American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 655 Captured

"King Emerald? Man, that's something from a fairy tale, not real."

Sonic was stunned: "Even if it is real, how do I know where it is?"

"The clues to the King Emerald have always been in the hands of Longclaw. You are its closest student. It will definitely tell you the clues to the Emerald."

Knuckles said: "Sonic, don't waste my time, hand over the clues quickly."

Longclaw is an owl and Sonic's teacher. A few years ago, he died at the hands of the Echidna family in order to protect Sonic.

"I don't know any clues."

Sonic shouted that before Longclaw died, he only left it with a bag of gold rings and an escape map. There were no clues at all - the map was actually a clue, but Sonic didn't know it.

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude."

Knuckles stopped talking nonsense and quickly rushed towards Sonic with a red light. Sonic saw this and crashed into Knuckles with a blue light.

The next second, two rays of light, one blue and one red, collided violently. With a bang, Sonic flew backwards and rolled on the ground. At the same time, the clothes on his body exploded, revealing the hedgehog's body.


There were exclamations all around, Blue Justice is actually a hedgehog? A talking, super-fast hedgehog?

"This guy is really strong."

Sonic got up from the ground. He was about to fight back, but saw the people around him looking at him in surprise and fear. Only then did he realize that the disguise was gone, and he suddenly felt a little panicked.

At this time, the Flash said: "Sonic is an alien hedgehog. He has been certified by Mr. Wang and is now a reserve member of the Justice League. He is not a bad guy, uh, a bad hedgehog."

"Mr. Wang certified it?"

The eyes of the people immediately softened. Mr. Wang said it was a good person, no, a good hedgehog, so it must be a good hedgehog.

Aliens are not a problem, isn’t Superman also an alien?

Seeing the changes in the eyes around him, Sonic breathed a sigh of relief. With Mr. Wang's endorsement, his superhero career would not be that difficult.

Knuckles shouted again: "Sonic, hand over the clues."

"I told you, I have no clue. You can't understand hedgehogs, can you?"

Sonic shouted angrily, Knuckles snorted, rushed in front of Sonic, and grabbed Sonic's throat with his right hand.

Sonic hurriedly dodged, and Knuckles attacked repeatedly, each punch making the air roar violently.

Sonic had very little combat experience and was no match for Knuckles. He was beaten back and forth, and if nothing else happened, he would be caught by Knuckles soon.

The Flash saw this and wanted to go over to help. At this moment, a red laser shot from the front of the super plane towards the Flash.

The Flash ducked sideways. He looked at the looming figure inside the super plane and asked, "Are you an alien too?"

"Is that important? What's important is that the myth of The Flash will be shattered today."

Dr. Eggman shouted, and then he pressed the button, and the blue hedgehog thorn next to him lit up with dazzling electric light, and the performance of the super aircraft increased crazily.


The Flash snorted and quickly ran towards the super plane. A large number of shooting ports popped up on the super plane, and then dozens of red lasers were fired at the Flash one after another.

"The attack speed of this plane is a bit fast?"

The Flash was a little surprised. Of course, these lasers couldn't do anything to him. He quickly avoided while quickly approaching the super plane.

Super Plane's speed is about the same as Sonic's, while The Flash's speed is faster than Sonic's.

Upon seeing this, Dr. Eggman controlled the shooting port on the right to change the direction, and then a laser beam roared towards the passersby next to him.


The Flash cursed and rushed over to protect passers-by. At this moment, a laser hit his right leg, and he fell forward involuntarily.

The Flash's expression changed, and he waved his arms quickly, and a whirlwind appeared, knocking passers-by off and narrowly dodging the laser - he cared more about the safety of others than himself, this is the Flash.

Flash let out a sigh of relief and fell to the ground, sliding along the ground.

"Question, how do you hit the Flash who is much faster than you?"

Dr. Egghead said proudly: "The answer is simple. First attack a passerby, and then fire the laser in advance on the path that the Flash must pass. This way, you can easily hit the Flash."

Flash, you're not as fast as me now. "

"This guy is so despicable."

The people around him yelled curses and quickly backed away to avoid becoming a tool of the villain.

The Flash got up from the ground, and while using the Speed ​​Force to repair the injury, he said: "I am now very sure that you are from Earth. Why do you want to harm the Earth with aliens?"

"Harm the earth? When did I harm the earth? I am obviously protecting the earth."

Dr. Eggman plausibly said: "As long as we capture that hedgehog, the red echidna will leave the earth, and I will use the hedgehog's body to develop a steel suit more powerful than Tony Stark.

At that time, I will block all enemies and prevent all disasters, and I will become the savior of the earth, hahahaha..."

