Duke Rosenberg knew what the little bug was. As he activated his last resort, he shouted: "Zerg, I lost this time, but the people on Earth will not let you succeed. They will definitely stop you."

"Earthlings? There will be no earthlings in the future."

The Cockroach Zerg sneered: "The Bergs, Carolines, and Bees are all preparing to occupy the Earth. With so many enemies, even the Earthlings cannot stop them.

Of course, it has nothing to do with me. If I get the Milky Way, I will leave the earth immediately. "

What the Cockroach Zerg said to Selina and Boris before were all lies. Its goal is only the Milky Way. As for the Earth and superheroes, although it also covets them, it does not want to run into the Bee Stars.

The Bee Stars are very powerful. They are opening wormholes and preparing to fully invade the earth. This is why the cockroach Zerg race is eager to take action.

In addition, not long ago, the Cockroach Zerg ordered the fleet to set off to attack the space fortress.

This was discussed from the beginning. When the plan reached a critical point, a fleet was dispatched to attack the space fortress so that the superheroes could not care about things on earth.

The coalition forces of the three tribes all have hyperdrive engines and can reach the space fortress very quickly.

"Bergs, Carolines, Bees?"

Duke Rosenberg was stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed: "The earth is just like what Mr. Wang said, it is full of disasters. This time, I can't get through it. I hope they can get through it safely.

It’s really frustrating. I finally found my favorite creature, but it ended in such a short time. "

With the last sigh, the light in Duke Rosenberg's eyes quickly disappeared, and then a large amount of unknown liquid flowed out of his seven orifices.

When the cockroach Zerg saw this, they couldn't help but curse. A member of the royal family like the Duke of Rosenberg actually had a self-destruct device installed in his head?

The bugs released by the cockroach Zerg clan can reside in the target's brain and extract memories.

In order to protect its secrets, the Aquilon Empire developed a brain self-destruct chip. When activated, the brain will be completely burned.

However, this kind of chip has some effects on the brain, so it is usually installed by the middle and lower classes. The Duke of Rosenberg is a member of the royal family. No one would have thought that he would also install it.

The Cockroach Zerg cursed a few times and looked around the villa for the Milky Way. The Milky Way must be here, there is no doubt about it.

Soon, the cockroach bugs discovered the orange cat Orion in the backyard, and were immediately delighted: the Milky Way was hanging on Orion's collar.

The cockroach Zerg immediately ran towards Orion. At this moment, a loud shout came from the door: "Stop, or we will shoot."

Along with the sound, a laser shot at the cockroach Zerg, and the cockroach Zerg flew out directly. The human skin disintegrated on the spot, revealing the ugly cockroach Zerg prototype inside.

The cockroaches and Zerg tribe were furious. Where was the trust between people? They yelled to stop and then shot directly?

K glanced at Wade speechlessly, saying he was the one who shouted to stop, and Wade was the one who shot.

"Why the nonsense? There is a lot of nonsense in the movie just to drag on the movie, and we don't have an appearance fee. Wouldn't it be better to just go to the killer?"

As Wade spoke, he kept shooting at the cockroaches.

"What you said makes so much sense, I'm completely speechless."

K secretly complained, and shot at the cockroaches and bugs together with Wade. In order to avoid the energy beam, the cockroaches and bugs jumped up and down in a panic.

"These two despicable guys, luckily I was prepared."

The Cockroach Zerg secretly cursed, there are many powerful superheroes on the earth, since it dares to come, how can it not make any preparations?

The cockroach Zerg opened its mouth, and a large amount of acid spurted out from its mouth, rushing toward Wade and K. The two hurriedly avoided it, and the acid fell to the ground, melting the floor and creating a big pit.

Then, the cockroach Zerg took off the box from his waist and threw it on the ground. The box exploded and a large number of small cockroaches appeared.

Then, these little cockroaches swelled rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, they became the size of a pug, and quickly attacked the two of them.

"Wow, there are so many cockroaches, this house will probably not be sold. It's really pitiful. Well, I'm a pauper, why should I pity a duke?"

Wade complained as he took out a nuclear blaster and fired rapidly at the little cockroaches.

The little cockroaches that were hit exploded one after another, and all kinds of disgusting liquids splashed everywhere.

K did not lag behind either. He used a freezing ray gun and one small cockroach was frozen one after another.

MIB's equipment is very advanced. In order to save pensions, a certain evil guy armed MIB agents to the teeth.

