American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 623 Villains


The audience looked confused, and then yelled, this clown was as bad as the rumors said.

"Back to the topic, who can say no to a poor disabled beggar? So, I made his wish come true and become a nuclear bomb man."

The Joker continued: "However, the nuclear explosion time is one hour later. Batman, superheroes, if you can't defeat me within one hour, then I'm sorry, Gotham will be razed to the ground.

Okay, this news broadcast is over. At the end of the news, I leave you with a small question: Do you think, how many people in the world want to become nuclear bombers? "

The first half of the clown's words made countless people furious, but the second half of his words made everyone feel as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, and their whole bodies were as cold as ice.

They thought too simply before. If the whole world really made a wish, it would not be as simple as chaos, and the whole world would be destroyed.

There are more than six billion people in the world, and it is perfectly normal for there to be hundreds of anti-human elements.

"Superheroes, we must defeat the clown."

The audience looked at the screen and kept praying. Their hearts were full of fear, and the only people they could rely on were superheroes.

"Superheroes, it's all up to you."

In fact, even the military and the White House are praying that this time, the nuclear bomb will be useless and they will be unable to do anything.

"The Nuclear Man, the Orangutan, and the Botanical Garden. How long have it been before three major disasters have occurred?"

Tony used lasers to cut off the bodies of the two clowns, and at the same time complained: "Good news, this time it is no longer a double annihilation crisis. Bad news, this time it is a ten-fold, a hundred-fold, a thousand-fold crisis of annihilation."

Andrew sighed and said: "The ability of the wishing crystal is very buggy. What's worse is that it falls into the hands of the clown."

"We must find the clown as soon as possible and end this. Mr. Wang, has Fiora found the clown's location?"

Batman asked: "The people in the Joker Gang are all mentally ill and unwilling to speak. The more I torture him, the more excited he gets."

Fiora never took action. She flew in the sky, using her super vision and super hearing to find traces of the clown.

"We haven't found it yet. The clown looks crazy, but he is actually very smart. He will definitely be on guard against our abilities."

Andrew said: "However, the clown is not the kind of person who likes to hide behind the scenes. He will definitely perform on stage. It won't be long before he appears."

Batman said in a deep voice: "The problem is, we don't have time to wait for him to perform. The longer we delay, the more dangerous the world will be."

Tony said angrily: "Let's deal with these clown gang guys first. If you can't even deal with them, what's the use of finding the clowns?"

At this moment, the ground suddenly turned pitch black, and most people's feet were stuck and unable to move.

"Fuck them all to death."

Immediately afterwards, with a loud shout, countless lightning bolts flew out from a nearby building, illuminating the surrounding area so white that it was impossible to even open one's eyes.

When the lightning disappeared, hundreds of clown gang members fell to the ground with black smoke rising from their bodies.

"So cruel?"

Neptune swallowed, turned to look towards the building, and found Mary and Raven flying out of the hole at the same time.

It was obvious that they had jointly unleashed the previous killing moves.

The ability of the members of the Clown Gang to die together is almost impossible to solve for people on the technology side, but it is not too troublesome for Raven on the magic side. She pulled out a piece of Mary's hair and used it to make a puppet to divert fate. , the ability to successfully crack the opponent.

Then, the Raven Gang Mary recovered, and the two women saw that there were more and more members of the Clown Gang, so they simply hid in the building and prepared their killing moves, and then killed them all.

Of course, not all members of the Clown Gang have been defeated. Some clowns with special abilities are still there, such as the Clown Captain, the Clown Stone Man, etc.

Seeing everyone's awed gazes, Mary was very proud. She had made a big fool of herself before, but now she had finally won back her face.

Andrew praised: "As expected of my ex-wife, she is so terrifying."

"My ex-wife is really terrifying."

The superheroes and the audience nodded at the same time. There was only a wrong name, not a wrong nickname. The nickname of ex-wife was well deserved.

Mary's face was full of black lines, and she stared at Andrew fiercely, why didn't she just kill this guy together? My ex-wife takes care of the whole family.

Mary felt that if she turned black one day, it would definitely have something to do with Andrew.

Batman said: "Without further ado, let's deal with the remaining clowns and find the real clown."


