"No problem, we will entertain those aliens well. We earthlings are very hospitable."

The superheroes said one after another, and then they put down what they were doing and started to prepare.

As for gathering in advance, there is no need. With the Golden Ring Portal, gathering couldn't be easier. This can be regarded as a kind of technology that changes life.

After handling this matter, Andrew told Alice: "Inform all MIB agents to work overtime and uncover all wanted alien criminals. The earth is not a place where they can run wild."

"Yes, BOSS."

Alice immediately passed on the order, and the MIB agents immediately took action.

Wade, who was in charge of the "researched" work, heard about this and hurriedly called Andrew and shouted: "BOSS, please give me another chance. I promise I will never make the same mistake again."

“Don’t make the same mistake and make other mistakes, right?”

Andrew rolled his eyes and said: "Forget it, we are in need of manpower now. You come back to perform the task. However, the fine must be collected within three months, otherwise, you will continue to go back and be a guinea pig."

The first half of Andrew's sentence made Wade happy, but the second half made him feel dejected. It was really like being greedy with words and becoming poor with words.

Fortunately, Wade is handsome and popular, but if it doesn't work out, he can sell himself to pay off his debts.

As MIB agents were dispatched, the wanted criminals on the earth were quickly eliminated. When the people heard that there was another alien invasion, they couldn't help but curse, why on earth did you aliens invade our earth again?

"Isn't this a sign of disaster?"

Many people have become uneasy, and the storm is about to come.

"Very good, the plan is going well. The attention of the Justice League and MIB is attracted by the Berg and the wanted criminals."

The cockroach Zerg that quietly descended on the earth was very satisfied. Then, it rushed into a lumberjack's room and killed him with his screams.

Then, the cockroach Zerg got into the lumberjack's body, ate all his internal organs, and took control of his body.

After doing this, the cockroach and Zerg clan did not rush into action. Instead, they poured all the sugar into the water glass and took a nice sip.

Cockroach Zerg, love sweets.

"Maybe I should leave some Earthlings to help me get sugar. It tastes really good."

The Cockroach Zerg nodded and drove to New York. According to the information it found, Duke Rosenberg was hiding in New York.

Duke Rosenberg is indeed in New York. He opened a jewelry store. The business, uh, is about to close down. There is no way. He spends all his time raising cats and has no time to manage the jewelry store.

How much does Duke Rosenberg love cats? He even hung the pendant containing the Milky Way around the orange cat's neck and took it with him wherever he went.

Cats are invincible in some ways.

Not only did the cockroaches and bugs land on the earth, but Selina and Boris also landed on the earth.

Selina turned herself into a beautiful woman with a super figure based on a magazine she picked up. Then, she went to Los Angeles to secretly spy on Princess Laura.

Unfortunately, Princess Laura was always with Hancock, and Selina couldn't find a chance to take action. She was a little annoyed about this. After thinking about it, she decided to change her mind and deal with Hancock first, and then deal with Princess Laura.

Although she failed to control Hancock last time, Selina obtained a small amount of Hancock's blood and snot.

Afterwards, Selina asked scientists from Caroline Planet to study these things and find out Hancock's weaknesses.

The scientists on Caroline Planet are very capable. Although they did not find Hancock's weakness, they developed a super poison that was effective on him.

As long as Han Kao overcomes this super poison, he will become at the mercy of others. As for the nano defense system, Selina has a way to deal with it.

"Princess Laura's gem bracelet can destroy the earth. Kidnapping her will not only obtain the light of Sata, but also threaten the earth to surrender. Superhero? Huh, you guys will kneel at my feet soon and call me your queen. "

Selina thought excitedly, she didn't know that the gemstone bracelet was no longer on Princess Laura.

The Beast Boris turned into a tall man with telescopes in his eyes. He decided to go to the rocket launch base and use the rocket to release the virus, threatening all mankind.

"My plan is the best. Soon, both the Earth and the Space Fortress will belong to me."

Boris thought arrogantly, the Berg people do not do things for a win-win situation, but, I want them all.

Then, Boris got on his cool motorcycle and quickly rushed to the Texas Rocket Base.

