American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 611 Appearance

In the underground base, the fierce battle continues. Overall, the situation is not bad.

Zatanna teamed up with Raven to deal with the Three Palace Demons. The Three Palace Demons were just a consciousness, and gradually fell into passivity under the siege of the two women.

The two 'father and daughter' Batman teamed up to deal with Man-Bat, Constantine dealt with Cyborg, and the Flash used the Speed ​​Force to recover from his injuries. He had been hit by Superman's heat ray before and was seriously injured.

As for Diana, she is beating Superman.

Diana has the God of War armband and can also create phantom clones. Her strength is not inferior to that of Superman, not to mention that Superman has no resistance to magic.

"Superman, it's time to wake up."

More than a dozen Dianas swung the swords of Vulcan and slashed at Superman with all their strength. Superman's body rotated rapidly, and heat rays swept around. Not only did Diana's phantoms disappear, but even the man-bats were killed in large pieces.

At this moment, Diana's body suddenly appeared behind Superman, and the shield slammed into the back of Superman's head.

Superman turned around immediately and raised his arm to block Diana's shield. Diana had expected it, jumped up, and hit Superman's forehead with her head with a dazzling thunder light.

Superman stepped back continuously, and a black shadow flew out of his head and fled into the distance.

Diana immediately released thunder to destroy the shadow, and then she asked Superman warily: "Superman?"

"I recovered."

Superman raised his head, his eyes quickly returned to normal, he touched his forehead and complained: "Wonder Woman, your head is really hard."

"No wonder Louise always said you couldn't speak."

Diana looked disgusted. She threw a ball of lightning to Superman and said, "I'm going to help Zatanna. You take this ball of lightning to help Cyborg return to normal."


Superman nodded, caught the lightning and rushed towards Cyborg quickly. Then, he seized an opportunity and blasted the lightning on Cyborg's head. Cyborg screamed and retreated, and a black shadow flew out of his head.

Superman immediately fired a heat ray, destroying the shadow.

At the same time, Diana held the Vulcan Sword and quickly rushed towards the Three Palace Demon.

Seeing the arrival of reinforcements, Raven was delighted. While controlling the crow to attack the Three Palace Demons, she shouted: "Three Palace Demons, you are going to lose."

"That's right, you're going to lose."

Zatanna used irony magic to continuously superimpose the slow state on the Three Palace Demon, making him slower and slower.

"I never expected that Ares, the majestic god of war, would be refined into a divine weapon."

The Three Palace Demon sighed a little, and he said: "My dear daughter, things will not end like this. Let's play slowly and I will definitely leave the seal."

After saying that, the Three Palace Demon was about to explode himself and let the power seeds escape. At this moment, he sensed something and was overjoyed, chanting a mysterious spell quickly.

Accompanied by the spell of the Three Palace Demon, a soul space vortex suddenly appeared in front of him. Then, thousands of resentful souls flew out of the vortex and were swallowed by him.

Raven and Zatanna's expressions changed dramatically at the same time, but they had no time to stop them.

After devouring the soul, the Three Palace Demon's momentum surged. He laughed loudly and instantly broke away from Zatana's slow magic. Zatanna groaned, which was the backlash from the magic.

"My good daughter, I'm sorry, but today the goddess of luck is on my side, ready to wait for me to favor her."

A huge ball of fire came out of the mouth of the Three Palace Demon and enveloped the nine crows. The nine crows quickly died in the flames.

This wasn't over yet. Then, a large number of black shadows flew out from the feet of the Three Palace Demons and spread rapidly toward the others.

"Why do so many resentful souls suddenly appear in Metropolis?"

Raven's expression was extremely ugly. The Three Palace Demon was a big demon with the ability to swallow resentment and souls. Resentment souls were the best tonic for him.

"Don't worry about what's going on above, destroy these shadows first."

Zatanna shouted, quickly condensing a magic circle, and then a large number of rockets roared out, burning the black shadows on the ground.

Raven reacted and hurriedly released dark energy bombs to destroy these black shadows.


Once Superman was bitten by a snake, he was afraid of straw ropes for ten years and immediately flew back. At the same time, he nervously looked around to see if there was any black shadow.

He didn't want to be controlled anymore, it felt so bad and embarrassing.

Batman and Damian also increased their vigilance. Damian thought for a moment and simply put up a defensive shield to protect himself and Batman.

Although this long dress is very shameful, I have to say that its function is really powerful. Maybe it can be used again in the future... No, no matter how powerful it is, I will never wear it again.

"Superman, this doesn't look like you."

