American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 668 Alien Affairs Organization

"You agree?"

General Calvin was stunned for a moment, then pretended to shout: "Who are you? How dare you pretend to be Mr. Wang?"

"Add the words 'Where is the monster' in front of it to make it more professional."

Andrew rolled his eyes, took a bite of the barbecue and said, "The alien problem is a bit serious."

"Is the alien problem a bit serious?"

General Calvin was very puzzled. He asked, "Didn't you deal with all the invading aliens?"

"I'm not talking about those aliens. Half a month ago, Green Lantern received news from Oua that the Earth's elimination of two Zerg races has spread throughout the galaxy."

Andrew said: "Afterwards, I carefully checked the earth and found that many small alien spacecraft have secretly landed on the earth in the past few months."

Hearing this, General Calvin put down the barbecue in his hand and asked solemnly: "Are you saying that those aliens are not coming soon, but have already arrived and are hiding on the earth to steal intelligence?"

Andrew nodded: "Yes, there is one sitting in front of me, and he is about to become the Secretary of Defense of the United States."

General Calvin rolled his eyes and asked, "Are there many alien spies? Also, why weren't they discovered in advance?"

"According to the traces, there are at least hundreds of alien spies lurking on the earth. They probably know almost all of our information."

Andrew said: "As for why they were not discovered in advance? Because they are aliens and have alien high technology.

Large spaceships will definitely not be able to hide it from us, but with the current technological capabilities of the earth, a single-person spacecraft cannot be detected at all. A cloaking device can do it. "

"This is troublesome."

General Calvin frowned and asked, "How are you going to deal with it?"

"Of course we will arrest them all and not let anyone go."

Andrew said: "I plan to set up an organization that specializes in dealing with alien affairs, the kind with official support, but the official cannot interfere with my actions.

The United States wants me to come forward to solve the problem of alien creatures, which is fine, but it must support me in establishing an alien affairs organization.

In addition, this organization has the power to investigate all matters related to aliens, such as illegal research on alien creatures.

I will not guarantee that American officials are trustworthy. I will only assure the people that I will investigate everything. "

"I personally fully support your establishment of an alien affairs organization."

General Calvin said: "But the United States and other countries will probably not agree. The Alien Affairs Organization has too much power. More importantly, you are unwilling to give power to them."

"If they don't agree, I will build it myself. Whether it's manpower or funds, it's not a problem for me, and they don't have the guts to ban my organization."

"However, if they are willing to allocate funds, I can give them some oversight rights," Andrew said.

The Alien Affairs Organization has many things that require official cooperation, which is why Andrew put so much thought into it. As for money, no one thinks it's too much.

"I will try my best to persuade them, but I can't guarantee whether it will work or not."

General Calvin thought for a moment and asked, "By the way, what do you want to name this organization?"

"Heavenly Sword..."

Andrew was about to say "Sky Sword Bureau" when suddenly something moved in his mind and he changed his words: "It's called MIB (man in black), a person wearing black clothes. All employees of the alien affairs organization will wear black clothes and black sunglasses.

In addition, the agents inside are codenamed by their mother-in-law, starting from A to Z, a total of twenty-six professional teams. "

The name was suddenly changed because Andrew resonated with the world and the world needed the MIB organization.

Simply put, the world of "Men in Black" merges into this universe.

"Mr. Wang, I have to say that your taste is not average."

General Calvin complained, and Andrew shrugged and said, "I don't wear them. Only employees need to wear uniforms. The boss can wear whatever he wants, or not."

General Calvin was speechless. He said: "I'll go back and discuss it with the president. By the way, you keep Amanda and dig into the corners, just for MIB, right?"

Amanda has been expelled from the Celestial Eye Society. Because of Andrew, the Celestial Eye Society did not clear her out.

"Yes, alien spies have high-tech weapons in their hands, which are difficult to deal with."

Andrew nodded: “Superheroes are not suitable for doing this kind of thing, so I need other people.

Amanda is a woman who still has some abilities. Her problem is that she is too cruel and will use any means to achieve her goals.

