American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 692 Space Vortex

The soldiers were about to launch the second giant spear. At this moment, the alarm suddenly sounded: "Warning, the spacecraft is locked under attack."

"Locked by an attack? How is this possible?"

The captain was startled and hurriedly increased the energy of the defensive shield while shouting: "Look for the enemy's location."

At this moment, a giant one-meter-long bullet with an orange light was fired at high speed from the direction of Manhattan.

The incident occurred suddenly. The defense shield of the spacecraft was not fully raised, and it was shot through instantly by a huge bullet with amazing energy.

Then, the giant bullet penetrated the armor of the spacecraft and hit the power unit of the spacecraft. The spacecraft exploded on the spot, and the violent fire swallowed all the Bee Stars.

Finally, the spacecraft quickly fell downwards with flames and black smoke.

"A bunch of idiots, how could I, Tony Stark, be suppressed so easily?"

In Stark Tower, Iron Man sneered disdainfully. At this moment, he was not wearing his own suit, but the copycat Veronica mecha left by Dr. Eggman.

The giant bullet from before was a railgun.

The clone Veronica has been in the underground base of Stark Tower. Over the past few months, Tony has completely transformed it into his own mecha, specially used to deal with large enemies.

Previously, Tony controlled the mecha and quietly aimed at the battleship, looking for an opportunity to kill with one hit.

The mecha has been in Manhattan, so the Bee Stars didn't find any clues. As for the electromagnetic fluctuations, they were blocked by special devices.

What, Tony wasn't pinned underground? Why is it in Stark Tower?

The reason is very simple. Tony dug a hole underground and escaped. As for misleading the other party, this is extremely simple for Tony. It can be easily done with any simulation device.

Let's not talk about this for now. After taking care of the first spaceship, Tony controlled the fake Veronica to quickly rush to the battlefield. At the same time, he once again fired the electromagnetic gun at the Bee Star battleship.

"Isn't that Dr. Nick's mecha?"

The audience was very surprised to see the fake Veronica. Upon seeing this, Alice introduced the details and gained Tony's reputation.

"It turns out that Iron Man is in control, haha. I knew that Iron Man would not be passively beaten all the time. He is a man who likes to take the initiative and attack men."

The audience suddenly understood and cheered.

The spaceship was damaged, and the second Bee Star battleship immediately locked onto the copycat Veronica. When it saw it firing its electromagnetic cannon again, it immediately counterattacked with its energy cannon. The two attacks violently collided in the air, making a rumble and explosion.

"Turn all the guns around and aim at Iron Man's mecha."

Then, the captain of the Bee Star battleship ordered that the densely packed gun muzzles under the battleship be redirected and aimed at Iron Man.

Tony snorted coldly, and opened countless cannon ports on the copycat Veronica. At the same time, its back opened, and a large number of missiles were ready to go.

Dr. Nick's copycat Veronica can be called a mobile fort, and its combat effectiveness is not inferior to that of an alien battleship.

Of course, strong attack means weak defense. Fortunately, Tony was prepared. A large number of nanoparticles emerged from the mecha to form several large and intelligent nanoshields to protect the copycat Veronica.


The captain shouted, and countless crimson energy beams densely bombarded the copycat Veronica.

"The people of New York are blessed to see tons of fireworks."

Tony sneered and immediately counterattacked. Countless energy rays collided fiercely in the air and turned into bright fireworks. The people of New York looked... not happy at all.

Nonsense, who can be happy if a war is fought over your home?

Not to mention, this was not a firework, but an energy explosion. Countless windows shattered, and some buildings were unlucky enough to be penetrated by the aftermath and collapsed.

Generally speaking, both sides are equally matched, and their firepower is equally fierce. However, the defense of the copycat Veronica is not as good as that of the battleship. Fortunately, it is protected by a nano-shield and the energy beam cannot hurt it.

"Deploy the Beestar mecha and destroy Iron Man's large mecha."

Upon seeing this, the captain immediately controlled the battleship's hatch to open. Then, a large number of Bee Star mechas flew out of the hatch and attacked the cottage Veronica.

Tony immediately released countless mechanical mosquito bomber mechas. At the same time, he mobilized some unmanned suits to help.

New York is Tony's home base, so it is natural that there are unmanned suits. However, the unmanned suits have been rescuing people before and have not gone to the battlefield.