Diana smiled, swung the Vulcan Sword forcefully, and several bolts of thunder roared out, destroying all the remaining black shadows.

Seeing that all the black shadows disappeared, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Diana was about to rush towards the Three Palace Demons. At this moment, a figure slammed into her, knocking her out and smashing into the wall with a bang.

Superman turned around and saw that it was the Flash who knocked Diana away. His eyes were dark.

"You think I want to control you? That's just bait. What I really want to control is him."

The Three-Gong Demon laughed, and the Flash turned into a bolt of lightning and quickly ran outside with the Three-Gong Demon.

Superman immediately wanted to catch up, but Zatanna shouted: "Superman, don't act alone, the Trinidad is very powerful now."

Superman stopped subconsciously. If he acted alone, he would probably be controlled again.

Diana got up and shouted: "Batman, Constantine, you handle the matter here, Cyborg, Zatanna, Raven, Superman, let's chase them out together, don't be left alone."


Superman, Zatanna, Raven, and Cyborg nodded at the same time, and quickly flew outside with Diana.

As for Batman, Constantine, and Damian stayed to deal with the remaining Man-bats. Constantine was very satisfied with this. He did not want to face the current Three Palace Demons at all.

The three-house demon that absorbed a large number of souls was completely different from the previous creature.

Batman immediately told Andrew what happened here. Seeing the chain reaction, Andrew couldn't help but cursed: "Damn the military."

Not only Andrew was scolding, but the audience was also scolding. The live broadcast screen was always split into two, so they knew the situation in the underground base very well.

Anyone who is not too stupid can guess where those resentful souls come from.

Now, it's really troublesome.

At the exit of the underground base, with a flash of lightning, two people appeared out of thin air, it was the Flash and the Three Palace Demons.

“Go where there are people nearby, the more people the better.”

The Three Palace Demon took a look around and ordered that the underground base was built in a remote place and there were not many people nearby.

The Flash didn't waste any time and immediately took the Three Palace Demons to a nearby residential area.

The disaster didn't start long enough, and people didn't have time to evacuate. In addition, many people chose to hide at home and were unwilling to leave. Therefore, there were still a large number of remaining citizens in the city.

When these citizens saw the Three Palace Demon, they were stunned for a moment, then turned and ran away, screaming.

"Run away. The more you run away, the happier I will be."

The Three Palace Demon said with a ferocious expression. Then, he flew into the sky, waved his hand, and hundreds of fireballs appeared out of thin air, whizzing down.

Boom boom boom...

The fireball fell on the ground, and exploded on cars, people, and buildings one after another. Air waves rolled and flames spread. Residential areas quickly turned into seas of flames, and even buildings were set on fire. Countless people screamed in the flames and thick smoke. , wailing, losing their lives.

The remaining people wished their parents had two more legs and fled frantically.

The Three Palace Demon laughed loudly. He opened his mouth and sucked hard, and a large number of souls flew into his mouth and were swallowed by him.

"Wonderful soul."

The Three Palace Demon was very satisfied and continued to release magical flames, turning this place into hell.

The Flash did not stay with the Trigongos and quickly disappeared.


When the audience saw this scene on the screen, they were both sad and angry. Many of them cursed the military. If it weren't for them, how could the people have died in such a tragic way?

The president is also livid. With so many people dead, his approval rating will definitely drop significantly.

Damn the American military.

"Three Palace Demons."

Superman and the others caught up and were furious when they saw the plight of the people. Cyborg, Superman and Diana immediately rushed into the sky to stop the Three Palace Demons.

At the same time, Zatanna releases magic, and a light armor wraps Superman's body. This is a magic armor that can increase Superman's magic resistance, and at the same time, prevent Superman from being controlled by the shadow again.

Raven's eyes were full of anger. She raised her hand and pointed it at the Three Palace Demon, with surging magic power surging through her body.

Just then, the Flash suddenly appeared, and two bolts of lightning flew out of him, shooting at Raven and Zatanna.

Raven and Zatanna didn't expect that the Flash would sneak up on them, and were hit by lightning at the same time, screaming and flying backwards.

A dagger appeared in the Flash's hand, and he rushed toward the raven like lightning, trying to kill it completely.

Once the raven dies, the body of the Three Palace Demons will be freed.

Although Raven has powerful magic power, she is still flying upside down and cannot stop the Flash at all. She is about to die. At the critical moment, two heat rays roar down, hit the Flash and blast him away.

It was Superman who took action. He turned around and saw Raven in danger, so he took action in time. He could keep up with the speed of the Flash.

