American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 649 Battle Fortress

"Dr. Robert Nick's character is indeed eccentric, but his intelligence is very high, almost comparable to Tony Stark."

Amanda said: “His drone technology is second in the world, second only to Iron Man’s unmanned suit, and the reason why he is not as good as Iron Man is because he does not have as much money as Iron Man.

If he can get enough funds, I believe he will invent high-tech products that are not inferior to the steel suit.

We are not short of money now, we are just short of products. "

Amanda's words made the senior management a little shaken. He thought about it, closed the document, and said, "Amanda, I can approve both projects, but there must be no problems, otherwise, you will have no choice but to leave."

"Don't worry, I said I won't make the same mistake again."

Amanda said confidently that she had failed once and would never fail again.

When these two things come to fruition, her power in the Sky Eye Society will further increase, and one day, she will ascend to the highest position.

There is a secret underground cave in the forest near Qingshan Town in the United States. At this time, the owner of the underground cave, a half-human-tall blue humanoid hedgehog, is staring at the screen with a very excited expression.

The content on the screen is none other than the image of superheroes returning to Earth from outer space.

"Superheroes are awesome, I want to be a superhero."

The blue hedgehog murmured to himself with a longing look on his face, yes, this hedgehog named Sonic can speak human language.

Immediately, the blue hedgehog said with some frustration: "No, I am an alien. Once discovered by the people on earth, they will definitely capture me for study.

Longclaw also told me that I must keep a low profile and run to the mushroom planet immediately if there is danger.

But I really want to be a superhero, I really want to join the Justice League, I really want to save the world and save people under the command of a commander.

I also want to compete with the Flash to see who is the fastest? "

With that said, Sonic started running wildly in the cave, his speed was extremely fast, and his shadow and dust were everywhere.

That's right, dust, how can it not cause dust at such a fast speed?

Sonic stopped quickly and kept coughing. He looked at the messy cave and couldn't help but slap his forehead. This time, he tidied up a bit.

Sonic sat on the ground, his face full of confusion: "Should I become a superhero?"

In April in the United States, the weather is getting hotter and the beauties are gradually getting cooler. Unfortunately, Andrew is not in the United States now. He is on a space fortress near the moon.

After several months of hard work, although the space fortress has not yet been completed, it is already habitable. The gravity system, air circulation system, and water circulation system have all been arranged.

Today is the day when the first batch of Earth Alliance troops enter the space fortress, so Andrew comes to greet them personally.

After all, Andrew is also a 'landlord'. When security comes to the door, he will always come forward.

"The major countries are so polite. They provide money and people to help me protect the space fortress. As expected, there are still many good people in this world."

Andrew smiled, and Diana asked: "Aren't you afraid that they will occupy the magpie's nest?"

"Of course I'm not afraid. They only have the lowest authority. This place belongs to me."

Andrew said: "No one can take what belongs to me unless I give it to someone else."

"Wow, there it is again, God speaking."

Diana complained, and Andrew laughed and said: "I am God, Diana, when everything is over, I will take you to travel around the universe and see my country.

When we finish traveling in this universe, we will go to other universes. In short, we will always be together. "

"Can God travel to other universes?"

Diana said: "By the way, I still don't believe you are God."

"Sooner or later you'll believe it."

Andrew smiled and said: "Ordinary gods cannot travel through the universe, but I can. I come from another universe. I will tell you this later."

Diana sneered: "The more you say it, the more outrageous it becomes."

Andrew sighed and said: "If you don't believe anything, then if I say that I have several girlfriends in other universes, would you believe it?"

Diana's eyes widened suddenly, and she asked, "Do you have several girlfriends in other universes?"

"You don't believe anything else you say, but you actually believe this sentence right away?"

Andrew complained: "Oh, woman."

Diana said: "Don't change the subject, tell me quickly, what's going on with having so many girlfriends? Tell me honestly."

"That, what is practiced in heaven, is polygamy."

Andrew said, what, heaven is not such a system? Come here, write him a ‘divine decree’.

"You are indeed a false god."

Diana complained, and just as she was about to continue questioning her girlfriend, Alice said: "BOSS, the coalition forces are here."


Andrew nodded, opened the door of the battle fortress, and greeted the coalition forces. Diana glared at Andrew and asked you again when she gets home.

Soon, a large spaceship arrived at the Battle Fortress. It was a spaceship produced by the Stark Group. It was mainly used to transport people and supplies. Although it was not as easy to use as Hancock, it was more stable and cheaper.

