American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 665 Super Sonic

Hearing Andrew's question, Raven nodded: "No problem, I will send Sonic and the others into the shadow of the steel mecha."

"very good."

Andrew continued: "Sonic, when the time comes, the three of you use high-frequency watches to enter the mecha's head and take back the King Emerald."

"Okay, leave it to me."

Sonic nodded excitedly, as did Tails and Knuckles, finally seeing the possibility of success.

After arranging Sonic and the others, Andrew contacted Wade, and he said: "Wade, come to life."

"Who is speaking?"

Wade was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that it was his belt that was talking. He asked in shock: "BOSS, you actually installed a communicator in your teleportation belt?"

Andrew said: "It's written in the instruction manual, didn't you read it?"

Wade complained: "Do you think you gave me an instruction manual?"

"I'll give it next time. You won't die without the instructions anyway."

Andrew said very perfunctorily, and then he ordered: "Wade, I need you to attract Dr. Nick's attention."

"It's easy to say, a professional team, the Deadpool Mercenary Group is here to serve you. How much are you prepared to pay?"

Wade asked excitedly, "What, do you need to pay for doing things for BOSS?" Nonsense, who will do the work if you don’t get paid?

He has no money, and the boss doesn’t even have the face to give him, Wade, he’s super fierce.

“A professional team of just one person?”

Andrew complained, saying, "One million dollars to die, before taxes."

Wade was ecstatic: "Really? I can die until you go bankrupt."

"Only for this mission."

Andrew said: "Let's get started, don't waste time. Dr. Nick has been out for too long and the audience is a little tired. It's time for him to get his lunch."

"Received, guaranteed to complete the task."

Wade didn't talk nonsense and immediately ran to the copycat Veronica. Then, he raised his head and shouted loudly: "Doctor of that, did you just brag that you are the best scientist in the world?"

Dr. Eggman immediately replied: "It's not bragging, it's the truth. I am the best scientist in the world."

"I don't believe it. I bet your gun, uh, no, it's a trick. I bet you can't kill me."

Wade shouted: "Only the best scientist in the world can kill me, and you definitely can't."


Dr. Egghead was too lazy to talk nonsense. A laser whizzed down, and Wade's head shattered like a watermelon, red and white, scattered all over the floor.

Then, Dr. Eggman put this matter aside and continued to upgrade the virus and use electric whips to attack others.

At this moment, Wade's voice sounded again: "I just said you can't kill me, you are not the best in the world at all."

Dr. Eggman lowered his head in surprise and found that Wade's head had returned to its original state. However, his hood was gone, and his avocado-like head appeared in everyone's sight.

"He's not dead?"

Dr. Eggman was very surprised and asked the system to replay the previous video - after Wade's head exploded, the flesh and blood seemed to go back in time and reassemble, so Wade was resurrected.

Wade didn't feel any pain about being shot in the head. Instead, he was very excited. He got one million, which was really good money.


Dr. Eggman was a little surprised, but he had no intention of studying Wade. With the King Emerald, he could already live forever.

As for the others, well, there are no others in the future.

"Even if you are immortal, I can kill you."

Dr. Eggman snorted coldly and controlled the fake Veronica to lift her foot and step on it hard. Wade instantly turned into meat. However, when the fake Veronica took back her foot, Wade quickly came back to life.

Wade lay on the ground and said arrogantly: "This massage is good. Please give me a few more massages and I will give you a bigger tip later."

Even Dr. Eggman, who considered himself a strong man, was angered by Wade. It must be said that Wade's taunting skills were definitely maxed out.

"Die to me."

Following Dr. Egghead's shout, the copycat Veronica's eyes lit up red, and then two red lasers hit Wade hard, turning his whole body into ashes.

Dr. Egghead said with disdain: "So what if you're immortal? There's nothing left. How can you be resurrected?"

At this moment, a voice that sounded extremely obscene and disgusting came from below: "You are such a bad person, you actually took away other people's clothes."

Dr. Eggman lowered his head in disbelief and found that Wade was alive again and was talking to him with a coy expression.

"How can this be?"

Dr. Eggman was shocked to the extreme. Can he be resurrected even if there are no scum left? This unscientific.

Not only was Dr. Eggman shocked, but the audience also kept exclaiming. Isn't this avocado-like thing so incredible? It actually doesn't die like this?

