Chapter 605 Punishment, Attack

"The thing is like this..."

Damian did not hide anything anymore and explained the matter in detail. Then, he lowered his head and said, "Mr. Wang, please help me rescue my mother from the mysterious buyer. I will let you do whatever you want."

"Mystery buyer?"

Andrew touched his chin. If nothing else, it should be Lex Luthor.

Andrew was about to say something, but at this moment, Alice popped up and said: "BOSS, Martha, Louise, Green Lantern's girlfriend, Arthur's father, and Cyborg's father's nano-watch sent distress signals at the same time."

"Notify the superheroes immediately to save people."

Andrew snorted, luckily he was prepared, otherwise he would have been in trouble.

On the Kent farm, Martha was working in the cornfield. Some time ago, Clark took her to live in the metropolis and took care of Kara, but she couldn't get used to it and ran back after living there for a month.

In the city, Martha was bored to death and exhausted all day long. Back in the country, she was full of life.

"Although big cities are good, they are not suitable for me. This is my place."

Martha murmured to herself, and at this moment, an anesthetic needle shot towards her from the side, trying to make her unconscious instantly without the chance to call for help.

Naturally, Martha was completely unaware of the anesthesia needle. At the critical moment, the nanometer watch on her wrist lit up, and a defensive shield enveloped Martha's body, and the anesthesia needle bounced back with a clang.

Then, a voice came from the nanometer watch: "Mrs. Martha, please run forward immediately. Don't worry, reinforcements will be here soon."

Martha was in a daze. At this moment, several mercenaries with tranquilizer guns rushed towards her, and there was a car behind them. She was so excited that she rushed into the cornfield and fled.

The mercenaries chased after him and fired anesthesia needles continuously. Fortunately, they were all blocked by the defensive shield.

More than ten seconds later, a sonic boom sounded in the sky, and then a girl fell from the sky, grabbed a mercenary and smashed it against other mercenaries.

The remaining mercenaries were shocked and wanted to retreat, but it was too late. Not to mention them, even the car was thrown a hundred meters away by the girl and kept rolling.

After dealing with the mercenaries, Kara hurriedly flew to Martha's side and asked: "Martha, are you okay?"

Martha breathed a sigh of relief. She waved her hand and said, "It's okay. What's going on?"

"It seems like someone wants to capture you and Louise to blackmail my cousin."

Kara said: "Clark went to rescue Louise. I'm here to rescue you. You follow me to a safe place first, and then return to the farm after this incident is over."


Martha did not refuse. She was not worried about herself, but was afraid that Clark would be implicated. However, this kid actually went to save Louise instead of saving himself. He has really grown up!

In Metropolis, all the mercenaries around Louise were defeated by Superman. Superman looked ugly. I didn’t expect that what Mr. Wang said was true. Fortunately, Mr. Wang made preparations in advance, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

Superman's eyes turned a little red at the thought of Martha and Louise being caught by the enemy.

Seeing this, Louise hurriedly comforted: "Clark, don't be angry about these people, it's not worth it."

"As long as you're okay, if something happens to you, I will never let go of the person behind it."

Superman said hatefully, and Louise smiled: "I always thought you didn't know how to talk about love."

"I mean what I said."

Superman said honestly. Then, he contacted Kara and received the news that Martha was safe. He breathed a sigh of relief. This time, he really wanted to thank Mr. Wang.

On the other side, Cyborg's father was rescued by the Flash, and Arthur's father was rescued by the Marine Guards - Arthur had always sent people to secretly protect his father.

As for Green Lantern's girlfriend, she was saved by himself, who happened to be nearby.

Luthor's plan failed completely, and his only result was to anger all the superheroes.

"Who is the mastermind behind this? I want to kill him."

Sea King Arthur shouted in the communication channel, and Cyborg also said with a cold face: "For the first time, I agree with Sea King, he must be killed."

Green Lantern also said: "I completely agree. If you are afraid of getting your hands dirty, I will do it."

"Fortunately, my identity has not been revealed. I will have to be more careful in the future."

The Flash was secretly glad, but he was also very annoyed. After all, the methods of the mastermind behind the scenes were so despicable.