In the Los Angeles villa area, Hancock took Princess Laura home with large and small bags. Princess Laura opened the door of the villa and said: "Hancock, thank you, we will see you tomorrow."

"There are so many things and it's difficult for you to carry them. Can I help you get them in?"

Hancock said, after entering, you must have a cup of coffee. After drinking the coffee, you must have a chat. Maybe the two parties will have a hot fire and can't stop.

"No, Mr. Wang gave me a robot, and it's here to pick me up."

Princess Laura knew what Hancock was thinking and refused with a smile. The time was too short to allow Hancock to succeed.

Things that are too easy to obtain will definitely not be cherished, regardless of men and women.

"Okay, be careful. If you need anything, just call and I'll come right away."

Hancock said helplessly that Princess Laura's villa was arranged by him and was in the same community as him.


Princess Laura nodded and let the robot take the large and small bags from Hancock. Then, she shook her hand and walked into the villa with the robot.

This robot can not only be used as a housekeeper, but also has strong combat capabilities. With it and Hancock, it can basically ensure the safety of Princess Laura.

"As expected of a princess, she is just so reserved."

Hancock chuckled, and when Princess Laura closed the door, he turned and walked towards his villa.

On the way, Hancock saw a beautiful woman with an exaggerated figure, who was also very poor, and only had a few pieces of cloth on her body. He couldn't help but whistle. This was not a hooliganism, but a pure appreciation of beauty.

This beautiful woman was none other than Selina. She heard the whistle and turned to look at Hancock. Then, she pretended to be surprised and shouted: "Hancock?"

Hancock asked: "You know me?"

"Who in Los Angeles doesn't know you?"

Selina smiled and said, "You are a man who can shoot through an iron plate."

Hancock laughed and asked: "Then do you want to see it with your own eyes? Of course, you need to participate in the process."

"I am glad to."

Selina said, and then the two doggy men and women quickly returned to Hancock's house. Hancock hugged Selina, and Selina kissed each other's big mouth.

"Superheroes are nothing more than that. As long as your breasts are big enough, it's easy to defeat them."

Selina sneered. Her saliva contains super poison. As long as Hancock eats her saliva, he will immediately become extremely weak.

When the time comes, Selina will swallow Hancock, turn into his appearance, and kill Princess Laura.

"Swallowing him will definitely increase my strength. This one will make a lot of money."

Selina was elated, and just when she was about to kiss Hancock, Hancock suddenly stepped away, and then, an energy cage suddenly appeared and locked her inside.

Selina's expression changed, and she asked in a mixture of shock and anger: "Hancock, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing? Of course I'm trying to trick you, Selina. You don't think I'm really that stupid, do you?"

Hancock sneered: "Let me tell you, I'm super smart, and I promised the famous anti-kidnapping master Tony Stark that I will never be kidnapped again."

"Why did you know it was me?"

Selina shouted in disbelief. At the same time, her right hand turned into a large number of venomous snakes and slammed into the energy cage.

The next second, Selina let out a shrill scream, because the energy cage lit up with dazzling electric light, and all her poisonous snakes were electrocuted to death.

This was not over yet, the electric current spread to Selina, her human appearance quickly dissipated, and a group of tangled poisonous snakes appeared in Hancock's sight.

"That's disgusting."

Hancock looked disgusted and said: "Not only do I have super strength and physique, but I also have super facial features.

The last time you entered my nose, I was so impressed with your scent that I knew you were coming as soon as you came near me.

I haven't made any move because I want to catch you completely so that you don't run away again. Queen Selina, don't just think of others as fools, because most likely, you yourself are the fool. "

Selina gritted her teeth in anger, but couldn't refute, because she really fell into trouble this time.

Hancock was not as superficial as she thought, eh, maybe?

Selina thought for a moment, dispersed all the venomous snakes, and revealed her true form, a strange life that was a bit like a plant and a bit like a snake.

"Wow, it was disgusting before, but it's actually kind of cute."

Hancock said: "If I give you to Princess Laura, she will definitely fall in love with me completely. By then, I can do whatever I want, hehehe."

Selina became even more angry. She actually lost to such a bastard?

Selina glared at Hancock bitterly and quickly drilled her body into the ground like an electric drill. It was obvious that she wanted to escape from the underground.