At this time, a heavy rain suddenly fell from the sky, and the flames gradually extinguished. The agents and the remaining exoskeleton soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

"Kill them."

Then, with raging anger, everyone stepped on the corpses of the rats and rushed towards the remaining Bee Stars angrily. Damn aliens, actually killed so many of their companions?

The eyes of the Bee Stars were also full of anger. How could a mere indigenous planet kill so many of their kind? Or using such disgusting tactics?

Soon, the two sides started fighting again. This time, it was even more heated than before. Nanawi, Leopard Girl, and Wade were all going crazy.

Suddenly, there was a huge rumble in the distance, and at the same time, a wild voice came: "I'm coming."

Everyone turned around and saw Neptune in golden armor riding the mighty Karasen rushing towards them. In fact, the heavy rain just now was summoned by Neptune and Karasen together.

Although Karasen is a sea beast, it has legs and can fight on land. Of course, it cannot fly.

Seeing the ferocious Karason and the mighty Aquaman entering the battlefield, both the agents and the audience cheered loudly.

Bee Star people, let’s see if you die this time?

Andrew smiled slightly and teleported the previously teleported agents back to the battlefield, where he and others besieged the remaining Bee Stars.

The faces of the Bee Stars changed dramatically and they hurriedly asked for help from the command base. Unfortunately, the command base did not respond. The reason was simple. They were avoiding the Flash's pumpkin bombs.

The next second, two figures suddenly appeared in the wormhole. The Bee Stars thought they were reinforcements at first, but when they saw who they were, their expressions suddenly changed, and it turned out to be the Kryptonian and the Flash.

"Flash, you deal with these Bee Stars, and I'll go to the sky to deal with the battleships."

Fiora saw the situation on the battlefield and immediately flew into the sky. The Flash nodded, turned into lightning and rushed into the Bee Stars, knocking them down one after another with supersonic punches.

The Flash, Karason, Sonic Team, and a large number of MIB agents, the remaining Bee Stars were immediately defeated and became the target of massacre.


When Captain Bee Star saw Fiora appearing, his expression changed drastically, and he immediately activated the gravity device, trying to push Fiora to the ground.

Fiora sensed the gravity fluctuations, snorted coldly, and teleported to the gun muzzle below the battleship. Then, she waved her fists and quickly destroyed the gun muzzle, and explosions occurred one after another below the battleship.

"Fiora, you are finally online."

When Tony saw this, he immediately increased the intensity of his attack. The battleship suddenly became a target, the energy shield kept vibrating, and its defense dropped crazily.

Soon, Fiora destroyed all the cannon ports. She wasted no time, her eyes lit up red, and she bombarded the battleship from the bottom.

"The energy of the defensive shield remains 70%, 69%, 67%..."

The battleship system prompted that the captain looked extremely ugly. If this continues, they will have only one fate, and that is to be sunk by humans.

In desperation, the captain could only ask for help from the headquarters: "Commander, please support."

The commander who had just gotten up saw the battleship's predicament and hurriedly asked: "Has the wormhole device been repaired?"


The scientist replied in embarrassment that not only that, but that the system was becoming more and more chaotic. However, he did not dare to say it for fear that the commander would kill him.

"The wormhole device must be repaired within ten minutes, otherwise you will all be court-martialed."

The commander couldn't help but curse. He thought for a moment and said to the captain: "Release the virus and exterminate mankind."

The captain was stunned: "Extinction is not a threat?"

"Treat him again after he is released, so as not to be overturned by the superheroes."

The commander said coldly: "Those superheroes will not die easily. After releasing the virus, they will force them to surrender on the condition of helping humans eliminate the virus.

If they don't surrender, a large number of people on Earth will die every minute.

By the way, use the safest method to release the virus to avoid being intercepted by superheroes. "

"I know what to do, Commander."

The captain stopped talking nonsense and activated the virus bomb. Then, he used the communicator and shouted loudly: "People on Earth, stop your attack immediately, otherwise, we will launch virus bombs and exterminate all people on Earth."

Fiora and Tony were startled and stopped hurriedly. The originally excited audience suddenly froze, and then they couldn't help shouting: "A virus again? Can't these aliens come up with something new?"

Fiora thought of something, punched the cracked shield hard, and said coldly: "I won't let you have a chance to launch."

The captain said: "I know you can freeze everything, but don't underestimate us Bee Stars, you can't stop us.