Everyone was about to take action, but at this moment, there was a burst of applause. Everyone turned their heads and saw a man in a suit walking towards them with a group of 'mental patients' wearing Arkham Asylum's exclusive costumes.

Batman's expression suddenly became extremely solemn. The Joker actually rescued all the villains.

Andrew sighed: "Now we are in trouble. Gotham City has a simple folk customs and Arkham has a lot of talents. These people are all tough."

"Gotham is a city with simple folk customs, and Arkham is full of talented people?"

Batman glanced at Andrew speechlessly. I think you are conceiving me, but I have no proof.

The audience wanted to laugh a little. Who doesn’t know what’s going on in Gotham City? Tourists who go to Gotham City are embarrassed to say they have been there without being robbed more than three times.

Tony shook his head, for the second time, he had to find a way to completely eliminate Arkham Asylum. Every villain was equivalent to a bomb that could explode at any time.

"Batman, I'm back. This time, I'll tear every bone in your body."

A super strong man stepped forward and shouted to Batman in a ferocious voice. He was Bane, and Batman had his spine broken by him.

Batman narrowed his eyes. Bane's biggest weakness is that he needs to wear a respirator all the time. The problem is that he is not wearing it now. In other words, the other party made a wish, but he doesn't know what wish he made.

This time the Justice League will face an enhanced version of the super villain.

Andrew said: "Ask Bain for bone-setting massage, and ask the Riddler for diligent study."

Everyone looked at Andrew speechlessly, are you still addicted to playing? Batman touched his spine, wanting to curse.

At this time, the clown in the sky laughed loudly: "Batman, aren't you surprised to see so many old friends?

I know you want to find me, let's play a game. Each of these people has a clown card, one of which says my current location. As long as you find this card, you will know where I am.

In addition, dear Batman, I will give you a hidden mission. As long as you kill any one of them, I will appear in front of you immediately.

Am I good enough for you? "

Batman said coldly: "Joker, I will definitely catch you."

"I'm waiting for you."

The Joker said: "However, you don't have much time. The gorilla virus, Poison Ivy's botanical garden, Nuclear Man, Batman, your beloved Gotham will soon be in ruins, haha."

After saying that, the clown's projection returned to its original position, looking down at the show from top to bottom. He, the clown, likes to watch the fun most.

"Ape virus, Poison Ivy's botanical garden, what is that?"

The audience kept asking questions on the screen. These two things, just by the names, they knew they were not a good thing.

Andrew did not answer the audience. He said: "There is nothing to say, knock down this group of talents and find the clowns."


The superheroes nodded at the same time, and the supervillains grinned without any fear.

Then, Bane flew into the sky, his eyes lit up red, and two heat rays shot fiercely at Batman.

"Shet, Superman Bane."

Everyone's expressions changed. It was obvious that Superman's ability was transferred to Bane.

"Jarvis, throw the anti-Kryptonian suit from the satellite."

Tony said while controlling the nano shield to block the heat ray.

When Bain saw this, he was about to change his attack method. At this moment, a bolt of lightning struck him hard. Even now, he couldn't help but let out a scream, but it was Mary who took action.

"They say I'm a fake Superman, let me see how strong the real Superman is?"

Mary rushed towards Bain with a strong wind. Bain roared and faced him angrily.

The next second, the two figures collided hard, and a shock wave swept across the surroundings. Countless glasses shattered and fell down with crackles.

Then, Mary flew out and knocked through a building behind her. Bain laughed loudly and chased after her with great ferocity.

The two supermen fought in the air, and the surrounding buildings began to suffer damage one after another.

At the same time, others also began to fight. Neptune faced a giant zombie with white hair, that was Solomon Grandy, who had an immortal body and was extremely powerful.

When the Flash confronts the bald Mr. Freeze, the opponent will release cold air. The Flash cannot get close to him at all and can only keep wandering around.

Green Lantern faced Two-Face, who had been burned on the left side of his face. Facing the green sledgehammer that Green Lantern smashed down, Two-Face bounced the coin up and waited for it to fall.

"Sorry, I'm lucky this time."

Two-Face glanced at the coin in his hand and said with a smile. The next second, Green Lantern and Two-Face switched places, and Green Lantern was knocked away by his own hammer.

