resources harvested this time, plus the future income from the battle fortress, are almost enough to implement your robot plan.

However, the condition is still the same and must be agreed to by the Justice League. "

Tony's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"Robot plan?"

Batman asked with a frown, his instinct told him that someone was trying to cause trouble.

Tony introduced: “The robot plan, to put it simply, is to popularize robots on the earth.

Not a combat robot, but a life robot, a robot that can help you cook, give you a haircut, help you get express delivery, help you run errands, help you measure your blood pressure, and help you hang up and play games. "

"Living robot?"

Everyone was a little surprised. Green Lantern said: "A robot from a science fiction movie? Are you running into the science fiction era?"

"Yes, running has entered the sci-fi era."

Tony nodded: "Robots can free humans from a lot of trivial matters and focus all their energy on work and enjoyment.

In addition, the popularization of robots can lift all mankind out of poverty, and there will no longer be hunger in the future.

Of course, poverty still exists. For example, our Neptune may never have more than a hundred dollars in his pocket in his lifetime. "

Everyone laughed, and Neptune rolled his eyes. He felt humiliated. The problem was that his pockets were cleaner than his face and he couldn't refute at all.

"Iron Man, your plan is too big and can easily go wrong."

Batman immediately objected: "For example, the emergence of robots will cause a large number of low-educated people to lose their jobs.

By then, the entire society will be in chaos. This kind of technological revolution will take more than a hundred years to complete slowly, and forcing things to happen will cause big problems.

Also, how do you ensure the robot is safe? What if they are controlled by bad people, or if they gain consciousness and want to rebel against humans?

I personally do not support this plan. "

Superman agreed: "Man of Steel, Batman is right to worry. After robots appear, many people will lose their jobs."

"Then subsidize them. Andrew's space fortress can make a lot of money in the future, even enough to raise all humans, so that they can drink happy water, eat fried chicken, hamburgers, and watch TV at home every day."

Tony said: "Furthermore, I am just popularizing robots for daily use. As for industrial robots, I will not manufacture them until society is stable.

Superheroes, do you know what my biggest purpose is in popularizing robots? "

Everyone asked curiously: "What is it?"

"My biggest purpose in popularizing robots is to protect humans."

Tony said: "There is a disaster on the earth every few months. Even if we try our best, a large number of civilians will still die every time. Robots can greatly reduce the deaths."

Everyone was a little excited, and Andrew shook his head. What is Tony's biggest problem? He was so proud that he carried the whole world on his back.

Therefore, Tony often makes big moves to make the world safer and more peaceful. He has never been the kind of person to follow the crowd.

He is Tony Stark, Iron Man, the man who wants to change the world.

Batman's frown deepened and he asked: "Iron Man, do you want to build a robot army? A robot army with billions in number?"

Tony said: "No, they are just living robots, but they will try their best to protect humans. In addition, the highest authority is in the hands of their masters. I can guarantee you this.

In this case, neither privacy issues nor security issues are a problem. "

"I still feel it's too dangerous."

Batman shook his head. This step was too big. As we all know, if you take too big a step, you can easily pull your balls.

"For the specific situation, when this matter is over, we will have another meeting to discuss it slowly."

Andrew said: "Now let me inform you first. In addition, Batman, I know your concerns, but with the contact between humans and aliens, robots will be a matter of time.

Even without Tony, someone else would have started a robotics company.

Other people's companies will not be as kind as ours, let alone use money to subsidize the people on earth. They will do anything for profit.

Also, on the matter of supreme authority, I'll be supervising Tony. "

Tony looked unhappy, am I so unworthy of your trust?

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