American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 672 Alien Spy

"No problem, I will let those aliens know that the earth cannot be messed with."

Amanda nodded, looking a little excited. Sneaking behind enemy lines and destroying enemy stars was a very interesting task.

What's more important is that such a task can be carried out without any scruples.

Then, Amanda left Andrew's office. Andrew looked at the MIB agents below and was very satisfied. The Justice League was responsible for the catastrophe, the MIB was responsible for the alien disaster, and the earth was in his hands, as stable as a mountain.

"The defense system is gradually improving, and we will spend more and more time drinking tea in the future. It's time to find a way to grow some good tea."

Andrew picked up the teacup and thought happily.

At this time, Rita came up to see Andrew. She asked a little embarrassedly: "BOSS, is Captain Steve Rogers a virtual character or a real person?"

Andrew looked at Rita and asked: "Don't tell me that you like him? That's just a virtual character. Even if it's not virtual, he already has a girlfriend."

"Is it just virtual? That's a shame. He is simply a model of the American soldier, a perfect man."

Rita sighed. The copy was too real. She was attracted by the captain's charisma, um, maybe also by his pecs.

Then, Rita said goodbye and left. Andrew looked at her back and couldn't help but shake his head. Unexpectedly, an interview actually made William Cage cuckold. Life is really wonderful.

Ten days later, in a restaurant in New York, two men in suits were eating pizza. The man on the left was handsome and had flowing silver hair.

Such a man would have attracted the attention of others, but this time, all the attention was sucked away by the man opposite him.

The man opposite the silver-haired man was also wearing a black suit, but it gave him a nondescript look. At the same time, he wore a hood that was pulled over his mouth. The exposed skin was very disgusting.

These two people are none other than Orm and Wade, the Z and X of MIB.

Om glanced at the pizza and then at Wade. The unhappy pizza was thrown on the plate. He had no choice but to eat it.

"I'm not polite if you don't eat. It's shameful to waste food."

When Wade saw this, he stretched out his hand to grab the pizza. Orm's brows jumped. How many sins had he done to meet such a partner?

"Three teams have already captured alien spies. We can't lag behind them. X, when patrolling today, don't make any more mistakes and concentrate on finding the target."

Aum said with an ugly face: "You don't want to be looked down upon by others, right? Do your best and slap those bastards in the face."

Orm is a proud man. Since he decided to be an agent of MIB, he must be the best.

"I didn't do anything wrong. I just went to the bathroom a few more times, watched a bikini show for half an hour, called my friends a few times, and was shaking for a few hours."

Wade said innocently: "These are all necessary. Social interaction is very important. Without social interaction, you will be isolated from others."

The veins on Orm's forehead popped out again, and he said: "If it weren't for the BOSS's strict regulations not to separate operations, I would never patrol with you."

"You are such a ruthless man. You are already tired of me after only ten days. You were calling me a little bitch just ten days ago."

Wade said with a sad face, and the people around him turned their eyes over and looked at the two people strangely.

Orm almost went crazy and wanted to cut this guy into several pieces and throw them into the toilet and flush them away.

The problem is that MIB has regulations that prohibit internal fighting, and this guy has immortality and cannot be killed no matter how hard he is beaten, which is called a bug.

To be honest, Orm is a little desperate - Orm used to be an evil nobleman, but now, he has obvious signs of mania. There is no way, who can let him meet Wade.

"Hold on, if you survive the internship period, you will be able to get rid of this mess."

Orm silently admonished himself in his heart. At this time, Wade suddenly pointed at a gourd-shaped beauty in red clothes outside the window and whispered: "Z, put on your sunglasses, that woman is probably an alien."

Om glanced at the beauty outside the window and asked, "Why do you think so?"

"Because her breasts can't move and are too stiff. There's obviously something wrong with that."

Wade said: "There are two possibilities, one is fake breasts, and the other is aliens. Please put on your sunglasses and help me see which possibility it is. I am eating pizza and my hands are too dirty."

"You just want to know if she has fake breasts, right?"

Orm's head was covered with black lines, but he still put on his sunglasses. He couldn't wait to find the aliens and didn't want to miss any opportunity.

At this sight, Orm was immediately surprised. The beautiful woman outside the window was really an alien. Her body was fake, and the real alien was living in the beautiful woman's chest.

"These aliens are so ugly."

Om excitedly said to Wade: "You have won the jackpot. I will go out and lead her to a deserted alley. You follow behind and block the alley."

According to the MIB's action guide, alien spies should be captured in uninhabited places as much as possible. This is not because they are afraid that people will know about it, but because they are worried about accidentally injuring people. The attack power of alien weapons is generally relatively powerful.

In addition, the presence of the public will tie the agents' hands.

