American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 678 Join forces

"The next scene should be Queen Selina and the Cockroach Zerg teaming up to attack the earth, and maybe the villain from the third movie will be added."

Andrew shook his head, held Diana's hand, and concentrated on watching the concert. The problem was not big, everything was under control.

Diana glanced at Andrew and held him with her backhand. No matter what his identity was, she would never give up on him.

At most, she could become a shrew and beat up all the women around him. Diana still had some confidence in her own strength.

Serena fled outside the solar system. She was covered in snot and yelled. She didn't expect that the earth was as powerful as the rumors. She was no match for her and was forced to flee in confusion.

"Damn it, Planet Sata, Earth, I will never let you go."

Selina gritted her teeth, she was never big-minded, and she had a deep hatred for the Sata Star.

"The question is, how to deal with them?"

Selina thought for a while, contacted her own planet and asked for detailed information about the earth.

Although Caroline Star did not send spies to the Earth, as a recent hot spot, they collected a lot of information related to the Earth. The more Selina heard, the more solemn her face became. There is actually a life on the Earth that is more powerful than the man before. ?

"No wonder the Earth was able to wipe out two Zerg races, now it's in trouble."

Selina lowered her head and pondered how to deal with the earth. No matter what, she must get the light of Sattar and destroy the Sattar planet.

Superheroes are very powerful, but the earth itself is just an indigenous planet, so it may not be impossible to deal with them. She, Selina, destroyed more than one planet.

After a while, Selina's communicator rang, a strange signal.

Selina thought for a while, then connected the communication, and an unpleasant voice sounded: "Queen Selina, I am Edgar Zerg."

The Edgar Zerg are the Cockroach Zerg. Their main body is an extremely ugly large bug that is somewhat similar to a cockroach.

Selina asked: "Edgar Zerg? What do you want from me? I don't seem to have any friendship with you, right?"

"We have no friendship, but we have a common enemy, the earth."

The Zerg said straight to the point: "The Sata people are protected by the earth. You can't defeat the earth with your own strength. You need us."

"You get the news quickly enough."

Selina snorted and asked, "Wait, us? Who else is there besides you?"

"And the Bergs."

Zerg said: "I contacted them before and they are very interested in battlestars and superheroes."

The Berg are a group of ferocious space pirates who often plunder planets, leaving only ruins and corpses wherever they pass.

The Berg people are very fanatical about individual strength. They heard that the superheroes on the earth are particularly powerful, and they want to capture the superheroes and study their abilities.

In addition, the battle fortress is also their target. The prototype of the battle fortress is a transport bug, which is extremely valuable.

"You, us, and the Berg people are more than enough to defeat the Earth."

Selina's eyes lit up and she asked, "Where are you? Let's have a nice chat."

The Zerg said: "Boris and I are on a planet near the solar system. Come and find us."

"Boris the Beast? I am becoming more and more confident in our cooperation."

Selina laughed: "I'll come over right after I finish taking a shower."

"Come back after taking a shower?"

The Zerg were speechless, their confidence in Selina plummeted. At such an important time, you actually took a shower?

The Edgar Zerg, Queen Selina, and the Beast Boris formally met on an abandoned planet. The fleets of the three parties were all parked outside the planet, wary of each other.

Edgar's Zerg is naturally a biological fleet, and Queen Selina's fleet is all cone-shaped small spacecraft, but its combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated. As for the fleet of Beast Boris, it is weird, half biological, half mechanical, with many tentacles.

"I suggest that we bypass the battle fortress and quietly land on Earth."

Selina turned into a human and said: "Then, we will find a way to control the lives of all people on earth and force them to surrender.

I have read the information. Superheroes exist to protect the people. To control the people is to control them. "

"Then what are you going to do? Why don't you just send out a large army to attack the space fortress? No matter how powerful the superheroes are, there are only a few of them, and they can't stop our coalition forces at all."

Boris shouted impatiently. He was extremely strong and ferocious. It felt like there were claws all over his body. Just looking at him would give you nightmares.

"Don't underestimate them. The two Zerg tribes joined forces before and were defeated by them."

The Cockroach Zerg shook his head and said: "Taking a step back, even if we really win, we will suffer heavy losses. Those superheroes are really powerful.

Moreover, there are people from the Green Lantern Corps among them. If they make too much noise, they might attract the Green Lantern Corps. "

"Those bastards from the Green Lantern Corps?"

Boris cursed dissatisfiedly. The Green Lantern Corps had hindered many of the good things of the Berg people and caused them to make a lot of money.