Even Superman, who has always been good-tempered, said: "Mr. Wang, was it Lex Luthor who did it? I'm going to have a chat with him. Don't worry, he won't die."

Batman advised: "Calm down, we are superheroes and cannot be controlled by anger."

Andrew said in a low voice: "Batman, I'm sorry, your son..."

"What happened to Damian? Did Luther send someone to attack him?"

Batman's voice suddenly became louder, and Aquaman, Cyborg, and Green Lantern booed. Did they agree not to get angry casually?

Tony secretly complained: "It's an old double standard."

Andrew said: "Don't worry, it's nothing serious. Your son just tried to kidnap me. I'm going to teach him a lesson he will never forget, so I say sorry in advance."

Everyone rolled their eyes, it was obvious that Andrew was playing Batman.

"He wants to kidnap you?"

Batman was stunned. He thought for a moment and said, "I understand. Thalia is in Luthor's hands. Damian's return this time is Luthor's plan."

Aquaman said impatiently: "The culprit is Lex Luthor, right? I'll go find him right away."

"Luthor is a big capitalist, we can't mess around."

Batman said: "Those mercenaries should know where Deathstroke is. As long as they catch Deathstroke, they can testify against Lex Luthor and put him in jail."

"That's okay too."

Although everyone was a little dissatisfied, they still agreed. After all, we are superheroes and cannot act according to our own temper.

"I'll ask."

Green Lantern said proactively, and then he grabbed two mercenaries and took them to play free fall at high altitude. Soon, the two mercenaries chose what they wanted.

After getting the location of Deathstroke's underground base, Batman, Superman, Iron Man, The Flash, and Cyborg wereted no time and killed them immediately.

"Fiora, go and bring Green Lantern, Aquaman, and Zatanna to Metropolis."

Andrew thought for a while and ordered Fiora. Fiora didn't waste any words and set off immediately.

Then, Andrew called Mary and said, "That woman who comes to my house every night, my girlfriend is back and wants to meet you. By the way, do you want to book a hospital reservation for you first?"

Damian's ears perked up, as if there was some big gossip to listen to.

"It's like I can't beat her. By the way, your girlfriend is back, why are you so angry? Shouldn't I beat you first?"

Mary complained, saying, "I'm at work and I'll go in the evening."

Andrew said: "No more joking, there is serious business."

"You have something serious to do so soon? Okay, I'll ask for leave right away."

Mary was stunned when she heard this, then nodded in agreement. Soon, a figure took off from Los Angeles and rushed to the metropolis at full speed.

Diana said: "I think what she said makes sense. You should be beaten first."

"Are you willing?"

Andrew laughed, and at this time, Damian said: "The mastermind behind this is Lex Luthor, right? I will go to him immediately and force him to hand over my mother."

"This is a matter for adults, let them handle it."

Andrew said: "As for you, it's time to accept your punishment."

Along with Andrew's voice, a ball of nanoparticles flew out of his hand and formed a medieval girl's dress in the air.

"What do you mean?"

Damian's expression changed and he wanted to retreat. Unexpectedly, a group of nanoparticles suddenly appeared from the ground and entangled his body, making him unable to move.

"This is something that took me five minutes to make."

Andrew said: "The lady's long skirt has its own intelligent system. No matter who puts it on, it will become a lady, even a boy."

"Lady's dress?"

Diana couldn't help laughing. She gave Andrew a hammer and you'll be fine.

Damian blushed and shouted loudly: "I won't wear it, even if I die."

"It's not up to you. I think Batman wouldn't mind having multiple daughters."

Andrew pointed his finger, and the lady's dress flew towards Damian. Damian opened his eyes with a look of horror, "Don't come over."

The lady's long skirt naturally ignored Damian's words. It split into two parts from the middle and was automatically put on Damian's body. Then, the intelligent system started.

"Ladies should keep their hair long, and ladies should not wear messy clothes."

Four hands appeared on the dress, two of which helped Damian put on makeup, fix his hair, and even transformed into a wig, and two of them took off Damian's original clothes.

Damian was frightened and angry, and shouted: "Stop, Fuck, stop quickly."

"Ladies can't say bad words. Besides, your voice is too rough."

