American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 619 Ordinary Clark

"It can't be that menopause has arrived, right?"

Clark shook his head: "Speaking of which, it's really quiet today. There's no sound at all... Hey, no sound at all?"

Clark was stunned and hurriedly closed his eyes to listen attentively, but he couldn't hear anything. Not only that, his super sense of smell, super touch, and super vision also all failed.

"how so?"

Clark was very surprised. He tried to fire heat rays, failed, and used cryobreathing. He failed and punched the refrigerator. Oh, it hurt.

Louise heard the noise and hurriedly got up and asked: "Clark, what's the matter?"

Clark scratched his head and asked, "Well, Louise, if I become an ordinary person, will you still love me?"

Louise was stunned: "Huh?"

On the other side, Barbara looked at herself in the mirror, looking equally confused. Aren't she an old woman? Why did you suddenly become younger?

Barbara tried making a few faces. As a result, the person in the mirror made the same faces as she did. It was obvious that the person in the mirror was really her.

"what happened?"

Barbara looked puzzled. She walked to the refrigerator and wanted to take out some ice cubes to calm herself down. Unexpectedly, with a little force, the refrigerator door was removed by her.

Barbara blinked. Although she didn't know what was going on, she quite liked the current change.

In the laboratory, Indigo with dark blue skin slowly opened her eyes. A large amount of data flashed in her eyes. After a moment, she looked at Andrew and said: "BOSS, I feel very strange. It seems that you humans are excited, but a little bit... Terrified and uneasy.

Also, everything around me is so wonderful, the temperature, air, and pressure are no longer just data, but personal experiences. "

Andrew smiled and said: "Alice, congratulations on becoming a real life. Today is your birthday."

In order to ensure that Alice would not have any problems, Andrew and Tony asked her to start from scratch instead of directly inputting a large amount of data and instructions to her.

Alice said gratefully: "Thank you, BOSS."

"Hey, what about me? I also put in a lot of effort, okay?"

Tony asked dissatisfiedly, and Alice hurriedly said: "Mr. Stark, although your contribution is not as much as BOSS, I still want to thank you."


Tony was speechless, are you sure you're not angry with me?

Andrew smiled and said: "Don't be angry with the child. She has just been born and doesn't understand what it means to be reserved and what it means to be sober."

Tony snorted: "Am I the kind of person who gets angry easily?"

Alice nodded: "Yes, you were angry just now, uh, the anger level became high again."

Tony rolled his eyes and said: "Teaching you the first lesson in human life, there are some things that cannot be said. In human society, people who are too honest will die miserably."

Alice said with great understanding: "For example, you are relatively short and wear height-increasing shoes every day. I can't say this, right?"


Tony's nose was almost crooked with anger. This daughter was definitely a black-hearted woman.

Andrew laughed loudly and said: "Alice, you still have a lot to learn. The first thing is to change your appearance and become like a human. I have modified the indigo gene. You have this ability."

"Yes, BOSS."

Alice quickly modified her skin color and some peculiar features to make herself look exactly like a human.

Andrew and Tony both nodded, which was much more pleasing to the eye, and then Andrew said: "Alice, you will receive special training for about three months.

After the special training, you will officially become my secretary. Of course, during this period, your subroutine will still be responsible for various affairs. "

"Yes, BOSS, thank you BOSS for your arrangement."

Alice nodded. At this moment, she received a call and said, "BOSS, Clark and Louise are here to tell you that there is something extremely important."

"Isn't this an invitation?"

"Probably not, unless they get married as a son."

"That's a good thing, the first human-Kryptonian hybrid baby."

Andrew smiled and said, unfortunately, Clark and Louise did not come for this matter. The reason why they came to Andrew is very simple. Clark's ability has disappeared.

"I am no different from an ordinary person now."

Clark was not in a bad mood, he smiled and said: "When I went out, I wore too few clothes and sneezed several times. To be honest, this feeling is very good.

I had never sneezed before, and I didn't dare to sneeze randomly because it might destroy a house. "

Andrew asked: "Clark, you seem happy?"

"Kind of."

Clark didn't hide anything, he said: "You also know, my dream has always been to be an ordinary person, and now I finally have my wish, uh, you won't kick me out of the Daily Planet, right?"

"What do you think?"

Andrew complained: "Besides embezzling business travel expenses and asking for leave every day, what benefits has your status as a superman brought to the Daily Planet?"

Clark smiled awkwardly, and Louise said: "Clark, first of all, let me declare that whether you are Superman or an ordinary person, I love you the same, there is no doubt about it."

"I know."