"I agree with Queen Selina's plan to sneak into the earth secretly and control the lives of all people on earth."

The Cockroach Zerg said: "However, it is not easy to do this. Superheroes and MIB agents have been searching for aliens on the earth."

"Then give them some trouble."

Selina thought for a while and said: "Beast Boris, you released the news that the Berg people are preparing to attack the earth, so that the people on earth can focus on the space fortress.

In addition, our three parties joined forces to transfer some wanted criminals to the earth to distract the attention of MIB and superheroes. "

"Don't call me Boris the Beast, I'm just Boris."

Boris shouted to Selina dissatisfied that he had never liked this title. The problem was that no matter how many people he killed, everyone still called him that, and it even got worse.

Selina's eyes flashed with a fierce light, how dare you yell at her like this? If it weren't for the special situation now, she would definitely devour the other person. She said: "Okay, Boris."

"I can release the news, and I will be in charge of the wanted criminals. There are many wanted criminals on the Berg planet."

Boris was very satisfied and said: "The question is, what means should we use to threaten the lives of people on earth?"

"No matter which one of our three parties, we have destroyed a large number of planets."

The Cockroach Zerg smiled and said: "I believe that such a trivial matter as controlling the people on earth is not difficult for everyone. The three parties of us will do it separately. If any party succeeds, the earth will become our trophy."

Boris and Selina glanced at the Cockroach Zerg. It was obvious that the other party was hiding something. Of course, this was normal. They only cooperated temporarily and there was no trust at all.

In fact, none of these three parties is trustworthy, and their reputations in the universe are notorious.

The goal of the Cockroach Zerg is the galaxy of the Akilon Empire. It doesn't say it, but it is worried that Selina and the Berg people will snatch it from it.

"No problem, let's do it each."

Selina said, and Boris did not object. He asked: "How to distribute the benefits?"

Selina immediately said: "I want Planet Sata and three superheroes. In addition, the superhero named Hancock must belong to me."

The Cockroach Zerg also said: "I want the flesh and blood of all people on earth and three superheroes."

"Okay, I want Battlestar, Earth, and the remaining superheroes. In addition, some of the blood of the superheroes you took away must be left for us."

Boris said, Selina and the Cockroach Zerg nodded. At this point, the Anti-Earth Alliance was officially established. As for how long this alliance can last, only God knows.

Battlestar, seven days have passed since the celebration day. All the major alien races are very satisfied with the celebrations of these few days, and have gradually fallen in love with this integrated city.

Not only do I like the atmosphere and culture here, but I also like the transactions here - so many ethnic groups come together and exchange various specialties, which makes the merchants make a lot of money and allows the buyers to buy the good things they want.

The galaxy is not a place without free trade, but as the galaxy becomes more and more chaotic, such trading planets are becoming less and less.

Peace City appeared at the right time, and many alien races began to transport goods to Peace City.

"Alice, monitor the transactions in Peace City. If you encounter something good, place an order immediately. In addition, keep an eye on taxes and never allow aliens to evade taxes."

Andrew said: "Learn from the U.S. Department of Revenue and make everyone afraid of it."

"Don't worry, Boss, I will make all aliens tremble in front of the tax bureau."

Alice smiled and Andrew nodded with satisfaction. The more materials he had, the more things he invented. Peace City was a big success from the beginning.

"BOSS, the United Nations has sent many people to acquire alien technology in the city, but they have no money. They want to open up the free exchange of credits and US dollars."

Alice continued, currently, credit points can be exchanged for U.S. dollars, but U.S. dollars cannot be exchanged for credit points.

"Dream them."

Andrew sneered: "I won't give money to support them and let them earn credits by themselves.

Giving the earth too much technology is not a good thing. Throughout human history, what humans are best at is seeking death. The more technology, the more disasters there will be. "

"Just like Wade."

Alice smiled and said, Wade is working in the laboratory now - responsible for being studied. According to him, his screams can be heard throughout the battle fortress.

MIB was very happy about this, and Orm even recorded Wade's scream as a ringtone.

Wade's public outrage is not something that happens in a day or two.

"That guy Wade."

Andrew shook his head. Wade was a double-edged sword that could hurt the enemy as well as himself. However, he was a variable. Keeping him was not a bad thing.

“Other technologies cannot give to the earth, but agricultural technology can provide strong support.”

Andrew thought for a while and said: "The earth has entered the interstellar age. We can no longer let people starve. Notify the United Nations and ask them to send a group of people to the space fortress to experiment with alien agricultural technology.

After the experiment is completed, it will be planted back on the earth so that everyone on the earth can have enough to eat. "

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