At the same time that Doomsday escaped, three alien spacecraft simultaneously fired huge plasma beams with a diameter of more than ten meters at the superheroes. They were not watching a show before, but silently concentrated their attacks.

In fact, the Arachnis Zerg are not weak. The reason why they suffered heavy losses before is mainly because the superheroes are too powerful and their methods are too incredible. They have never seen them before.


The expressions of the superheroes who were about to chase changed. Superman and Mary immediately put their hands in front of their bodies to resist the light beam. Then, they were pushed back by the light beam.

Fortunately, that's all. Although this beam of light is powerful, it is not fatal to them who can carry nuclear bombs.

Tony propped up the defensive shield, and at the same time, activated the thrusters on his feet at full strength, flying upwards quickly. He could not retreat. As soon as he retreated, the kryptonite white was activated, and this thing could not be interrupted.

"You can't leave."

Diana was defenseless, her eyes flashed with golden thunder, and at the same time, the God of War armguard on her arm lit up with dazzling lightning.

Then, Diana shouted loudly, slammed her arms together, and hundreds of thunder roared out along with the shock wave, instantly defeating the plasma beam and heading towards the sixteen Doomsday Suns.

The defensive shields on the sixteen Doomsday Suns were broken instantly as if they were made of paper. Then, violent thunder bombarded their bodies, and they couldn't help but scream in agony.

To make matters worse, Tony's green light enveloped them, and their bodies quickly weakened. Soon, all sixteen Doomsdays were burned to ashes by thunder.

Diana exhaled. Even she felt exhausted after using such a big move.

But there is no doubt about the power of this move. After defeating the plasma beam, it can still destroy the Doomsday.

"God has arrived."

Not to mention the enemies, even the superheroes were a little stunned. Mary looked unhappy. We promised to be together for the rest of our lives, why did you suddenly run so far ahead?

It's different when someone opens a small stove.

The top human beings and the audience were also shocked. Immediately, bursts of cheers rang out across the earth, and countless people said that Wonder Woman would be their goddess from now on.

Ha, it’s not the same as before.

Suddenly facing so many competitors, the 'very low-key Wonder Woman boyfriend' said...well, there is no pressure at all, Diana will always be his, this is God's decision.

"Let's go and help Fiora deal with the remaining Doomsday, then destroy the three alien spaceships and rush back to Earth."

Tony yelled as the green light in his head disappeared, another kryptonite, gone.


Everyone wasted no time and immediately rushed towards the remaining sixteen Doomsday Suns. Fiora was overjoyed and finally came to help. She was almost exposed by those Doomsday Suns' true strength.

"What a scary Amazon princess."

Luther took a breath, and General Zod also looked solemn. Although he had always believed that the Kryptonians were the strongest, the blow that Diana had just dealt would have only one result if he was on the battlefield, and that was death.

"Luthor, do you have any other preparations?"

General Zod asked: "If not, it will probably fail again this time."

Uh, why do you say that again?

"Of course."

Luther smiled and said: "Although I didn't expect the shrinking nuclear bomb, the shrinking ray, and I didn't expect the Amazon princess to be so powerful, but I know that superheroes are not so easy to defeat.

Therefore, I prepared some means in advance, such as these failed products. "

Following Luther's voice, a large number of strange-shaped Kryptonians and Doomsdays opened their eyes in a small spaceship near the battlefield. Then, they left the spacecraft and flew quickly towards the battlefield.

It goes without saying that there will be failures in any experiment, but the two high-end experiments of cloning Kryptonians and creating the Doomsday have more failures than other experiments.

Luther did not throw away all these failures, but used special technology to freeze them, and then threw them out to fight at the critical moment.

Most of these failures don't survive an hour, but what's the problem with that? They are cannon fodder anyway, so they might still have some time left.

Seeing this, the brainworms in the alien spacecraft sent a large number of flying bugs to support the hundreds of monsters. At the same time, the plasma bugs charged up again and prepared to attack.

The brainworm is determined to obtain the genes of superheroes. These earthlings are so powerful that they were hit by a plasma beam, but they were not injured at all and were still alive and kicking.

"Shet, what are these?"

Seeing the hundreds of failed products rushing towards us, everyone's expressions changed at the same time. Lex Luthor laughed and said: "This is the second gift I gave you, do you like it?

Do you think you are going to win soon? Dream, as long as I am here, you will never win, I have many tricks. "

"It's the same as we were the ones who lost last time."

Tony pulled out the Kryptonite knife and shouted: "Superman, you step back and use the heat ray."


Superman had no nonsense and immediately retreated. Although he was protected by nanoparticles, the armor was easily destroyed during the battle and he was not suitable to stay on the battlefield.