In fact, even the superheroes and the Suicide Squad were stunned. Even Superman doesn't have such immortality, okay?

At the beginning, Wade's self-healing ability was relatively scientific - injecting mutant medicine, and through extreme pain, mutant genes were born and the self-healing ability was obtained.

But later, Wade was favored by death and cursed by Thanos, and his abilities gradually became unscientific.

Let's put it this way, unless death gives up on Wade, it will be difficult for Wade to die - the power of death can affect this universe.

"I said, you are not the best in the world, you are just a villain, a villain who is about to receive a lunch box."

Wade said arrogantly, Dr. Eggman was completely angry, and controlled the copycat Veronica to use different methods to kill Wade. He is the number one scientist in the world. There is nothing in this world that can trouble him, nothing!

"The helper Mr. Wang hired is so... wretched."

Raven secretly marveled, and then she used magic to teleport Sonic and the others into the shadows under Veronica's armpits.

"Magic, it's incredible."

Knuckles was a little surprised. Sonic said: "Don't waste time. Mr. Wang said that Dr. Nick is in the robot's head. Let's get there quickly."


Knuckles and Tails nodded, and rushed to the side of the head with Sonic. Then, they used high-frequency shock watches at the same time, and their bodies passed through the steel like phantoms and entered the inside of the head.

Inside the head of the copycat Veronica, Dr. Eggman is floating in the air with green lightning. He keeps controlling the copycat Veronica to kill Wade, completely unaware of the intrusion.

Sonic and the others looked at each other. Knuckles and Tails took the lead in rushing towards Dr. Eggman, with Sonic following behind them.

This was a previously planned tactic. Knuckles and Tails attracted green lightning, allowing Sonic to get closer to Dr. Eggman.

As soon as Sonic and the others moved, Dr. Eggman immediately noticed their arrival. He was a little surprised. Then, with a cold snort, a large amount of green lightning swept towards Sonic and the others.

Knuckles and Tails activated the nanodevices on their bodies at the same time, absorbing green lightning like crazy. Sonic took the opportunity to turn into a ball with flashing electric light, and rushed towards Dr. Eggman as fast as possible.

Dr. Eggman was about to stop Sonic, but at this moment, Tony went crazy outside.

"Nick, thank you for the lightning, return it to you."

Following Tony's voice, the steel suit lit up with dazzling electric light, and a huge beam of light slammed into the head of the copycat Veronica.

Upon receiving the impact, Counterfeit Veronica leaned back involuntarily. At the same time, a huge gap appeared on her head, and a red light representing high temperature flashed next to the gap.

Dr. Eggman's body was connected with the copycat Veronica. The copycat Veronica leaned back, and he also leaned back together, which made him unable to stop Sonic's approach.

Dr. Eggman cursed and leaned as far as he could. Sonic dodged past him without hitting him.

"It seems your plan failed."

Dr. Eggman stabilized his body and laughed. At this moment, Sonic stopped. He held up the King Emerald in his hand and said with a smile: "Sorry, we succeeded."

"Jade, my Jade, you despicable thief."

Dr. Eggman was stunned for a moment, then panicked, and hurriedly controlled the internal defense means of the mecha to catch Sonic.

Although she lost the King Emerald, the copycat Veronica can still use it, but she can no longer realize the incredible skills she had before.

"Didn't you say that only the weak call others despicable?"

Sonic sneered, activated the high-frequency vibration watch, and escaped from the head of the copycat Veronica with the King Emerald, followed closely by Knuckles and Tails.

Dr. Eggman immediately controlled the copycat Veronica to raise her big hand and slapped Sonic violently. Sonic was about to dodge when Andrew's voice sounded in his ears: "Sonic, fuse the King Emerald."

"Fusing King Emerald?"

Sonic was stunned, and then put the King Emerald into his chest. Then, it glowed brightly, and a powerful shock wave swept around. Even the copycat Veronica was pushed back several steps, leaving a trace on the ground. One big footprint after another.

When the shock wave subsided, a handsome yellow humanoid hedgehog with a bright light appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Wow, so handsome."

Everyone's eyes lit up, Sonic is super cool now.

Unlike others, Andrew's eyes were a little weird. At this time, Sonic, with the thorns on his head floating, coupled with the yellow light, looked like a Super Saiyan.