The long skirt injected nanoparticles into Damian's throat, and Damian's voice immediately became high-pitched, like a girl's.


Damian was so angry that he wanted to yell, but found that he couldn't make a sound.

This was not over yet. Then, under the control of the long skirt, Damian said in a very gentle voice: "Today is a good day, let us praise summer, ah..."

Diana fell on top of Andrew with laughter and said, "Andrew, Batman will kill you."

Andrew hugged Diana and asked, "Do you believe it? Damian will take the initiative to wear this dress in the future."

Diana didn't believe it: "How is it possible? He probably wants to die now."

"Why is it impossible? As we all know, there are only zero and countless times for women's clothing."

Andrew said: "This long dress is actually an alternative nano-steel suit, which can greatly improve his strength. It also comes with its own arsenal, which is stronger than the one worn by Zha Kang.

I believe that before long, he will take the initiative to put on this suit and become a powerful... lady. "

Diana couldn't help but complain: "Andrew, please be a human being."

Andrew said: "Nonsense, I am not a devil."

Damian, who was reciting beside him, almost cried. You are not a devil, who is?

All joking aside, there was still business to be done. Andrew snapped his fingers, and a holographic projection appeared in front of him. It was a live broadcast with Iron Man as the main perspective.

At this time, Iron Man and the others had already entered Deathstroke's underground base. When the mercenaries saw the superheroes coming to kill them, they immediately pulled the trigger and fired bullets at everyone.

Tony immediately put up a defensive shield to block the bullets, and then, with a flash of lightning, all the thugs flew out and hit the wall unconscious.

"Well done, Flash."

Cyborg nodded and blasted an energy cannon at the door in front. It was obvious that he was a little angry.

Then, everyone rushed into the base hall and found that there were many strange animals kept here, such as orangutans with bat wings, crocodiles like dogs, etc.

Everyone looked a little ugly: "These guys really went too far."

"Excessive? This is for scientific progress."

At this moment, the screen on the side lit up, and Dr. Kirk said: "Once my experiment is successful, human beings will not only be able to overcome all diseases, but also become extremely powerful and complete the transformation of life.

What does it mean to sacrifice a few animals and humans for such a great cause? "

"Again? You villains are always so high-sounding. I'm tired of hearing it."

Tony said with a look of disgust: "Can you do something new?"

"Tony Stark, your mouth is as bad as the magazines say it is."

Dr. Kirk looked a little ugly. He snorted coldly, and the surrounding doors opened, and hundreds of man-bats flew out, surrounding the superheroes.

The superheroes are a little angry, these are hundreds of lives.

Dr. Kirk said: "Superheroes, do you know? These man-bats can turn back into humans, and I have developed the antidote."

After saying that, Dr. Kirk smiled proudly and turned off the screen. Then, all the surrounding cages opened at the same time. The animals were stunned, some immediately escaped from the cage, and some cautiously tried.

The human bats roared and turned into shadows to attack the superheroes.

The Flash activated the Speed ​​Force and pushed away the charging Man-Bat one after another. Then, he asked a little puzzled: "Well, what did that guy mean by his last words?"

"What he means is that killing these man-bats is tantamount to killing people because they can turn back into humans."

While dealing with the Man-Bat, Batman said: "Flash, leave this to us. You go find the old guy and force him to hand over the antidote. Superman, help the Flash clear a way."


Superman's eyes lit up red and continuously penetrated the wall in front of him.

"How despicable. I will find him as soon as possible."

The Flash didn't waste any time and immediately turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared through the wall.

Dr. Kirk was retreating at this moment, and he cursed in his heart: "We have to find a place to start again, damn superheroes, you are committing a crime, a crime against science."

Dr. Kirk never feels that he is wrong. How can there be any right or wrong in scientific matters?

In the lobby, although they knew Dr. Kirk's intention, it was a conspiracy and everyone could only try to keep it in check. For example, Tony gave up the energy gun and switched to electric shock. Superman restrained his power and knocked out the man-bats one after another.

Because there were too many human bats and mutated animals, the situation was slightly stalemate.

Seeing the performance of the superheroes, 'Lady' Damian snorted: "A woman's kindness."

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