Fiora thought for a while and did not go to meet with everyone. She continued to contain the Sixteen Doomsdays to prevent the situation from getting worse.

Soon, hundreds of failed products rushed in front of Diana, Mary, and Tony. They were full of pain and madness, completely regardless of themselves, and desperately attacked everyone, as if they wanted to pull people back.

Tony raised the Kryptonite sword. Under the illumination of green light, the Kryptonian monster's strength began to decline rapidly.

The monsters were very angry about this and rushed towards Tony crazily.

"They don't have the intelligence to take advantage of this."

Tony's eyes flashed, and he swung the kryptonite sword and chopped off the heads of several Doomsdays one after another.

Unfortunately, this did not frighten the monsters, but made them even more angry. Three deformed Kryptonians rushed towards Tony at the same time. Tony snorted coldly and slashed the three Kryptonians into six with the long kryptonite knife.

Tony was about to put away the knife. At this moment, the corpses of the three Kryptonians exploded, and a large amount of black liquid splashed onto Tony and the kryptonite knife, making a sizzling sound.

This is a corrosive liquid. Whether it is aerospace alloy or kryptonite, it is corroded and the surface is pitch black.

The light of the kryptonite sword dimmed by half, and the monsters' pressure was greatly reduced, and they rushed towards them more and more crazily. Tony cursed, Lex Luthor was so despicable, he actually tampered with the monsters.

"The acid from the Zhapu planet can corrode kryptonite. You can use more of it next time."

Luther noted this with satisfaction. He had done more than that on the monster. A moment later, a Doomsday's body suddenly exploded, almost shattering the kryptonite knife.

The material of kryptonite is not too strong, it is almost the same as ordinary stone.

Being plotted one after another, Tony was inevitably a little helpless. At this time, those flying insects flew over and besieged Tony, separating him from the others.

Space is very vast, and the kryptonite sword was plotted again, greatly reducing the scope of influence. As soon as Tony was separated, the strength of the other monsters immediately returned to normal, and they frantically besieged Mary, Diana, and Superman behind them.

"I hate this monster."

Mary punched a monster's head open, and then she shouted to Diana: "Diana, can you use that trick again?"

"That's a big move, how can you keep using it?"

Diana rolled her eyes, summoned her clones, and together they wielded the Vulcan Sword to kill the monsters.

Although the superheroes are desperate, there is no doubt that they are restrained again and it is impossible to deal with these enemies in a short time.

"It's fucking Lex Luthor again."

The audience yelled and cursed, and just as they were about to open up the situation, Luther destroyed it. At this moment, Luther became the most hated person on the planet.

Some people even searched online to see if Luther had any relatives. Although it was not a good thing to express anger, it was human nature.

Not to mention ordinary people, even the government and the military are preparing to seize all the assets of the Luther family.

"If Lex Luthor is not eliminated, the consequences will be endless."

Andrew said, and Neptune shouted: "I said at that time, kill that guy directly, but you have to follow the rules and the bottom line. Now, okay, have you caused such a big trouble?"

Batman shook his head: "It was the right choice at the time. No one thought that Luthor would be so evil."

"So what if you want to, will you kill me?"

Aquaman sneered. He didn't object to Batman's no-kill strategy before, but now, he hates it very much. Some people deserve to die, such as the Joker and Luthor.

"Next time we encounter something like this, we can be more resolute."

Green Lantern also said, and Batman said: "The bottom line is the bottom line, we are superheroes, not super villains."

"Hey, you're not going to start a fight right now, are you? Or do you want to laugh Bugs and Lex Luthor to death?"

Andrew said angrily: "Spread your anger on the bugs. Also, don't worry, we won't lose, we will definitely win."

Aquaman and Green Lantern exhaled at the same time. On the one hand, they were angry with Luther, and on the other hand, they were worried about the situation of the earth. With so many bugs, the earth must have suffered heavy losses.

More people probably died in this disaster than before. After all, it was a real alien invasion.

"The other side of the Earth?"

Andrew turned to look at Houston on Earth. The ordinary army, the exoskeleton mechanical army, and the suicide squad had all entered the scene and were fighting bugs in the city.

Generally speaking, the situation is not optimistic. The bugs are not only numerous in number, but also powerful. Ordinary troops are basically cannon fodder.

If the exoskeleton soldiers fight head-on, they can barely do it one-on-one, but the alien bugs are good at hiding and burrowing into the ground, and they often make sneak attacks, causing heavy losses to the soldiers.

If this continues, even if the bug is eventually eliminated, Houston will become a ruined, dead city.

In fact, if the Justice League does not return, it will not be that easy to solve the problem.

"It seems that another trump card is about to be revealed."

Andrew thought secretly, and at this moment, time suddenly went back to when hundreds of monsters just rushed in front of Tony and the others.

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