Two-Face laughed loudly. He liked the ability to make wishes and get them. Everything was determined by coins, and fate was the most just.

Raven faced off against Captain Clown. The opponent could only reflect physical attacks but not mental attacks. Raven used dream magic to pull him into a dream.

However, this does not mean that everything is fine, because Captain Clown is a psychopath, and it is not easy for Raven to deal with him.

Cyborg faced the mechanized supervillain, and the two robots' fists and kicks kept making clanging sounds.

Batman faced the Riddler in green clothes. The Riddler said with a smile on his face: "I made a wish to the clown and got an arena. Batman, ten riddles. If you guess any one wrong, you will die. By the way, every time This riddle is limited to three minutes."

Batman raised his hand and shot a dart at the Riddler. It couldn't solve the riddle, but it could solve the Riddler.

Unfortunately, the Bat Dart fell to the ground before it hit the Riddler. Batman frowned and wanted to leave, but was blocked by an invisible barrier.

The Riddler laughed loudly: "Sorry, no one can leave before the competition is over."

Batman looked a little ugly, but he could only play games with the Riddler.

Tony faced the Scarecrow and asked in shock: "Why are you here? Weren't you locked up by the military for experiments? Is the military holding you back again?"

After the incident of Fear of the Lantern Beast, Scarecrow was taken away by the military and has been used as an experimental subject for more than a year.

Not only did Tony doubt the military, but the audience also doubted it. In fact, even the top military officials themselves also doubted it. General Calvin immediately scolded: "Go and investigate this matter quickly."

There is no way, the reputation of the American military is too bad.

"Half an hour ago, I was indeed in charge of research in the military laboratory."

The Scarecrow said happily: "Later, one of my younger brothers made a wish for me to return to Gotham City, so I came back.

In order to repay you for taking care of me, I may make a wish, Iron Man, and the military. I will repay you well and make you feel your deepest fear. "

As the Scarecrow shouted, his body swelled rapidly, and soon he turned into a yellow fear lantern beast, which looked similar to a tentacle monster.

"Gotham is filled with fear. My power is limitless. Iron Man, feel the fear."

Scarecrow roared, and his tentacles hit Iron Man one after another.

"Shet, I saw this disgusting monster again."

Iron Man cursed and flew up to avoid the tentacles. Scarecrow was about to continue his attack when a huge steel box fell from the sky and hit him hard on the head. He screamed and fell to the ground with a bang, kicking up a lot of dust.

This steel box was a box containing the anti-Kryptonian suit. Tony opened his hands and quickly equipped the anti-Kryptonian suit.

As soon as Tony was equipped, the Scarecrow flipped off the box and flew into the sky again. Then, he roared and a large number of yellow beams shot densely at Tony from his tentacles.

Tony snorted coldly and used a nano-shield to block all the yellow beams. Then, he shouted loudly and dozens of red lasers roared out, shooting holes into the Scarecrow's body.

Unfortunately, the Scarecrow can heal himself, and the injuries on his body recover quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. He yelled: "As long as there is fear in Gotham, I will not die. Iron Man, you must be the one who dies today."

After saying that, the Scarecrow waved his tentacles and hit him hard again. Tony cursed, this guy is not too strong, but it is obviously not that easy to kill him.

"These villains are difficult to deal with."

Watching the battle on the screen, the audience was filled with tension. Can the superheroes win? If they lose, the world will be over.

General Calvin asked the same question: "Mr. Wang, can the Justice League win? The situation does not look optimistic. Also, where did Wonder Woman, Fiora, Superman, Hancock and the others go?"

"They have their mission. As for whether they can win, don't worry, I have never lost."

Andrew didn't say much, he asked: "Has the army entered the city?"

"We had already entered the city. We originally wanted to move the people out. However, after the army entered the city, the bridge leading out of the city was blown up."

General Calvin smiled bitterly. If you want to leave Gotham, you must pass through the cross-sea bridge. Once the bridge is blown up, you can only take a boat or a plane.

Thanks to this week’s book friends 20211028091311259, Flying Fei Xiao, book friend 20210719233658364, and book friend 20170301112942913 for their rewards. Thank you all for your subscriptions and monthly votes this month.

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