It is not appropriate to use her to deal with our own people, but it is just right to deal with aliens. There is no need to talk about human rights when dealing with alien spies. "

General Calvin reminded: "She also has a problem. She likes to take risks and use extreme methods."

"I won't give her too much power. She will just be a vicious dog chasing alien spies."

Andrew said: "In addition, I will send someone to supervise her and will not let her act alone."

"That's good."

General Calvin stood up and said: "Pack the barbecue and add more chili sauce. Where did you buy this chili sauce? It's really good. Pack a few more portions for me."

"You're so rude. This is homemade chili sauce. Even if you have money, you can't buy it."

Andrew rolled his eyes and asked Fiora to help General Calvin pack.

Then, General Calvin returned to the headquarters and reported the matter to the White House. The President was shocked when he heard that there were at least a hundred alien spies on the earth, and quickly asked the FBI and Sky Eye to investigate the alien spies.

If nothing else, most of the alien spies are in the United States. Everyone knows this.

The FBI and Sky Eye will immediately start investigating. Unfortunately, no matter how they investigate, they can't find any trace of the alien spies. This makes them very depressed, and they even wonder if Andrew Wang is scaring them.

"Mr. Wang has no time to scare us."

General Calvin said: "The only person who can solve the problem of alien spies is Mr. Wang. Your Excellency, President. I think we should agree to Mr. Wang's establishment of MIB."

The president said: "This organization has too much power, and Mr. Wang's unwillingness to give us management rights is tantamount to overriding us."

"Mr. Wang may be worried that we will take the opportunity to study alien corpses and weapons. Those things are very dangerous and could cause a catastrophe if we are not careful."

General Calvin explained that the president's eyes were wandering and he was talking nonsense. How could he not study it?

"Your Excellency, the alien crisis is imminent. We must cooperate with Mr. Wang fully. Otherwise, the earth will most likely be destroyed by aliens."

General Calvin continued: "In addition, even without us, Mr. Wang himself can establish an alien affairs organization. In that case, the situation will be very unfavorable to us, and the people will only believe in Mr. Wang."

The president is a little shaken. Andrew Wang's prestige is too high. If the official openly opposes him, God knows what the people will do.

The president thought for a while and said: "I have discussed with other presidents that MIB can be established, but it requires supervision and restraint."

General Calvin nodded, he knew that this matter was basically done, which was a good thing, because only Mr. Wang can protect the earth.

Rely on the top management of mankind, let mankind wait for death.

On the seventh day after the starfish disaster, two distinct groups of people were sitting in a conference hall of the Battle Fortress.

The group of people on the left are all serious people, including elite agents from various countries, military elites, agents of the Sky Eye Society, mercenaries, etc. Amanda and Frege are also among them.

These people did not sign up by themselves, but were selected by Andrew and Alice through big data. Everyone is an elite among the elite.

The female warrior Rita is also among this group of people. She is a very good candidate. William Cage also wanted to come, but Andrew did not send him an invitation at all.

The group on the right is generally unruly, and is dominated by the Suicide Squad. Wade, Robert, Nanaway, Cleo, Big Pineapple, Katana and others are all there. In addition, Barbara the Leopard is also there.

The members of the Suicide Squad were carefully selected by Frege. Although they are all repeat offenders, they still have conscience and will stand up when faced with disasters.

Both sides disliked each other, and Wade continued to provoke each other, making the group on the left very dissatisfied.

However, no one had any intention of fighting. After all, they were all here for the interview. If there was a conflict, they would definitely be eliminated.

“The thought of working with these people in the future makes me feel so bored.”

Wade sighed, and Frege cursed angrily: "Wade, shut up. If you feel bored, you can go back to prison. No one forced you to come here."

Wade said resentfully: "Heartless person, you defrauded me of my body and money, but now you want to destroy even my chance of an interview? Do you want me to die?"


Everyone turned to look at Frege, and then a circle of people around him moved away from him at the same time. There was no way, this guy had too strong taste.

Everyone who has watched the live broadcast knows what Wade looks like.

Frege's face turned red with anger, and he regretted bringing this guy here. This guy was best at disgusting people.