"I advise you not to do that. Mr. Wang's designs are always perfect and there cannot be any big flaws."

Old God Hancock said calmly, and in the next second, Selina's screams sounded again. Then, she flew out of the hole she drilled out, and landed on the ground with a snap, her whole body scorched black.

"What bastard designed an energy cage where the electricity below is stronger than the electricity above?"

Selina cursed loudly, and Hancock smiled and said: "Of course Mr. Wang is full of bad taste. You think you can escape, but you don't know that you will face a deeper hell.

Okay, I won’t talk nonsense to you, and I will take you back to do business. Maybe Mr. Wang will allow me to join the Justice League this time. "

After saying that, Hancock pressed the button and the energy cage contracted rapidly. Selina was shocked and hurriedly flew up to avoid being shocked again to avoid being shocked again.

This time, there was no electric shock, just a simple shrinkage, locking Selina in a cage.

Selina threatened loudly: "Let me go, otherwise my fleet will not let go of the earth. I am the queen of Caroline."

"Do you think we earthlings will be afraid of your fleet?"

Hancock scoffed and shouted: "Return."

Three seconds later, Hancock appeared in the isolation area of ​​the teleportation zone. Anyone carrying unknown aliens would be teleported to this area.

Hancock knew this very well. He said proudly: "Alice, tell Mr. Wang that I captured Queen Selina. She thought I was a fool, but she didn't know that she was the one. I am super smart."

Alice's holographic projection appeared and asked with a smile: "Then the question is, why does she think you are a fool?"

Hancock rolled his eyes and said, "Alice, you won't be able to get married like this."

Alice said: "Record, on a certain day of a certain year, a certain month, Hancock said that I couldn't get married, and I was going to find an opportunity to post his browsing history online."

"Stop, pretend I didn't say that."

Hancock immediately raised his hands and surrendered. Once his browsing history was disclosed, he would definitely die. He said: "Alice, check quickly, I want to see Mr. Wang."


Alice scanned Hancock, and then sent a car to take Hancock to the MIB command room.

Andrew looked at Selina in the energy cage and smiled: "Hancock, it's impressive."

"Just average."

Hancock was so happy to be praised by Andrew that his teeth appeared when he smiled. Seeing this, Selina sneered: "The fact that he looks at you with admiration means that he thought you were a fool before."

Hancock was furious, and just as he was about to say something, Andrew waved his hand and said: "Queen Selina, there is no need to provoke, Hancock is not so small-minded.

Someone once turned him into a puppet. Not only did he not kill the person, he also sent flowers to the person every day. "

Selina looked at Hancock in shock. Really or not, is this guy so kind?

Hancock held his head high and looked proud, of course it was true. He sent flowers to Poison Ivy every day, and then picked off the petals one by one in front of her, rain or shine, even working overtime on holidays.

Poison Ivy is often moved to tears and expresses her desire to live and die with Hancock.

"I won't say any more nonsense."

Andrew said: "Queen Selina, the time of your appearance is very coincidental. It happens to be when the Berg people want to attack the earth. I want to know, do you have anything to do with the Berg people?"

"I was in a bad mood and forgot."

Selina naturally would not tell the matter. She said: "The fleet of Caroline Star is approaching the earth. Human beings, I advise you to let me go immediately and hand over the Sata Star people to me. Otherwise, the earth will be destroyed by me." fleet was destroyed.

No matter how powerful you superheroes are, you can't stop the coalition forces of Caroline and Berg. "

"It seems to be related. If you are really so confident, why do you need to play any conspiracy?"

Andrew sneered and said to Alice: "Bring the memory extractor, I want to extract her memory."

Alice pretended to hesitate and asked: "BOSS, isn't it good? If the memory extractor is used on a living person, it is likely to turn the person into a madman."

"It doesn't matter. If she doesn't want to become a madman, she can hit the wall and commit suicide. If she doesn't commit suicide, it means she is willing to become a madman."

Andrew said, "Go get it."

"Yes, BOSS." Alice took the order and left.

"What kind of logic is this?"

Selina was speechless. Who did you learn logic from? Space pirates?

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