Hearing Dr. Eggman's wild laughter, the people looked disgusted. This guy is obviously a psychopath. Although we are miserable, we are not so desperate that we need a psychopath to protect us.

"Mr. Wang is right, the villain's excuses are always high-sounding."

The Flash snorted and said, "I will catch you and send you to prison."

"Really? Sorry, I will also capture you and use you to research more powerful weapons."

Dr. Eggman smiled disdainfully and controlled a large number of lasers to shoot at the Flash. The Flash was injured in his right leg and could only turn around and run away, with Dr. Egghead chasing after him.

As mentioned before, the speed of the super plane is equivalent to Sonic's speed, and the injured Flash is almost at the same speed and cannot get away from him.

Dr. Eggman was very excited and kept firing lasers at The Flash. The roads and cars on the ground exploded one after another under the bombardment of lasers.

The Flash gritted his teeth in anger, and he quickly pressed the Justice League's communicator to call for support.

"I come over."

Superman saw the Flash's distress signal, changed his costume in a second, and quickly flew towards Central City.

Superman still wears the dark blue uniform of Krypton, but Andrew has improved it so that it can be equipped instantly, saving a lot of time and a lot of shirts.

"Call support?"

Dr. Eggman's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw the Flash's actions. Although he thought highly of himself, he also knew how powerful the Justice League was.

The Flash's own defense is not strong and he can use conspiracy and calculation. As for Superman, there is really no solution.

After thinking about it, Dr. Eggman no longer chased the Flash, but fired lasers at the pedestrians around him. Although the Flash knew this was a conspiracy, he still rushed towards the pedestrians.

Of course, the Flash was not that stupid. This time, he moved forward in an S shape and Dr. Eggman missed him.

Dr. Eggman snorted and fired several laser beams at several pedestrians on the roadside at the same time. The Flash gritted his teeth and moved forward in a straight line to save people as quickly as possible.

The Flash saved him, but he was pierced through the chest by Dr. Egghead's laser and fell straight down.

Of course, the Flash wasn't dead, just seriously injured.

Dr. Eggman laughed and flew above the Flash. Then, a gravitational force enveloped the Flash and sucked him into the super fighter.

The Flash, capture complete.

Dr. Egghead said arrogantly: "The Justice League is nothing more than that."

On the other side, Sonic was in danger under Knuckles' attack. Knuckles shouted: "Hand over the clues, otherwise not only will you die, but your friends will also die."

"No one can touch my friends."

Sonic was enraged, rolled his body into a rapidly rotating ball, and quickly rushed towards Knuckles with a blue electric light.

Knuckles snorted and struck out with both fists at the same time, hitting Sonic hard.

With a bang, a bolt of lightning swept around, and Sonic flew backwards again. At the same time, Knuckles took several steps back.

Sonic got up from the ground, his head feeling dizzy. Before it could recover, one hand firmly grasped its neck, slamming it into the ground with a bang.

Then, Knuckles raised his fist and was about to beat Sonic, but at this moment, a yellow light hit his body and knocked him away.

Immediately afterwards, a small yellow fox flying with its tail spinning at high speed flew down from the sky and threw a golden ring towards the ground.

The golden ring quickly turned into a portal, and Sonic fell directly into it, followed closely by the little fox.

This little fox is none other than Sonic's fellow countryman Tails. He is an inventor and has invented many good things.

"Don't even try to escape."

Knuckles was furious and hurriedly flew towards the portal. At this moment, the portal disappeared and Knuckles hit the ground with a bang.

Knuckles cursed and shouted through the communicator: "Human, come and pick me up. Sonic has run away. We must find him immediately."

"The hedgehog ran away? This alien is such a waste."

Dr. Eggman cursed secretly, and immediately controlled the super fighter plane to fly above Knuckles. Knuckles jumped on the fighter plane, and the fighter plane quickly drove away.

More than ten seconds later, Superman rushed over. He didn't waste any time and immediately chased the super fighter, only to see the super fighter pass through a portal.

Then, the portal disappeared and Superman lost track of his super fighter.

The only thing that can be faster than Superman and The Flash is teleportation.

Superman hurriedly used the communicator and said to Andrew: "Mr. Wang, the Flash has been captured."

Andrew was supervising the work on the battlestar. He said: "Superman, just wait where you are. I will send Sonic back to Central City immediately. When the time comes, protect it.

As for The Flash, I'll figure it out. "

The positioning device on The Flash has been blocked by Dr. Eggman. Although this guy is an arrogant and crazy person, his intelligence is really not low, otherwise Amanda would not value him so much.

"Okay." Superman nodded and stayed where he was, waiting for Sonic.

"Mr. Wang, are the Justice League going to assemble?"

Cyborg asked, he vaguely felt that the disaster was about to begin again.

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