Seeing Frege's embarrassment, Robert and others laughed. Although they and Frege were friends, this did not prevent them from making fun of each other.

It's bad for friends, that's it.

On the other side, Neptune brought Orm to visit Andrew. Orm cuffed his hands with restraints and stood expressionlessly behind Neptune.

The thick man Sea King looked a little embarrassed. He asked Andrew: "Well, Mr. Wang, I heard that you plan to recruit some criminals to join MIB?"

Andrew looked at Neptune with a half-smile. I didn’t expect that a guy like you, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would also become a traitor. Uh, no, you would also use the back door.

Neptune became more and more embarrassed, and then he simply risked his life and said, "I hope you can give Orm a chance to atone for his sins."

Andrew asked: "Is this what you meant, or what your mother, Queen Atlanna, meant?"

"My mother asked me to come."

Neptune said: "However, I also agree with this. Orm is my brother, and I don't want him to be locked up in prison all his life."

Queen Atlanna has always wanted Orm to leave prison, but Orm's crimes are too big, and there must be a suitable reason. Even the queen cannot do whatever she wants.

The establishment of MIB allowed Queen Atlanna to see an opportunity, so she asked Neptune to bring Orm to find Andrew through a back door.

Orm snorted coldly when he heard this. He felt that Arthur, the King of the Sea, was hypocritical.


Andrew said: "You are one of our own, I won't say polite words to you, no."

Neptune asked in confusion: "Why not? Although Orm has made big mistakes, the people in the Suicide Squad are not good people either?"

Om's brows jumped. This guy actually said that he was not a good person in front of him?

"the reason is simple."

Andrew said: “Om hates land people extremely, and he has not changed for the better, he is still full of hatred in his heart.

The enemies of MIB are aliens. They have many powerful weapons in their hands, some of which are even enough to destroy human beings. "

Andrew didn't say much more, but Neptune understood what he meant, and he asked hesitantly: "It shouldn't be... no?"

Andrew looked at Neptune and said nothing. Neptune was a little embarrassed. He didn't even believe it himself, let alone others.

Neptune thought of something and asked excitedly: "Isn't there a chip bomb? You can transplant one into him."

Orm glared at Neptune. This guy, one second he said he was a good brother, the next second he had someone inject him with a chip bomb.

"Chip bombs are not reliable. Only women like Amanda like to use them."

Andrew said: "Any technology can be cracked, and chip bombs are no exception. In addition, we are righteous people, and what Om wants is to find a way to give up chip bombs ourselves.

For example, if he kidnaps a boatload of people and asks us to unlock the chip bomb on him, the authorities and the Sky Eye Society will not agree, but we will definitely agree. "

Neptune was silent for a moment and sighed: "You are right. I am taking the liberty this time. Om, let's go back to Atlantis. Well, if you are interested, I can take you around the earth." Two hours.”

"Stop your hypocritical face."

Orm snorted. He didn't want to go back to prison, let alone disappoint Queen Atlanna.

It's true that Om is not a good person, but he is also not a complete bad person. At least, he respects his mother.

Orm hesitated and said to Andrew: "I can promise to serve MIB wholeheartedly, but after five years, I want to be free."

Andrew said very frankly: "I can't trust you."

"I can swear to Poseidon."

Orm said: "In addition, I am willing to accept the magical oath."

Andrew pondered, and Neptune said hopefully: "Mr. Wang, maybe you can give Orm a chance? He will disappoint me, but he will never disappoint his mother."

Orm snorted and said: "Arthur, in five years, I will challenge you again. The position of Neptune is mine, not yours."

"Whatever, you are definitely no match for me anyway."

Arthur said confidently, how many battles has he experienced over the years? The strength is no longer what it used to be.

"Om, I can allow you to join MIB."

Andrew raised his left hand, showed the ring, and said: "However, I have a condition. This is a wishing ring that I made using wishing crystals.

By making a wish on the wishing ring, you can get what you want, but at the same time, the wishing ring will take away something from you.

If you want to join MIB, you must make a wish on the ring. Don't worry, I won't take away anything from you unless you betray MIB.

In that case, I will take away your intelligence and make you have a lower IQ than Arthur. "

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