No, it's the Super Saiyan Hedgehog.

"This is unscientific. If you want to change, it will turn into green. Why is it yellow and so similar to a Super Saiyan?"

Andrew complained, which movie is this that has copied so many things? Aren't you afraid of the defendant?

"Give me back my emerald."

Dr. Eggman was the quickest to react. He roared angrily, and the copycat Veronica waved her big hand again and slapped Sonic hard.

Sonic did not dodge. He raised his left hand to block the mecha's big hand. The size of the two hands was hugely different, but the copycat Veronica's big hand was easily blocked. Sonic remained motionless as a shock wave swept around.

"This is impossible."

Dr. Eggman was about to continue his attack when Sonic moved. It fell from the sky like a yellow meteor, smashed through the head of the copycat Veronica, grabbed Dr. Eggman, and flew out from the other side.

Dr. Eggman was shocked. He raised his hands and controlled the copycat Veronica to attack again.

Starfish on the side saw that Dr. Eggman was in bad condition, and immediately waved his wrist and hit Sonic hard.

This starfish is surprisingly a good friend.

At this moment, a laser shot from a distance and instantly penetrated Dr. Eggman's head. Dr. Eggman was filled with disbelief, and his eyes gradually lost their luster.

It was Iron Man Tony who took action. He is not Batman. He is not particular about killing. The situation is so critical now. How can he have time to talk nonsense with you?

Moreover, there is still a virus on Dr. Eggman's side. If he doesn't kill him, he will definitely threaten the whole world with the virus in the end.

It's better to kill him and be done with it.

"Good kill."

Seeing the death of Dr. Eggman, the audience applauded and cheered. That bastard Dr. should have died long ago.

In fact, even the top human beings breathed a sigh of relief. That guy wanted to destroy humanity.

Andrew asked in a low voice: "Moore, have the souls been collected?"

"BOSS, don't worry, the souls have been collected."

Moore nodded. She had been hiding in the darkness, waiting to collect Dr. Eggman's soul and let it work for the Lord of Hell.

After shooting Dr. Eggman, Iron Man quickly flew towards the copycat Veronica. This mecha copied his Veronica, and he deserved it.

With Iron Man's wisdom and Jarvis' ability, it doesn't take long to control the copycat Veronica.


Sonic blinked. He was a little surprised by Dr. Eggman's death. However, he had no intention of objecting and let go of his hand, letting Dr. Eggman's body fall down.

"Sorry, it seems you are not prepared to fail."

Sonic shrugged and dodged Starfish's attack. Then, like a yellow meteor, it hit Starfish's other arm hard. Starfish looked up and fell, kicking up a lot of dust with a roar.

"Wade, jump into the starfish's eyes and kill it. That is its fatal weakness."

Andrew quickly ordered: "Sonic, destroy the equipment and close the portal. Others, clear the way for Sonic."


Everyone nodded, Zatanna, Raven, Knuckles, and Tails followed Sonic and quickly rushed towards the portal.

Wade also ran towards the starfish excitedly. How long can he eat such a big starfish after killing it? It’s going to be posted this time.

Starfish made a strange cry, and the meaning was very clear, asking the monsters to stop the superheroes.

The Three-Eyed Crow immediately used sonic attacks, and everyone covered their ears in pain. Only Sonic was not affected. He flew over and hit the Three-Eyed Crow on the head with a punch.

Bang, the three-eyed crow flew out, crashed through the building next to it and fell into it, losing all movement.

Then, Sonic continued to rush towards the instrument, and other monsters quickly intercepted it. One of the monsters took a deep breath and sprayed a large mouthful of venom towards Sonic like a huge wave.

Sonic accelerated violently, rushed in front of the monster in an arc, and kicked it away. The three-headed snake next to him saw this and bit Sonic with its three heads at the same time.

Sonic's attack was like lightning, and three yellow fists hit the three-headed snake's head at the same time. The three-headed snake flew up and knocked down a monster behind it.

The remaining monsters did not give up and continued to rush towards Sonic. At the same time, some of the monsters that attacked Superman and Fiora continued to entangle the two Kryptonians, and the other part returned with a bang.

Sonic saw this and raised his hands. The sky suddenly turned dark, and countless black clouds gathered. Then, the black clouds turned into a whirlpool, and thousands of thunder flashed and swam in it like silver snakes.

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