This biochemical virus can replicate itself and spread through the air. As long as it is released, you humans will be wiped out. "

Fiora frowned and her fist slowly stopped. Not only her, but also the MIB agents and the exoskeleton army below also stopped.

Only Wade did not stop. He shouted: "Why stop? Everyone must believe in the American military. They will definitely release nuclear bombs as soon as possible to destroy all viruses."

The American military is the savior of the earth. We humans will never perish. At most, we will sacrifice one New York. "


The expressions of the audience were a little weird, and they wanted to curse, but when they thought about it carefully, what Wade said was very reasonable, and they couldn't think of any reason to refute.

Everyone knows that the U.S. military will definitely drop a nuclear bomb.

What, you don't know? Hands up, you are definitely not from Earth.

In addition, countless New Yorkers greet Wade in their hearts, we New Yorkers eat your fried chicken, why do we have to sacrifice?

"Thank you for believing in us."

The American military complained, but they did not refute, nor did they stop activating the nuclear bombs.

Since the alien invasion, nuclear bombs have been aimed at New York. It is better to sacrifice one New York than to sacrifice the whole world. I believe New Yorkers will understand them.

"Nuclear bombs are very powerful, but our device can allow viruses to easily escape the coverage of nuclear bombs."

The captain said that at this moment, the system sent a 'preparation completed' prompt. He grinned and said, "Goodbye, Earthlings."

Before the captain finished speaking, three virus bombs soared into the sky from the battleship, faster than rockets.

Fiora and Tony were shocked. Fiora immediately rushed towards the virus bomb, while Tony launched a special device to intercept the virus bomb.

"It's useless, you're too late."

The captain laughed. The reason why he prepared for so long this time was to prevent the Kryptonians from catching up with the virus bomb.

When the virus bombs fly into the atmosphere, they will explode completely. At that time, even if nuclear bombs are launched, they will not be able to eliminate those viruses.


The audience screamed in shock. No one expected that the Bee Stars were just stalling for time. They had no intention of negotiating at all, but wanted to completely exterminate humanity.

At this moment, a massive amount of fear was born.

"Fuck, God bless America."

The president's hand is on the button, ready to launch a nuclear bomb. Although the Bee Stars say that the nuclear bomb is ineffective, they have never tried it. How do they know it is really ineffective?

"Battle Fortress," Andrew looked touched. What a good Bee star, they actually made up for the role. If they don't destroy their entire family, how can they be worthy of their efforts?

"The competition for this year's Best Employee Award is fierce. As expected, everyone is getting the award these days."

Andrew shook his head and pressed the button. At the same time, his voice sounded on the battlefield: "Exterminate humanity, have you asked me?"

Along with Andrew's voice, two space vortexes emerged in the void, one above the three virus bombs, and the three virus bombs flew directly into it and disappeared.

Another space vortex is next to the Bee Star Battleship, like a big mouth, swallowing up the Bee Star Battleship.


The Bee Star battleship was shocked and tried its best to rush out of the space vortex, but unfortunately, it was useless.

Soon, the battleship disappeared into the space vortex, and then the space vortex subsided, as if nothing happened.

The audience was stunned at first, and then cheered like a tsunami. Mr. Wang is indeed the most trustworthy. With him, no one can destroy the earth, not even the aliens.

"So what about aliens? We have the Justice League and Mr. Wang."

The audience shouted excitedly. The president breathed a sigh of relief and quickly took his hand back. He didn't know that even if he pressed it down, it would be useless. Without the consent of Iron Man, Batman, and Andrew Wang, the nuclear bomb could not be launched at all.

These three guys have all tampered with the U.S. nuclear bomb launch system.

However, except for Andrew Wang, Batman and Iron Man can only prevent the nuclear bomb from being launched, but cannot prevent the nuclear bomb from being launched.

Andrew has the highest authority. In fact, all nuclear bombs around the world are under his control.

"Fortunately we have Mr. Wang."

The superheroes also breathed a sigh of relief. The Flash looked at the location where the space vortex appeared, looking a little confused. He seemed to have sensed the Speed ​​Force just now?

"Mr. Wang asked me to run not just to activate the teleporter."

The Flash knew this, but of course he wasn't angry. If running could save the world, he would run for the rest of his life.

Uh, Mr. Wang shouldn't know what he's thinking, right?

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