"Diana, give me a thunderball and I'll help the Flash recover."

Cyborg thought for a moment and shouted. Diana nodded and threw a ball of thunderballs to Cyborg, who quickly flew towards the Flash.

"Three Palace Demons."

Then, Diana shouted loudly, focused a large amount of thunder on the Vulcan Sword, and slashed at the Three Palace Demons with one sword like a thunderstorm.

"Daughter of the Old God."

The Three Palace Demon smiled disdainfully and swung his sword to block Diana's Vulcan Sword. Then, a ball of fire erupted from his mouth, getting bigger and bigger, and hit Diana hard.

Diana hurriedly put the shield in front of herself. The next second, the fireball exploded with a roar. Diana fell down like a meteor, smashing a big crater in the ground with a bang and kicking up a lot of dust.

Superman's eyes turned red, and two heat rays fiercely blasted at the Trinigong Demon. The Trinigong Demon waved his sword to block the heat rays, and condensed a large amount of red and black thunder in his left hand, which turned into a beam of light and struck at Superman.

Superman was blown away on the spot and crashed into a building in the distance. His bright armor shook as if it would collapse at any time.

"You alone can't stop me, everyone in this city will die today, I said so."

The Three Palace Demon shouted wildly, and a large number of souls flew into his mouth from below and were swallowed by him.

Then, a large amount of black energy emerged from the Three Palace Demon, and the largest mass rushed into the Flash like a meteor.

The Flash's injuries recovered instantly. He quickly got up and rushed towards Cyborg with black lightning.

Cyborg's expression changed dramatically. Just as he was about to defend himself, he saw a bolt of lightning shooting towards him. The next second, he was blown away, with a very conspicuous red wound on his chest.

The Flash did not chase Cyborg, but quickly rushed towards Raven. She was the person the Three Palace Demon wanted to kill the most.

Raven's expression changed slightly, and she hurriedly deployed layers of defensive shields around her. At the same time, Zatanna put her hands on the ground, and the ground quickly froze.

When the Flash saw this, he didn't rush to attack and kept walking around the two women. The two women were completely restrained.

As for the other black energy, it was absorbed into the surrounding people who were fleeing. These people first screamed, then their eyes turned black, and their bodies quickly turned into demons.

Soon, these people turned into half-demon. They roared and rushed towards other people. The people were no match for them, and there were a lot of casualties.

At the same time, the surrounding flames burned more and more fiercely, and many people were trapped in the fire scene, wailing and crying.

The audience even dared not watch anymore. It was so miserable. At the same time, they were full of fear. The more souls the Three Palace Demon devoured, the stronger he became. If this continues, who else can stop him?

By then, not only will the metropolis be finished, but the earth will also be finished.

The military's eyes flickered. Perhaps the nuclear bomb installed on Red Tornado was not a failure.

"Three Palace Demons."

Diana's face was full of anger. She got up and was about to rush towards the Three Palace Demons in the sky. At this moment, all the flames gathered in the air.

The Three Palace Demon was stunned, and raised his hand to control the flames. Unexpectedly, those flames were completely out of his control.

Then, the flames turned from yellow to black, and then, a figure wearing a bone mask appeared in everyone's sight.

There is no doubt that it is the Ghost Rider who works overtime without pay.

"Ghost Rider!"

The audience was stunned at first, and then cheered loudly and excitedly. Great, the Ghost Rider is here. With him, he will definitely destroy the Three Palace Demons and protect the world.

Because he is Ghost Rider.

Not to mention ordinary people, even superheroes and the president breathed a sigh of relief. The world was finally saved.

Ghost Rider said coldly to the Three Palace Demon: "Three Palace Demon, go back to your hell."

"Ghost Rider, the incarnation of God, do you think you can stop me?"

The Three Palace Demon snorted coldly, and the long sword turned into a giant flaming blade a hundred meters long, slashing at the Ghost Rider violently, almost igniting the void.

The Ghost Rider condensed his spear with flames and blocked the giant blade. Then, he appeared in front of the Three Palace Demon with a flame teleportation, and the spear turned into countless spear shadows and stabbed the Three Palace Demon.

The Sangong Demon sheathed his sword to resist, and with a bang, a flame shock wave roared out, sweeping around.

The Ghost Rider's heart moved, and the flame spear in his hand turned into a chain, and wrapped around the wrist of the Three Palace Demon along with the long knife. Then, the Ghost Rider took the Three Palace Demon and rose into the sky.

We can't fight here. The two are too strong. If we fight here, all the people around will die. We must take the Three Palace Demons to high altitude.

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