"These agents are stronger than imagined."

Seeing this, the cockroach Zerg released more small cockroaches to entangle the two agents, while it itself quickly pounced on Orion.

Orion tried to escape, but the Cockroach Zerg sprayed a stream of viscous liquid at it, and it got stuck in place, unable to move.

Although it is very cute, it is just an ordinary orange cat after all.

"There's a problem, X. I'll contain these little cockroaches while you save the cat."

K was keenly aware of the problem, took out a landmine-like object from his arms and threw it towards the cockroaches.

Then, something like a landmine lit up with a dazzling light, and all the little cockroaches were sucked in. This was a gravity grenade, a low-quality copycat version of a black hole grenade.

"Leave it to me, don't worry, I, Deadpool, will never let you down. I promise you that with my life."

Wade immediately rushed over and shot at the cockroaches and Zerg with both guns in his hand. K was speechless, what the hell is this Western cowboy style of yours?

When the cockroach Zerg heard the noise, they turned around and threw a box. The box turned into a defensive shield, blocking all attacks.

Then, the Cockroach Zerg reached out and snatched the Milky Way from Orion's neck.

Looking at the bead with thousands of stars shining inside, the Cockroach Zerg were delighted. As long as they brought this thing back, the Edgar Zerg would win this war, and the Aquilon Empire would become history.

"Hey, leave me your things, and even take the cat's things, are you still a human being?"

Wade used the wall to jump into the air and shot at the cockroaches from top to bottom. Due to the height, the defensive shield lost its effect.

K really wants to complain, the cockroaches and bugs only rob cats’ things, but you, even rob children’s things, who is more hateful?

The cockroach Zerg couldn't dodge, and a big hole was blown out of its back by a nuclear blaster. It screamed, broke through the backyard fence, and fled to the street outside. The pedestrians were frightened and screamed wildly.

Wade immediately chased after him. At this moment, the cockroach Zerg roared and its body swelled rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a seven or eight meter long super bug. At the same time, all injuries on its body were recovered.

"Wow, what did you eat to grow so fast?"

Wade shouted. The Cockroach Zerg didn't say anything. It grabbed the car next to it and threw it at Wade hard. Then, without looking at the result, it turned around and ran away quickly. All pedestrians and vehicles in front of it were knocked away by him.

Pedestrians kept screaming and hurriedly left the street.

While escaping, the cockroach Zerg activated the biological spaceship hidden outside New York City and let it come over.

The biological spaceship, which looked the same as a big bug, heard the order and immediately flew into the sky, rushing towards the direction of the cockroach Zerg.

This biological spaceship is not only a spaceship, but also the most powerful beast of the Cockroach Zerg tribe. It is extremely powerful. As I said, there are so many strong people on the earth, and it is impossible for the Cockroach Zerg tribe not to be prepared.

In fact, not only the Cockroaches and Zergs are prepared, but Queen Selina and Beast Boris are also prepared. Queen Selina was mainly tricked by Hancock. Otherwise, it would not be that easy to take her down. At the very least, escaping would not be a problem.

As for Beast Boris’s preparations, we’ll talk about it later. The Berg people’s reputation is not just blown away.

"Don't even think about escaping. I pledged my life, even though my life is not very valuable."

Wade avoided the car and activated the leather boots function. Then, a row of pulleys popped up on both sides of the leather boots at the same time. Then, the propellers of the leather boots started, leading Wade to quickly pursue the cockroach Zerg.

A few seconds later, K chased him out of the villa. When he saw the situation ahead, he immediately got into the car and chased him. At the same time, he reported the incident to the headquarters.

"BOSS, Duke Rosenberg is dead. The Cockroach Zerg snatched a round bead from a cat's neck. I suspect that bead can pose a threat to the earth, please support me."

K shouted, and soon, Andrew's voice sounded: "I will ask Neptune to help you. He will be there soon. You and X will cooperate with him. In addition, tell .”

"Yes, BOSS."

K nodded. He didn't ask why he didn't send other superheroes. It was obvious that the disaster that happened to the earth every few months was coming again.

"Neptune, New York needs your help."

Then, Andrew contacted Neptune and explained the matter briefly: "The alien fleet is coming. We must deal with them first. This matter can only be left to you. We must take back what was stolen by the cockroaches and Zerg."

"No problem, leave it to me."

Neptune immediately agreed, he was not afraid of difficulties, he was just afraid of sitting on the bench.