Wade looked contemptuous: "Z, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. Your behavior is too animalistic. I will call the police to arrest you, unless you let me come first."

Aum gritted his teeth and said: "X, I won't care about other things with you. For serious matters, don't make trouble for me."

"Don't worry, I will do as you say."

Wade wiped his oily hands on Orm's suit a few times and said, "You go first, I will follow immediately. Today, the beauty will be unable to fly, and we can only let us do whatever we want."

Orm wanted to hit someone more and more, so he slapped Wade's hand away, stood up and walked outside.

Then, Om stood in front of the beauty in red and asked with a charming smile: "Beauty, do you want to have a drink together?"

Om is very handsome, but aliens don't care about the beauty and ugliness of the earth. The beauty in red said coldly: "I'm sorry, I'm not used to drinking during the day."

After saying that, the beauty in red was about to take a detour and leave. Orm smiled and asked, "Really? I am an acquaintance of Neptune. I have Neptune's autograph and a lot of his internal information."

When the beauty in red heard this, her heart moved. She had already used quick shaking to find out that the reason why the earth was able to defeat the two Zerg races was because of those powerful superheroes. During this period, she had been collecting information on superheroes.

The problem is that the superheroes have not disclosed much useful information, and the beauty in red has gained very little. When she heard that the silver-haired man had internal information about Aquaman, she couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Although Aquaman is a bit of a soy sauce, he is still a superhero after all.


So, the beauty in red pretended to be excited and asked: "I am a loyal fan of Aquaman. I bought every one of his peripherals."

"Successfully hooked."

Orm sneered, but he felt a little unhappy. After all, he was doing things in the name of Neptune. He said: "Of course it's true. No one knows Neptune better than me. Come on, let's go to the bar over there to talk in detail."


The beauty in red followed Orm and soon, Orm took her to a deserted alley. Then, Orm's hand shook, and a freezing ray gun fell on his hand.

Then, Orm suddenly turned around and shot at the beauty in red.

The beauty in red didn't expect that Orm would sneak up on her, and was hit by the freezing ray, and her whole body was frozen.

"MIB, alien spy, you're under arrest."

Aum raised two guns and pointed them at the beauty in red, shouting: "Don't resist, you don't have any human rights on earth, I can kill you at any time."

The alien inside the beauty in red was frightened and angry. It hurriedly pressed the button. The body temperature of the beauty in red rose rapidly, and a large amount of water vapor came out of her body.

Seeing this, Orm raised another gun and shot at the beauty in red. This one was a nuclear explosive gun that could explode the target.

The beauty in red noticed the danger and hurriedly hid aside to avoid the nuclear energy rays. Then, she turned around and ran away slightly stiffly.

"Sorry, you can't escape."

Orm sneered disdainfully and continued to shoot at the beauty in red. After a few seconds, the pride on his face froze because Wade, who was supposed to appear at the alley, did not appear, and the beauty in red escaped from the alley smoothly.


Om was furious and hurriedly chased her out. At this moment, a figure jumped down from the big tree nearby. The long knife in his hand stabbed the beauty in red from behind and nailed her to the ground.

Of course, it was Wade who took action. He said proudly: "Wade, you are really awesome. For catching an alien spy alone, BOSS should give you a big reward."


Orm's nose was almost crooked with anger. Just as he was about to speak, the beauty in red exploded with a bang, and a shock wave swept across the surroundings. Wade and Orm stepped back at the same time.

Then, a slug-like alien in a small spacecraft appeared in front of the two of them. Instead of escaping, he controlled the ray gun on the small spacecraft to aim at Wade.

"Despicable Earthlings, go to hell."

Accompanied by the alien's voice, a thunder ray flew out from the ray gun and shot straight at Wade. Wade was unable to avoid it and screamed in agony when he was shocked.

"not dead?"

The alien was a little shocked, and then he discovered the problem - there was something wrong with the opponent's clothes, which greatly weakened the power of thunder.

Upon seeing this, Orm immediately fired nuclear energy rays and ice rays at the aliens one after another. The aliens activated the defensive shield to block all attacks.

Then, the alien aimed the ray gun at Orm. Orm hurriedly hid behind Wade and used him as a shield to resist the ray. Wade was electrocuted and screamed again, which was extremely miserable.

This wasn't over yet. Then, Orm used Wade as a shield and pushed him forward. The aliens fired rays one after another. Wade was electrocuted and kept screaming, and his body was charred.

"Why don't you die?"

The alien was very puzzled. At this time, Orm turned out from behind Wade, and the nanoparticles quickly formed a silver-white trident.

Then, Orm quickly swung his trident and kept hitting the alien's defensive shield, causing cracks in the shield quickly.

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