Then, the spacecraft opened the hatch, and General Calvin led the top coalition officials to step out of the spacecraft.

General Calvin was not responsible for garrisoning the battlestar; he was only present at the ceremony.

Andrew looked at General Calvin... and William behind him. He was a little surprised. With William's character, he would actually come to the Battle Fortress to take risks?

This is the frontline. Once aliens appear, it will immediately become a war fortress, and the living conditions in the fortress are far inferior to those on Earth.

Of course, there is still a network. As a professional network provider, the network is available wherever Andrew is. The network speed is not slow at all. At the very least, it can be refreshed quickly.

William noticed Andrew's gaze and smiled bitterly. He didn't want to come up either. Who told him to be cheated?

Two months ago, William was promoted to general. He was very happy. His long-cherished wish finally came true.

William's family did not know William's true purpose of becoming a general. They were very pleased to see William's change. His father, who had always glared at him when he saw him, even took the initiative to pat him on the shoulder.

Unexpectedly, those bad old men were very bad. They promoted William so that he could go to the Battlestar to fill holes.

There was no way, a general had to be in charge of the battle fortress, and no one wanted to go, so a new man was promoted and asked to shoulder this important task.

It's not that William never thought about being a deserter, but on the one hand, his family was full of expectations for him, and on the other hand, the woman he liked was also coming to the battle fortress. In the end, he gritted his teeth and took over the position.

This is love.

By the way, the woman who unfortunately fell in love with William was called Rita, the same woman who worked with Andrew before.

"General Calvin, welcome."

Andrew and General Calvin shook hands, and then the welcome ceremony officially began.

I won’t go into details about the ceremony. After the ceremony, the three hundred space recruits were arranged in the novice area of ​​the fortress. They will first receive a month of special training. After the training is completed, they will officially take up their posts.

General Calvin stood in front of the transparent glass, looking at the blue star in the distance, and sighed: "No matter how many times I see it, I still think the earth is beautiful."

Andrew asked: "Does this mean that you already have earth blood and have no plans to return to Mars?"


General Calvin shook his head and said sadly: "There are no more people of mine on Mars. I am truly alone now."

Andrew smiled: "No, you still have us, the Justice League, and the Earth."

"So, I will try my best to protect the earth from being destroyed."

General Calvin thought of something and asked Andrew: "Speaking of which, why have there been so many disasters on the earth in recent years? It's not common sense."

"All I can say is that it will be like this for the next few years."

Andrew shook his head. General Calvin glanced at him and didn't ask any more questions: "It seems that we all have to keep working hard."


Andrew smiled. In the first two years, when everything had just started, I had to work harder, but now that the situation is gradually stabilizing, I can be a little lazy and have fun.

The big framework has been built, and there are more and more trump cards. Basically, it is impossible for Andrew to lose.

The two were chatting, and William came over. Andrew smiled and said to General Calvin: "He must have come to ask me, where is the space fortress transmission device?"

"He's not that bad, he's just too afraid of death."

General Calvin shook his head. Soon, William walked up to the two of them. He said hello first, and then asked impatiently: "Mr. Wang, does the Space Fortress have a teleportation device?"

Andrew and General Calvin laughed at the same time, and Andrew said: "Don't worry, yes, but if you want to catch Rita, you must show your spirit. She doesn't like sissies."

"I can pretend to be brave, but it's my nature to be afraid of death. What can I do?"

William smiled bitterly. He came from a military family and had received a lot of training, but some things were really just nature.

"You were very brave when you killed the Zerg leader."

Andrew said: "There is a holographic simulation system in Battlestar. I use it to play games. If you are interested, you can play with Rita."

"Holographic simulation system? Such a high-end thing, you use it to play games?"

Both William and General Calvin looked incredulous. Andrew spread his hands and said, "Is it very advanced? I spent three days researching it."


William and General Calvin rolled their eyes at the same time. Don't be too Versailles, or you will fall over.

As the battlestar is gradually getting back on track, a group of police officers are chasing bank robbers on the road in Central City, America, performing speed and passion.

Central City is the territory of The Flash. However, this city is not peaceful, but very chaotic.

The reason is simple. The original explosion not only created the Flash, but also created a large number of people with special abilities, such as Weather Wizard, Bomb Girl, Iron Man, Electric Man, etc.

Barry spent more than two years and still couldn't get rid of all these people. There was no way, the villain was too cunning.

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