Then, Andrew activated the teleporter, and the ring on Neptune's finger lit up with golden light. Three seconds later, he suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already on the roof of K's car.

"Wow, I love teleportation and I love this car."

Neptune, dressed in golden armor, laughed loudly and shouted: "K, speed up and catch up with that bug."


K pressed the red button, the car deformed, the four wheels retracted, and at the same time, a plasma engine appeared from the rear.

Then, the plasma engine sprayed flames, and the car flew into the sky, chasing the cockroaches at an alarming speed.

"Why don't I have a car like this? Logistics Department, are you deducting my benefits?"

When Wade saw the flying car, he yelled, but unfortunately, no one paid attention to him.

Soon, the flying car caught up with the cockroaches and Zerg. Neptune shouted, jumped up high, and slashed at the cockroaches and Zerg with the Poseidon trident in his hand. His long flowing hair was flying freely in the air. He looked very cool, and many people watched it. Eyes straightened.

Neptune is the walking hormone.

Seeing that the cockroach Zerg was about to be hit by Poseidon's Trident, at this moment, a green beam of light came from a distance and hit Neptune's chest. Neptune flew out on the spot and crashed into the building next to it.

Upon seeing this, K hurriedly looked up and saw a biological spacecraft more than ten meters long flying quickly towards this direction.

"You can't be more handsome than three seconds." Wade looked disdainful, and he knew at a glance that he was not the protagonist.

When the biological spaceship saw K's flying car, it immediately changed its target. Green beams of light were shot out from it one after another, hitting the flying car.

K hurriedly controlled the flying car to avoid it. At the same time, he pressed the button, and four missiles roared out, shooting towards the biological spacecraft with their long tails.

Boom boom boom, four missiles hit the biological spacecraft at almost the same time and exploded, covering the spacecraft with a large amount of flames and smoke.

"Did you make it?"

K thought secretly. At this moment, a green laser flew out of the smoke and penetrated the front end of the flying car. The flying car spun and fell rapidly.


K cursed, activated the escape device, and flew out with the person and the chair. Then, a parachute appeared on the chair, and K slowly fell down.

At the same time, the smoke dissipated, and the biological spaceship appeared intact in everyone's sight. It was preparing to attack again. The cockroach Zerg shouted: "Take me back."

The biological spaceship immediately sent out a guiding light towards the cockroach and Zerg, and the cockroach and Zerg quickly flew upwards. At this moment, the Poseidon Trident roared in, penetrated the Cockroach and Zerg's body, and nailed him to the building nearby.

The Cockroach Zerg screamed and tried to pull out the trident. Unexpectedly, the trident didn't move at all, as if it had taken root.

At this time, Aquaman jumped from the building to the street. He picked up a car and smashed it against the biological spacecraft in the sky. At the same time, he shouted: "Let us keep coming, don't stop."

The biological spaceship immediately fired an energy cannon at the car. With a bang, the car exploded and turned into a large number of fireballs falling down.

In the flames, Neptune soared into the sky, and punched the biological spaceship with a violent whistling sound.

A large number of tentacles emerged from the biological spacecraft and hit Neptune one after another. Neptune flew out like a meteor and made a big hole in the ground.

Neptune cursed, got up and rushed forward again, fighting with the biological spaceship in the air.

Isn't it just a spaceship? It’s not like I haven’t dismantled it before?

Upon seeing this, K and Wade who rushed over immediately ran towards the cockroach Zerg, which was the key figure.

The cockroach Zerg cursed and ordered the biological spacecraft to release a large number of small cockroaches to intercept K and Wade.

"You can't stop me. I will definitely bring the Milky Way back to the Edgar Zerg. At worst, I will help the Bee Stars open the wormhole."

The Cockroach Zerg thought bitterly, of course, that is the last resort. It is not an easy task to open the wormhole, even if it is just for assistance.

In the solar system, a large number of alien fleets using super-light engines appeared near Mars.

Then, these alien fleets set off from Mars and quickly rushed to the battlestar.

Because the alien fleet was not hidden, the space fortress and the alien mission soon discovered their existence, and the aliens suddenly became panicked.

At this moment, Andrew's voice sounded: "Don't panic, they're just Bergs, they don't count. We, the Justice League, will deal with them.

What you have to do now is to pour a drink, nibble some peanuts, and get ready to watch the show.

Justice League vs. Aliens is a great show. "

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