American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 685 The war reverses

The Berg people have watched videos of superhero battles countless times. While marveling, they have prepared several plans to deal with superheroes.

It is precisely because of these preparations that the Berg Stars dared to attack the Battle Fortress. You have superheroes and we have high technology. Who is afraid of whom?

"Threatening the superheroes to surrender with the lives of people on earth? There is no need to be so troublesome. We will take down those superheroes from the front."

According to the plan, the Berg people should find ways to delay as much time as possible, but they had no intention of going as planned. They preferred to confront them directly.

Soon, the superheroes arrived in front of the alien fleet. Superman, on behalf of the superheroes, used the communicator to shout: "Burgs, stop immediately, otherwise, we will attack you."

"The Berg people never stop. Super heroes, if you are willing to surrender, we can appoint you as our commanders."

The fleet leader said: "If you don't surrender, then don't blame us for turning the battle fortress and all the people on earth into slaves.

The current prices for you people on earth are quite high. "

"court death."

Mary said: "Superman, don't talk nonsense to them, just take action. None of the Berg people are good, so don't worry about anything."

"Then do it."

Superman stopped talking and led everyone to rush towards the leading Berg star battleship at the same time.

"Activate the gravity system."

The leader of the fleet shouted loudly, and all the ships fired black rays forward. Then, these black rays gathered together to form a huge gravitational vortex. Even Superman and the others could not help but fly towards the gravitational vortex.


Superman's expression changed, and he hurriedly turned around and flew backwards, as did the others. Raven couldn't bear the gravity and flew towards the gravitational vortex. Mary quickly caught her.

"Quickly retreat."

Green Lantern created a repulsive vortex and used it to affect the gravitational vortex. The suction of the gravitational vortex was suddenly greatly reduced. Superman and others hurriedly flew back, trying to completely escape the gravitational vortex.

"Green Lantern! Increase energy output."

The fleet leader snorted coldly and shouted again. All the battleships followed suit. The gravitational vortex expanded rapidly, and Superman and the others who had just flown away were sucked back again.

"Break it for me."

Diana shouted, her arms slammed together, a shock wave swept out, and the gravitational vortex immediately fluctuated violently.

Without any orders from the fleet leader, all battleships once again increased their energy output to maintain the existence of the gravitational vortex.

The superheroes are very strong, but this time, three fleets joined forces, and the superheroes were suddenly in trouble.

Of course, it was an act. The gravitational vortex was very strong, but Tony, Diana and Raven all had ways to solve it. However, in order to solve the aliens as quickly as possible, they did not choose to break the situation. Instead, they tried their best to let the aliens People put all their attention and energy on them.

Only in this way can the Caroline Star launch a sneak attack.

The aliens in Peace City did not know this and sighed repeatedly. The superheroes are indeed very strong, but now it seems that they are no match for the Berg aliens.

Many aliens have the idea of ​​​​escape. The Berg people are worthy of their reputation as space pirates who have destroyed many planets.

Although the people are a little worried, they are not in a hurry. After all, it has just begun, and the superheroes will fight back against adversity not once or twice.

On the Caroline starship, Queen Selina asked: "How much energy did the Zerg fleet and the Berg star fleet use?"

"At least 80% of the time, superheroes are very strong. If we don't do our best, we won't be able to hold them back."

The captain replied: "Only a thin layer of defense cover is left on the surface of all alien spacecraft. Such a small amount of defense cover will definitely not be able to stop a nuclear bomb."

Selina nodded with satisfaction and continued to ask: "Very good, has the atomic bomb launcher been modified?"

"It has been transformed."

Atom replied that the atomic bomb launcher was modified by him and others.

"Very good, ready to start the plan."

Selina said, everyone nodded, only the captain hesitated: "Queen, I am not questioning you, but is it really good to cooperate with the people on Earth?"

Queen Selina smiled slightly, her head suddenly enlarged, and she swallowed the captain in one gulp.

The people around him were silent, no one dared to speak. The Atom was stunned. Isn't this too cruel?

Selina wiped her mouth gracefully and said: "It seems that I have been away for too long, and some people have forgotten my rules. Tell me, what are the rules of Caroline Star?"

"Everything about Caroline belongs to the Queen. Whatever the Queen says, it will be whatever she says."

Everyone answered at the same time, Selina said: "Very good, ready to start the plan."

"Yes, Queen."

Everyone did not dare to neglect and prepared everything as quickly as possible.

Atom was amazed. How did Mr. Wang conquer this queen?

At the same time, although the superheroes are struggling with all their strength, they are still getting closer and closer to the gravitational vortex. Once they are sucked into the gravitational vortex, they will completely lose their combat effectiveness.