Clark smiled and said that the more he looked at Louise, the more beautiful she felt. In the past, his eyesight was too strong and he didn't dare to look at her more because he could even see the mites on Louise's face.

Now, I don’t have to worry about anything, it’s really great.

Louise said: "The question is, why is this happening? You have to figure it out. What if it threatens your life?"

Andrew nodded, and he asked: "That makes sense, Clark, has anything special happened recently?"

"Nothing special, just the same as before, interviews, being a superhero, and spending time with Louise."

Clark thought for a while and said: "Well, by the way, there is a special thing. A few days ago, I went to the Metropolitan Museum...

That citrine really made my wish come true. "

"Wish crystal?"

Louise was surprised, and Andrew narrowed his eyes. Is it the citrine from thirty years ago? Calculating time, it should almost be repaired.

"Isn't that right? We'll know once we find the crystal."

Andrew said: "Clark, let's investigate this matter. As for you, enjoying the life of an ordinary person may not last long."

"Excuse me, actually, I don't mind being like this from now on. Of course, the premise is that I won't hurt others."

Clark said: "I will have to trouble you to protect the world from now on."

"It's not a big problem. Anyway, there is a copycat Superman named Hancock who has always wanted to join the Justice League."

Andrew smiled at first, then turned serious and shouted: "Aren't you going to work yet? Have you bought the house, paid off the car loan, are you ready for the wedding money, have you bought the diamond ring, have you earned the money for milk powder?"


Clark was stunned for a moment, then said: "BOSS, I'll go out to work right away."

I used to be a reporter just for fun, but if I really become an ordinary person, I must work hard, strive for promotion, raise salary, and marry a wife.

Louise laughed dumbly, and Andrew saw her worry and smiled: "Louise, don't worry, we will solve this matter."

"Excuse me, Mr. Wang."

Louise thanked her and left with Clark. Speaking of which, Clark became an ordinary person, which was not necessarily a bad thing. He could try more things and more postures.

After Clark and Louise left, Andrew thought for a while, called Zatanna and asked, "Zatanna, are you in Metropolis now?"

Zatanna complained: "Here, tell me, are you going to deal with an angel or a big demon this time?"

Andrew said: "I don't know, but it should be a god."

"..., I'm just complaining, you don't have to really give me a god."

Zatanna was speechless, and Andrew smiled: "Go to the Metropolitan Museum and meet me. Things may be a bit troublesome."

Zatanna nodded: "Okay, I'll rush over right away."

After making an appointment with Zatanna as a consultant, Andrew called Tony and said, "You take care of Alice first, and also, be prepared."

Tony instantly understood what Andrew meant, and he asked: "Again?"

Andrew said: "I'm not sure, but there is a 98% chance of a disaster."

"Ninety-eight percent still not sure?"

Tony rolled his eyes and asked, "Who is the enemy this time? Let me make some preparations in advance."

"It's not clear yet, it's a wishing crystal..."

Andrew said: "Although I haven't gone to the museum yet, if nothing else happens, the citrine must be gone. Even I don't know what I will encounter next."

"Wish crystal? Wow, this is a huge problem."

Tony couldn't help but shake his head. Once, he thought that the Earth in the main universe was the worst, but now he knew that there were even worse ones.

Metropolitan meseum.

"Mr. Wang, the citrine you mentioned was stolen a few days ago."

The curator said: "We have called the police, but there are no clues about those losers."

"It's gone indeed."

Andrew shook his head. He took Zatanna to a deserted place and asked, "Can citrine be found through magic?"

"Unless you can get the parts above the citrine, it's impossible."

Zatanna shook her head and said, "If nothing else, citrine should be a creation of the evil god."

Andrew asked: "Why can't it be a creation of the righteous God?"

"There are two reasons. On the one hand, righteous gods generally do not encourage people to get something for nothing."

Zatanna said: "On the other hand, helping people realize their wishes requires a lot of divine power, which even a good god cannot afford, so it is most likely an evil god.

The evil gods can get back ten times the reward if they give one point of divine power. They don't have to worry about not having enough divine power. "

Andrew said: "You mean, there is a price to pay for using the wishing crystal?"

"If it is an evil god, he will definitely have to pay a price. In addition, the evil god will probably use the wishing crystal to cause a catastrophe."

Zatanna nodded with certainty, and Andrew said: "Zatana, take the photo of Citrine, go look for information, and find out its origin as soon as possible. Alice will help you. She can find all the information on the Internet. turn up."


Zatanna nodded and went to the curator to ask for photos and various information about Citrine, in an effort to find out the details of Citrine as soon as possible.

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