"Superheroes are nothing more than that. I prepared three killer tricks, but they lost the first one."

The fleet leader said disdainfully, and the adjutant on the side smiled: "It's not that the superheroes are weak, it's that we are too strong. Long live the Berg Star."

"Long live the Berg Star."

Everyone cheered at the same time, as if they had caught the superhero and won the war.

At this moment, the battleships of the Caroline star suddenly interrupted their output at the same time, and the gravitational vortex became chaotic, frantically draining the energy of the Berg star fleet and the Zerg fleet.

"Caroline Star, what are you doing?"

The fleet leader asked in shock and anger. At this moment, a voice sounded: "I'm giving you a gift. You're welcome."

Following Queen Selina's voice, hundreds of Caroline warships launched an attack together, most of them firing dense energy cannons, and a small number of them fired atomic bombs.

When those atomic bombs were first launched, they were very small, but as soon as they got close to the target, they immediately returned to their original shape.

Looking at the atomic bomb so close at hand, the fleet leader looked desperate: "Atomic bomb? No!"

As the leader battleship of the Berg star, Atom generously allocated three atomic bombs to it. It must be a heavyweight and must be treated as a priority.

We earthlings are very hospitable.

The next second, more than twenty dazzling little suns lit up in the space, a large number of battleships were destroyed, and the remaining battleships were in tatters due to the attack of the Caroline Stars.

The remaining Bergs and cockroaches were furious at the same time: "Caroline, you actually betrayed us?"

"If I betray you, I will betray you. Do you still have to choose a date?"

Selina said disdainfully: "Kill them, and even a single warship will not be able to leave here today. Caroline and the Earth are at the crossroads of life and death. Attacking the Earth is equivalent to attacking our Caroline."

The Berg aliens and the cockroach Zerg tribe were so angry that they vomited blood at the same time. Wasn't it you who was most enthusiastic about destroying the earth?

The alien fleet underwent drastic changes, and the gravitational vortex quickly collapsed. The superheroes first breathed a sigh of relief, and then laughed.

It's our turn.

Superman fired a heat ray at a Berg star battleship. The opponent's defensive cover was destroyed and could not block the attack of the heat ray. As Superman's head turned, the battleship was gradually divided into two and exploded continuously.

Diana's hands lit up with dazzling golden lightning, and then she shouted loudly, and two thick thunder beams roared out, instantly shooting through the two warships at the same time.

Mary raised her hands and controlled the air inside the battleship to fly out of the battleship, forming a tornado and lightning that swept everything.

Hancock was relatively simple, ramming into a battleship from below, then passing through from above, and the battleship roared and exploded.

The Flash was walking wildly next to a Zerg warship. The powerful lightning formed a current circle. When the electricity inside accumulated to a certain level, the warship would be easily destroyed.

The Flash is always growing, and one day, he will become the complete Flash.

Iron Man was equipped with an anti-warship suit, and countless lasers burst out from his body, sweeping across the surroundings. Two battleships exploded like fireworks on the spot.

Green Lantern materialized the gravitational vortex, causing the two battleships to collide together: "You are not the only ones who can do gravitational vortexes, I can too. Remember my name, I am the Green Lantern from Earth."

Raven did not take action personally, but instead blessed everyone with various states to make everyone stronger.

Under the siege of the superheroes and the Carolines, the Bergs and the Cockroaches were defeated. Although they were still fighting back, the situation was over.

"Are these superheroes so powerful?"

The Burgers and the Cockroach Zerg were both frightened and angry. Their proud battleships were as weak as paper in front of the superheroes.

For the superheroes, the Burge's battleship is really about the same as paper. In comparison, the Zerg's biological battleship will be slightly stronger, but only slightly stronger.

"The situation has completely reversed?"

Both the people of the earth and the aliens were stunned. One second, the superheroes were about to be sucked into the vortex and were in danger. The next second, the little sun bloomed and the alien fleet fell apart.

The next second, the superheroes began to fight back, and the alien fleet quickly fell into defeat.

In a short period of time, a war was completely reversed, which is really exciting.

"Long live the Justice League, long live Mr. Wong."

The people cheered. The Justice League and Mr. Wang never let everyone down. Even the powerful alien fleet was no match for them.

This battle was won so beautifully. First, they lured the enemy, and then cooperated internally and externally to destroy the alien fleet.


The top human beings also applauded. The President of the United States said: "Prepare a speech. With the efforts of us and the Justice League, we have successfully defeated the aliens' plot to invade the earth."

What, America didn’t join the war? Are you kidding me? Aren’t those nuclear bombs from the United States?

Also, they sent a general to command with Mr. Wang - that guy William Cage. He made a great contribution. He moved a nuclear bomb with his own hands and his fingernails were damaged.

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